what drugs have people tried

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[pioneer] said:
Damn live the life, try something new!!
I'll bet my new pc that over 60% off all you guys are geeks with no life’s but to sit in front of the pc with no girlfriend wanking off your crappy porn you just got from a friend thinking
"I'm not going to spoil my life by trying some drug(s)..
I’ll probably get hocked and my life’s gone down the drain"
Actually you have different ratings for drugs... (If you didn’t know, now you do)

(And by that I don’t mean go try heroin or something strong, try some smoke

“Drugs aren’t bad, just don’t do too much”
Just to let you all know I attend university and on my way to becoming an engineer and I'm from NORWAY. ;)

It's true it's true

/me beggins to cry
McHammer has his weed
craigweb2k has his weed, smokes etc.
BlackWolfdrk has his...everything but heroin

And me.....I like the sauce..

All I have done is booze. I don't plan to do anything else. Never touched a cigarrette...I only may have a celebratory cigar in the future for accomplishments of either myself or friends.

Some of my friends occassionally smoke weed...but I don't partake...lately I don't even sit in the same room while they do simply because I am subject to random drug tests...and any trace of weed they may find and I'm outta the program.

I like to stay away from users of any other drug because...I just don't really wanna be directly involved in that stuff.

Oh.. and beer is definitely an acquired taste...and it's way better when you have already been drinking. Some beers are better than others...my favorite is probably coors light. Tried labatt blue..not too crazy about it.. Besides...I don't usually get beer. I get hard liquor (gin, vodka, rum, whiskey, etc)

I dunno exactly why...but this particular thread stood out more than others in terms of bad spelling and grammar. I guess it just sorta bugged me reading through 8 pages (and the post above).
I have already gone to the doctor and I already know I have deppression. I take medicine for it. Trust me drugs aren't going to help deppression... Most of the people I know that use drugs to "cure" their deppression just end up cutting their wrists.... A lot.... It's kinda scary, and I'm like what are you doing! They just continue to take drugs and screw their life up more(I'm not talking about just weed here, I'm talking cocaine and heroine... oh, they are 14 to)
I have done:

Alchohol (Beer, shots GIMMIE!!!)
Weed (Alot but I'm starting to quit.)
Hash (Basically pot thats highly concentrated)
Shrooms (once)

Favorite beer: Corona Extra
Favorite Hard Liquor: Jack Daniels
Favorite Herb: Hydro Chronic

heheh living in South California you have to like Coronas & Pacificos (good old mexican beers)!!!

Oh yeah, I also have smoked Cigars/Cigaretts but I don't usually do those (only on special ocasions.)
Actally that thing about x being deadly, it depends. Pure MDMA is basically harmless. However, people with mix different drugs together like meth, coke, etc. so people who take it think theyre tripping on MDMA, when in actuallity it's jus the other drugs messing them up, and that is what causes deaths
Does anyone know the effects of shrooms? I do them once in a blue moon but Im just wondering. Oh and pat I know some young kids about your age doing just about every drug they can get their hands on, its pretty sad how f*ckin retarded they are. Most have died though so yippy!
AzzMan said:
Last time I checked there are no real long term effects of shrooms

whoa! Seriously? Hmm I just looked it up and none say anything about long term effects, and the short term effects dont look bad either:

Distortion of senses

Inability to comprehend surroundings

Severe distortion of time, distance, and space

Lack of coordination


Confusion and paranoia

Nausea and vomiting

As with any hallucinogenic drug, once the ride starts, there's no getting off. If you have a bad trip or the visual and mental alterations are too intense (often the case), there's nothing you can do about it. It's like being in a nightmare that you can't wake up from. It's nearly impossible to make sense of your surroundings. This can lead to bad decisions and accidents. Additionally, many people become nauseous and vomit due to their stomach's inability to handle the chemical-ripe mushroom. "

Eh good me I havent tripped bad once!
LOL seems like lotsa people here smoke the pot..

My sister tried out Hasch at a concert somewhere, some indonesian dudes just gave here a piece lol..

I have (luckily) not gotten the opportunity to try any drug out, and I don't think I would do it even if I got one..
In response to the people that said they don't do drugs because they have a future:

I left school when I was 16 years old, about 18 months ago. I didn't go to college, I went straight into work. Quickly fell into the drugs and since then my future has been getting ever more promising - in fact, my life is the best it's been for a long long time.

I've taken weed, ecstacy, ketamine, poppers, cocaine, base and speed. All started within the last year.

I've got an amazing girlfriend, a brilliant job that I love and earns me a lot of money, very good and likely promotion prospects (because of my great performance they're getting me to help some of the others out; people always ask me if they're not sure how to do something instead of the managers, I look after the department when the managers are out - all within 4 months of working there), and great mates.

I've got a future thanks, and I'm gonna keep it.

"What the mind can conceive and believe, the mind can achieve. Aim for the
moon. If you miss, you may hit a star.
Which drug caused you to have such a good life chris? Was it the cocaine??
I have tryed quiet a lot, they are nothing special. Cannabis is proberly may favorite, but even thats crappy. Its a good social drug, but nothing else. Theya re to types. One basiclly makes you laugh a lot and the other makes you dosey and slow. I like the laughing one, thats about it.
I guess, if you are not stupid with drugs, they can have benifits (note I am in no way condoning the use of any sort of drug), yet most people *DO* do stupid with them, and end up in the gutter.

tbh, I personally am amazed that this topic is allowed to continue on a forum were the younger generation (eg. 10-14yo's) may have access to material like this that may cause them to experiment themselfs. Be ashamed, be very ashamed.
I dont do drugs because i dont need them. Read into that what you will.
Probably should have said that Ive tried several drugs and found they weren't for me.
mchammer75040 said:
whoa! Seriously? Hmm I just looked it up and none say anything about long term effects, and the short term effects dont look bad either:

Distortion of senses

Inability to comprehend surroundings

Severe distortion of time, distance, and space

Lack of coordination


Confusion and paranoia

Nausea and vomiting

As with any hallucinogenic drug, once the ride starts, there's no getting off. If you have a bad trip or the visual and mental alterations are too intense (often the case), there's nothing you can do about it. It's like being in a nightmare that you can't wake up from. It's nearly impossible to make sense of your surroundings. This can lead to bad decisions and accidents. Additionally, many people become nauseous and vomit due to their stomach's inability to handle the chemical-ripe mushroom. "

Eh good me I havent tripped bad once!

i know you can be considered clinically insane(for legal reasons... say you get put on trial for manslaughter or something, you can plead insanity) IF you've had 5 trips or more. and, i've never ever heard of any lasting effects from shrooms. however i did hear that you can get flashbacks and cause some brain problems if you regularly do shrooms more often than once a month.

and btw, i think that you CAN exit a trip very easily. my trip in holland was A F*CKING HORRIBLE thing to go through. hell, i couldn't tell reality from hallucination, i thought i was dying, my body broke out into a sweat ... like, i was literally dripping with sweat, at first i thought it was a hallucination, but i asked my cousin to help me, he said i was sweating and told me to drink some water.. then i thought HE was fake also... anyways, someone at the party i was at said that sugar will lessen the effects. so as a last resort i drank some cocacola.. like a big glass of it... and ya know it like... lessed the effects of the trip by half. i went from having on handle on reality and life... to wondering what was real, and hallucinating little things like... bugs and walls coming to get me. anyways, it might be a placebo effect, but the sugar thing seemed to help. also, the vomitting helped a LOT. i was still stoned but after the vomitting, things were more real, and hallucinations didn't really come anymore. so there IS a way out of a trip.
Did alcohol for the first time when I was fourteen. Barfed my lungs out and love/hate it since.
Did hash and weed for the first time when I was fifteen. Coz I felt like the epithomy of coolness I chatted up a 17 year old. I scored.
Did mushrooms for the first time when I was twenty-two. I watched the Elephant Man by David Lynch and freaked out over the fact I could't understand a word the elephant man was saying. Did shrooms a couple of times after that but didn't really enjoy it.
I did xtc for the first time a couple of months ago and it didn't do anything for me, so I won't be doing that again.
Jackal hit said:
i know you can be considered clinically insane(for legal reasons... say you get put on trial for manslaughter or something, you can plead insanity) IF you've had 5 trips or more. and, i've never ever heard of any lasting effects from shrooms. however i did hear that you can get flashbacks and cause some brain problems if you regularly do shrooms more often than once a month.

and btw, i think that you CAN exit a trip very easily. my trip in holland was A F*CKING HORRIBLE thing to go through. hell, i couldn't tell reality from hallucination, i thought i was dying, my body broke out into a sweat ... like, i was literally dripping with sweat, at first i thought it was a hallucination, but i asked my cousin to help me, he said i was sweating and told me to drink some water.. then i thought HE was fake also... anyways, someone at the party i was at said that sugar will lessen the effects. so as a last resort i drank some cocacola.. like a big glass of it... and ya know it like... lessed the effects of the trip by half. i went from having on handle on reality and life... to wondering what was real, and hallucinating little things like... bugs and walls coming to get me. anyways, it might be a placebo effect, but the sugar thing seemed to help. also, the vomitting helped a LOT. i was still stoned but after the vomitting, things were more real, and hallucinations didn't really come anymore. so there IS a way out of a trip.

I read earlier today that if you meditate it should calm you down and take you out of a nightmarish trip, I'll try it sometime but eh its food for thought.
mchammer75040 said:
I read earlier today that if you meditate it should calm you down and take you out of a nightmarish trip, I'll try it sometime but eh its food for thought.

tee hee i'll have to remember that. hrm my friend wants me to do some shrooms with her when we go to the A Perfect Circle concert in march. i'm kinda scared heh.

edit: and yeah, make sure you meditate BEFORE you get to the point where you think you're dying and you start to wonder if you'll know the difference between dying and some weird hallucination.
The meaning of my post came out wrong.

Drugs haven't made my life good. The point is that doing drugs hasn't made my life bad.

It doesn't make me a bad person, it hasn't and won't **** up my life.
Chris_D said:
The meaning of my post came out wrong.

Drugs haven't made my life good. The point is that doing drugs hasn't made my life bad.

It doesn't make me a bad person, it hasn't and won't **** up my life.

Wo, you can tell the future?!
I don't know the future, but I know me.
I see it now Chris_D, what you pointed out was that just because you're on drugs, doesn't mean that your life automatically will get ruined.
Exactly. It's a very common stereotype that all drugs users are scum, they pressurise their mates into it, it leads into crack and heroin, they ruin their life, they don't care about their future - just their next fix etc.

It's not true at all. Not for me anyway.

And in answer to you PM Zakat - I make my money selling holidays for www.Expedia.co.uk; not drug dealing :p
Think about how much better you could be doing had you stayed in school and not done drugs...
pat_thetic said:
Think about how much better you could be doing had you stayed in school and not done drugs...

Maybe he would've been killed in a car accident while driving to school, by a guy who was on the drugs that he would have originally have done....
You make no sense, pat. He is HAPPY. You can't be better then happy.
AzzMan said:
Maybe he would've been killed in a car accident while driving to school, by a guy who was on the drugs that he would have originally have done....

I'm about to put you on ignore.
One thing that I've noticed about persistent Drug users is the invariable stank.
Drugs might help you forget that you likely reek of chemicals and/or ashes, but they're not going to help the people downwind. Seriously.

I don't mind the occasional beer now and again, but I'd still rather have an ice cool lime crush any day of the week. Alcohol just isn't as great as countless high school idiots make it out to be.
I've heard enough conversations by people around me that generally consist of the following, based on innumerable actual accounts, to get the basic jist that stupidity and drug use are common bedfellows (smilies added to show tone of voice):

Ditzy Idiot Chick: I got drunk last night! :)
Low-grade Wonder: I got drunk too! Also: high! I almost died! :D
Ditzy Idiot Chick: My boyfriend going to try and get me drunk again tomorrow! :D:D:D
Low-grade Wonder: Cool. I smoked weed! :O
Me:What else did you do? :|
Ditzy Idiot Chick: .....
Low-grade Wonder: I smoked weed! :O

I'm sorry to all the non-stupid drug users out there, but I've heard this way too many times to discount the connection. It's always the idiot and the dumbass who are more concerned with the fact that drugs are being taken than any other event which should be more pertintent during a night on the town. Where's the fun?

If you're taking drugs in low quantities because it's safe and enjoyable, I say more power to you.
However, If you're doing just because you can, or need to, there's a problem.
And just out-and-out announcing your drug use just because you think it's impressive doesn't reflect too well either. Yes, I'm refering to a certain initial poster.
I mean: whoopity-shite, good job! You successfully used drugs! And now, for your next trick?
Mechagodzilla said:
One thing that I've noticed about persistent Drug users is the invariable stank.
Drugs might help you forget that you likely reek of chemicals and/or ashes, but they're not going to help the people downwind. Seriously.

I don't mind the occasional beer now and again, but I'd still rather have an ice cool lime crush any day of the week. Alcohol just isn't as great as countless high school idiots make it out to be.
I've heard enough conversations by people around me that generally consist of the following, based on innumerable actual accounts, to get the basic jist that stupidity and drug use are common bedfellows (smilies added to show tone of voice):

Ditzy Idiot Chick: I got drunk last night! :)
Low-grade Wonder: I got drunk too! Also: high! I almost died! :D
Ditzy Idiot Chick: My boyfriend going to try and get me drunk again tomorrow! :D:D:D
Low-grade Wonder: Cool. I smoked weed! :O
Me:What else did you do? :|
Ditzy Idiot Chick: .....
Low-grade Wonder: I smoked weed! :O

I'm sorry to all the non-stupid drug users out there, but I've heard this way too many times to discount the connection. It's always the idiot and the dumbass who are more concerned with the fact that drugs are being taken than any other event which should be more pertintent during a night on the town. Where's the fun?

If you're taking drugs in low quantities because it's safe and enjoyable, I say more power to you.
However, If you're doing just because you can, or need to, there's a problem.
And just out-and-out announcing your drug use just because you think it's impressive doesn't reflect too well either. Yes, I'm refering to a certain initial poster.
I mean: whoopity-shite, good job! You successfully used drugs! And now, for your next trick?

Very nice post :)
I've tried weed!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Yea went out to the garden and pulled it myself, tried setting it on fire but burnt my face. After I finally "rolled one" and smoked it I found it tasted like shit.

I'll just go at them with the weed killer next time.
I don't drink, smoke, or do any drugs besides Tums (is that a drug?) advil, and the occasional cold medicine.

I don't drink becuase so far all of the stuff has this small scent to it that reminds me of pee and most of it just plain tastes bad. Smoking, meh, smells bad as well plus its hard to get a girl to kiss you. I won't do any illegal drugs because of two reasons: 1. the disads don't outweigh the advantages 2. no way in hell that I am going to support drug dealers, I have seen them screw up too many neighbors, schools, and peoples lives.

Plus, no reason for me to do them. I like my life the way it is.
Cooper said:
I don't drink, smoke, or do any drugs besides Tums (is that a drug?) advil, and the occasional cold medicine.

I don't drink becuase so far all of the stuff has this small scent to it that reminds me of pee and most of it just plain tastes bad. Smoking, meh, smells bad as well plus its hard to get a girl to kiss you. I won't do any illegal drugs because of two reasons: 1. the disads don't outweigh the advantages 2. no way in hell that I am going to support drug dealers, I have seen them screw up too many neighbors, schools, and peoples lives.

Plus, no reason for me to do them. I like my life the way it is.

lol tums... i think it's mostly just calcium, right? for neutralizing stomach acid...
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