was the delay a blessing in disguise?


Sep 20, 2003
Reaction score
seems like valve were in a pretty tight spot. if they released a game wit a considerable amount of bugs on the 30th u guys would have come out flaming and cursing valve for making u pay for a buggy game, now that they postpone it ppl still flame valve. sure they overestimated themselves and to this day havent made a proper press release, but they did it to give us a better product.

(and to all u doubters) http://www.gamespydaily.com/news/fullstory.asp?id=5349
I agree. A slight delay is fine. A month perhaps is excusable. but to underestimate your workload by 2 months after developing the game for 5 years (Almost)?. I still find it hard not to point the finger at VALVe for bowing too corporate pressure from NVIDIA whi were moaning about their product's performance in the benchmark.
no i think it was just delayed because of quarrels with vivendi/nvidia/STEAM....

I'm pretty sure the game has been bug free for some time now, since they've almost been playtesting for 3-4 months now....(insane)!!
Originally posted by scribblehead
no i think it was just delayed because of quarrels with vivendi/nvidia/STEAM....

I'm pretty sure the game has been bug free for some time now, since they've almost been playtesting for 3-4 months now....(insane)!!
Yep, I also tend to agree... Bugs should have been sorted a long time ago. In any case, they have Steam to fix small bugs easily and often. Hell, I could even survive without working MP in the beginning, as long as it gets updated later.
Bugs? Pfft, I doubt the game was ridden with them that caused a delay. I am sure it was delayed due to marketing reasons.

Yeah I agree with Scribble, although bugs can always show up they are probably very small and random. It was probably a publishing issue, just my guess though.

- Jason
since it looks now that its a steam/vivendi/valve issue, souldnt they have released steam after hl2's retail release, tsteam was gonna start to bring in money once hl2 was out anyway
Originally posted by Tyrant
since it looks now that its a steam/vivendi/valve issue, souldnt they have released steam after hl2's retail release, tsteam was gonna start to bring in money once hl2 was out anyway

It almost seems like that had it arse backwards. But I've been gratefull to STEAM to be able to plat CS 1.6 and that's what I'll continue to play 'till HL2 is out.
Add me on to the bandwagon. I agree, it's a marketing type of deal.

However, someone did get a reply saying it wasn't finished yet.. could just be a generalization meaning they haven't finished all that they plan on doing.
I don't think anybody is upset about the possibility of the delay translating into a better product, we're just pissed that Valve has apparently been playing us for fools these past several months.
**** THE REASON, the point is they waited until the last week to say something! FU VALVE!
well considering the odd behavior valve has portrayed the last couple of weeks (most of september) i would'nt say i was completely suprised that they need to postpone the release, tho i'm suprised that the game still has 'bugs'---buts its still kind of suprising that the game has showstopper bugs....most games don't even get more than 1 month of playtesting---i find it strange that they just found something 6 days before the release that causes a massive setback in the development....sounds kinda fishy...

but hell if it makes it a better game, i'm not the one to complain.
maybe now they will give us info about MP.
To peek the hype again
Maybe if it did come out with a lot of bugs, so many bugs that it couldn't connect with steam and they made it steam is the only way to download updates. And sp for some reason needed to be connected with steam. (even first time you play it)

I would be in a world of hurt.
I also agree with scribblehead.

Just doesn't seem feasible that they would have a game in production that long to come out of the blue and announce its release only months down the road to come across some severe bug.

Especially when you consider Half Life 1 and ITS delay. I'd think they would have had all their ducks in a row for this game to make sure when they finally came out with the news of the game actually existing it was ready to go on the given date.
Btw i hope valve will use the time to add more features to the engine such as motion blur...sorta like 'were sorry for delaying it, here have some cool extra eye candy'

it was mentioned by gabe that adding features and eye candy to Source is very easy---right?
i agree that waiting until the last second wasn't the best thing for the community, but i'm guessing that they were trying very hard to meet september 30th. that's right. they were working hard to keep a promise they made to us. i'm sure they're pretty beat up about it themselves, i bet they want us to play it as much as we do.

if they have found some sort of bug, then they're giving themselves a large buffer period, so instead of saying "yeah we'll be done in a month" they say "yeah we'll be done in a month but we need the extra one to be sure it's 100% A OK"...personally i can live with it if it is a bug.

BUT..if it's those corporate fat cats who constantly 'downsize' everything they see...well....me and my crow bar got some loving to do

in valve we trust.
Originally posted by scribblehead
Btw i hope valve will use the time to add more features to the engine such as motion blur...sorta like 'were sorry for delaying it, here have some cool extra eye candy'

it was mentioned by gabe that adding features and eye candy to Source is very easy---right?
hi scribbly... remember me? Now tell me why did you have to use all those mean words to me? After all you weren't right, now, were you?
Seriously folks, come friday we'll have an explanation. Friday Tokyo time that is.
Originally posted by el Chi
Seriously folks, come friday we'll have an explanation. Friday Tokyo time that is.

No, we won't. We'll just read that ATi showed the E3 Demo at Tokyo and that would be it.

I'm going to address a few points here:

* Is hasn't been proven that Valve have known about the delay for months.

* Valve probably delayed the game for a longer period of time so they could meet that deadline. If they said "13th of October" or something they could easily miss it again.

* Valve probably have a long list of bugs to sort out. They are probably going to use the time to go back and work on improving some content as well.

* The last bug to be fixed for Half-Life was a showstopper bug to do with the multiplayer servers. Show stopper bugs can occur anytime.

I think Valve just overran the date for a bit and then decided to give themselves a bit of leighway by saying a date a few months off (Holiday).
Originally posted by Someone
Especially when you consider Half Life 1 and ITS delay. I'd think they would have had all their ducks in a row...
And this is the thing I find most baffling. When Half-Life 2 was first announced, Valve was very smug about the way they handled things, even took some not so subtle shots at 3D Realms and Duke Nukem Forever by openly bragging that they weren't going to play the "When it's done!" game. It's bitterly ironic that six months later, they're doing exactly that. Maybe Gabe Newell didn't want to announce the delay because he was embarassed, but Doug Lombardi finally said, "Look, Gabe, we're a week away from the promised release date. We really do need to say something!"

I can only assume that Valve was overly optimistic about the time they needed to finish the game. Don't expect future Valve projects to be announced until after they have gone gold.
They should have kept their mouth shut for about 3 more months, then when they finish the gawd-damn game, said that it was made... that way they wouldn't miss a damn release date. idiots.
Originally posted by Mountain Man
Don't expect future Valve projects to be announced until after they have gone gold.

now that would be damn hilarious
what probably happened is a month or two ago they knew it would be tight but didn't want to say anything because if they had a false delay people would probably flame that more than a regular delay
A tight schedule and a three month delay are two different things. When you say, "It's going to be tight" that means you have a reasonable chance of meeting your deadline but may have to delay it for a week or two. A three month delay means, "We've encountered some serious problems and don't have a chance in hell of meeting our deadline." How Valve could have mistaken the latter for the former is beyond me.
If it were a bug in the game that would be delaying it for 2 - 3 months, then I personally think it's a little more than just a bug. I mean, probably a small fraction of the entire game engine probably has to be reworked upon. A little bug won't push a game this far. Either that, or it could be Steam. Steam just might not be ready to handle it yet. Or finally, it could be Vivendi blowing smoke up Valve's a**.
**** THE REASON, the point is they waited until the last week to say something! FU VALVE!
"seems like valve were in a pretty tight spot. if they released a game wit a considerable amount of bugs on the 30th u guys would have come out flaming and cursing valve for making u pay for a buggy game"

Actually I wouldn't have mind the bugs, the game is still playable which would have made me very happy.
Originally posted by Goombatommy
If it were a bug in the game that would be delaying it for 2 - 3 months, then I personally think it's a little more than just a bug.
Not to mention the fact that a bug capable of pushing the game back that far would most likely not have stayed hidden for this long as Valve has claimed they've been in final testing for the past month at least.
Originally posted by ilove64
Bugs? Pfft, I doubt the game was ridden with them that caused a delay. I am sure it was delayed due to marketing reasons.

I agree 100 percent. Doug Lombardi made it perfectly clear that it's all about marketing when he talked about a "holiday release".
well im guess its either a last minute bug or something that they wont be able to get fixed in time, or they thought they could get it finished but were a bit optimistic. what ever it is though im not goin to start flaming valve, they deserve praise fro what theyve done so far, putting all the money they made into thisd game to try and make something the community will really really like, plus reply to all the e-mails people have been sending, showing people round their offices, damn good guys in my opinion and we should be a bit more understanding, making a game isnt easy u know, especially not one as good as HL2 appears to be :)
Originally posted by scribblehead
no i think it was just delayed because of quarrels with vivendi/nvidia/STEAM....

I'm pretty sure the game has been bug free for some time now, since they've almost been playtesting for 3-4 months now....(insane)!!

Playtesting for 4 months...This game must rock lol
NVIDIA is at the crux of the delay. NVIDIA and their new smegging drivers.

[EDIT] Which is a tad annoying for ATi based gamers like myself :p
I think this is lambordi's fault gabe never said sept 30 and he is the one to listen to. Plus i don't think its a good time to sale the game. A lot of good titles are coming out right at this moment. It seems to me that valve would have done a lot better if they had released it earlier. Only so many software dollars and they are basically doing everything wrong to sell as well as they could.

The world is a lot bigger then valve. THey do have to listen to others and they will release when the powers that be give them passage. Look at that statement in what ever way you want you are probably right. I don't see valve as a company anyways they are just a bunch of gamers who want the best because thats what they like to play just like us. You really have to lay off them they are not going to release any sooner if you bad mouth them for not releasing when they said they might. Gabe always said if we don't release 30 its because they are not satisfied that the release will be a done deal and tey want to do it right. I think they are victoms of their own marketing success really.
It's not Nvidia's fault, it's not ATi's fault, it's not the government's fault, it's not anyone's fault except Valve. They still need time to make the game the way they want it. This is the truth.
maybe its a steam bug cause hl2 will run on the steam engine won't it?