Weekly Art Contest: Week 20 Discussion

Well I was going to wait for suicide...but I told him I couldn't wait till really late tonight as per he requested. I also pmed him to tell him to get it in soon, a couple of hours ago. So i'm just going to have to cut it off as soon as an admin can make the poll.
aarr,, never mind. it would have taken many, many more hours anyway so i guess ur saving me lots of time... that i can revise for my science exam in!!!

...or play theif 3...
...or sleep.

yep, sleep sounds good. :)
and who has ideas for the next contest?
I dont hav one right now but I will think
OMG!! I can't believe I forgot the fence on the planter in the upper right corner!!!


How about this for an idea for the next comp

Make a screenshot taken from HL2, as if it had been done in the old Doom engine (the original one, not any of the opensource altered ones) rather than source. That means low resolution enemies, gun in groin position. Flat simple textures/level.
tim8604 said:
We should have an isometric contest next week after such a large turnout for mspaint this week ;).


Ahem. Sorry. I will change my pants now.
How about : Design a Flyer of the City17 Resistance group ? :)
fenric... bloody nice idea!!!

lets have that, its so kewl!

I was waiting for his thing to show up and pwn everyone :D
How do you save a picture as a JPG in MSPaint without losing quality like most of you did?
Pressure said:
How do you save a picture as a JPG in MSPaint without losing quality like most of you did?

Save as a bitmap then save as a jpeg in PS? However, you can use the png file type and it makes it nice and little and loses no quality!
I saved as BMP then as JPG and it still lost quality. I'll try the png thing.