What is HL2DM missing?.. How can you even call it that? Many of our thoughts...

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I dislike HLDM, I looooooooooove HL2DM.

In fact, I had my friends over on Thursday and they want to come back Monday so we can play more.

What with the crowbar and stun batons hopefully being added, I'm gonna love this game.

And CS:S is amazing, it was the only MP game I played until HL2DM came out. Both are amazing. You probably are used to fast-paced shooters and CS:S just might not be for you. :thumbs:

I agree about the weapons though, we need more... the gauss gun rules... and the tau cannon. I'm sure more will be added, it's only been out for a week! I also wish you didn't spawn immediately with the grav gun, that's sort of annoying.

PS. Why do people keep saying it takes no skill? My friend didn't use the gravity gun because he was no good at it, while my other friend launched toilets at people.

IT DOES REQUIRE SKILL. Just because you die within two seconds of joining doesn't make everyone else skillless. Some people. :|

Honestly, it takes as much skill as HL2 singleplayer. You see someone, you shoot them. It's very simple and it's very satisfying.
If I had it my way, you shouldn't even be allowed to jump. Do you see police officers jumping around in a firefight trying to dodge bullets? A dive or a roll would be more believable. Even automatic mounting to ledges would be preferable. I like the way Valve balanced it. I wanna play against people... not rabbits.

You sir are the typical "noob". Wahh wahh this game is too hard I want people who walk slow so I can have a chance. Go play CS.

There is no such thing as "the greatest player in the usa" blah blah. Has he played every other single player in the US? Nope. What percentage of people who play these games on your clans/ladders compete like this? Very few. I've co-managed a gaming ladder for many online games for a long time... and you know what I saw? Rampant known cheating and not a thing done about it. After all, who would wanna play in their tournaments if they knew they let people cheat? Oops... wouldn't want that. So.. as good as you think you are... guess what? You're not. You got "pwned by n00bz" and you can't just be humble and accept that you're no better than the next guy at clicking a mouse.

So Fatal1ty is just a noob? I dont think. Me, and many others are the "fatal1ty's" of HLDM. Our community is small, and everyone pretty much knows who the best players are. LAN's show everything.

ps. So far I havent seen much skill involved in HL2DM. I think I've played in 10 or so FFA and always finished on top. Its easy, and boring.
Ya...too simple. Gets boring after a while. HLDM was very innovative, too bad HL2dM is just the opposite :/
I agree about the weapons though, we need more... the gauss gun rules... and the tau cannon. I'm sure more will be added, it's only been out for a week! I also wish you didn't spawn immediately with the grav gun, that's sort of annoying.

ignot said:
Hmm, to paraphrase what i've seen so far:

OMG they changed the features that i've been honing for 5 years and now I can't lord it up over everyone about how good I am and feel superi0r!!!!!

This crappy DM doesn't cater for the exact game flow i've become used too, OMG it's for n00bs!!!!

The game takes no skill now, anyone with good hand/eye co-ordination, a good knowledge of how the game works, map awareness and fast reflexes can do well now.

Jeez, I can't believe what they've done with this p.o.s Obviously because I love HLDM it makes it a great game, FACT (And if anyone disagrees they are either n00bs, or suck. Or both)

I like change but only when it's to my advantage.

Seems like you would be best sticking to HLDM untill someone mods for your needs. Because most of us are happy with HL2DM.

^^^^^Right on! Though Pi Mu Rho put it more simply: "Get over yourselves"
No, it was just a disappointment to us real HL and deathmatch fans.
sonicst0rm said:
No, it was just a disappointment to us real HL and deathmatch fans.

Oh, the "real" HL and DM fans. Riiiiiight. Please, by all means, get back to your "real" world and cry your little tears in your pro community. They will pat you on the back and tell you it's okay because you are better than everyone else and you can always rest assured on that, even if no one can stand to listen to you whine.
So the non-"pro" gamers aren't real HL and deathmatch fans? Way to generalise....
HLDM was very innovative

No it wasn't. It was DM with the weapons from HL. The weapons that were designed for single-player.

You seem to have ignored the obvious point that's been made several times - HLDM still exists. You can still play it. Do so, please.
OP4DM > HLDM anyway
the only thing I agree with is that the weapon selection is depressing
I'd like to see the Tau, sure, but really I'd just like to see a bunch of weapons, and have them be creative and fun to use
that, right now, is my biggest problem with hl2dm

by the way, you guys are making yourselves seem like huge pricks
you say CS and modern MP games make winners into self-important jerks and then go on to say that the games you were good at involved skill and new stuff is for noobs. You sound like those very same self-important jerks.
Additionally, how the hell can you say hl2dm is for noobs? People weren't tau jumping around and pulling crazy stunts in hldm out of the box and hl2dm has been out for less than a week

grow up.
Haha...hldm was indeed innovative. Maybe it was a mistake? I don't think it was supposed to be a full fledged multiplayer game, but just as it happened to turn out, it was made into a great, new breed of DM game. I certainly havent played any other games like it. Tau cannon adds so much to gameplay, I think thats the gun that is missing in HL2DM, and the one that is much needed. I can learn to adapt to a new game, i dont want it to be exactly the same as the original, it shouldn't be. Just I was hoping for it to be more interesting and manueverable.

*sigh, back to hldm / AG.

Oh yeah...they did a good job of making EXACTLY the same game of CS...so a lot of the 'pros' get the game they want. HLDM wasnt as big because it relied totally on the individual's experience and skill.

I'm not even much of a 'pro' myself, or im at the very low end, and ive been playing for 5 some years. Theres such a wide spectrum of skills present in HL. The best player would win in a 1v1 match.

Sorry I think we've dragged this topic out long enough, its gonna turn into a flame war. You see our point, we were expecting a little more out of HL2DM, but I'm gonna wait until they take the intitiative to make improvements, or for 3rd party mods such as AG2, which will also be made to favor newer players, not just be made for a 'pro' community. It's focus is making a faster DM game than HL2DM with the same theme. People are tired of 6 yrs of HLDM. Change is good, although we weren't expecting a completely opposite direction, that doesn't even help the original DM vets.

***My last point... Imagine the millions of complaints and angry fans that would occur if Valve decided to totally change CS, and make it a completely different game. People want change, after such an old game, but making a completely different game is unnecessary.
jimmyjam said:
I'd like to see the Tau, sure, but really I'd just like to see a bunch of weapons, and have them be creative and fun to use that, right now, is my biggest problem with hl2dm

Just because you may be a pro at one game doesn't mean you should automatically be a pro at all others. It probably took years to get where you are in HLDM, and HL2DM is a new game. When you say it doesn't require skill, that might be true, but it just doesn't require the same skills as HLDM.
True, you can nail someone with a radiator pretty easily from close range, but can't that person pull it from the air and send it back if they can anticipate it? Can't you set up traps for the next person (crushing them against walls with cars as they go by? How about jumping onto a car then gravjumping onto a rooftop to escape someone? Knowing the trajectory of the different objects so you can nail someone behind cover from 100 paces?
I guarentee that those skills will come handy in the future, it just takes time to develop them fully. HL2DM just requires a different skill set (from HLDM) to be l33t. In a few months there'll be an elite group owning all the unskilled newbs. And it won't necessarily be the same group that you're a part of.
s3pReMiSis said:
So far I havent seen much skill involved in HL2DM. I think I've played in 10 or so FFA and always finished on top. Its easy, and boring.

It's only as easy as the people you play against. Since you're so good, why don't you try playing it with your fellow 'pro' gamers? You can't all finish top, only whoever is most 'skilled'

I can't see how these hardcore HLDM people (sorry, don't mean to generalise) think that "their" game involves skill, yet CS and HL2DM doesn't. If that's the case, why do only a handful of CS clans out of the thousands out there compete for the ultimate CS accolades? Surely if there is no skill involved, any rag tag of players would stand an even chance of beating the top clans?
sonicst0rm said:
Haha...hldm was indeed innovative. Maybe it was a mistake? I don't think it was supposed to be a full fledged multiplayer game, but just as it happened to turn out, it was made into a great, new breed of DM game. I certainly havent played any other games like it. Tau cannon adds so much to gameplay, I think thats the gun that is missing in HL2DM, and the one that is much needed. I can learn to adapt to a new game, i dont want it to be exactly the same as the original, it shouldn't be. Just I was hoping for it to be more interesting and manueverable.

Those are subjective things. I'd say that all the people currently playing and enjoying it find it perfectly interesting and enjoyable.

*sigh, back to hldm / AG.

Oh yeah...they did a good job of making EXACTLY the same game of CS...so a lot of the 'pros' get the game they want. HLDM wasnt as big because it relied totally on the individual's experience and skill.

CS:S was always intended to be a remake of CS. HL2DM was never intended to be a remake of HLDM. There's a world of difference there.

Sorry I think we've dragged this topic out long enough, its gonna turn into a flame war. You see our point, we were expecting a little more out of HL2DM, but I'm gonna wait until they take the intitiative to make improvements
Improve what? It's only hardcore HLDM players that see the need for major "improvements"

or for 3rd party mods such as AG2, which will also be made to favor newer players, not just be made for a 'pro' community. It's focus is making a faster DM game than HL2DM with the same theme.
Which is the point of third-party mods.

People are tired of 6 yrs of HLDM. Change is good, although we weren't expecting a completely opposite direction, that doesn't even help the original DM vets.
Why weren't you expecting it? It's a completely different game. HLDM is based on HL's singleplayer setting and weapons. HL2DM is based on HL2's singleplayer settings and weapons. It's obviously going to be different.

***My last point... Imagine the millions of complaints and angry fans that would occur if Valve decided to totally change CS, and make it a completely different game. People want change, after such an old game, but making a completely different game is unnecessary.
Complete non-sequitur - Valve haven't completely changed HLDM. They haven't touched it at all. HLDM is an entirely different game. I really wish you'd understand that point.
its a new game give it time

if u dont like it then after xmas AG2 will be out so whats the big deal?
Pi Mu Rho said:
Those are subjective things. I'd say that all the people currently playing and enjoying it find it perfectly interesting and enjoyable.

CS:S was always intended to be a remake of CS. HL2DM was never intended to be a remake of HLDM. There's a world of difference there.

Improve what? It's only hardcore HLDM players that see the need for major "improvements"

Which is the point of third-party mods.

Why weren't you expecting it? It's a completely different game. HLDM is based on HL's singleplayer setting and weapons. HL2DM is based on HL2's singleplayer settings and weapons. It's obviously going to be different.

Complete non-sequitur - Valve haven't completely changed HLDM. They haven't touched it at all. HLDM is an entirely different game. I really wish you'd understand that point.

points taken. Since its a continuation of Half-Life, I guess I just wanted to see some similarities. For me, and for a lot of the original HLDMer's, it was a let down. Maybe not for you, because I can tell it's not a game you probably play a lot and miss. They can lose as many original fans as they want. Once you get into ag/hldm, you don't wanna go back to anything else. I hope you see how that is with a lot of us. Everyone's entitled to their own opinions, and the opinions surrounding the original players generally is "This game is too slow", "I want a tau cannon", "I want a longjump", "This Game Sucks", etc... (As with anything, there are exceptions :)).

Everyone knows they did the best job possible on a single player game and engine.
s3pReMiSis said:
You sir are the typical "noob". Wahh wahh this game is too hard I want people who walk slow so I can have a chance. Go play CS.

And you sir are the typical elitist that get off by telling people that they are noobs and trying to look hard

s3pReMiSis said:
So Fatal1ty is just a noob? I dont think. Me, and many others are the "fatal1ty's" of HLDM. Our community is small, and everyone pretty much knows who the best players are. LAN's show everything.

Then get together with your "pro" people and do LANs when you play HL2DM.....or find people who are going to put up a good fight against you. Complaining on a forum pretty much is going nowhere...

s3pReMiSis said:
ps. So far I havent seen much skill involved in HL2DM. I think I've played in 10 or so FFA and always finished on top. Its easy, and boring.

Then find something else more challenging....like lifting weights...or playing a sport....but then again that would take actual physical prowess.......
Cecchino said:
Then find something else more challenging....like lifting weights...or playing a sport....but then again that would take actual physical prowess.......

You're an idiot. I would pay to see s3premisis crush you with his pinkie finger.
s3pReMiSis, you are an ****ing jerk. Why do you look down on "noobs"? What the hell is your problem? You are not important, or intelligent. Get a life.

Also, I agree 100% with Cecchino.
Am I the only one who doesn't get what you people have against s3pReMiSis? Are you jealous or something? All he is doing is telling what hl2dm is missing. Of course he could have done it in a better way but he still doesn't deserve the treatment you are giving him.
Anyway, Valve, give us the tau cannon!!!
I'm making this post because I think I need to... I nearly pissed my pants when I read this from SPERMisis...

s3pReMiSis said:
Im making this post because I think i need to. I started playing the original HLDM in 2000, and was instantly hooked. Like thousands of others, I constantly played and became attached to game.. playing in tournaments, joining top clans, going to lans across the US, and became one of the best hldm players to date. But there is always a reason for these things.

Dude... you are a f#@king hack... you've been caught cheating how many dozens of times? I think you meant "one of the best hldm cheaters" don't cha? And you sure as hell weren't in any of the "top clans" when HLDM was going strong. I'll bet your biggest problem with HL2DM is the simple fact your aimbot, wallhacks and xbow script don't work. Not to mention your lj script backwards lj script or descent jump script etc etc etc.

Anyway... I liked HLDM too but it got old and people got bored with it and stopped playing. I'm glad HL2DM isn't a complete rehash of HLDM... it's refreshing to play a different game... use different weapons and it presents different challenges. But hey don't worry I'm sure you'll find some different hacks for it soon! Until then either deal with it or go back to playing HLDM with the other "top players" i.e. the other 50 people still playing ROFLMFAO!!! :LOL: :LOL: :LOL:

I appologize to the rest of you reading for this some what off topic post... I couldn't help myself :LOL:
No hate from my corner, but I do get offended when someone storms in and basically tells us we are playing crap and are n00bs and obviously this is the first DM we have ever played because it requires a different skillset to the one they are accustomed to.
So you like speed in your deathmatch? So mod it, if it really is better than what HL2DM has to offer then the people will vote with their feet.

Personally I think the strategies involved in only having limited amounts of sprinting offer far wider tactical variety than just never stopping and constantly hammering the space bar. Thats not to say it's better, I just prefer it this way. As do most of the HL2 playing population evidently.

looks like someone is mentally masturbating in front of everyone...

ok, so now we all know how g00d you are in HLDM, but will never be in HL2DM ('cause it sucks/is different/is not HLDM/for n00bs only and definitely not for pros/vets/fatal1tys (...will...not...laugh...)).

still, ATM there are over 1200 HL2DM servers active.
so there is lots of us n00bs out there...

You're an idiot. I would pay to see s3premisis crush you with his pinkie finger.

grow up. that was pathetic man...
nice Capt. Beefheart sig speedkills

oh, and I like how the total pro who hates noobs didn't start playing hldm until 2 years after it came out
Didymium said:
Am I the only one who doesn't get what you people have against s3pReMiSis? Are you jealous

Why would I be jealous? Not only does he lie out of his ass in claiming to be some sort of god at hldm, but he believes that this somehow makes him a better person than people who are new to the game. It's only a game. Being good at a game does not make you important in any way, in fact if you've spent most of your life trying to be good at one game then you've wasted most of your life.
jimmyjam said:
nice Capt. Beefheart sig speedkills

oh, and I like how the total pro who hates noobs didn't start playing hldm until 2 years after it came out

i just played hl2dm for an hour and a half and gave it a fair chance on crossfire, ym favorite HLDM map.

*MY* General conclusion
-The game is too slow
-It takes too long to walk anywhere
-The jumping is like in CS
-movement is HORRIBLE i cant begin to explain it. so restricted for a dm game. Can't avoid a rpg good anymore. I think, with a tau canon, it would make the game 100x better.
-Boring..I just went 73-17 and it was my second time playing

Dont even respond to this, this is just my opinion being an original HL player. If you have fun playing it, good.
sonicst0rm said:
Dont even respond to this

yo I'm going to post on a public forum but don't reply to me@! don't even read my post#@!@# DON'T LOOK AT ME!#!
wow ppl you really like the idea of the most unrealistic combat compitition...welcome to the real world, im glad they restricted jumping..its by far the stupidest thing ive ever seen in my life. You know what im gonna do...yea im gonna jump 10 feet in the air while firing my fully automatic machine gun at your face and some how manage to hit you. Im gonna all out sprint with all my energy while firing my already inacurate machine gun and still manage to kill you. Im gonna stand out in the open and some how expect to be able to dodge a incoming rpg....what is amatter with you kids, do you have no sense of realality or what? im only 18 and i see the stupidity in jumping while fireing any weapon.

I play games to expireance somthing close to my realality that wont happen or that i will never experiance...so why would you want to be able to do all this stupid crap, i fear for you ppl..some day your gonna be in a situation and try and pull some really idiotic computer crap and get killed...
Yeah, it's a good thing they took out that exaggerated jumping since realism is such a huge factor for HL2. Now if you'll excuse me I'm going to go use a gravity gun to propel filing cabinets into people.
lol and how is the gravity gun unrealistic, did they say how far in the future this was..i dont think its imposible to have somthing like that, eventually someone is gonna come out with something of that sort. Its only a matter of time. and as for hl2 not having a huge realism factor, i said stuff that wont happen or ill never experiance..i believe that the combine coming to earth to take over our planet falls under the wont happen catagory.

i suppose we should just combine the matrix with all the other games and just finish off whatever shred of reality game developers try and keep.
Fury16 said:
wow ppl you really like the idea of the most unrealistic combat compitition...welcome to the real world, im glad they restricted jumping..its by far the stupidest thing ive ever seen in my life. You know what im gonna do...yea im gonna jump 10 feet in the air while firing my fully automatic machine gun at your face and some how manage to hit you. Im gonna all out sprint with all my energy while firing my already inacurate machine gun and still manage to kill you. Im gonna stand out in the open and some how expect to be able to dodge a incoming rpg....what is amatter with you kids, do you have no sense of realality or what? im only 18 and i see the stupidity in jumping while fireing any weapon.

I play games to expireance somthing close to my realality that wont happen or that i will never experiance...so why would you want to be able to do all this stupid crap, i fear for you ppl..some day your gonna be in a situation and try and pull some really idiotic computer crap and get killed...

Then go play CS if u wanna play a game that involves recoil and a little bit of realism. HL2 is realistic? GIVE ME A BREAK. You can almost longjump in HL2 by pressing sprint then jumping.
Fury16 said:
lol and how is the gravity gun unrealistic, did they say how far in the future this was..i dont think its imposible to have somthing like that, eventually someone is gonna come out with something of that sort. Its only a matter of time. and as for hl2 not having a huge realism factor, i said stuff that wont happen or ill never experiance..i believe that the combine coming to earth to take over our planet falls under the wont happen catagory.

i suppose we should just combine the matrix with all the other games and just finish off whatever shred of reality game developers try and keep.

Oh yeah. These have to be the most dumb and contradictory posts ive seen in my life. So, you think the recoil and jumping is unrealistic, you play a game like hl2dm for realism, and you say using a gravity gun to chuck cars at people is very realistic?

What a joke
last i checked the gravity gun was technology..technology relies on nothing but time and ppl, being able to jump 10 feet in the air while killing ppl and running supper fast and all the dumb crap you ppl find somehow fun has nothing to do with technology at all. im more readily gonna believe that someone is gonna come out with a weapon or tool designed to help move large objects without huge machines then i am gonna believe that someone should be able to jump while firing weapons and dodge rpgs.

and how exactly did i contradict myself? i dont see anything about a gravity gun in my first post..or anything about chucking cars.
Hello, my name is George Duckett and i'm a travelling salesman, if i could just have a moment of your time.

Thank-you. Now what i'm offering is to include some arrogance in this thread should you require it.

*reads thread*

My apologies, i didn't realise that you were already using someone's services.

Good-bye. :)


They are two totally different games. It's interesting that you are complaining about aspects of HL2DM that are different to HLDM that are different, and at the same time saying that you like change.

You have a simple choice; either accept that you'll have to learn new skills in order to be as good at HL2DM as you were with HLDM or continue to play HLDM. It's not as if that choice isn't there, so quit bitching to those of us that enjoy this new deathmatch game.
Fury16 said:
last i checked the gravity gun was technology..technology relies on nothing but time and ppl, being able to jump 10 feet in the air while killing ppl and running supper fast and all the dumb crap you ppl find somehow fun has nothing to do with technology at all. im more readily gonna believe that someone is gonna come out with a weapon or tool designed to help move large objects without huge machines then i am gonna believe that someone should be able to jump while firing weapons and dodge rpgs.

and how exactly did i contradict myself? i dont see anything about a gravity gun in my first post..or anything about chucking cars.

Sry for double post...

If you dont like this stuff then dont play a DM game. Its not supposed to be realistic or technological. Its a sci fi game series game. Its all imagination. Video games give people the power to do things they wouldn't be able to do in real life, an escape from reality, or if u just wanna own people. lol.
Go shoot peolpe in real life then complain about recoil and people jumping around with tau cannons and shotguns and shooting u in the face and respawning.
Didymium said:
Am I the only one who doesn't get what you people have against s3pReMiSis? Are you jealous or something? All he is doing is telling what hl2dm is missing. Of course he could have done it in a better way but he still doesn't deserve the treatment you are giving him.
Anyway, Valve, give us the tau cannon!!!

Telling people what he percieves to be wrong or missing in the game and bashing on newer players and labeling them with the negative connotation of "noob" are two very different things. He chose the latter path and that is why he being met with such hostilities. I have no problem with people giving their imput on what may make the game more intersting or fun....it makes for a more diversified game and possibly a unique experience. I do however take issue with someone draging others down and shunning them away from the community. We want this to grow and to conduct such actions is counter-productive.
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