Weird Dreams


Nov 16, 2003
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What is the weirdest dream you've ever had?

Mine has to be one where my toilet tried to eat me, i had it when i was 8 years old and it petrified the life out of me for 4 years straight. I also had a pretty weird dream lastnight as well, i was sat down watching the noise and an urgent news flash came up reporting that Canada had declared war on France. :burp:
Mine was weird.
i kept running on the landing down the stairs and i would clear all the steps, landing head first thru the floor and into my dream (yah weird).

then i kept seeing this thin man, and fat man in different situations, where the thin man always used to get killed ina horrific way, where the fat man just stood, laughed and walked off.

that fat man never got killed.. i wonder why?.....

(plus they never talked, they reminded me of laurel and hardy in some ways)
i had a dream........

it consisted of a monster chasing me than suddenly destroying everything then it went to space grabbing me.

then, marines came and killed the monster then me.

another dream, before waking up, i saw king crabs in a supermarket kill everyone...

*(after first time i played hl1)*
I had last night where aliens took over the world and a small girl in my group went down a blood filled drain for some reason and then I was in some military base killing everyone and trying to get out, I had a map an everything. And before that gaint robotic arms forced me to the ground and force-fed me cheetos :|

I have alot of dreams
Danimal said:
I had last night where aliens took over the world and a small girl in my group went down a blood filled drain for some reason and then I was in some military base killing everyone and trying to get out, I had a map an everything. And before that gaint robotic arms forced me to the ground and force-fed me cheetos :|

that mr.president, is the future.....

well, perhaps not the cheetos...

likely spinach.
Nah, it happened with 3 other people too, I think it happened because I was watching Starship Troopers since the brain bug was in it. The more times I shot it, the bigger it grew =S
Heh, this morning I was in that half-awake state, and I dreamed my parents brought me the phone because it was ringing, but I reacted in real life. I sat there in my bed for about a minute, trying to wake up enough to answer the phone before I realized that I wasn't holding a phone and I just was sitting in bed like an idiot holding my hand to my head.
I was paralyzed, laying on my back, completely unable to move a muscle. There was a full sized angry duck standing on my chest. He had white feathers and a yellow, rounded beak. He started pecking me in the throat as fast as it could. He was honking like ducks honk. There was nothing I could do to get it off or to get it to stop. It was really quite a horifying experience.
Ennui said:
Heh, this morning I was in that half-awake state, and I dreamed my parents brought me the phone because it was ringing, but I reacted in real life. I sat there in my bed for about a minute, trying to wake up enough to answer the phone before I realized that I wasn't holding a phone and I just was sitting in bed like an idiot holding my hand to my head.

lol, i've done that before.

This other time I didn't want to wake up, so I had one eye closed having the dream and the other one open while I was awake. It didn't last long though :(
Ennui said:
Heh, this morning I was in that half-awake state, and I dreamed my parents brought me the phone because it was ringing, but I reacted in real life. I sat there in my bed for about a minute, trying to wake up enough to answer the phone before I realized that I wasn't holding a phone and I just was sitting in bed like an idiot holding my hand to my head.

LOL ive done something like that many times. when my alarm clock would go off, i would knock the lamp on, or look in my wallet, or something silly like that. :p
Ennui said:
Heh, this morning I was in that half-awake state, and I dreamed my parents brought me the phone because it was ringing, but I reacted in real life. I sat there in my bed for about a minute, trying to wake up enough to answer the phone before I realized that I wasn't holding a phone and I just was sitting in bed like an idiot holding my hand to my head.

wait, nvm wrong word..
I had a dream when I was weeeely(Yes, Weeely young) Where there was this pool in the middle of my school. If any part of your body touched it, you'd turn into a dolphin.

This other nightmare I had when I was weeely young was I was at my computer on the Diablo 1 installation menu, I fell to the ground and coudn't move and Diablo came out of my screen and ate me.

One other nightmare involved an X-files poster my brother had, Mulder and Scully had big teeth and laughed at me in an evil tone. :(
Danimal said:
I had a dream when I was weeeely(Yes, Weeely young) Where there was this pool in the middle of my school. If any part of your body touched it, you'd turn into a dolphin.

This other nightmare I had when I was weeely young was I was at my computer on the Diablo 1 installation menu, I fell to the ground and coudn't move and Diablo came out of my screen and ate me.

One other nightmare involved an X-files poster my brother had, Mulder and Scully had big teeth and laughed at me in an evil tone. :(

:LOL: i have to be making these up!

are you serious?
Danimal said:
I had a dream when I was weeeely(Yes, Weeely young) Where there was this pool in the middle of my school. If any part of your body touched it, you'd turn into a dolphin.

This other nightmare I had when I was weeely young was I was at my computer on the Diablo 1 installation menu, I fell to the ground and coudn't move and Diablo came out of my screen and ate me.

One other nightmare involved an X-files poster my brother had, Mulder and Scully had big teeth and laughed at me in an evil tone. :(

mr.president, you really shouldn't have fired special agents mulder and scully. i told you they would haunt you!

or perhaps not...
KoreBolteR said:
:LOL: i have to be making these up!

are you serious?

I am serious. Recently my dreams... Well... They've been wierd.

I'll post more dreams if I remember them, heck, when I wake up tommorow i'll tell you.

EDIT: Ah, yes. One I had about 1 or 2 years ago

All I remember was having a keyboard infront of me in my old primary school and I pressed f11 and it turned RTS view and I was a giant blue mech...

15357 said:
mr.president, you really shouldn't have fired special agents mulder and scully. i told you they would haunt you!

or perhaps not...

d00d, I ain't president yet.

YES! 3,000 POSTS!
has any one seen fawlty towers?

i used to have a reccurring dream where i was in a plane just about to land, where i would look down to the run-way, only to see Basle hitting Manuel on the floor with an umbrella.LOL

how does my mind come up with this stuff.. (i hadnt even been watching Fawly towers at that time..

danimal said:
I'll post more dreams if I remember them, heck, when I wake up tommorow i'll tell you.

great :D. gnite m8y
15357 said:
ok, mr.pre-president.

we should have a thread called HL2 elections, and make Danimal win the 'fair way'.. :afro:

but who can be his opponent? hmm...

CptStern? lol
Danimal said:
No, everyone loves CptStern!

well its not gonna be me, cos youde beat me.

everyone knows you cos your the Yogurt person. ;(
I don't want to be remembered as yogurt... But meh, fate is fate.
i dreamt with the girl i liked for the 2nd time yesternight. aaw.
As a kid I had this bad recurring dream, Id look over the side of my bed, and Pennywise the clown would be there, he'd grab me and pull me under the bed, Id scream as loud as I could yet no-one would hear me, then Pennywise would just bite me. There was a similar dream but with Chucky and me jumping down the entire stairs in one go, but the helplessness was always there. God, I hated that I dream of Lindsay Lohan. :D
I have the worst f***ing dreams when my body recovers after the use of alcohol...
My dreams are too odd to post here, they are not sexual or violent or anything at all, just really, really my dreams things always constantly change, i don't know if any of you have had this but one minute your in your house the next minute its outside or something.

In my dreams the world is a much worse place really, everything just seems really crude.

And i only ever get dreams if i go back to sleep after waking up.

When i wake up after a dream i always find myself relieved that my computer hasn't blown up, that i havn't got cancer or that i havn't been abducted by aliens.
I had a dream once where my computer monitor tried to eat me as well :( and another dream where i jumped off a huge cliff, hit the ground and thought it was so much fun that i would do it again.
i remember once or twice when i had a high fever i remember i felt small and the world was so big around me it was scary... everything would happen so fast, things would spin around, and i would seem too large but small at the same time :bonce:

btw, what does bonce mean?
I don't remember most of my dreams but what I do remember is general ideas of similar dreams. I don't have any weird dreams that come to mind per se but here's generally what I dream about.

One type of dream is where everything in my life is going right. I usually feel extremely happy until I wake up and realise it was just a dream.

Another type I have is where I **** up badly. In my dream it scares the shit out of me because it usually involves me doing something that will affect me for the rest of my life. When I wake up I'm usually really relieved that what happened in the dream wasn't real.

Everything I dream is like a real life situation. There isn't really anything super natural going on like me flying through the air or talking animals or anything. That's why I can't really come up with a weirdest dream.

One dream I remember is that I got arrested for doing something bad and it ruined all my plans and goals in life. It scared me because of the thought of having to live in prison for the rest of my life and that all the work I've done in life so far would mean nothing. Man was I relieved when I woke up lol.

Other than that I can't remember any other types of dreams I have. I have never had a lewd or sexual dream before, at least not that I remember lol. I don't dream about naked people or having sex or anything like that. Apparently most people do from most comments I've read over time or heard when people talk about what they dream about.
Razor said:
I had a dream once where my computer monitor tried to eat me as well :( and another dream where i jumped off a huge cliff, hit the ground and thought it was so much fun that i would do it again.
Oh man, how many of you in dreams have that absoloutley horrible feeling when you fall off a cliff or jump of a bridge?

That horrible feeling of your stomach rising as you fall.

i remember one dream i had was some really steep slope (as in almost vertical) with grass and trees sticking out horizontally.....grasping on to the roots and grass trying not to fall off, but then i did.
I had a dream about 6 months ago which was one of the most odd dreams ever - when I woke up I just thought..what the hell? The weird thing is I usually can't remember any dreams I've had minutes after I wake up, but this dream I haven't forgotten.

It started off in a classroom, we're all doing work, and a classmate called James (the same name as me) is outside getting an earful from a teacher. That goes on for a while - until next thing I know I'm walking out of the school through the main entrance, and this James is sitting in the middle of the drive playing the drums. As I walk past, he gives me a a pair of crutches. For some reason I take them, and again the next thing I know I'm walking with my crutches down a misty road, I can't see more than 10m - and it's night time. The street lamps make everything look orange. A police car pulls by, and the policeman takes a good look at me, before getting out and grabbing me by the arm - "Are you James?!" "Erm.." - Before I can answer he throws me to ground saying I'm under arrest for the murder of somebody, which I deny, and it all gets pretty vague around this point, there's shouting, before he pulls out a gun to my head.

I wake up in the middle of the night in a cold sweat thinking "WTF??!" :|
I once dreamt that I was walking in a very huge place, the ceiling went so high up that I cant see it and all the walls and floors are textured in grids (probably the result of using too much Hammer and 3dsmax :hmph:) and suddenly, when I was wandering around, the floor gave away and I plunged into darkness. Then I woke up. The fall was very realistic, it's like I was really there :|
ive had this really weird nightmare for 8 days running. See, thers this gilr i fancy. I am walking along behing of her, down a road. All of a sudden a car hits her, and i become chained to a lampost - and i watch her die :| . And i cant stop it
Bet you screamed "NOOOOOOOOOO" to the end of your voice when she died :p
Tight-ass Llama said:
ive had this really weird nightmare for 8 days running. See, thers this gilr i fancy. I am walking along behing of her, down a road. All of a sudden a car hits her, and i become chained to a lampost - and i watch her die :| . And i cant stop it
... are you serious?

cremator i've had hammer dreams before too... after a long night of mapping, I go to bed at 4 in the morning and my dreams are full of placeholder textures and all sorts of random shit.
I only really remember my dreams when I'm ill, or when I'm just half dozing in a car or something. And when I do they're always really strange, jumping from one thing to another but making perfect sense at the time. I never really remember them either, just little bits here and there. I do remember them sometimes though..

I went through a patch of dreams a few months ago where I couldn't walk or run properly. All I had to do was get somewhere (but sometimes I was being chased by something), but no matter how hard I tried to move it was like walking through treacle.. sometimes, I was even being dragged backwards. I was using my hands to pull me along but really not getting very far. A few times I was caught by whatever it was chasing me but I always woke up then :/
The first dream like that that I remember (this was years ago)was a giant wasp chasing me through the house.. I was trying to escape down the stairs but the baby gate was up (had my nephew staying with us, he was around 2 at the time), so I jumped over it and was falling, in slow motion, headfirst down the stairs

Heh I used to dream about aliens watching me a lot. Like, I opened the curtains and there'd be aliens in a spaceship hovering outside the window, looking in..

Then there's the one I think i've posted before... with the Simpsons, and the killer, hypnotising armodillo :p

edit: now I think about it, the last few dreams i've had have mainly been about paintball.. i've turned up at a site to play and have forgotten something essential. (probably because i'm paranoid about forgetting stuff) Or I realise I'm not wearing a mask.. or I'm playing, and the other team is totally ignoring me, until I shoot them. In one dream, no one was using guns, we were just going 'pow pow'.. and I got hit in the back of my head with a football... o_0
About 1/10 of my dreams now i am aware i am in a you guys have this?

I think "right im in a dream, i know i have about a minute left before i wake up" ........and i do what i want, i can make anything appear, anything happen and feel, see and hear soon starts to fade though and i "struggle" to keep myself in the dream, eventually it just fades away until i am awake.
The only way to describe it is being awake at the same time as the dreams are like concious thought and memory now but they will fade after the experience, often only being partially recalled about 10 mins later.

I often go and try to do crazy things because i know i will come to no harm.
Tight-ass Llama said:
ive had this really weird nightmare for 8 days running. See, thers this gilr i fancy. I am walking along behing of her, down a road. All of a sudden a car hits her, and i become chained to a lampost - and i watch her die :| . And i cant stop it

Dude, if you're not lying - recurring dreams like that aren't good.
SHIPPI said:
I went through a patch of dreams a few months ago where I couldn't walk or run properly. All I had to do was get somewhere (but sometimes I was being chased by something), but no matter how hard I tried to move it was like walking through treacle.. sometimes, I was even being dragged backwards. I was using my hands to pull me along but really not getting very far. A few times I was caught by whatever it was chasing me but I always woke up then :/
OH GOD, you have that too, i have talked to other people and it seems quite a common thing.

Its always when you really need to run away, you just cant seem to go anywhere, its kind of a feeling of being really pathetically weak mixed with being in a bog up to your waist but also that you are like on a bungee so if you stop trying you will be pulled back.

........i hate that almost as much as falling in dreams.
short recoil said:
OH GOD, you have that too, i have talked to other people and it seems quite a common thing.

Its always when you really need to run away, you just cant seem to go anywhere, its kind of a feeling of being really pathetically weak mixed with being in a bog up to your waist but also that you are like on a bungee so if you stop trying you will be pulled back.

........i hate that almost as much as falling in dreams.

Yeah, it's horrible :( Most the time for my my feet were just slipping backwards.. and the air was really thick so I couldn't get them forwards fast enough. And for some reason I remember the dreams as being very.. blue