Pretty sad that not one of those guys once could have figured out how to tow it the right way.
"Dude I don't want him to mess this truck up."

Right at the very end... after the truck is ****ed up...

He said "I dont want him to mess his truck up." referring to the white truck.
I ****ing LOLed when the guy started laughing in the Fast fast food video.
You guys know what LARPing is right? Well here is the SCA (Society for Creative Anachronism) to kick the shit out of those faggy little LARPers.

Holy shit, they really go at it! Eat that you elf-huggers!
I remember when gmod videos were new and original. God, its been so long.
It was a terrible choice.


See, I would think you know, making a film where he has a mentally retarded person actually have sex with another person for a scene might be a little more on the edge ;)
Strange , thats always how I imagined a video based on his music would be.
I thought it was very neat/well done but did not flow with the beat at all.
I like Zim.

I hate Zim fans.

They're always so obnoxious and ironically, predictably random.
