weed..whats the big deal??

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Originally posted by EvilEwok2.0
Nolimit, i havnt lost anything lol. this isnt a compitition. We are just discussing our point of views, and your happens to be wrong. Its not a matter of winning.

As i said earlier, ive already won because the people in power arent as nearsighted as you potheads and they will make the right decision AGAIN.

GG_you lose.
Yes, you are correct. Your lack of evidance and the fact you tap danced around every question Dis, mchammer (to some extent), and I posted and the fact you still haven't anwsered many of the questions makes you the clear winner :rolleyes:.
Originally posted by EvilEwok2.0
This is the stupidest argument for legalizing weed i have ever heard, and its really depressing that it is even brought up.

You cant legalize a problematic substance just because two other problematic substances are legal. If you legalize problematic substance number 3, in addition to the already legal problematic substances 1 and 2, then instead of having 2 problematic substances available legally, you have 3.

3 problematic substances are worse than 2. Amazing huh? Who ever thougth up this stuff.

Ok, this is truely my last and final post in this thread. i swaer, honest to god.

Nolimit, i havnt lost anything lol. this isnt a compitition. We are just discussing our point of views, and your happens to be wrong. Its not a matter of winning.

As i said earlier, ive already won because the people in power arent as nearsighted as you potheads and they will make the right decision AGAIN.

GG_you lose.

Ok, now you're just being juvenile. I don't use marijuana, so I don't appreciate being called a pothead. Then you say it's not a competition, followed by saying that we're "wrong" and that we lose. I don't condone druge use. The only reason I argue for legalization is because stipulating drugs as being illicit probably creates more problems than it solves - I truly believe that.
Originally posted by FortisVir
First, let me say this - I am not posting these "stories" in order to show my support for one side of the argument or the other, I simply want to share my experiences.

I have known many many people that have used weed. I'll share what happened to three.

1. I had two friends in florida before I moved to North Carolina, (I'll call em' Bob and Bill :p ). Shortly after I moved, I started talking to them and I learned they were both using weed. eventually my friend bob stopped but bill continued to use it and even became a semi-dealer. Bill started stealing money (and anything else he could find) out of cars and just generally getting into trouble. Bill barely graduated high school and to be honest I don't know what hes doing right now. Bob stopped talking to him before all that happened, but bill even threatened him a couple times and threw a cinderblock into his windshield. I don't talk to bill anymore either.

2. When I was in 10th grade this kid used to come into our art class high almost every day. He was never really focused always talking about making weed legal, I remember him making art for the "millenium marijuana march". I believe he dropped out next year.

3. There is this guy I know who I am pretty good friends with. He uses weed all time and always tries to get me to try it. One day his car was searched and a pipe was found. He lost his license for a year and was kicked out of his dad's house. Hes a cool guy but I wish he would just quit screwing around, because he has the potential to make something of himself.

I honestly tried to think of some people I know who had used pot regularly who didn't go into a downward spiral, but I couldn't. These are just my experiences, many of yours will differ. I just wanted to give some examples. :cheers:
Thank you for being mature unlike a certain other person in this thread. Yes, weed will do that for some people. However, I went to one of the best high schools in my state. Over half of the school smoked (no scientif research on this but it was easy to tell that it was almost half and half). I think that our class only had 4 people drop out, one of which I knew didn't smoke weed. Friends I still keep in touch with some of these friends which I got high with in high school. 2 are in medical school, 1 is in law school, 1 is a cop and there are many others that make more than a good salary working good jobs. Almost all have gone to collage and most of them finished it. There is one guy I know that is currently in prison for 6 months for drinking and driving; however, that has nothing to do with the fact he smoked in HS.
I can tell you whats wrong...

I watch what happens to people that get addicted to it, and then proceed to spend ALL their money on drugs, pawn off their possesions, and mentaly and physically abuse their families.
Originally posted by A2597
I can tell you whats wrong...

I watch what happens to people that get addicted to it, and then proceed to spend ALL their money on drugs, pawn off their possesions, and mentaly and physically abuse their families.
Yes, many drugs are addicting. Many of these drugs should be illegal. However, weed is not very addictive and almost everyone that smokes quits by the time they hit 20. How many 40 year olds do you know that still smoke? You can't give me that BS argument of them never smoking as we all know what happened in the 70s.
Originally posted by No Limit
Thank you for being mature unlike a certain other person in this thread. Yes, weed will do that for some people. However, I went to one of the best high schools in my state. Over half of the school smoked (no scientif research on this but it was easy to tell that it was almost half and half). I think that our class only had 4 people drop out, one of which I knew didn't smoke weed. Friends I still keep in touch with some of these friends which I got high with in high school. 2 are in medical school, 1 is in law school, 1 is a cop and there are many others that make more than a good salary working good jobs. Almost all have gone to collage and most of them finished it. There is one guy I know that is currently in prison for 6 months for drinking and driving; however, that has nothing to do with the fact he smoked in HS.

That's interesting to know, thanks. One thing I want to clarify about my post is that I think there is a huge difference between people who smoke every once in a while and people who smoke on a regular basis.

The people I know who just smoke weed every once in a while are fine. It's just the people that are constantly high that seem to lose their ambition and focus, it's sad when it happens to a friend.
Originally posted by FortisVir
The people I know who just smoke weed every once in a while are fine. It's just the people that are constantly high that seem to lose their ambition and focus, it's sad when it happens to a friend.
Trust me, we smoked way too much in our early days :). I smile about it now but it is kind of sad. However, I agree with you that weed can have its very negative side as all drugs do, but this side will be there if weed is legal or not and the government saying you can not smoke weed will not stop it, it will just make it worse.
I am going to bed now, if anyone has some good points against weed being legal please post them as I love debating this since I feel so strongly against weed being illegal. However, if you have the same old argument of "weed is bad for society" without any backup please don't waste your time.
It sounds to be like, Evilwok2.0, has a problem with weed because hes got this picture in his head that poeple would all be high. No one would show up to work, people would get into accidents constantly society would fall apart at the seems.

When in Reality

People would do there work a lot better and would enjoy there job. People know better than to smoke pot while driving. Like people know not to drink while driving. society its self would become more helpful, depression would be non-existant. People wouldn't woory about small stupid things any more and would be less annoyed with how there life is going and more on, I am enjoying myself and so are other people, we are one happy family kind of thing. It would bring us together and Video games would be x2 as fun. Also waiting for Half-life 2 wouldn't seem so damn long.

So there
Thanks to marijuana, my niece has brain damage.

Marijuana doesn't give brain damage, it doesn't even kill brain cells. It creates a thin coat around the brain that degrades over a while if a person isn't exposed to pot. The coating only slows down mental process's slightly (or moderately depending on if the person is a heavy user for many years) but doesn't physically damage the brain.
The only way pot could have given anyone brain damage is if it was laced with something heavy, or she was exposed to it as an infant. And liquor and nicotine also would have simmilar effects on a developing mind.
It is really sad that your niece has brain damage, but it isn't from pot. Pot's effects are known and those simply arn't side effects. If she had a chemical inbalence it's possible, or an allergic reaction then thats possible too, but that's like blaming milk for a lactose intollerent person drinking it and getting sick.
Originally posted by nw909
God also created hedgehogs, thus we now place them in our anus.

heheh that would make an outstanding Signature:D

As for pot....to each their own I guess. I grew up in the 70's and 80's and was around it a LOT. My sister used to be a dealer actually. As for me: I smoked it a few times and disliked it tremendously....it did nothing for me but make me feel ill.

I won't get into the pros and cons as I see people arguing of how pot is good or bad. I think the information is out there if people really want to know, but that's up to each person to decide. I DO think people only see what they want to see though.

I think my number 1 pet peeve with drugs or booze relates is something someone else said. It seems to be a requirement to have "fun". Personally, if every time someone has to get high to have "fun", than maybe they need to look at how their life is going. Now I'm not talking about a drink here and there to relax, or a toke on the weekends, I'm talking the people who MUST do it all the time and define IT as "fun". Every party, every social event, everyting....I find that incredibly sad personally...people in those shoes are missing the real world...some day the real world ends.

Some actual facts about pot are all over the net.
Yea but the problem about the actual facts on pot is that it is so varied depending on the source. Reading through the nida website they have very good facts, but the way it's presented gives you the feeling that the extremes of use are the norm.
Sort of like truth.org gives you facts on smoking that are all clinically proven, but the presentation is bias, and the statistics are skewed.
On some of the smoking related death numbers they just count everyone who died that happened to be a smoker, even if it was diet or lifestyle related and didn't involve the cigarettes at all.
Every friend I have, bar one, smokes weed on a daily basis. I smoked it for around 10 years, 7 of them pretty much every day (and night).

Then I got ill and can't smoke anymore ........ or drink for that matter :/ It wouldn't be so bad, but the girl I live with (didn't smoke when I met her - now a regular) smokes in the flat, everyday. Everything - the curtains, cartpets, my clothes - reaks of skunk and hash, and it's driving me nuts.

My only friend who doesn't smoke weed was my ex 'smoking buddy' (like Nam buddies but much stupider) He now has to take antipsychotics everyday. It got to the stage where he couldn't recognise who he was talking to - and not in a cool 'woh man I don't know what's going on' kinda a way. More of a 'holy f**k i've rotted my brain and don't recognise my parents' kinda way.

This is all true and not exagerated, sadly. Nor is it a horror story to put people off. Imo there's nothing wrong with smoking weed occasionally, god knows it can be excellent fun.

What really gets me are people who smoke to be cool, the ppl that talk about cannabis loudly on the bus for everyone to hear. If they smoked as much as they say then they wouldn't be bragging about it. To ppl who smoke alot of weed having a joint is about as exciting and as special as having a cup of tea.

Nearly as annoying are the ppl who hardly smoke any weed, yet have plenty to say about it. How can person who very rarely smokes be in a position to disscuss the merits of legalisation or the damage it causes? My university was full of these pricks 'oh it's fine, did you know alcohol is more dangerous blah blah blah'

I don't believe cannabis should be legalised. Tolerances grow very quick, the addiction very sly and psychological. Unlike alcohol, and other harder drugs, it doesn't take long before you can smoke constantly - without ever having to stop (money, job/school, sleep, police sometimes getting in the way)

It's because cannabis use seems so harmless at first (like smoking) that makes it dangerous. 'Proper junkies' either quit or OD - not so with weed. You can f**k your mind up for years with this stuff without anyone (including yourself) realising.

Didn't intend this post to be half as long, but have never been into half measures. Drugs r bad m'kay.


RandomPING wrote:

'but the way it's presented gives you the feeling that the extremes of use are the norm.'

I think u'd be suprised ... all my friends (and their friends/families) smoke weed. All of us were private school kids, if that matters.
Oh I meant the extremes of use, like that you'll trip out from a joint. Or that you'll lose idenity and potentially have a mental break. Like the extremely bad.

I know that there's a lot of people that smoke weed. And by a lot, i mean for every two people i know that smoke weed i can only name you one person that doesn't. Not regularly, but if it's available.
Originally posted by mchammer75040
That is the most retarded thing i have ever heard. Everything has some kind of effect on ourselves and society, thats true, but how is crack good? How can we use crack (or cocaine however you wanna take it) to benefit us??

Not to get involved in this argument (but if i did i would agree with evilewok on most of his points if not all) but to say that cocaine has no positive uses is as retarded as the quote above.

If you didn't know this i hope you think twice before drugging yourself as you don't seem to know nearly enough about drugs to be safe with them, but Cocaine or "crack" as people call it now has been used for centuries and is still used by doctors today as a painkiller. When you go have surgery, some doctors may use small amounts of cocaine to dull the pain. The drawback to it is that it may cause addiction, but since people don't know what they has used on them during the operation, it is safe to say that they cannot further it and they will eventually get past it since they cannot obtain more cocain (they didn't know they were given it in the 1st place).

MCHammer, i suggest you do your research before bashing valid arguments.

Oh and about the whole "god put it here so we have to use it" debate, stop reaching... This is a worthless point because couldn't you say the very same thing about poisons and other things which are unsafe to consume or use?

PS: I didn't bother reading all pages before posting this, so my apologies if this has already been discussed.
Crap i told myself i wouldn't get involved here but i guess i fell into it. These arguments never go anywhere because both parties believe they are right and refuse to give in to the other because they might feel as if they are 'weaker'. Don't tell me i'm wrong because you know im not, now for another tidbit of info.

What evilewok is saying is mostly right, for those of you who are stoned right now or just too clouded to see what he means i will put it in plain and simple words: We already have 2 harmful legal drugs, why on earth should we add a 3rd drug to that?

Quite simply, there is no reason to. Why do you think the government is so set to keep it illegal? Why do we have truth.org and SADD organizations and other programs to try to prevent and educate people about drinking and smoking? Their main focus is to prevent people from using these drugs at all, but if not, at least educate them about their uses or misuses. Why exactly should we have another 3rd drug to add to that list? Simply because "its not as bad as the other ones"?

From a logical point of view this seems like a moronic way of looking at things (no offence meant). This equates to saying we should legalize rape because "its not as bad as raping a 6 year old". They are extremes but this seems to be the only way to get the point across to some of you people.

Now to end it: You already have the choice to smoke weed ok? Do you smoke it already? can you gain access to it even though you are all willingly breaking the law, can you honestly say you cannot gain access to it whenever you want it? If so, whats the problem? You know the consequences, you know it is an illegal act and that you are breaking the law by doing so, that is your choice so then why are you telling me that the choice should be yours to make?

The truth is it already is.

It's your choice, use it and be fined or put in jail. Nobody can keep you from using it, but you know the consequences and seem to be willing to take the risk for a passing 'good time'.
Well I am free (NO drinks, NO weed NO hesh NO.....ETC).
evil ewok and rico are the same people that are religious zealots and homophobics

they are better than you ....and whatever they say is right......

end of discussion.....
crabcakes66, how do you know that they are better than em?
violent crimes caused by shitfaced people on weed would rise, sexual crimes perpitrated by shitfaced people on weed would rise, automotive homocide by shitfaced people on weed would rise, the number of shitfaced underaged kids would rise, leading to a lifetime of being shitfaced and adding to the various crimes shitfaced people commit.


Weed doesn't make you commit violent crimes. It makes you eat a lot and giggle. Pot heads are some of the most kind and fun people. I personally don't smoke any more, but I have never heard of anyone going crazy and taking out a Uzi and killing everyone because they smoked too much pot.

Oh and it's bad for you? HAHA. NO ONE HAS EVER DIED FROM MARIJUANA! It kills brain cells? YOU REGROW THEM! A clinical study proved that people who smoked pot for extended amounts of time regained all of their intelligence after quitting for 1 year. You gain back everything after you quit. Yeah, you are a little dumber while you smoke it, but that is only hurting YOU!
adding on to oldknobbis post:

weed makes you complacent more than anything else.......if your saying weed makes people violent you guys need to do some more research.

if you can show me 1 PROVEN case of weed making somone violent ill shutup....

its funny when i see these anti-weed commercials on TV.......what they dont tell you is that the person was on 15 other drugs when they did what they did.....

and the commercial with the little girl being hit by the bike..........

I mean...what the hell is she doing there anyway? riding down a main throughfare like that? Hell someone could have never touched a drug in there life and just as easlily not see her.......

the logic of those commercials is flawed to anyone that hasnt been brainwashed by all this garbage.
Originally posted by EvilEwok2.0

I can use a baseball bat to play baseball, or I can kill people with it, shall we ban those?
I can use a car to get to work, or I can kill people with it, shall we ban those?
I can use electricity to power my TV, or I can kill people with it, shall we ban that?
I can use a knife to cut my sandwich, or I can kill people with it, shall we ban those?
I can use a pillow to sleep my head on at night, or I can kill people with it, shall we ban those?

Your argument is stupid. Nearly anything can be mis-used, the point is that there will ALWAYS be some people how kill/abuse wifes/children/animals. IT CANNOT BE AVOIDED.

Those of use who keep to ourselves should not be punished for the behaviour of others.

Originally posted by EvilEwok2.0
If i need to prove this to you then we are wasting our time from the start. Why the **** do you think they made it illegal in the first place dipshit.

ALL of this is pointless anyway because thankfully the people in power arent as nearsighted as you people, and they will continue to make the right decisions for our society. Thankfully.

i can't believe how naive you are. you truly think those in power are completely and utterly competent enough to do their job properly? have you read michael moore and bill hicks? i don't think so. if you've witnessed half the things these people have done, you wouldn't trust them with a drug dealers wallet.

reason why it was made illegal? because it sprung up a whole criminal underworld. but of course they weren't going to admit that lots of people were making large amounts money by selling a substance, they wanted to make you spend your money on things that would benefit them and their wallets. so they made it illegal and slapped a big sign on it saying weed = bad. granted a lot of drugs are bad for you in large amounts. no drug is inherently good or bad, it's the person who's using it. and most of the time, good normal stable people use drugs. you only hear about the morong who have no control.

legalising something sheds the taboo's surrounding it. think about tabacco. it's always been legal because it was discovered by someone respectable and someone who marketed it properly. weed was probably discovered by lowly people who have no voice in society, therefore it gets shunted away because it's 'dirty' and 'common'. the government is NOT an all singing all dancing divine presence that you think it is. grow up for gods sake. things are different from your computer screen and whatever else you do. the real world is diferent. WAKE UP.

put an age limit on weed, 21 years old. put a limit on how much you can buy in one go, a couple of joints worth. place a few laws that would prohibit using weed in certain sensitive situations, and only make it legal in certain pubs/clubs etc. amsterdam is a good example for us to follow. you don't see kids going into pubs to smoke a joint, simply because they know better. they know that they're not allowed until they're older, then they might try it to see what it's all about.

i think your problem is the american culture. someone asked oscar wilde once why he thought the american country was so violent and generally in a mess. he said "it's your wallpaper". you know what he meant by that? the places you grow up in, the things you witness and are exposed to, shape you into becoming this great big mind ****. so maybe in the american society, yes, bad shit will happen because your education system is absolute shit, and your news and media is equally shit. therefore kids grow up having been fed shit and end up being big shits. so you're right, legalising weed in the states is a no go, simply because a few things need to change before it can be.
Originally posted by Dedalus

i think your problem is the american culture. someone asked oscar wilde once why he thought the american country was so violent and generally in a mess. he said "it's your wallpaper". you know what he meant by that? the places you grow up in, the things you witness and are exposed to, shape you into becoming this great big mind ****. so maybe in the american society, yes, bad shit will happen because your education system is absolute shit, and your news and media is equally shit. therefore kids grow up having been fed shit and end up being big shits. so you're right, legalising weed in the states is a no go, simply because a few things need to change before it can be.

....alot of that is true unfortunatly......... i hope you dont think all americans are like that.
Originally posted by Rico
Not to get involved in this argument (but if i did i would agree with evilewok on most of his points if not all) but to say that cocaine has no positive uses is as retarded as the quote above.

If you didn't know this i hope you think twice before drugging yourself as you don't seem to know nearly enough about drugs to be safe with them, but Cocaine or "crack" as people call it now has been used for centuries and is still used by doctors today as a painkiller. When you go have surgery, some doctors may use small amounts of cocaine to dull the pain. The drawback to it is that it may cause addiction, but since people don't know what they has used on them during the operation, it is safe to say that they cannot further it and they will eventually get past it since they cannot obtain more cocain (they didn't know they were given it in the 1st place).

MCHammer, i suggest you do your research before bashing valid arguments.

Oh and about the whole "god put it here so we have to use it" debate, stop reaching... This is a worthless point because couldn't you say the very same thing about poisons and other things which are unsafe to consume or use?

PS: I didn't bother reading all pages before posting this, so my apologies if this has already been discussed.

Uhh yea i knew that, i was wanting for him to say it to back himself up. Also i didnt say anything about god put it here, someone else did. So before you come in here trying to bash the shit i say go back and read the what everyone posted, dont accuse me of something i didnt say.
oldi1knoby wrote:

'Oh and it's bad for you? HAHA. NO ONE HAS EVER DIED FROM MARIJUANA! It kills brain cells? YOU REGROW THEM! A clinical study proved that people who smoked pot for extended amounts of time regained all of their intelligence after quitting for 1 year. You gain back everything after you quit. Yeah, you are a little dumber while you smoke it, but that is only hurting YOU!'

That is quite possibly the most ridiculous thing I have ever read. Clinical studies my ass - noone has a bloody clue what's going on. I've personally known many ppl who have been screwed up (one put away) because of weed.

Sure if you smoke very occasionally it's not gonna do any harm - but anything in moderation is relatively safe.

After a decade of use I can tell you that things dont return to 'normal' (infact it was after giving up that things got really trippy) I'll go and tell the ppl I know who have to see psychiatrists regularly, and neck loads of pills, 'to stop all this nonsense and don't worry - they're gonna grow back soon'!!111

I think you fall into the 'smoked little weed but have much to say about it' category. Sorry to be offensive but ppl who trivialise what they don't understand (something so pertinent to my life) makes me angry.
Originally posted by crabcakes66
....alot of that is true unfortunatly......... i hope you dont think all americans are like that.

i don't think all americans are like that. the people i'm working with on my project are american, and they're good friends of mine. i know a lot of people who are equally frustrated with the state of their country, and they were once so proud. it's a shame US leadership isn't up to scratch. you deserve better.
Woah, man, this is, like, a mega heavy thread. It's spinning me out, man. Like, totally!

Okay, seriously, I think marahooch is okay as an occasional use recreational drug, and as a medicinal tool. Not that I'd take it myself. I don't think it's bad in moderation, but I long ago promised myself that I'd never ingest/inject/inhale anything that'd alter my mental state. No coffee, no drugs, no beer, nothing like that. Just a lifestyle choice.

Marahooch makes you temporarily dumber, eh? Well, I don't know about you, but there are a lot of people in the world who seem so sharp that they might cut themselves...

<looks at EvilEwok2.0s posts and shakes head>

... version 2.0 ain't much better than version 1.0. Maybe some people would be better off dumber.:E

Also, didn't a certain person on this thread say that people who smoke cigarettes don't harm those around them? I'm an athsmatic. I must be imagining myself coughing like an old model T whenever someone sits next to me at Flinders Street Station, smoking. Strangely, the two times I've encountered marahooch smoke, my lungs haven't complained. In fact, I think it's quite fragrant.

Okay, funny stories time:

Once there were two pot fans. They owned a kitten. He was called Spliff:E. Whenever these two people were sitting on the couch smoking their stuff, Spliff used to go and sit between them, take a deep breath, and just stare into space. After a while, he'd go off to get something to eat.

Once someone I know tried marajuana, and hallucinated a scuba diver swimming up near the light fixture.

The desert town where I used to live was unusual, to say the least. Often, when bushwalking, one would come upon a patch of strange little green plants with star-shaped leaves. Whenever the cops found one of these, they would, of course, stomp it out, for the look of the thing.
If the dried form of the little plants ever found their way near the school or the towns kids, the cops came down hard on the owner of the little plants.
However; the cops rarely interfered with any adults who owned the little plants' end products. Parties in this little desert town could be very merry.
It was a hard-working little iron-ore mining desert town.
And it had a crime rate of practically 0%.:E

did anyone mention yet, that some scientist claimed to have found out, that one joint hurts your body, your lungs (AND our brain) like 10(?) times more, than one single cigarette?

and i'm already pissed if too many ppl smoke in near to me, since it is supposed to hurt others (who smoke the cigarette smoke passivly) more (like 90% higher risk of getting lung cancer). don't wan't to know what kinda damage weed does this way :-P
Originally posted by Echelon
did anyone mention yet, that some scientist claimed to have found out, that one joint hurts your body, your lungs (AND our brain) like 10(?) times more, than one single cigarette?

and i'm already pissed if too many ppl smoke in near to me, since it is supposed to hurt others (who smoke the cigarette smoke passivly) more (like 90% higher risk of getting lung cancer). don't wan't to know what kinda damage weed does this way :-P

Thats actually a rumor. Cigerattes have more deadly toxins than marijuna, inless the dealer put them in. If its just natural weed it wont have those toxins in them, although its still harmful.

Also dont worry about 2nd hand smoke, alot of people worry about that but the truth is that you inhale very little from someone elses smoke at a typical distance. Since the smoke is gas as soon as it leaves the cig or smokers mouth it expands spreading it out not just sitting there. But im talkin at a normal talkin distance here, if your face to face with the person its a different story.

I can also say this is true, my parents have always smoked around me and at a recent checkup they said my lungs were great. Although i do run alot so that may have counteracted some of its effects.
Scientists claim things all the time. Often contradictorially (is that a real word?:E).

Sensible people wait for proof.
Originally posted by Echelon
did anyone mention yet, that some scientist claimed to have found out, that one joint hurts your body, your lungs (AND our brain) like 10(?) times more, than one single cigarette?

and i'm already pissed if too many ppl smoke in near to me, since it is supposed to hurt others (who smoke the cigarette smoke passivly) more (like 90% higher risk of getting lung cancer). don't wan't to know what kinda damage weed does this way :-P

Cigarette smoke is a lot worse for you than weed smoke, first and second hand. Most heavy weed smokers smoke a lot less weed than heavy cigarette smokers smoke cigarettes, making the chance of getting cancer not as likely. They also don't smoke in public places as much as cigarette smokers do, making second hand weed smoke less of an issue.

There are plenty of reasons why weed may be bad for you, but that's definitely not one of them.
Originally posted by Dedalus
have you read michael moore and bill hicks? i don't think so.

You hear that? That's the sound of your credibility shattering.
Originally posted by Hyped
You hear that? That's the sound of your credibility shattering.

i don't understand, who was that directed at and what did you mean by it?
They also don't smoke in public places as much as cigarette smokers do, making second hand weed smoke less of an issue.

Umm maybe because weed is illegal? Sounds like you've had a few too many brain cells killed
people on weed are better than people on other drugs, there too happy to bother you, not like coke addicts. Jesus, they piss me off. Personally i dont do drugs, they cost too much, like cigarettes.
but i dont know wether i'd like them anyway.
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