Weird Dreams

I've found I have the best dreams when I sleep for just longer than I need to, and I'm in my bed at the perfect temperature, when a summers day is just dawning so the light isn't cold looking like winter mornings.
Last night I told my brain to dream and to remember it. And I did.

I was standing outside and I saw my sister driving away in her car with my brother in the back seat. I ran for the car and grabed on and started runing with it. My brother was laughing and the car accellorated. After a struggle I got in and closed the door and we all started laughing realy loudly and we drove off and I woke up.

Edit: I heard that a cop shot someone while sleepwalking before.
last night i was attacked by a gang of cats.

i felt one wake me up (in my dream) and i let it out of my room. i yelled at my mum that a cat had got in somehow. another one then then jumped out from under my mums bed sheets and ran down the stairs. i looked to where it had gone and there were loads of cats and they kept jumping at my headcrab style and i had to bat them back/out the way.

i haven't had a cat related dream in years... hmmmm what do they mean?! :|
going up a bridge when its icey, when i walk along the bridge, i suddenly slip, and i fall down, trying to grab something on the way so i dont FAAAAAAAAAAALLLLLLLLLL
PvtRyan said:
Damn, who again was 'thigh boy' or something like that, here? That was one ****ed up dream.

EDIT: Found it!

Ah, it was zee pelvis boy!

:( :( :( :(
I had a dream last night where I was playing this strange "board game" for lack of a better term. Basically it was a glass cage with an assortment of odd spider-like creatures (one of them looked like a cross between a spider and a squirrel).

Anyways, to play the game I inserted a key which opened a door at one end of the enclosure and the spiders started escaping. Then I read some card which told me that I needed to place pieces of raspberry (or some kinda fruit) on the board in order to turn the spiders into frogs, which was the goal apparently. As I was musing over how incredibly wierd that was I suddenly woke up. As strange as it the whole thing sounds it was so vivid and real I was scared of the spiders even after I woke up and was checking the floor before I got out of bed.
ríomhaire said:
Last night I told my brain to dream and to remember it. And I did.

I was standing outside and I saw my sister driving away in her car with my brother in the back seat. I ran for the car and grabed on and started runing with it. My brother was laughing and the car accellorated. After a struggle I got in and closed the door and we all started laughing realy loudly and we drove off and I woke up.

Edit: I heard that a cop shot someone while sleepwalking before.

Tell me how you told your brain to do this, I only remember fragments of my dreams.
Danimal said:
Tell me how you told your brain to do this, I only remember fragments of my dreams.

who can remember all of their dreams?

some super-human maybe?
I had a really, really long dream last night. It was about doing stuff, visiting relatives etc, I remember driving in a car and this little baby girl was in the back trunk and me and some relative decided not to let her sit back there.. The road was very chaotic, lots of traffic and cars steering all over the road.

At the end, there were like lawyers or something attacking us with katana swords, they cut both my relative and the baby girl to pieces and just as they were going to attack me, the dream ended and a new one started.

I don't remember details but I remember that the dream was very long and I did alot of stuff in it, it was pretty cool. It was almost like daily life only it was a dream.
CrazyHarij said:
I had a really, really long dream last night. It was about doing stuff, visiting relatives etc, I remember driving in a car and this little baby girl was in the back trunk and me and some relative decided not to let her sit back there.. The road was very chaotic, lots of traffic and cars steering all over the road.

At the end, there were like lawyers or something attacking us with katana swords, they cut both my relative and the baby girl to pieces and just as they were going to attack me, the dream ended and a new one started.

I don't remember details but I remember that the dream was very long and I did alot of stuff in it, it was pretty cool. It was almost like daily life only it was a dream.

how did they get cut?

was it like some bad hl1 explosion?
I used to have a dream regularly where I was falling, would start to fly upwards into a loop-the-loop but then would start falling again, which kept happening, I was just falling through empty sky with clouds in the distance . It's stopped happening now though

I had a dream once where I was in PE and we all got on horse-drawn carriages except without horses, and they just drove themselves down an empty motorway, until i suddenly braked and started to fly slowly forward off the carriage, then woke up.
i have dreams about people i love being beaten up and deing in my arms
15357 said:
how did they get cut?

was it like some bad hl1 explosion?

Um, no, they were basically cut in half as far as I can remember, then someone started slashing at them while they were on the ground.
CrazyHarij said:
Um, no, they were basically cut in half as far as I can remember, then someone started slashing at them while they were on the ground.

um, do you watch a lot of extremely violent movies?

or you would have been traumatized by the dream............
I had one sickening dream months ago.

I was watching television in bed and one of those shows about "Worst Disasters" comes on and it starts talking about an accident at an airshow and then the dream suddenly moved over to viewing the airshow through a camera, like i was the guy holding the camera. The airshow was setup with grandstands either side of the runway and spectators huddling in a small group between a grandstand with me sat at the fair end. A propellor plane came speeding down the runway, took off and bounced back hitting the runway, then bounced off the runway and went propellor first into a guy stood there watching, shredding him to bits, before the plane, with propellor still spinning mowed down the spectators that were all in a group between the grandstands, the plane then took off again and somersaults straight towards me. My point of view then changed to standing beside the runway where this woman was screaming and walking through all these body parts, a piece of intestine popped up out of a bloody mess and started squirming about at her feet. The point of view then changed to a guy from the tv show interviewing her months and months after the crash to find out what had happened to the woman and it turned out she became a priest.
Razor said:
I had one sickening dream months ago.

I was watching television in bed and one of those shows about "Worst Disasters" comes on and it starts talking about an accident at an airshow and then the dream suddenly moved over to viewing the airshow through a camera, like i was the guy holding the camera. The airshow was setup with grandstands either side of the runway and spectators huddling in a small group between a grandstand with me sat at the fair end. A propellor came speeding down the runway, took off and bounced back hitting the runway, then bounced off the runway and went propellor first into a guy stood there watching, shredding him to bits, before the plane, with propellor still spinning mowed down the spectators that were all in a group between the grandstands, the plane then took off again and somersault straight at me. My point of view then changed to standing beside the runway where this woman was screaming and walking through all these body parts, a piece of intestine popped up out of a bloody mess and start squirming about at her feet. The point of view then changed to a guy from the tv show interviewing her months and months after the crash to find out what had happened to the woman and it turned out she became a priest.


Danimal said:
Tell me how you told your brain to do this, I only remember fragments of my dreams.
I closed my eyes put my hands to my head and mentaly (don't do it out loud) shouted at my brain to dream and remember it or else I would drink a whole 3 bottles of wiskey.
I do it alot if I nead to get up early. "Wake up at 5 o clock, in 6 hours"
It realy works!
ríomhaire said:
I closed my eyes put my hands to my head and mentaly (don't do it out loud) shouted at my brain to dream and remember it or else I would drink a whole 3 bottles of wiskey.
I do it alot if I nead to get up early. "Wake up at 5 o clock, in 6 hours"
It realy works!

I tried it, it kind of worked. I remember remembering that my dream was loosely based on what I wanted it to be, but I've totally forgotten what happened in the dream. Damn dreams - I can't even remember if it was good or bad. I forget 9/10 of my dreams within the hour after I wake up. :(

But, that "Get up at 6 o clock" works with everyone, it's great :)

Still, I really want to be able to have lucid dreams - that would be so good.
i had a dream i was eaten by a turd once. True story
JiMmEh said:
I've totally forgotten what happened in the dream.
i barely remember what happened in my dream but I kept going over it in my head for a will.

Dreams probably are useless. Why else would brain be so focused on forgeting them. It's filtering out the spam from our brains.

My friend once had a dream where he went into his room and there was a sexy woman in his bed, he jumped on and took off her clothes and she has a dick! then he woke up

My dad sometimes wakes up in the middle of the night laughing, he has no idea why his dreams are so funny.
ríomhaire said:
My dad sometimes wakes up in the middle of the night laughing, he has no idea why his dreams are so funny.

:laugh: That would just be freaky. Imagine being woken up by an evil laugh at 3am :P

Yeah, it's true - the brain does forget dreams really easily because they're not important, or you don't want to remember them.

But then, there are a few dreams of mine I can remember. One of them I used to have when I was 5 or 6. I can still remember them almost perfectly today. I'd be chained to the road by my ankles and wrists. And then I would struggle to move as cars came speeding towards me, and for some reason at the last minute I would dodge the car by an inch. It would keep doing that until one red old car would come speeding down and as soon as it was about to hit me I woke up. I had that dream 3 nights in a row.

Apparently dreams like that are meant to mean something. For example walking down an endless road is meant to mean you seek direction in your life or something. If my brain can remember a dream that I used to have over 10 years ago then it must mean something. Erm...hmmm..that I've been really lucky and it won't hold out? lol God knows..
After leaving parties/clubs, I often dream I'm still there.... and in the morning the two (dream and reality) blur - which is hilarious (not)

The odd thing, a good mate of mine does exactly the same.. so we cross-check :P
JiMmEh said:
Apparently dreams like that are meant to mean something. For example walking down an endless road is meant to mean you seek direction in your life or something.
When you were 6! You were a wierd child.
ComradeBadger said:
After leaving parties/clubs, I often dream I'm still there.... and in the morning the two (dream and reality) blur - which is hilarious (not)

The odd thing, a good mate of mine does exactly the same.. so we cross-check :P

Maybe cut back on the drinking :p j/k but i know what you mean, I've had the same thing happen to me, and in the dream I'd think to myself "damn how long have I been here? I should get home soon" then I wake up.

Sometimes I have dreams that I'm still in highschool too. Weird thing is sometimes its not even the one I went to, maybe one of the other ones in my town, or the next city even :rolling: . A lot of times I wish I had gone to a different school, so that's prolly where that comes from.

I've had some really chilling nightmares too. One I remember was at the mall and there was a headless woman pushing a baby carriage. I could hear her saying "they took my head" in a horrible drawn out voice. I just got horrible chills and feelings of dread. I kept looking over my shoulder to make sure she wasnt coming for me the whole time i was at the mall :|

One of the wierdest dreams I had was when I died though. Well I did in the dream anyways. It's weird I didn't actaully die in the dream, but I knew I was dead somehow. The closest way I could describe it, even though I've never done any psychadelic drugs, was like a really intense drug trip. Colors and shapes srarted morphing, the workd around me basically became unrecognizeable. Weird stuff.
hehe, the dream i had this morning was wierd, for some reason i had bought an orange volvo 740! and whenever you turned the lights on it played some random tune.
short recoil said:
hehe, the dream i had this morning was wierd, for some reason i had bought an orange volvo 740! and whenever you turned the lights on it played some random tune.
:laugh: So random...

During March Break, I had a dream where it was the first day back at school. Now, my friend and I are working on a movie for my school's film festival IRL, but in my dream, I looked all over the school for my friend Matt but couldn't find him. Every time I asked someone where he was, I got a weird look. Eventually I said to another friend, "Hmph, he's either sick, or skipping school for The Matrix Online," to which my friend replied, "He's not skipping school, and he's not sick. He's dead."

I started crying. And then I wailed "But who's going to finish the movie with me?!"

Then I woke up, and thought it was the Tuesday back at school, and was kind of depressed until I saw Matt online on MSN.
AzzMan said:
I've had some really chilling nightmares too. One I remember was at the mall and there was a headless woman pushing a baby carriage. I could hear her saying "they took my head" in a horrible drawn out voice. I just got horrible chills and feelings of dread. I kept looking over my shoulder to make sure she wasnt coming for me the whole time i was at the mall :|
Oh my god.

No horror movie in the world can ever compare to the human imagination. Just thinking about that, and picturing it, got me really freaked out.
vegeta897 said:
Oh my god.

No horror movie in the world can ever compare to the human imagination. Just thinking about that, and picturing it, got me really freaked out.

Dreams are like hallucinogenic drugs but scarier because you have less control over them.
The really disturbing/strange dreams are the ones where you're feeling emotions that have little or nothing to do with what's going on... why does the grocery store turn my stomach to ice, and more importantly why the hell do I feel so horny walking to my train station?!
2 wierd dreams when I had a high High fever. (and a normal dream)

Im in a wooden catapult and I get launched I feel the wind in my face and everything. Im about to land in a forest but I wake up with a pee stain.

Im in a tower and im scrabling about and I slip about 90 feet I hit a styrafoam beam but It dosnt last very long and I slip. I hit a metal beam coughing up blood and I fall on a mat. I woke up with a chest pain and a pinkish puke.

The last ones about me being rubber man! Im stretching and stuff weee! All this neato fun until I wake up and find that it's 4:67 in the morning.

I hate those dreams :|
I was in my house with all the lights off and the only source of light was moon light. I was staring at my wall because there was a greyish humanish face staring back at me. The face had no eyes and it's mouth was open so much the skin was stretched. I have this dream every other night.
TheAmazingRando said:
I was in my house with all the lights off and the only source of light was moon light. I was staring at my wall because there was a greyish humanish face staring back at me. The face had no eyes and it's mouth was open so much the skin was stretched. I have this dream every other night.
That's really scary, actually. That kind of shit terrifies me.
Weird dream

I ended up somehow at valve's hq and gabe let me play hl3. I played for like 2 hours and then gabe called my name and he tried to eat me so I ran. As I was running through the hallways there were half eaten dead people (valve workers I guess?) everywhere and I sped towards the elevator. Gabe was having an asthma attack from chasing me so I was able to make it to the elevator and run out of the building. That was one scary dream.

Also another dream I was walking through a field I don't remember how I got there and there were corpses everywhere. Everyone was dead and I just remember these indescribable creatures chasing after me. I pulled out my glock (don't remember how I got that either) and started shooting at one but it had no effect on it. So I ran and ran towards this cliff thing with like 300 monsters chasing me. I jumped off, falling for miles and landed in a pond and when I came out there were rainbows and butterflies everywhere. Everything was so peaceful and the people were nice and then I woke up peacefully. That was quite possibly the strangest dream I ever had.

On a side note, I remember there was a similar thread to this a long time ago.
I remember that thread as well, but it was about gaming related dreams I think. Which I've had plenty of, from Wolfenstein 3d games back in 1994 when I was 5 to Half-Life 2 dreams not a week ago.
i just had a dream.

it was about me getting 9 warnings here.

then every mod flamed me ........

It's as if he is a toddler, just learning how to tell time.