Unreal 2006?

EVIL said:
so, wich high up epic staff member you had to penitrate to be able to get a license to the unreal engine 3.0?

Seriously I would love to know cuz my game isnt going anywhere now, cuz all the next gen engine dudes like UE3.0 and Reality engine want AAA game dev studio's. Well, we are currently only a small startup team with limit fundings. We got a 45 trial on the reality engine tho, but we'l play with that when our programmers are back. But the thing is that unreal code is used for ages now and programmers who worked on unreal mods are familiar with it.

anyway, its looking dim atm, we are still very early in the preconceptual stages.

Anyway, glad to see your doing great pi, good luck to your team, and If you could help us with "connections in teh bizz" or pointers then it'l be very appriciated.

I'm lucky in that I'm working with a bunch of industry veterans. Publisher funding isn't a huge issue (although picking which publisher to go with is...). Same goes for being taken seriously by companies like Epic.
As a startup, the best thing you can do is to make your game as a mod for a current engine, then approach a publisher when it's as complete as you can make it without a licence. That way, you're much less of a risk to take on board. If you're really hankering after using UE3, make a UT2004 mod, and switch to UT2006 later on (the underlying editing principles are the same) and try to get interest from the major Unreal-licencing publishers (Midway, Ubisoft, Atari, even Microsoft)
Pi, send a copy of UE3 to [email protected], kthnxbye. Seriously though, congratulations and best of luck to you. I'm honestly excited to hear more about your project, so let us know whatever you can as soon as you can :)

This engine is really capapble of some incredible things. I can't wait to see it in action.
PvtRyan said:
Ugh... imagine the 'omg teams plz' with 8 different teams.... :rolling:

From PlanetUnreal - Also, a fix on older information: there isn't 8 teams in Conquest. Rather, the next UT has 8 races/teams: Nakhti, Juggernauts, Corrupt, Iron Guard, Krall, Jakob's team, and the custom SP-campaign team.

They've replaced the Minigun with the Stinger?!

They sure as hell better retool that thing to make it... well, not crap like the Unreal 1 version. It was a crappy sounding, crappy looking, slow firing piece of poo. Surely the worst gun in Unreal history in fact (actually, i'm forgetting the guns from Unreal 2, but sssh).
Pi Mu Rho said:
I'm lucky in that I'm working with a bunch of industry veterans. Publisher funding isn't a huge issue (although picking which publisher to go with is...). Same goes for being taken seriously by companies like Epic.
As a startup, the best thing you can do is to make your game as a mod for a current engine, then approach a publisher when it's as complete as you can make it without a licence. That way, you're much less of a risk to take on board. If you're really hankering after using UE3, make a UT2004 mod, and switch to UT2006 later on (the underlying editing principles are the same) and try to get interest from the major Unreal-licencing publishers (Midway, Ubisoft, Atari, even Microsoft)
Thanks for the advice man, I was already thinking of making a demo of what we are planned and such and try to get funding and stuff, How mutch did the engine cost anyway? plus what we want is beyond the engine, so we will use the engine as a basic platform to build on and expand, we are workign on a third generation next gen game, deadline 2007/8

but thanks for the advice man, guess some guys are bathing in luck hhehe, knowing dudes from epic and stuff. Anyway, how are dev tools? (you can pm this stuff if you don't want to tell to mutch to the "public") and you guys already tried out the seamless world thing?

its looking reeeally great...looking forward to it seeing as how ut2k4 did nothing for me
We haven't actually got our grubby little hands on the engine yet. There's a whole mountain of shit we have to wade through before we get to that stage.
Pi Mu Rho said:
We haven't actually got our grubby little hands on the engine yet. There's a whole mountain of shit we have to wade through before we get to that stage.
Auch poor you lol, I immagine you cant wait untill you can load up the engine tools and such and can begin experimenting.

Also I heard the production is similar as the orange map stage in source. focus on layout and gameplay first apply art and prettying it up later. Guess they have seen the light!
have to say by the pics that the unreal3 engine is looking...well...unreal :E
Raziel-Jcd said:

:eek: my eyes, wow............this is in the game for real

i need to upgrade. 2x ati cards
kupoartist said:
They've replaced the Minigun with the Stinger?!

They sure as hell better retool that thing to make it... well, not crap like the Unreal 1 version. It was a crappy sounding, crappy looking, slow firing piece of poo. Surely the worst gun in Unreal history in fact (actually, i'm forgetting the guns from Unreal 2, but sssh).

Unreal 2 weapons were the BEST EVER. wow how can you not like them?
Raziel-Jcd said:
Unreal 2 weapons were the BEST EVER. wow how can you not like them?
How CAN you like them? The loadout in Unreal 2 was terribly generic, but sometimes it was utter tosh. How can you possibly believe that those whimpy, ugly looking spud guns were in any way superlative defining FPS weapons? I'm going to think back and relive those terrible memories... just for you;

Dispersion Pistol: In the manual, it's even called the "Pop Gun". True to its name, when you fire it off (even after charging it up) it sounds pathetic, more like releasing an elastic band than firing off a high tech futuristic gun. Sure it's the fallback "crappy" weapon, but that means it has the Crowbar / Impact Hammer / Shield Gun and weapons that actually do something and are satisfying to use to contend with.

Assault Rifle: Another gun with a suitable name. "The Duster" - it sounds like you're tickling your enemies to death rather than firing "depleted uranium shells" or whatever the manual hypes these slugish fairy lights as.

Shotgun: Genre staple. Nothing new. Sounds slightly less powerful than a good FPS shotgun, looks forty times more like it was designed by a developer that no longer had the talent to stay in the industry (o' the irony).

Rocket Launcher: "So, we have the Unreal Lisence then. What's their philosophy on Rocket Launchers". "Multiple Rockets". "I know, lets create a rocket launcher that fire... One Rocket!". "Great Idea! I think we've got a genre busting gun here!" "To be safe, we better make it slow as hell and get the Janitor to make the sounds with his mouth. Actually no, get him to take a piss and we can fiddle around with it in Windows Sound Recorder"

Magnum: 40 times larger than it needs to be, feels like you're squeezing the bullets out of the end of the gun and launching them at people. Aside from that it's the generic "Pistol that isn't as crap as the crap Pistol"

Sniper Rifle: Generic Sniper Rifle with stupid scope.

Energy Rifle: Like the ASMD Shock Rifle but with the fun surgically removed so it's "just another energy weapon dear"

Turrets and Forcefields: Pathetic attempt at variety made mundane.

Spider Launcher Gun Thing: Like the Bio Rifle but with spiders, which also makes it like having tape worms in freshly dumped dog crap. Posted through your letterbox.

Super Fabby Awesome Singularity Make the Boring End of Game Combat even Worse By giving you one shot kills Gun: Woo Bloody Hoo.

So what does that leave? That Drakk gun which was fairly cool... but found in the worst section of the game. Then you have the flamethrower which looks pretty, sounds about right and is... pretty dull. But probably one of the best Flamethrower guns ever in a FPS.

Then there was the Grenade launcher with 6 grenade types which was... dare I say it actually quite good. Well done legend. I hope you've all managed to find new employment; just don't mention that Unreal 2 was your last game and you'll be fine!
Raziel-Jcd said:
Unreal 2 weapons were the BEST EVER. wow how can you not like them?

Dude, after using those weapons I wanted to grab an electric meat carver and hack my limbs off.

Apart from the flamethrower. That was cool.
Rocket Launcher: "So, we have the Unreal Lisence then. What's their philosophy on Rocket Launchers". "Multiple Rockets". "I know, lets create a rocket launcher that fire... One Rocket!". "Great Idea! I think we've got a genre busting gun here!" "To be safe, we better make it slow as hell and get the Janitor to make the sounds with his mouth. Actually no, get him to take a piss and we can fiddle around with it in Windows Sound Recorder"

The RL was 4 rockets. You could lock on to 4 different things shoot and it split into 4 rockets.

The weapons aside from painkiller were great.
Conquest intrigues me- I'm a sucker for FPS/RTS scenarios, no matter how little is present. Resuming matches = win- begging for enormous campaign map packs.

I'd like to see a slightly stronger SP component in this release, but hell, this is UT- they'll be reserving the Unreal Engine's true offline potential for a different title.

Looks brilliant anyway :eek:
Edcrab said:
Conquest intrigues me- I'm a sucker for FPS/RTS scenarios, no matter how little is present. Resuming matches = win- begging for enormous campaign map packs.

I'd like to see a slightly stronger SP component in this release, but hell, this is UT- they'll be reserving the Unreal Engine's true offline potential for a different title.

Looks brilliant anyway :eek:
Did you play Savage? I loved that game, but there were very few servers (only about 2 or 3 during prime time) and the game was hardly updated.
I adored the concept of Savage, but never bought myself a copy :( I'd heard the game was thinly populated- which I'm not sure I get, since most seemed to agree it was enjoyable.

At least UT is a massive franchise that can support itself- I just hope they push the Conquest mode to the limit.
Edcrab said:
I adored the concept of Savage, but never bought myself a copy :( I'd heard the game was thinly populated- which I'm not sure I get, since most seemed to agree it was enjoyable.

At least UT is a massive franchise that can support itself- I just hope they push the Conquest mode to the limit.
The thing I liked best about Savage is the skill in melee combat, when to block and when to attack, and all the jumping and dodging of attacks, it was tons of fun. Also it forced teamwork, you could solo on your own but you didn't stand much of a chance against an organized group of enemies and you rarely were able to benefit your team.
Savage was pretty great, except for the guys who just sit there acting like its everquest killing monsters for exp
Zeus said:
Savage was pretty great, except for the guys who just sit there acting like its everquest killing monsters for exp
They gathered gold which was good, and they were also easy kills :)
No, they were quite annoying when our base was half gone and we're under a MASSIVE assault and they just sit there wacking monsters
I just read on Gamestar.de
that it willl be more UT Style so its less jumping and stuff
thats very good news
Savage looked good but i really never got it. Was a interesting idea. fps/rts
sounds alot like battlefield 1942 and a bunch of other games... *goes onto wish-list*
Edcrab said:
I adored the concept of Savage, but never bought myself a copy :( I'd heard the game was thinly populated- which I'm not sure I get, since most seemed to agree it was enjoyable.

At least UT is a massive franchise that can support itself- I just hope they push the Conquest mode to the limit.
Conquest is the new Onslaught; the mode that they want to get people who have never heard of the UT franchise interested in. I think they'll support it with all they've got.
I gotta' say i'm actually really excited about the next Unreal game, where as with UT2003/4 i knew about them long before they came out but never got excited about them, even though i bought both of them the day they came. One thing i'm scared the next Unreal will do is die off fast, like with UT04, it's one of the best and most fun MP games i've played but it only lasts a short time (maybe its because of the pretty steep learning curve and i hate being ka-pwned off the really good people).

At least UT has a good modding community even if the game does die fast (dont actually know yet though:P), i mean look at RO, even though it isn't my cuppa'tea its gone retail right? or is doing?!.
Ya i agree on that. The original Unreal tournament was cool, I loved playing the HUGE levels where everyone was just sniper in dark corners across maps.

Unreal tournament 2003 never got that.

Unreal tournament 2004 i got the editors edition mainly for all the vids on mapping etc. Was interested in all that. The game was good. Love how you play a difference map every time you join a server. 100% costom maps, something Counter-Strike never had.

Unreal tournament 2006 i think will rock. The gfx, effects, gameplay. etc.

Just think of this. The 1st time you get a RL and blask a way a tank into a wall with all those sweet effects and graphics. DROOOLLLL!!!
I liked 2k4's mirv (or whatever it was called) but anything a guy on foot could do that would blow up a tank in two hits, and every other vehicle in one no matter what (ridiculous homing ability) is just too powerful. Although those jerks in the flying thing needed to pay, I'll admit.
Foxtrot said:
Did you play Savage? I loved that game, but there were very few servers (only about 2 or 3 during prime time) and the game was hardly updated.

Pfft, Natural-Selection was better.
Natural-Selection and savage could have been amazing. They need to make something like that with C&C type guns or some future stuff.

Pi Mu Rho Teeheee!!!
U2:XMP weapons in NS would own :). I love XMP's weapons for some reason.. I mean really love em.
Minerel said:
U2:XMP weapons in NS would own :). I love XMP's weapons for some reason.. I mean really love em.

Finally someone who likes the Unreal 2 weapons. Seriously dont get why people hate them :/