Weird Dreams

Dreaming about going to a community meeting at some baseball stadium and all the mods beating down the newbies with bats...I wish I were joking too....

One of the wierdest was getting eaten by my bed while I thought I was awake.
Dalamari said:
Dreaming about going to a community meeting at some baseball stadium and all the mods beating down the newbies with bats...I wish I were joking too....

that reminds me.

you should never go to a community meeting
vegeta897 said:
4:67? Man, that does suck.
I don't know if it's because it's late and I'm in a strange mood, but that was funny Ikerous style. Lmfao.
Last night, I had a dream where I was in this dimly lit room and there was this giant drill in front of my face, spinning in midair. I put my face into it, but then my vision went all reddish-pink and I had this warm soothing sensation throughout my body.
I think I died. Because then I just collapsed on the floor and could feel the blood running down my head. I didn't move, but I felt perfectly relaxed. Some unknown girl (who was very pretty btw) appeared and then gently pulled me out of the room.

That's when I woke up.
Well I've forgotten most of my dream now, but I remember sitting on a packed old bus in complete silence, driving in a very strange place. If you've scene pictures of Chernobyl, it looked very much like that. I don't remember anything else now though. I think I might have to start writing down my dreams heh :)
That girl was cute! :D

* The idea that dreams are only physiological stimulations
* The idea that dreams are psychologically necessary

Which one do you think it is?
15357 said:


That is pretty much what i thought when i woke up :|.

In one dreamed i actually dreamt that i had died. I was a starfighter pilot, pretty cool thing to dream about :), anyway, i was a starfighter pilot and the very best Earth had to offer, me and my wingman had to rendevous with a hospital ship carrying thousands of innocent civilians from the front line in the war with the aliens. We rendevoused successfully and engaged the wormhole to take us back to human territory and entered the wormhole, just as we entered, the alien fighter squadron came up on my scanners and followed us into the wormhole. I knew that the only way to save the hospital ship was to slow them down somehow, i also knew that the best alien starfighter pilot was leading the enemy squadron. I told my wingman to escort the hospital ship back and i would do everything i could to slow them down, i spun my ship round and flew straight at the aliens, firing my missiles at them, they did the same and their missiles was just a little faster and one of them hit me. I then suddenly found myself in a cave with all these people in there watching the news on a tv that was hanging from the wall about the attack and saying that i had saved the hospital ship and was a hero :imu: . I hope i die that dramatically in real life :E
I dreamed I drowned once. :| It didn't feel good.
oh yeah, to the guys with sleepwalkers around:

never wake them up!

they might try to kill you.
If Nickelodeon is correct, people that sleepwalk are from a distant planet and are robots. The only way to destroy them is twisting thier nipples and opening the chest plate :|
Danimal said:
If Nickelodeon is correct, people that sleepwalk are from a distant planet and are robots. The only way to destroy them is twisting thier nipples and opening the chest plate :|

dont try that with girls ;)
oh, no.

*imagines dead bodies and gore*
Danimal said:
If Nickelodeon is correct, people that sleepwalk are from a distant planet and are robots. The only way to destroy them is twisting thier nipples and opening the chest plate :|
oh my...

What's the deal with waking up sleepwalkers, though? Why aren't you supposed to do it?
Ennui said:
oh my...

What's the deal with waking up sleepwalkers, though? Why aren't you supposed to do it?

they get violent and/or have shock.

they might kill you.
How would you like to be waken in the middle of a dream only to find yourself with a chicken on your head while your sacraficing goats.

I'd rather stay asleep.
Danimal said:
How would you like to be waken in the middle of a dream only to find yourself with a chicken on your head while your sacraficing goats.

I'd rather stay asleep.

or sleeping with someone that you don't know?

it happend to someon....
Someone onced went to school naked but thought they were in a peach tracksuit.

True story.
Danimal said:
Someone onced went to school naked but thought they were in a peach tracksuit.

True story.

:cool: was it a him or her?
:bonce: :naughty:
There was a guy who sleep walked to his car, sleep drove his car to his parent-in-laws house, sleep murdered them, and sleep drove back home. Halfway home, he woke up, saw his hands covered in blood and a bloody knife next to him and went to the police station saying that he just woke up in his car like that. The murder case went to court and he was found not-guilty of murder, after his lawyer managed to convince the jury that he did have a long history of sleep walking and was very stressed out at the time he commited the murder that sleep walking was very likely for him at the time.
15357 said:
or sleeping with someone that you don't know?

it happend to someone....
She seduced men, slept with them and sent them away and got back into her bed with her husband.

May I bring back up the cop that sleep shot someone?

Edit: I had a weird dream shortly after joining, I was on the forums and I cannot remember anything else except that I found out Hectic Glen was my cousin!