Very, Very Serious Question: Are you a virgin? or not

Are you a virgin?

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80 virgins? Someone blew themselves up real good. Or maybe they had a coupon.
There's an ambo and stomach pump out there with your name on it toaster
Also, we do not sacrifice immediate pleasure for "greater" pleasure in the long run, just for pleasure in the long run.
Of course we do. We're advancing in technology for a better standard of living. Better quality of life. The advance itself gives us pleasure. The idea of progress.

Rather, operating under the pleasure principle would be much greater in terms of how much pleasure you get (because you'd just be running around ****ing willy-nilly and doing whatever the hell you wanted to do with no restrictions).
This is where I think you're the one doing the simplifying. Humans are beings of rationality (normal humans...), so that's not the logical outcome of operating under the pleasure principle. But if that's what the pleasure principle is defined as, then it's not relevant here, because nobody was suggesting such a thing was an option. (Toaster specifically said it wasn't)

The reality principle is merely realizing that's not realistic and instead subverting your drive for pleasure to a drive for productivity, which can later provide you with pleasure or the means to pleasure.
And that's exactly what I was saying. Such is my confusion as to your responses which seem to agree exactly with what toaster said or what I said. I just don't understand where we have disagreement here outside of possibly not completely understanding each other. All I see in your posts are elaborating on what my opinion is. So I must not be saying what I mean to say correctly.
She'll be fine.
Seriously there was a conversation between Vegeta and Ennui, where'd it go?
We both misunderstood each other and talked about it on AIM so we decided to delete them.

edit: er, I mean what are you talking about there were no posts
It's okay, I got it all on tape- *tape melts* blast.
It was so weird I was reading it and facepalming and then I went off for a wank/snack/sleep/drink/piss and when I came back it was gone!
I'm glad keeps a permanent record of all deleted posts. Makes me feel safe.
I love it when shit turns intellectual. Makes me feel good inside, even if I had nothing to do with it.
There are no vags stuck to my cock.

I really don't give a shit about women atm. They're irritating ****s.
Yeah, cut their necks off and cook their feet.
Nope, lost mine at 15. I'm now 19 and have been sexually active since.
Let me tell you a story.
I was a virgin for the longest time then I met a women and we had sex like bunnies for a month... then the condom broke... now she might be pregnant. She took plan B but shes about 1 week late with her period now... The end.
Let me tell you a story.
I was a virgin for the longest time then I met a women and we had sex like bunnies for a month... then the condom broke... now she might be pregnant. She took plan B but shes about 1 week late with her period now... The end.

Congratulations Dad