Weird Dreams

my dreams generally are close to real life, but random shit happens (as they do in dreams). I have had some weird ass ones, but I don't feel like describing them just now.

Falling in dreams SUCKS. I remember one dream I had years and years ago, where I was on top of a waterfall and I jumped down (must been 500-1000 feet), felt myself drift past the pool of water at the bottom, my stomach dropped out and the rocks rushed straight at my face. Then I woke up. Scared the balls right off me.

Also, about those not being able to move dreams... those are annoying. Feel like you're moving through water, or you can't move very well at all and they aggravate the shit out of me.

Sometimes, I'll have conversations with my friends in my dreams... then I'll accidentally refer to it (not remembering that it didn't happen, because it's a perfectly normal conversation) in real life and they give me a strange wtf look... lol!
The really annoying one that I have (and all of mates really, pretty common I guess) is when you're in that half-asleep state lying on your bed, and you dream that you're falling over - and as soon as you're about to the ground you jolt up in your bed awake :( There's always variations in the falling, but it's annoying nonetheless.


Possibly when I was like a TFC soldier. I was bunny-hopping in order to avoid gigantic missiles being fired from an alien invasion while I was under the Williamsburg Bridge.

A missile almost hit me but then I bunny-hopped across half the continental United States and 200 years into the future.

It was unbelievably awesome.
Excellent, Shens!

and Jimmeh, that pisses me off too. It's really funny though, when I'm at school and half-asleep, and that happens... usually it involves my head falling back and me jerking it up again, but I've had those random fall-spasms in the middle of class too and damn that's embarrassing :D
I had a dream and it was in the middle of the night after mass (church) and I ran home (even though i live 2 miles away from the church). When I got home there were builders and my grandfather was sitting down on the armchair. I was watching the builders (they were just walking around [like normal builders I guess]) and I saw a tongue come out of one's ear. I gasped and he ripped off his face and there was a cat underneath! then the other one did the same. i ran into the living room and my grandfarther did likewise. I looked out the window and saw my family walking towards the house. Just then I realised it was a dream, i said to myself "I know were this is going" and woke up.

My brother once had a dream were everyone in the family except him died in a crash so he want into a cofin and coffed himself to death.

short recoil said:
I think "right im in a dream, i know i have about a minute left before i wake up" ........and i do what i want, i can make anything appear, anything happen and feel, see and hear soon starts to fade though and i "struggle" to keep myself in the dream, eventually it just fades away until i am awake.
The only way to describe it is being awake at the same time as the dreams are like concious thought and memory now but they will fade after the experience, often only being partially recalled about 10 mins later.

I often go and try to do crazy things because i know i will come to no harm.
I love that. But when I start to do something realy good in the dream I wake up fully and then I try to imagine stuff but it's not the same

i just remembered another one. I was in a holiday home in France which was just like ours but most of the stuff was made of wood. Then dinosaurs attacked (T-rexes to be precise). We were hidding and it hit me "hey this is a dream". I realised I was soon going to wake up so I took out a rocket launcher and started pounding the rexes. Then I lost control and my mam grabed me and shoved me into a jeep and we drove off. A skeletal rex was chacing us and my mam was realy scared. I said "It's just a dream" and she turned around and was a witch and I wke up.
Shens said:


And believe me, that's not the only f*cked up dream I've had. had lots of more shit recently.. Meh, I hate dreams. Especially mine, since they are so damn vivid most of the time, it's fun when I fly around in space but seriously not fun when I.. ahem.. Never mind..
Ennui said:
... are you serious?

cremator i've had hammer dreams before too... after a long night of mapping, I go to bed at 4 in the morning and my dreams are full of placeholder textures and all sorts of random shit.

Dont even start dreams that are related to Hammer, I got LOADS of them, one time, I dreamed I was walking in my room and then everything turned into those orange test textures :dozey:
Actually, I even once dreamed, back in 2002, that I bought a copy of HL2, it felt so real, but it was late and I am sleepy, so I go to bed, intending to play it tomorrow when I wake up. Then I literally wake up, walked to the shelf in which I remembered putting HL2 to find.....Medal of Honor : Allied Assault and Spearhead.....I took some Valium afterwards ;(
I am in a field, and all of a sudden everything gets big and then small and big and then small. It's really hard to describe.
short recoil said:
About 1/10 of my dreams now i am aware i am in a you guys have this?

I think "right im in a dream, i know i have about a minute left before i wake up" ........and i do what i want, i can make anything appear, anything happen and feel, see and hear soon starts to fade though and i "struggle" to keep myself in the dream, eventually it just fades away until i am awake.
The only way to describe it is being awake at the same time as the dreams are like concious thought and memory now but they will fade after the experience, often only being partially recalled about 10 mins later.

I often go and try to do crazy things because i know i will come to no harm.

Knowing you're dreaming in a dream is called lucid dreaming. If you're aware early enough and if you practice you can do some amazing things in your dreams.

Check out the movie "Waking Life." It is all about lucid dreaming and philosophy. It's animated and kind of like watching an acid trip. Great movie though.
short recoil said:
OH GOD, you have that too, i have talked to other people and it seems quite a common thing.

Its always when you really need to run away, you just cant seem to go anywhere, its kind of a feeling of being really pathetically weak mixed with being in a bog up to your waist but also that you are like on a bungee so if you stop trying you will be pulled back.

........i hate that almost as much as falling in dreams.

There is a mechanism in your brain that essentially paralyzes you so that you can't physically act out your dreams. It surpresses certain muscle movements. It is this very mechanism that causes your running and punching speed in your dreams to slow down tremendously.

They removed this mechanism from a cat. There was a video of it running around all over the place while it was dreaming. Very strange. It is a very important part of the brain, because dreaming itself is important and remaining in bed is also important.
Fishlore said:
There is a mechanism in your brain that essentially paralyzes you so that you can't physically act out your dreams. It surpresses certain muscle movements. It is this very mechanism that causes your running and punching speed in your dreams to slow down tremendously.

They removed this mechanism from a cat. There was a video of it running around all over the place while it was dreaming. Very strange. It is a very important part of the brain, because dreaming itself is important and remaining in bed is also important.
Heh, i certainly wouldn't want to wake up and find myself running around on the motorway in my boxers!! ........not that i do that in my dreams :laugh:

That has just reminded me about something i experience with my lucid dreaming, i both feel myself lying on the bed not moving and i also feel the experience of the dream....its wierd and what causes me to wake up from it.

Dreams are very powerful, i have come up with some of my best ideas and inspiration in dreams, a lot of it gets forgotten though :( ........i just wonder if they can some how make a "video game" using our ability to dream, there is certainly a lot of power in our brains to create whole worlds.......neuro impulse will be the next thing for gaming input really.
SHIPPI said:
Heh I used to dream about aliens watching me a lot. Like, I opened the curtains and there'd be aliens in a spaceship hovering outside the window, looking in..
OMG, I just nearly pissed myself.

Right after I read that, I looked out the window casually, and there was a big FedEx truck outside. Not something I see comonly, so my first reaction was SPACESHIP!!
It scared me ;(


Ahh yes, dreams. My favorite topic.
On the subject of weird dreams...

I had one a couple months ago that was very weird... The storyline was basically a war... Everything was drawn really rougly and abstract black and white color. Very scary.

I can't really recall what I was doing, but as usual, it was something frustrating.

On that topic, I find that you can never run away from something in a dream. I remember some huge giant was chasing me, and I felt like my legs were made of clay. I hate that feeling.

Also, I find that I can't scream for help, or even just in fear. It comes out as air.

I frequently dream about disasters. I have had 2 I vividly remember with a plane crashing. In one I was walking down the dock at a cottage near the lake I visit. I was with my cousins. Everything was normal. Then I see a small jet flying very low and not too far. It crashes into the adjacent dock. I remember one of my cousins screaming, and me just in a trance, wide eyed, as I fell backward into the water.

The other jet one happened as I was walking down my street. Nothing really unique happened besides that though.

I dreamt that a roller coaster de-railed as I watched from about 50 feet away. I think I got that from the movie House On the Haunted Hill. (Or something like that)

I dream about tornado's too. I will be outside, and just see one in the distance. I always get nervous when it's windy and cloudy outside. Looking for funnel clouds... I have never seen a tornado in real life.

Trying to think of some of the more odd ones... hmm..
I once read a book about interpereting dreams. It was pretty accurate. Like, whenever I am procrastinating a project in school, I dream that I am running around the halls, in a school that ALMOST looks like mine, but is different, hence the confusion. And I am late. Late. Late...

I also read about what it means if you are naked in a dream.. But I forgot what it said. I have had a couple of those. Not anymore though.

Ohhh man, I wonder why this I didn't remember this earlier. This happened like 4 days ago.
My sister has a rabbit. And 2 gerbils... She keeps them in the sunroom. (Small room with lots of windows, leads to the back yard) I was in there, and the rabbit had little babies that looked like the gerbils in size and shape, but had the rabbit's color and patterns. They were all hiding together in a small cage thing. It was really quite cute, all of them huddled together. :)

Anyway, it was like, during a party... And my and my cousin kept trying to tell everyone that the water was trying to harm the pets. You see, there was this water coming from somewhere, and it was streaming across the door, and into the sunroom, with the pets. Noone believed us. Then they all left or something, and the water began to morph and stuff, like you see in the movies, and it was trying to get the pets. We somehow stopped it, like we sliced it in half and patched up it's source.

But that wasn't the end of the problem. There was this plant rapidly growing these vines in the direction of the pets. As the vines got closer, they turned into green snakes, if you can picture that.
That's pretty much all I remember... I think I woke up then.

Also: Does anyone else experience this...
When you are like falling asleep, half asleep or whatever... And you kinda daydream/dream... And something in the dream that would cause you to jump or flinch, you actually flinch in real life?

I has happened to me. It's embarrassing when people are around you, and they ask you what happened. Heh.

I even tried to do it purposely. I laid in bed, tired, and tried to get into half sleep. Then I pictured I was a pitcher, and the batter hit the baseball right at me. (Which would cause you to flinch) And it worked! I was pretty amazed.

Whew. That's about all I can think of for now...
short recoil said:
OH GOD, you have that too, i have talked to other people and it seems quite a common thing.

Its always when you really need to run away, you just cant seem to go anywhere, its kind of a feeling of being really pathetically weak mixed with being in a bog up to your waist but also that you are like on a bungee so if you stop trying you will be pulled back.

........i hate that almost as much as falling in dreams.

In my dream where the toilet was sliding across the bathroom floor to eat me, i was trying to shout and scream but nothing would come out, i could talk normally, just not shout or scream for help.

As for the jumping off a cliff dream, it wasn' a bad dream where you're falling, it was like a new craze. You are lined up on top of this 1000foot cliff, clouds below you, and you just jumped off. When you hit the bottom, you just climbed back up again and did it again :).
vegeta897 said:
Also: Does anyone else experience this...
When you are like falling asleep, half asleep or whatever... And you kinda daydream/dream... And something in the dream that would cause you to jump or flinch, you actually flinch in real life?

I has happened to me. It's embarrassing when people are around you, and they ask you what happened. Heh.

I even tried to do it purposely. I laid in bed, tired, and tried to get into half sleep. Then I pictured I was a pitcher, and the batter hit the baseball right at me. (Which would cause you to flinch) And it worked! I was pretty amazed.

well i have this thing, as do other people i have talked with where you are just about to fall asleep when you suddenly feel like you are tilting randomly or falling through the bed.........and you have a full on spasm as your body reacts to it, its like when a person gets defribulated......

Sorta the same thing?


Razor said:
As for the jumping off a cliff dream, it wasn' a bad dream where you're falling, it was like a new craze. You are lined up on top of this 1000foot cliff, clouds below you, and you just jumped off. When you hit the bottom, you just climbed back up again and did it again :).

Damn, am i the only one who feels full pain in my dream?
Falling off a cliff in my dreams is terrible......thankfully the pain when i hit the ground only lasts a second before i wake.

Although in one dream i had a LOT of pain.
When i was at school me and my friends used to do a lot of airsoft skirmishing at our own personal forest :) ....anyway in the dream i was there with a few friends attacking up the hill, then in the dream a friend who we nicknamed "bubba" had "borrowed the antique flintlock musket from his uncle" and loaded it with plasitc bb's :s , shot me in the shoulder with it and i had the pain in my dream.....nasty, i know a lot of people have "pain" and sounds e.t.c coming in to dreams from "real life" but i tend to just experience random stuff in the dream irrelevant to whats going on around me.
I had a dream I vaguely remember. I was a super hero with my own team. We were trying to get out of a maze. Everything was blue and red and we died horribly. That's all I remember

Does anyone else have dreams were you just wach as if you were a ghost? I had one about surfing and then a tidal wave hit.
short recoil said:
Heh, i certainly wouldn't want to wake up and find myself running around on the motorway in my boxers!! ........not that i do that in my dreams :laugh:

That has just reminded me about something i experience with my lucid dreaming, i both feel myself lying on the bed not moving and i also feel the experience of the dream....its wierd and what causes me to wake up from it.

Dreams are very powerful, i have come up with some of my best ideas and inspiration in dreams, a lot of it gets forgotten though :( ........i just wonder if they can some how make a "video game" using our ability to dream, there is certainly a lot of power in our brains to create whole worlds.......neuro impulse will be the next thing for gaming input really.

LOL, sure you don't...j/k.

Your last paragraph reminded me of this article on dreams and how they work. Among other things, it talks about famous people and the things that came to them in their dreams. It's on one of the last pages of the article.
I've been starting to get really disturbing dreams recently. I mean, I used to just have really strange and deeply complex ones, but now it's offputting.

I'm in my grandmother's house. It's empty and silent. Lots of fancy furniture around. Smell of potpourri. I'm just wandering around aimlessly until I look out the window and see two guys on the lawn engaged in anal sex.
I freak out and run into the bathroom, locking myself inside. I'm not disgusted, but really freaked out. I mean, I'm scared shitless by this for some reason. I'm sweating and hyperventilating really bad. Then I realize that I haven't actually locked the door properly. Right when I'm about to lock it, it opens up and one of the guys walks in.
He says "Hi" to me and acts like nothing's happened at all. He goes over to the sink and starts washing his hands. I'm just about to leave before he says "Don't tell anybody about this, okay?". Not threatening, but fairly stern. I say "Sure, no problem" and begin to walk off.
Not five seconds after I leave I feel the urge to go back to the bathroom and say something. The problem is that I'm not sure what. I go face to face with him without having any clue as to what's going to come out of my mouth. Then I finally say "Please don't kill me".
That's when he got this really pissed off expression on his face. It looked positively murderous. He pushed me onto the floor and took a knife out. Before I can do any thing, he's put his knife to the middle of my spine and I'm struggling to arch my back in order to no fall into it. I can feel it cutting into my backside. I want to scream, but I only have these pathetic whispers pleading for him to not kill me. He starts menacingly whispering death threats into my ear, saying that if I ever say anything again, he'll kill me. He asks me repeatedly if I understand him and I'm starting to softly cry.
Before I'm about to give up and impale myself on his blade, he removes it and begins to walk off. But I'm not scared any more. I regain my energy in a matter of seconds. All I can think about is revenge. I pick up the knife he left on the floor and, with his back still turned to me, I thrust it into his backside. He lets out this scream and then collapses onto the floor. He starts writhing about uncontrollably while blood begins to seep into the surrounding carpet. I get down on my knees and stab him a few more times, but he keeps twitching around, trying to say something. He can't speak because of all the blood in his mouth, but I don't care what he has to say. I try to make him stay still, but he keeps moving. So then put all my body weight onto his upper half and try to lock his arms in place. With his upper body immobile, I begin to slowly push the knife through his neck.

Then I wake up.

I've had even worse dreams since that one. I don't think they're appropriate for the forum.
i dreamt last night that jim bowen was on stars in their eyes but he wasn't playing it by the rules and i believe there was a pogostick involved
lucid dreaming is excellent, there are some herbs (herbs, not drugs) that you can take to help make your dreams lucid.
when i was younger i used to sleepwalk. It was terrible. I would be asleep and i would wake up, and feel really upset or scared for some reason. It would make no sense when i woke up, but it would be really scary. it was just like being awake, except i would see/hear things that werent really there.
Jangle said:
when i was younger i used to sleepwalk. It was terrible. I would be asleep and i would wake up, and feel really upset or scared for some reason. It would make no sense when i woke up, but it would be really scary. it was just like being awake, except i would see/hear things that werent really there.
that does sound absolutely terrifying, actually.
I think I'm going to share some of dreams, maybe they'll be entertaining for someone. I'm never ever in my life going to share the worst ones however, as most people know what happened the last time I did. I actually had a dream which made me so disgusted considered suicide for the rest of the day. I was just sitting at my bed when I woke up thinking how the hell you could dream such a thing... (And no, it's not the one I shared, it was a recent dream)

Anyhow, to start off with a short only slightly weird one.

I was having a sort of walkthrough through a meat factory, and I got to a part with a huge cylinder with a grinder inside it. It had a big open view on the side, and the man guiding me told me to look inside. It was this huge crocodile being slowly shredded. It wasn't exactly shredded, it was in one piece but its entire stomach was cut out and it was bathing in its own blood. I just kept looking at it and seeing how it struggled to get out of there in agony. There was this really great sense of disgust, and after a while the crocodile suddenly got out of there and turned into a humanoid shape and started aggresively moving towards me. Then the dream ended.

Another one I had was pretty cool.

I was part of some sort of special military unit sent to take care of a guerilla fortress in the middle of a forest. Me and my squadmates were sneaking through the vegetation as we approached a clear spot where the fortress was, it had lots of camoflauge colored stuff. Anyhow, we sneaked into the fortress at an area and met enemy soldiers which we started shooting. It became a little unclear at that part but I remember shooting and moving further into the fortress which was like a big complex maze, there were soldiers everywhere and I just kept running to where I thought was the "core". This general guy was there and I simply shot him. Suddenly I was back outside at the entrance of the fortress, and I was supposed to steal the enemys ammunition which was neatly placed on a table.. I ran towards the area but an enemy soldier rushed to stop me. We fought for a bit and I grabbed a knife and stabbed him in the back. Then the dream became unclear and I woke up...

Another one I had with a military theme was this, it occured earlier than the above dream.

I was in a much lower rank, probably part of military training and we were in the outskirts of a city right next to fields of grass.. It was dark and raining, there was a very dark and tough mood present. This training group we had was led by a officer or general which told us what to do. We went to this fence door that was locked, and we had to get the key. The key was located beyond the fields somewhere so we simply had to walk on this way to it. We formed up and started marching... It started to rain more and more, everyone was tired and we were all dirty of the mud on the ground. It was a horrible mood, I just wanted it to end, but the officer told us that we had to keep marching. He wasn't a mean officer or anything, he was nice but we simply had to do this. It took a really long time, about 20-30 minutes of just marching in the dream and I fell down several times but had to get back up and continue. It was so vivid, it was just like being there. The level of detail was incredible and I could feel my clothes being wet and heavy, as well as the rain falling down on us and I heard the sound of our marching footsteps and the raindrops.
Anyhow, we finally reached sort of a very very small harbor, it was more like just a spot of concrete with a submarine boat next to it. A guy in the submarine stepped out of it and gave us the key to the fence thingie, and we started marching back. Again this took a very very long time and we started to lose the morale more and more. But we just had to keep walking, keep struggling.. Eventually I and a few others became too tired, so the others in the group had to carry us. After such a long time of marching it felt very relieving to be carried the last part.

We finally got back to the locked fence, and I got on my feet. Just as the officer put the key into the lock, I woke up... Would've been nice to get to know what was behind the fence, hehe.

What is interesting is that even earlier than that dream I had a dream of being a very low guy in the army, driving pickup trucks for the soldiers. It's like I progressively raised in the ranks from a simple driver guy to trainee to a special forces soldier.
Absinthe said:
<Insert buggered up dream here>

That's totally ****ed up. :| Mine are just random..but that is just disturbing :rolling:

As for sleepwalking, a mate of mine did something really weird not too long ago. It freaked me out for days. She was round mine for the night, and I woke up at about 2am, she wasn't in my room. I went downstairs and she was sitting on the floor in front of the TV, whispering "Needles..Needles.." while sweeping her hands around the floor looking for them. I tried talking but she didn't respond. Within ten minutes she was asleep on the floor. I didn't wake her up because I remember hearing that waking people up while sleep walking causes shock or something. I went back to bed, woke up in the morning and she had no recollection of any of it. I had to explain to her and she was more freaked out than me heh.
JiMmEh said:
That's totally ****ed up. :| Mine are just random..but that is just disturbing :rolling:

As for sleepwalking, a mate of mine did something really weird not too long ago. It freaked me out for days. She was round mine for the night, and I woke up at about 2am, she wasn't in my room. I went downstairs and she was sitting on the floor in front of the TV, whispering "Needles..Needles.." while sweeping her hands around the floor looking for them. I tried talking but she didn't respond. Within ten minutes she was asleep on the floor. I didn't wake her up because I remember hearing that waking people up while sleep walking causes shock or something. I went back to bed, woke up in the morning and she had no recollection of any of it. I had to explain to her and she was more freaked out than me heh.
Holy crap, that sounds like something you would see in a horror movie.
I've never seen anyone sleep walk or anything, the only thing i have seen is a mate mumbling in his sleep.
I dunno what he was dreaming but i think it was something to do with a computer game.
He said "Jump around, bounce, bounce.......good landing" and them some random gibberish.
short recoil said:
Holy crap, that sounds like something you would see in a horror movie.

As soon as I figured out what she was whispering, I got the worst spine-tingling shiver down my back ever. I was truly scared. :O

I've seen my brother sleepwalk a few times, it's very freaky to say the least. He just walked really slowly, with his eyes closed from one room to the other, and then back again. He doesn't do it anymore, but the first time I saw it happen was really scary. I was woken up by him walking about (I'm a very light sleeper) so I peered outside to see him walking across the landing. I said "What are you doing?" and he didn't respond. I kept trying to talk to him but he just walked into the bathroom. All my talking woke my dad up - he came out and told me to leave him, obviously he knew about my older brothers sleep walking and I didn't.
I once dreamed that i'm pulling a pieces of fish out of iguana's mouth.. Is that weird enough for you? :)
Wow, that sleepwalking sound freaky Jimmeh.

And Absinthe... You shouldn't have said "Don't kill me"! :(

My mom said I sleepwalked once... It was like a year ago. I just went into my parent's room where she was and stood by the bed. She asked me what was wrong and apparantly I just said "Nothing." And just stood there. She said "Devin..." (My name) And I just said "What?"
She tried a couple more times, before realising I was sleepwalking. I think she just led me back to my room.
I didn't remember any of it.

My brother sleepwalked a whiiile ago. My mom told me about it. She said he came downstairs, and held his hand out to my mom. "Take the ball" He said... And... That's pretty much it.

I have a fear of encountering a sleepwalking person. I have read these stories of people that can get very violent. Without even you doing anything. I like to keep my door locked. One time someone tried to strangle his sister while she was sleeping.
Sleepwalking's fun. I sleptwalked downstairs and pissed on my couch thinking it was a urinal.
Absinthe said:
Sleepwalking's fun. I sleptwalked downstairs and pissed on my couch thinking it was a urinal.

Yeah, my mates little brother did something similar. Only he pissed on his sega megadrive. :laugh:

But, dreams aren't all bad. I've had some very nice dreams, if you catch my drift :naughty:
Jeeez....some of you have some strange and scary dreams...mine all suck. They're completely dumb or pointless 95% of the time. For example:

-Me going grocery shopping and demanding lots of pepperoni from a nearby clerk

-Me going to play pool, but whenever I'm about to sink a ball...the ball just acts as if there was no hole to drop in and it bounces off the back wall of the pocket and comes out. My friend just laughed at me and made his shots just fine.

-Going to class then a fire alarm goes off, so everyone leaves and I decide to go play golf with some random guy in my class but I only have my 7-iron so I can't make putts very well.

I could go on...but they suck in general.

Last night I actually had an interesting/funny dream. I had watched a lot of 24 before going to bed and I also watched a bunch of Aqua Teen Hunger Force episodes...

I'm running through the woods with Jack Bauer trying to hunt down Nina Meyers because Jack wants to kill her. She hides to some cabin and we go in after her. She's cornered by a closet. She's looking around for a place to get out. I'm going to let Jack shoot her because he wants his revenge. Then Turkitron pops out of the closet and grabs Nina and starts choking her and then he proceeds to throw her out the window. He wants to fight me alone. I agree and Jack runs out of the cabin to go chase Nina again. Then I get my gun out and start shooting Turkitron. Bullets just get absorbed by his robot body. I start reloading and he says, "Give me more bullets...I shall require them to finish." I'm just completely confused. He starts arming his laser-guided tube socks - then all of a sudden a gigantic robot foot crashes through the roof of the cabin and crushes Turkitron and I just run out of the cabin. After I get out of the door I wake up to the UPS guy dropping off a package at our apartment...I just laughed to myself when I realized what I was just dreaming.

Much of this makes no sense unless you've seen a select few episodes of Aqua Teen Hunger Force and have seen 24 as well.
Damn, who again was 'thigh boy' or something like that, here? That was one ****ed up dream.

EDIT: Found it!

CrazyHarij said:

I was at an old babysitter or something, some weird house smelling badly and the other kids were disfigured and mutilated stuff, sorta like the baby Satan is holding in Passion of the christ.. I became sort of horny and wanted to have sex with the babysitter, and she agreed..

We went to a very strange and old bed thingie and I started "doing it", when suddenly her face twisted and morphed to my mothers face and she was suddenly dismembered in pieces, I was holding her pelvis in my left hand and ****ing it from all kinds of weird directions, blood was spurting everywhere and the walls started to bleed, and the kids were put on fire and sung together in a VERY freaky octave, while the head of my mother was laughing manically next to me.

I asked her if she really was my mother and she answered yes.. Her bodyparts were lying all over the bed, they never stopped bleeding and the fire was all around us.. My mother kept laughing, I kept ****ing her pelvis. I remember looking at it from the inside, and all the organs and stuff. Then I noticed that in my right hand I was holding the chainsaw that was sawing her in pieces.

Then, suddenly, like I was hit in the forehead by a huge bullet, I realized what I was doing and experienced this short, extremely intense feeling of discomfort and woke up.

The worst thing was that I actually enjoyed it in the dream,
and I'll never forget the feeling of penetrating that thing, soft and bloody tissue stuff. :x

Ah, it was zee pelvis boy!
I remember reading that. Really ****ed up.

Now all I'm going to think about when I go to bed is these damn scary dreams. :(

Somebody hold me! ;(
I've also had dreams I don't want to remember, let alone recall... some involve the meticulous murder of hundreds of people over what feels like a very long time period. I carefully plan a number of killings, and they all succeed, and I get away with all of them. When I woke up I had a serious think about who I really was.

A more recent and more light-hearted dream involved a restaurant and Keira Knightly (although not, regrettably, in the way a desperate man like myself would prefer). It began with me answering calls in my capacity as an employee at the establishment, and this one woman phones and starts asking a collection of entirely incoherent questions.

I ask her if she's Ms. Knightley (since my boss had informed me she'd be arriving for some nameless reason) and she tells me that she isn't, but that's she's a huge fan of hers and desperately wants to meet her. I explain that it's a private function and that a number of celebrities will be attending and thus we're likely to be full, and the woman on the phone begins crying and sounds like she's in the middle of a severe panic attack. So I quickly assure her that she can still come to the restaurant- although it's unlikely that we'll be able to serve her- on the condition that she doesn't tell anyone. This calms her down, and I'm able to get her off the phone and return to work.

Then my boss- who looks a hell of a lot like me except with a beard- tells me that the complimentary chocolates we've put on the tables contain an allergen that could be dangerous to one or two of our special guests. He explains that he's not sure which chocolates contain them or which celebrities are vulnerable, so the rest of the dream involved me sneaking from table to table, stealing these tiny chocolates and eating them, whilst a number of people are trying to engage in polite conversation and eat expensive food with this strange restaurant worker leaning over and around them to pinch their gifts...
short recoil said:
About 1/10 of my dreams now i am aware i am in a you guys have this?

I think "right im in a dream, i know i have about a minute left before i wake up" ........and i do what i want, i can make anything appear, anything happen and feel, see and hear soon starts to fade though and i "struggle" to keep myself in the dream, eventually it just fades away until i am awake.
The only way to describe it is being awake at the same time as the dreams are like concious thought and memory now but they will fade after the experience, often only being partially recalled about 10 mins later.

I often go and try to do crazy things because i know i will come to no harm.

Yeah I get that when I've had a good nights sleep. It usually doesn't last a very long time, but in that brief moment its like I can experience every good feeling I've ever had, all at once, if I choose to.

I'd like to fly and stuff, but most of the time my mind seems to wander to other things, like my friends and family. Its strange, its not like I purposely think about them, but when I do I just get feelings of pure happiness washing over me. It makes me feel good all day, but at the same time, waking up is a big anti climax...

Who needs drugs eh? :P
Ah, recently I had the best dream in years. I've told this dream to a couple of my friends. Heres how it went:

I was in a line of a bunch of people signing up to something. While signing up I met some guy who became my friend (dunno his name). Then it turned out that we signed up for something called Unreal Championship 2005. What this was is basically UT2004 crossed with Unreal Championship 2 except it was a real life sport.

What they did was give everyone (including me) a suit. In the start room, there was a big hole in the middle with a portal at the bottom of it. We all charged at it and jumped down, we appeared in different spots. The arena was like a dark maze lit with neon lights. The gravity was rather low.

I found a weapon nearby, it was like some sort of plasma rifle, except the weapons didnt literally hurt/kill. When you got hit with a plasma ball, it felt as if you got hit by a dodgeball. When you "died", you got teleported back to the big room with the hole in it. And so I ran around this arena shooting other competitors and that was pretty much the end of my dream.

It might sound boring the way i explained it, but i had this unexplainable sensation, i felt so happy, it was so cool and fun. It can't be told in words, you have to experience it for yourself.

* * *​

There was also a number of occasions where in my dream, i'm not 100% asleep, but i trip or fall in my dream and i sorta "jump" in my bed in real life with goosebumps :S
That website someone linked to said telling yourself you're going to dream about whatever is a good way to actually dream about that. That lucid dreaming is really fascinating, imagine being able to do that at will. Why would you want to wake up?

When I got to bed, I'm going to keep telling myself I'm going to dream about whatever (it's personal heh, not in a rude way) - hopefully it'll work.
I Have Awaken!

And what a really wierd ****ing dream I had, infact. I had 3 dreams this morning :|

1) This was the longest, I was basically in a park/recreational center like setting. One major thing I remember is a friend of mine from real life going through some dirt and roots, he spotted a small spider and told me. Then a spider about 30 cm long (1 ft) Crawled past him and he just started screaming and crying. I was so worried as well. Then, we randomly decided to sleep on a table in the park, I was worried as hell about that massive spider. So this random hobo-looking guy randomly spawned up shields and towers with guns on them around us.

2) This is fairly short, I only remember a few seconds. It had the stylings of half-life 1, I was standing on a small railing and a valve was in front of me with a halo-like monster looking away (He was directly in front of me) So I killed him and turned the vavle, 3 platforms came up, below me was a massive pit of lava, as the 3 platforms finished coming up. Dory, that blue fish from Finding Nemo came out of nowhere, but she was one of those rip-off exploitation types, she had black stripes all voer her, we walked down a spiriling ramp that led down into the lava. And suddenly a cheap rip-off of Nemo came up and asked if it was fun to jump in the lava and Dory said it was... Other CGI movie characters jumped in.

The last one is one that I would rather not talk about.

(I have not read the previous posts yet too)
I've had some great dreams. You only usually remember dreams when you're interrupted in a sleep cycle, though, and that detracts from your rest - so I'd rather sleep well and not remember my dreams.