What do you look for in teh illusive female?

Jangle said:
You're certainly good at this. Okay, make a bear. :D

This type of clock


07:25:00, small second hand, bells for ears

You should do children's parties instead of those balloon-modelling people.
Murray said:
/me wacks Raziaar in the face
Tsk tsk, you still haven't realised it? There are no women on the internet! The only ones out there are men, pretending to be women!

Jeez, that's what I always say! You're some sort of psychic!
SimonomiS said:
Midget fetish?

No, but small cute girls with a nice personality melt me.

Cmon, havent you ever seen a really cute girl that isnt exactly tall?

I`m 5.11.5ft and my girlfreind is 5.0ft

The term midget seems to bring about images is disproportionate people, she isnt disproportionate.
I know what you mean, smoke. My current interest is 5'1", she's the cutest thing, especially because she's a vegetarian and a huge pet lover.
When I look back at all the girls I've liked in the past (in terms of looks) I cannot nail a SINGLE characteristic they share between any of them.

I do find that they are all very "special" looking. None of them have beautiful faces in the sense that a swimsuit model or an actress have beautiful faces. I prefer a quirky sort of originality, someone who obviously looks different from the others but still looks good. Breast size/butt/lips/eyes don't really matter, I only see it as a whole. I think this is why I get really bored of nude/swimsuit models because they usually play it safe with "typical" beauty.

Can anyone relate to what I'm trying to say?
15357 said:
lolness. :laugh:

Anyway, I can get suspended for having female companionship (AKA girlfriend). My school's head is ghey.

Wtf? :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek:

No really............wtf?
I'd like to see her in motion before I pass judgement. Usually people look worst in pictures.
Pesmerga said:


both I find oddly attractive

Oh her!!!!! I remember her. In Constantine my dad and I were argueing over if she was a really weird looking woman or an overly effeminate man.
Tilda Swinton is muy ****in hot in Constantine. I love the angel getup, maybe that's a fantasy of mine ;)
...you look for me in a female? That's interesting.

Edit - You know I'll be there :-p
Extremely high intelligence and looks(teh red hair =sechs) are the only things I care about.
SimonomiS said:
Midget fetish?
On the other end of the scale, did you ever see that giantess fetish program on Channel 4? Christ alive (how fitting, considering the time of year) that was proper weird.
I don't have a problem with taller women, but that was ridiculous. Plus the guy made a whole miniature village (and is must've taken him ages) with the end result of her stomping on it and him filming it and being very excited indeed.
Proper weird.

Oh, and I'm totally with you on the whole her-off-Green Wing/Black Books/The Archers. She's very attractive.

But not as hot as Kate Jackson

Who's so stylish it makes my eyes bleed and my heart flutter.

Or Karen O

She'd probably kick seven shades of shit out of you, but you'd love every single second of it. Or at least I would.
Sure you might need therapy after (mental and physical) but it'd so be worth it.
i don't know what makes me attracted to women. i think it's mainly the face. i like an interesting face. and dark skin. and freckles. and so many other things.

quirky? pretty? i like pretty, makes you want to do bad things to them. oh and hair, i really like hair. never like a girl with crap hair. a bit messy. or very messy. i like it when they grab your hair when your down on them. scrunged hair while they crush your head between their thighs and grind into your face. so yeah, pretty girls.

then again, everyone has a soft spot for the girl in the club with a very short skirt on.
Basically, it all depends. Like someone else said, there's no significant trait that all the girl's I find attractive share.