Weekly Art Contest: Week 20 Discussion

So I can sketch by hand then import it to mspaint?
"or integrate drawings you have made in mspaint to a hl2 screenshot."

i dont really know what that means... but try and do it in MSpaint as much as possible. i will be doing it 100% in MS paint, as im sure most people will.
Basically, you have to do all of the drawing in mspaint. Sorry, no hand drawings this time! If you want to draw some kind of monster and overlay it into a screenshot of hl2, that's fine. That's basically what the part in question suicide42 was quoting. This is due by saturday around noon - central time.
IMO, it's Instinct's so far.

Wish I could draw in MSPaint...but it scares me just to touch it...:x
*Me tucks tail between legs and goes home*

Yes I must admit Instinct's looks like he spent quite a lot of time on it. The color matching is quite nicely done. He really has paid some superb attention to detail, you'd only have to look at the brick on the side wall to see he's matched the positions of the bricks, brick by brick. I mean heck, look at the red scope dot on the gun, it's exactly the in the same position as the real pic. That has got to take some sweaty, pain-staking and precise work.

But I must admit, something irks me. It's just a nitpick. At the center of the image, you can see the left half of a crosshair, (and once again, props man, superb work, I could never make a half a crosshair that clean looking in paint), but there is no other half, which kinda looks weird. I guess he didn't get around to finishing it.

Props dude, that's one hell of a MSPaint job. *Me Votes Instincts*
BlumenKohl said:
*Me tucks tail between legs and goes home*

Yes I must admit Instinct's looks like he spent quite a lot of time on it. The color matching is quite nicely done. He really has paid some superb attention to detail, you'd only have to look at the brick on the side wall to see he's matched the positions of the bricks, brick by brick. I mean heck, look at the red scope dot on the gun, it's exactly the in the same position as the real pic. That has got to take some sweaty, pain-staking and precise work.

But I must admit, something irks me. It's just a nitpick. At the center of the image, you can see the left half of a crosshair, (and once again, props man, superb work, I could never make a half a crosshair that clean looking in paint), but there is no other half, which kinda looks weird. I guess he didn't get around to finishing it.

Props dude, that's one hell of a MSPaint job. *Me Votes Instincts*

Hmmm, are you implying that Instincts might be cheating? :)

I mean, he might, anyway could just...ahem slip in a little PS work and not let anybody know. :frog:
I see someone traced over an original image, are we allowed to do that?

Could I trace over a drawing of mine? The one of the Strider I made in Flash.
Well technically it's not against the rules to trace over an image....but it isn't very sportsman like, and in the end I don't think a traced image will win :p. Even I am preparing something for this contest...hopefully it will turn out pretty good. So far I only have one leg done, if that gives you a hint to what i'm working on.
Blumenkohl, thank you for the compliments, man. On the cross hair, sloppy painting, i did it fairly early on, and i guess i painted over it after, if you feel it was a copy paste type job, i did use a gray, wher in the original i believe it is orange? not really sure on that.. same goes for the buliding above it, spent a little more time on it, unfortunalty photoshop screwed the detail up fairly substancially. =(
On the bricks, i predrew where the bricks were before i started, since it was fairly close to the front i wanted them to be a little nicer looking. sdame goes for the frontal zombie, not to happy with him though. No changing it now.

vegeta, i'm flattered you think i traced this, i admit i pasted it at original size in teh corner of my pallet, but it wasnt a direct overlay, if thats what your implying..

Thanks guys, I try =).

Sorry if I am causing problems, if you feel I traced, that's fine, I'm more than happy to pull myself out of the prize running if you feel I should, Tim. I'm not here to make problems. I did this more for fun than for any prizes(there are prizes?!) anyway, so it's no problem.

I seem to be making some great first impressions.. :sleep:

edit:: Tim, or anyone who can answer: If I do a second submission, are wacom tablets legal? I was hesitant earlier and stuck with my mouse for my first attept.

The benefit of making one as 'modern-art' (simplistic) as mine, is that nobody accuses you of cheating :P

I bet Piccasso thought the same.
Hmm, I'm not absolutely sure but if you overlay intinct's pic on the original picture everything matches up absolutely perfectly. I see what was meant by the half of cross hair too.

To be completely honest it looks like a photoshop filter, with a few alterations done later. But hey, I could be completely wrong too. If it was freehand then I applaud you instinct for a very nice job. And also very kind of you to offer to do another entry either way. :cheers:

I'm sure Tim can sort it out.
I'm not here to make judgements, I was only answering vegeta's question on whether or not tracing is allowed. I never said yours was a trace. To be honest, it won't really matter though. I have a feeling rjmc is working constantly on his and will probably pass out saturday night after the contest ends and wake up tuesday afternoon from lack of sleep from working on his massive mspaint creation :D. Here's a little preview of mine so far... I have a lot more done but I'm just showing a little:


The only way i'm 'kicking' anyone out of the contest or asking someone to step out is if they:

A) Steal my work
B) Steal someone elses work
C) Blatently used another program other than mspaint
D) Use Beta content

I think instinct should stay in for now.
Pfft, I was gonna join, but these people have some leet paint skillz. I'm gonna have to back down.
Join! All of the other entries are void, or something..
oh-oh tim ... urs rocks alrdy :thumbs:

hehe... my favorite is still Blumenkohls entry :D
the entries... they are too many!

and some are looking ****ing good... like the g-man one...
hmmm... heres a picture of a combine head i drew...

one face down, all the rest to go!
Ne-waller number 11

Just posted mine

I realise now that it is a bit buzy, but i dont care, variety is the spice of life.
before you all complain I realise that the reflections in the water are a bit wrong - but its pretty trick really.

I am well impressed by the G-man by finger and Dalith deserves a special mention

I like pobz's because when this screen actually comes up in the game EVERYONE will whoot! :eek:

snowball get involved its fun + i'm sure you'll do better than you think. I know I did.

I fear what that strider is gonna end up looking like...
Ohhh come on. Paint doesn't have rotate by a certain angle..only by 90's. I could have sworn they had by angle. I could paste this bad boy into another program to rotate, but it's mspaint only..... man, haha
hehe... i realized that when i wanted to rotate my question mark :cheese:
guys, check mine out. i tried to pick a scene that nobody else was using, and i think i did a pretty good job. i couldn't quite get the expression on the guy's face right, though...

oh well.
I'm just waiting for RJMC to see this thing and pwn us all :(
Wait till you see mine. I haven't worked this hard on an entry since my combine forest one. Using paint is driving me crazy though. :rolling: I'm going high rez on this.
Huh, look at mine! you CAN see it's made in MS Paint. It took me an half (life) hour. I made it almost whole with straight lines and effect... I think it looks like cel-shading effect :D
And look at the grafitti on the wall :afro:
I'm using that as a wallpaper, Worms :D

Murray, your stuff was great, I'll vote for it if RJMC doesn't show up :P
Murray_H said:
Oh and you can rotate things in paint, you just draw a selection square around the thing you wanna rotate then go to image -> flip/rotate :D

Yeah I know. I was trying to rotate it like 30 degrees though, doh!
lol well i'll let you off then ;)

i had to do that too (not 30 degrees but some other number that wasn't 90, 180 or 270 :p) but i just ended up re-drawing :/

It was a fun one, this competition, not done a proper picture in paint before but i enjoyed doing it! :D
Remember your entry numbers, i've already had to put in like 5 :D