Weekly Steam News (12/08/05)

Chris D

Staff member
Jul 1, 2003
Reaction score
The weekly Steam news update hasn't quite been released just yet, but I was being inquisitive and found that the page already exists here.
Here it is -- early, which makes up for the fact that last week's didn't show up at all!:
Last week we mentioned that we'd be announcing a new product coming to Steam soon.
We're excited to announce that Rag Doll Kung Fu, developed primarily by Mark Healy, will be making its way to Steam in the coming weeks. Mark is a game industry veteran who developed Rag Doll Kung Fu in his spare time. He initially showed the game off in the Experimental Game area of the Game Developers Conference earlier this year, where it stood out among a crowd of great looking games.
In Rag Doll Kung Fu you act as a puppeteer in a martial arts world, but that doesn't really describe what this game is about. With most games we would use this space to describe what its like to play, but in this case we don't think it's possible -- you'll just have to watch the gameplay trailer to understand. In short, it's all about Chi power.[br]

[br]In the coming weeks we'll have more info, including pricing and a release date.
Certainly different this week, but in my opinion exciting nonetheless. Check out the video, it's very intriguing and I look forward to seeing more of it soon.
lol sounds like a blast.. I cant wait

i'l take DoD:S news too please :(
umm ok, good to know the big name dev teams are hooking onto steam :hmph:
stop with the bs valve...give us news on what we want to know, or none at all

no taxation without representation!
I want it!

What ever the guy that made the smokes, I want some of it :farmer:
Um, that looks really slow and clumsy. I'm not impressed in the least.
jdufault said:
stop with the bs valve...give us news on what we want to know, or none at all

<BIG>no taxation without representation!</BIG>


game looks alright, seems like it would be a little awkward. but hot damn that trailer was annoying; stop cutting back and forth to those live-actor segments.
Pricing? This "game" is going to cost money? If it's over 10 dollars, forget it. But no final judgements until I see the game and hear reviews from the community.
YESSS!! :bounce:

I've been wanting to play Rag Doll Kung Fu since I first saw it ages ago... If I remember rightly, It's made by one dude at Lionhead, entirely in his spare time.
And it looks great fun. Hilarious too.

But the last place I expected it to crop up was on Steam. :D

I'm glad Valve are using Steam to allow small-time innovators to publish their games
Hahaha, that must've been weirdest goddamn gameplay trailer i've ever seen. Looks great though.
If you go to the RDKF website and download the GDC footage (100 megs or so) you'll gain a lot more info and in-game scenes then what that trailer showed.
Wow this game looks so fun. Glad to see VALVe supporting crazy stuff. The guy/guys making this must be the biggest stoners. In the trailer I saw "Get me my bong" and in another one I saw a Martha Stewart puppet eat two mushrooms then fly, eminating a raninbow, into space where there were flashing multicolored stars.:LOL:

I might get this if it isn't too expensive (and is more than just a total conversion mod).
After reading the news and watching the video, the only thing that crossed my mind was

What the fu<k?
It looks like fun and im almost certain I will get it.
Using a mouse to control your guys hands and legs to fight against a computer or possibly other players
Eww, you have to pay for it.

I thought it was a free release. I won't be paying a thing.
I'm quite interested in that, but interested isn't enough to spend money on.
at first, I thought this update had to be an april fools joke. but then I realized that it's august 12th.... sigh. :rolleyes:
dude I thought something better like NS or atleast efn' dystopia would have made it, but this is just rediculous. Gary announcement
I Will spend $50 for after math, i will spend $40 for the Sin episodes, but i will not fork over any money for that game.
Noobulon said:
YESSS!! :bounce:

I've been wanting to play Rag Doll Kung Fu since I first saw it ages ago... If I remember rightly, It's made by one dude at Lionhead, entirely in his spare time.
And it looks great fun. Hilarious too.

But the last place I expected it to crop up was on Steam. :D

I'm glad Valve are using Steam to allow small-time innovators to publish their games

Some of you guys need to have more of an open mind, jesus.
Get "Garry's" mod if you wan't to play with the physics around.
The only enjoyment that i would get out this 'game' is by bashing the heads in of it's devs with a bludgeoning tool.Seriously,wtf was that crap?
Its good that Valve are willing to support these kind of independent games, rather than just the same old big-budget FPS sequel or sports title.
TwwIX said:
wtf was that crap?

Innovative approach to gameplay on modern PC hardware.

I'm personally waiting for this game badly, been waiting ever since I heard of it.
I dont know if Im going to buy it, I want to see more before I decide! But its great to see what 1 man can do and how original this game is.
We have 10000 FPS, RPG, RTS games but Ive never seen something like this! Its nice to see poeple want to try something new, a big dev team wouldnt have started a project like this.

About the price, I dont think it will cost a lot. Its only made by 1 man(you dont have to pay for a big dev team) and I dont think he has put a lot of new technology in it and selling from steam would be cheaper because he doesnt have to make CDs, a box, ...
People seem to be blind to the fact that games like this are going to be the staple of Steam releases. The knee-jerk "i'm not going to pay money for that!" is only to be expected given that retail publishers would also turn green at the idea of selling something unfamiliar to customers waiting for the next FPS or RTS sequel. Still, Valve's readiness to sign up something new and unique shouldn't be recieved so poorly; even if this game isn't your thing, it shows that Valve are keen to adopt great things that aren't going to be available on the store shelves.
Goddamnit, I hate you guys. ;p
As someone else said, you need to be more open-minded!
If you have followed the game for a while like I have, you would know how cool it really is. The trailer and that screenshot don’t really do it justice.

I was actually was really really suprised when I saw this update, I never thought he'd release it on steam...
There was some discussion on the forums about it, and we were all like
"Nah... that's not very likely..."
And then we see the Steam update pop up, and we go "....Bzzzzchhkft!"
Or something to that extent.
Looks & sounds very interesting to me. I love the look of the game - A very unique & striking visual style.

I'm glad source is being used for games a little more experimental. We need that in gaming. Even though games these days are obviously much more visually impressive than they were 10+ years ago I feel that a lot of the interest that came from obscure & interesting gaming ideas has been almost completely lost in the mainstream. These days if it isn't an FPS, RTS or RPG it's a Football, driving or other sports sim title! The creativity in games has been sidelined in favour of endless rehashes of existing & established ideas. Obviously this is what tends to happen in popular culture but unfortunately it usually results in everything ending up a little sterile.

Anyone here from the 8-bit era? Remember the days of Jeff Minter games on the C64? Jeff Minter's games were crazy but back then there was a lot more experimenting going on in gaming despite the fact that the hardware was incredibly limited. Certainly compared to todays hardware. You don't see much of that kind of inovation in gaming today. You get the odd title but these often get ignored in favour of more familar & established gaming genres.
erm sorry everyone but I was just utterly disappointed at this news release, while the game looks quite good im never going to play it and I though Valve might release something like for example

The Half Life Source MP
The SAS CSS model
Or the now over 1/2 year delayed Lost Coast

It is however good they are getting more games and people interested in Steam but well... all I can see with this huge increase in games is a Steam My Games window so full it doesnt fit on my screen, the Steam interface needs some serious changes to cope with loads of new steam games, like maybe Sections like Half Life Section, Hl2 Section, Sin Episodes Section where when you open these the games associated with them are all there, this way would be much easier, or they could have icon based movement and a square window as opposed to the current rectangle.
To all those pricks that dissed this game...

Run back to EA!!! I think they've got loads of shit for you! :flame: