What A Mess! New Orleans!

Jul 17, 2003
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Lots of problems. My cousins are there, hope they're doing okay and stayed safe, haven't heard anything from them yet. :o

Sporadic looting reported in some areas.
Mississippi Governor Haley Barbour said looting will not be tolerated in his state.

"I have instructed the highway patrol and the National Guard to treat looters ruthlessly," Barbour said. "Looting will not be not be tolerated and rules of engagement will be as aggressive as the law allows."

French Quarter is like a warzone


Downtown Mobile, beaches, bayous all flooded

Entire Louisiana neighborhoods flooded.

"We pray that the loss of life is very limited, but we fear that is not the case," Louisiana Gov. Kathleen Blanco said.

Katrina knocked out power to more than three-quarters of a million people from Louisiana to the Florida's Panhandle, and authorities said it could be two months before electricity is restored to everyone. Ten major hospitals in New Orleans were running on emergency backup power.

The federal government began rushing baby formula, communications equipment, generators, water and ice into hard-hit areas, along with doctors, nurses and first-aid supplies. The Pentagon sent experts to help with search-and-rescue operations.

Another bad note, a good deal of oil refineries are in the area. The problem with oil prices isn't that there's a lack of supply but it's that it simply isn't being refined at a fast enough pace. This certainly doesn't help things. Bush said he may open the national reserves if it is needed if the refineries take a bit to recover.
I was watching the news. And I saw these (black) people looting with shopping carts full of stuff. I think its going to be along time before Biloxi, Louisiana will fully recover. maybe about 7months.
I hear water is still pouring into the city through the breaches.

And for the millionth time, I ask, WHY DID THEY MAKE A CITY BELOW SEA LEVEL!?!?!??
MiccyNarc said:
I hear water is still pouring into the city through the breaches.

And for the millionth time, I ask, WHY DID THEY MAKE A CITY BELOW SEA LEVEL!?!?!??

I dunno. We have to ask the French because we bought that city from them.
I live in central Louisiana. Needless to say, this state is going crazy at the moment. National guard moving into the affect areas, policemen everywhere, thousands of New Orleans residents moving into the upper portions of the state, very hectic time for us right now.
I heard that a floating oil rig crashed into a bridge in Alabama. :O
Teta_Bonita said:
I heard that a floating oil rig crashed into a bridge in Alabama. :O
Hmmmmm...I haven't heard that yet. I haven't been watching the news or weather channel lately ether.

Sounds awsome tho.
Tr0n said:
Hmmmmm...I haven't heard that yet. I haven't been watching the news or weather channel lately ether.

Sounds awsome tho.

...How...how is that awesome? People are like dying and stuff, yo.
The ocean is reclaiming New Orleans. Shit, right after the hurricane went through, the situation looked far better than it does now. Maybe New Orleans is the modern-day Atlantis..
DeusExMachinia said:
...How...how is that awesome? People are like dying and stuff, yo.
Well hell son...you don't see that everyday! A damn oil rig crashing into a bridge is like a 1 in a million type of situation.
i heard hurricane katrina has caused a triple digit death toll.. is this true?
KoreBolteR said:
i heard hurricane katrina has caused a triple digit death toll.. is this true?
They don't know the exact number yet, but they're guessing it's that high or higher.
JellyWorld said:
Why didnt everyone evacuate when the hurricane came?
Well most thought they could ride out the storm...usually when a hurricane hits land it dies quickly. So most that lived further inland thought it wouldn't be that bad. I guess they was wrong.
nofx said:
I was watching the news. And I saw these (black) people looting with shopping carts full of stuff. I think its going to be along time before Biloxi, Louisiana will fully recover. maybe about 7months.
why the **** did you put black in parenthesis next to people looting? as if that's typical?

*ennui is coming close to explosion*
what if he's black? and he sees his friends...whatever...anyways when the four hurricanes hit florida it was only the white guys that thought that they were black that was looting (that i saw)
Ennui said:
why the **** did you put black in parenthesis next to people looting? as if that's typical?

*ennui is coming close to explosion*

Well realistically, I didn't see any other people looting. I've seen a bunch of different videos too.
FLASH: New Orleans mayor says attempt to plug breach has failed and rising water about to overwhelm pumps; water will rise rapidly again, as high as 15ft in next few hours...

The city is screwed. The water is overtaking it and they can't stop it now, I doubt it'll ever recover. I mean.. it'll still be a city/population area but the city/parish itself is utterly devastated with refugees and economic breakdown.

Still haven't heard from my aunt/cousins, wonder if they made it to safety.
That sucks RakuraiTenjin. I dont know if you believe in god or w/e but I pray for them hope theyre safe.

And Ennui I said black people not because im racist but its because what the news is showin, just black people full of shopping carts, carrying bags of goods. Matter of fact if you checkout CNN right now 950 pm youll see exactly what I mean. it makes me wonder what is the point of it id rather see some before and after pictures of louisiana not some idiot looting. and this makes the consensus of black people look bad in N.o. ;/ so.

oh ya

it seems like this storm was underestimated by the people of n.o. the sad thing is most of them couldve avoided it. i live in florida hurricanes come the town usually shuts down. no business really open no one the road so its ok to leave town. its just fustrating
nofx said:
That sucks RakuraiTenjin. I dont know if you believe in god or w/e but I pray for them hope theyre safe.

And Ennui I said black people not because im racist but its because what the news is showin, just black people full of shopping carts, carrying bags of goods. Matter of fact if you checkout CNN right now 950 pm youll see exactly what I mean. it makes me wonder what is the point of it id rather see some before and after pictures of louisiana not some idiot looting. and this makes the consensus of black people look bad in N.o. ;/ so.

oh ya

Black people full of shopping carts? Ouch! What dastardly fiend is making them eat shopping carts?
I think a large amount of the looting in New Orleans itself is food and other things. A lot of stuff is already lost or will be lost when it becomes submerged.

However, in Mississippi and other areas of Louisiana not being flooded, the looting is your typical riotous illegal looting scenerio and I'm glad they're nipping it in the bud with the National Guard before it turns into riots or anything like mass anarchy in evacuated areas..
This is cool.

From Boingboing. www.boingboing.net ( dont want to get in trouble for copy and paste something I didnt write.)

NOLA's Times-Picayune distributed online only
The New Orleans newspaper is (AFAIK) for the first time in its history *only* printing online. Its offices have been abandoned, and there are no means of printing a paper edition. These reporters have been doing an astounding job of covering an unfathomably large, complex, horrible series of events.

I've heard a number of friends -- including displaced pals -- say that the story unfolding in New Orleans feels to them a lot like 9/11. This was the largest national disaster we'd ever seen in America. It changed New York, and the country, forever. In both, great human suffering. But on 9/11, two buildings that had become an iconic part of a great American city disappeared. Now, it's as if an entire city is disappearing.


As Jerry Rayes piloted his boat down St. Claude Avenue, just past the Industrial Canal, the eerie screams that could barely be heard from the roadway grew louder as, one by one, faces of desperate families appeared on rooftops, on balconies and in windows, some of them waving white flags.

(...) A woman screamed as Rayes boated by: "Hey! Damn! Hey!" "You can’t save everybody," he said, as he passed street signs barely visible above the water along with scores of felled trees and downed power lines. "That’s all we heard for hours this morning."

As he motored toward St. Claude Avenue, which looked like a bayou rather than a thoroughfare, his boat passed Fats Domino’s pink-and-yellow-trimmed house on Caffin Avenue. About a half a dozen men screamed from the balcony, flailing their hands for help. He passed them by.

"What am I going to do? I got to go to the parish," he said. "There’s way too many people out there and to few boats."

Link to "Flooding wipes out two communities"
KoreBolteR said:
i heard hurricane katrina has caused a triple digit death toll.. is this true?

Yea, 80.0

mortiz said:
Black people full of shopping carts? Ouch! What dastardly fiend is making them eat shopping carts?

The United States has now lost 95% of gulf oil production.

"645 of the 819 staffed production platforms in the Gulf were shut down, delaying production of 1.43 million barrels of oil. On a normal day, the Gulf produces 1.5 million barrels."

It's not certain but I'm certainly anticipating a skyrocket in energy/gas prices. Might not happen but I'd rather be prepared.

Who wouldn't do some looting in that situation? It's not like your local grocery store is going to be open to sell food, you gotta break in and take it. And if I passed by a computer store, I'm not sure i'd be able to resist 'liberating' a few computers from the situation and storing them somewhere safe until the power comes back on.
This is so sad, it feels like 9/11 again. It will be impossible to tell the amount of dead bodies. People aren't buried in new orleans due to the water.. they're kept above ground. It will be impossible to tell the final death toll for months because they won't be able to differentiate between old dead bodies and those killed in the storm surge/flooding after the dike broke.

edit: Gunmen armed with AK47's opened fire on New Orleans Police Department. Police engaged, shootout took place, gunmen escaped into the decimated French Quarter.
That's what humans get for messing with Mother Nature(in the terms of the Ozone and Polution). Now she's pwning our asses. :rolleyes:

The main rain from Katrina has finally left Kentuckiana. :) I doubt if it'll cause the Ohio River to rise to above Flood Stage of the Macalpin Locks, since we've been in a drougt for a long time.
We're still getting winds around Tropical Depression-Force (30-35MPH), but it's a nice, cool wind. Perfect night to leave the windows open. :D
It could of been MUCH...MUCH worse, if Katrina didn't weaken before landfall. :eek:

My prares are with New Orleans and all the cities that got pwned by Katrina.
Ennui said:
why the **** did you put black in parenthesis next to people looting? as if that's typical?

*ennui is coming close to explosion*
My mum said exactly the same thing about these groups of muggers that mugged one of her friends the other day...
Governer is calling for the full evacuation of the city of New Orleans. She fears this may become a modern day Pompeii with the city to be permantly left to be buried under the elements (water). The city is getting more dangerous as live powerlines under the water still pose a threat to rescuers in boats, as gas from underwater vehicles, chemicals from factories, and sewage now mix with the standing water, chemicals coming out of floating coffins mixing with decaying matter, dead animals, and mosquitos breeding like crazy. Islands of fire ants floating on the water looking to land on whatever is still above ground, snakes, its all there. There is no clean water to drink and no hot food to eat.

Humans compounding the problem with looting (food may be one thing but how are jewelry and televisions essential to survival?),looters starting fires, one looter shot a New Orleans police officer in the head yesterday, store owners price gouging victims ect.

Rescuers are pushing aside dead bodies when they come across them to soley focus on survivors because there are too few of them.

A lot of real life going on the coast down there.
Great Mantis! I'm truly shocked by the level of destruction in NO right now. My thoughts are with everyone who's been left homeless, or who has family in the area right now. Rakurai, I hope your aunt is okay, and that she's made it through fine.
Man, this is even crazier to watch for me. I was in New Orleans during late July and saw the whole city. I actually am able to recognize the places those pictures are from.
Looters (TVs and shit) should be shot.

The NO Mayor is predicting thousands to be dead.