What is HL2DM missing?.. How can you even call it that? Many of our thoughts...

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wow dude you really need to read things before you respond...when did i say i didnt like dm games, i said i play games so i can do things that wont happen or i will never experiance...does that not mean exacly the same thing as "video games give people the power to do things they wouldn't be able to do in real life" thus gravity guns and when and where did i complain about recoil or respawning. its unrealistic to shoot while jumping, simple as that.
Cecchino said:
Telling people what he percieves to be wrong or missing in the game and bashing on newer players and labeling them with the negative connotation of "noob" are two very different things. He chose the latter path and that is why he being met with such hostilities. I have no problem with people giving their imput on what may make the game more intersting or fun....it makes for a more diversified game and possibly a unique experience. I do however take issue with someone draging others down and shunning them away from the community. We want this to grow and to conduct such actions is counter-productive.

I really hope the AG2 community is bigger than the AG community, so i can own some more noobs! We were all noobs once, eh. I dont have anything against them. I've helped a ton of people learn how to play better, and people have taught and helped me (like seprem). I like the HL community a lot, its smaller and theres some good people in it ( and as with any, theres the bad). Its better than the CS community, for sure (hope i dont get flamed for this) . :cheers:
I like the op4 community :)

Very small, very elite and very friendly if you're a nice bloke and have a little skill :E
Fury16 said:
wow dude you really need to read things before you respond...when did i say i didnt like dm games, i said i play games so i can do things that wont happen or i will never experiance...does that not mean exacly the same thing as "video games give people the power to do things they wouldn't be able to do in real life" thus gravity guns and when and where did i complain about recoil or respawning. its unrealistic to shoot while jumping, simple as that.

So you say we shouldnt be able to shoot when we're in the air or jumping?
Fury16 said:
last i checked the gravity gun was technology..technology relies on nothing but time and ppl, being able to jump 10 feet in the air while killing ppl and running supper fast and all the dumb crap you ppl find somehow fun has nothing to do with technology at all. im more readily gonna believe that someone is gonna come out with a weapon or tool designed to help move large objects without huge machines then i am gonna believe that someone should be able to jump while firing weapons and dodge rpgs.

and how exactly did i contradict myself? i dont see anything about a gravity gun in my first post..or anything about chucking cars.

i'm sorry i just had to flame this dumbass....

COngrats you just called pretty much EVERY DM player (UT, d3, q3, and hldm) an idiot because they like to play a game thast fun. DM is not about ****ing realism, it's not about taking 10minutes just to move around a map. You think the rgav gun is possible? How about an HEV suit with a LONG JUMP mod that DEFIES gravity to ALLOW you to jump FARTHER. You clearly are a ****ing dumbass and should stop posting. We, like thousands, possiblely millions of people play DM for it's speed of play. If you don't like that then go play games like DOD, where they completely ruined the game trying to amke it more "realistic". Games aren't supposed to be real, if you want real, go join the army.
Half the appeal of any game to me is it's speed.


I must say, nothing will quite get it as right as HLDM :) well, perhaps
ComradeBadger said:
Half the appeal of any game to me is it's speed.


I must say, nothing will quite get it as right as HLDM :) well, perhaps

right on :D
well now for my nonflame post....

Basicly you people think that because it's slow and we ahte it, we suck at it.... but let me tell you thats not the case. Once you get good at HLDM, it means u can pretty own every other FPS. My friends is a hardcore UT2k3 player (or was when the last lan i was at), and yet i could easily beat him with not having played ut in months. This is simply how it is, we might not be the best at other DM's but we can get up there alot faster.

In the later years of HLDM, we weren't really the minority, the minority were the people who clung to things like sev's mod, and OZ. We probably took up about 50% of the players for a time, and that's hardly a minority. Our "pro" community is not made up of all the people who could go into a server and own everyone though. If you know how to use the gauss, and don't bitch and complain when someone who's been playing it for years destroys you, then welcome to our community.

BTW our tournies were always run from the inside, if you're caught cheating, then your banned. it's as simple as that, people like sepreme who came from the other side were even helping out with stopping cheaters. Pretty much for a long time (untill AG stopped being updated) we were the most cheat free community thanks to our built in protection. www.ag-stats.net
lG-88 said:
BTW our tournies were always run from the inside, if you're caught cheating, then your banned. it's as simple as that, people like sepreme who came from the other side were even helping out with stopping cheaters. Pretty much for a long time (untill AG stopped being updated) we were the most cheat free community thanks to our built in protection. www.ag-stats.net

I like that "people like sperm who came from the other side" read that as "a known cheater" :LOL: ROFL

What I like even more is I'm pretty sure sperm was banned for cheating from one of the bigger tourneys *cough* POT Tourney *cough* Also isn't sperm's won ID or should I say IDs all over ag-stats for cheating? I'm pretty sure it is. Please let me know if I'm mistaken about that I don't want to spread any misinformation.

Oh and I dunno what would you say maybe half of everyone in what's left of your "pro community" has also been caught at one time or another cheating? I think calling it the "most cheat free community" might be stretching things a bit don't you?
Whoever says HL2DM is slow well.. they must play in 1 or 2 player servers..
I love HL2DM and HLDM.
HL2DM alows me to use toliet seats, cars, desks, computers, monitors, sinks, barrels, flammable barrels, pales, furnaces, and everything as a weopon. It opens up a whole new play.
I simoply love it.
Ok, This is retarded, Cry Cry Cry, Oh its too slow of a game, and "pros" cant get good at it...LOL, sounds to me like little bitch boy that started this thread got his ass smoked in HL2DM and decided the reason was because it was to slow....lol, or the weapons were "unleet" ,Give me a break, you like HLDM more than HL2DM, well guess what smokey, HLDM is still up and running, so go hop your leet ass in a low gravity killbox server and keep acting like you know better than the creators, and just remember if your worried about the money you " wasted " on the game, just think, you paid for a cheep hooker and a bottle of rum for Gabe. toolz
d(-_-)b said:
Ok, This is retarded, Cry Cry Cry, Oh its too slow of a game, and "pros" cant get good at it...LOL, sounds to me like little bitch boy that started this thread got his ass smoked in HL2DM and decided the reason was because it was to slow....lol, or the weapons were "unleet" ,Give me a break, you like HLDM more than HL2DM, well guess what smokey, HLDM is still up and running, so go hop your leet ass in a low gravity killbox server and keep acting like you know better than the creators, and just remember if your worried about the money you " wasted " on the game, just think, you paid for a cheep hooker and a bottle of rum for Gabe. toolz

You need to read more, he's good at hl2dm too... and no one plays low grav anymore sorry... **** no one plays dm in killbox anymore either.
Really, HEV suit huh?...so WHERE is it dumbass, where..i dont see it, last i checked we were RESISTANCE FIGHTERS or COMBINE..and i dont remember seeing any hev suits on anyone. so if they dont have a HEV suit on then why whould they be able to defy GRAVITY and jump FARTHER. games aren't supposed to be realistic huh? i suppose that they make all these new game engines to simulate gravity and relism cuase they are board..or they come out with these up to date graphics cards becuase its fun right? or they spend 5 years on a game becuse their just lazy, yep games arent made to be realistic.

oh and btw, I am jioning the army.
Fury16 said:
Really, HEV suit huh?...so WHERE is it dumbass, where..i dont see it, last i checked we were RESISTANCE FIGHTERS or COMBINE..and i dont remember seeing any hev suits on anyone. so if they dont have a HEV suit on then why whould they be able to defy GRAVITY and jump FARTHER. games aren't supposed to be realistic huh? i suppose that they make all these new game engines to simulate gravity and relism cuase they are board..or they come out with these up to date graphics cards becuase its fun right? or they spend 5 years on a game becuse their just lazy, yep games arent made to be realistic.

oh and btw i am jioning the army.

How do u sprint then? how do u ahev battery power armor? oh wait i guess humans can take electric charges in the future and protect themslves with it. The add gravity in because then you couldn't control u're movement idiot. They want to amek the characters in it LOOK REAL, if they made em act real NO ONE WOULD PLAY IT.

Oh look a DM game where u spawn with a pistol and 1 shot kills cause it's just like real life!! You can't move fast cause humans have limits, and you have to take bathroom breaks and eat or u die. Once you die though u get banned from the server because real people don't respawn!!! JUST IMAGINE HOW FUN THAT WOULD BE, I"M GONNA CODE IT RIGHT NOW
look at the end of the day, for pure ultra fast DM...go play Quake1 DM

basically what the so called pros are missing here are special movement skills....

i was an excellent TFC player in my time (not pro cos no1 really played TFC for money lol)...but we have some of the sickest amazing special movement of any game - conc jumping etc.

once a game has been out for a while people figure out how to use the movement system to speed up. bunnyhopping was never programmed in to the Quake 1 engine....it was discovered...an accident, a freak...

neither was accelerating with strafing in the air
HLDM is teh SUX0R


sprinting is a thing that humans can do..you know when you run faster then normal in a burst wasting all your energy...thats sprinting. Just cuase it says aux power above it has nothing to do with it..same with oxygen, yes that makes sense...aux power for oxygen, its just a meter so you know how much more you can do.

The reason you can take energy is cuase all the combine soldier have a powered armor suit of some kind, you know how the doc changed your hev to take combine energy (you probubly dont cuase you sound like the type of guy that just jumps into multiplayer without playing the game). And the reason the rebels have it is cuase ppl are little babies and start crying when someone has some form of advantage on them, so they had to give the rebels it. even though it makes perfect sense that the combine would have it and the rebels wouldnt, and that doesnt mean its an hev suit.

gravity in games is nothing more then an illusion..they program it so that stuff falls and things move to mimic gravity, for what you ask..to make it more realistic..noone is gonna play a game where when you shoot a rocket at debris nothing moves.

why would they want to make them look real..games arent about realism right?
Cons Himself said:
look at the end of the day, for pure ultra fast DM...go play Quake1 DM

basically what the so called pros are missing here are special movement skills....

i was an excellent TFC player in my time (not pro cos no1 really played TFC for money lol)...but we have some of the sickest amazing special movement of any game - conc jumping etc.

once a game has been out for a while people figure out how to use the movement system to speed up. bunnyhopping was never programmed in to the Quake 1 engine....it was discovered...an accident, a freak...

neither was accelerating with strafing in the air

we've only had a couple tournies where there was more of a prize than a picture of a trophy.... even then all of those were donations from usualy our players. TFC was really dun too, only thing imo that was up there with HLDM in movement. That was a fun game to start out playing online, and probably caused me liking hldm so much.
Fury16 said:
sprinting is a thing that humans can do..you know when you run faster then normal in a burst wasting all your energy...thats sprinting. Just cuase it says aux power above it has nothing to do with it..same with oxygen, yes that makes sense...aux power for oxygen, its just a meter so you know how much more you can do.

The reason you can take energy is cuase all the combine soldier have a powered armor suit of some kind, you know how the doc changed your hev to take combine energy (you probubly dont cuase you sound like the type of guy that just jumps into multiplayer without playing the game). And the reason the rebels have it is cuase ppl are little babies and start crying when someone has some form of advantage on them, so they had to give the rebels it. even though it makes perfect sense that the combine would have it and the rebels wouldnt.

gravity in games is nothing more then an illusion..they program it so that stuff falls and things move to mimic gravity, for what you ask..to make it more realistic..noone is gonna play a game where when you shoot a rocket at debris nothing moves.

why would they want to make them look real..games arent about realism right?

why? I dunno, some people like games that look realistic, keyword look. I'm not one of those, everyone that bought hl2 for cs:s is though. And funny u say the rocket thing... when u fire a rocket in dod at a wall or debris, nothing moves... but hey it's the msot popular games next to CS. Guess no one plays it. in CS if u throw a nade at a wall, nothing moves... but people still play that. Please think before you psot cause it's kinda sad how little thought i have to put in to down your arguements.

Btw i did play some of the single player, notice i said HUMANS, said nothing about the combine in my last post. I would have beaten hl2 by now if it didn't keep crashing on me. And thank you for prooving my point, that if it was realist people wouldn't play it.
lG-88 said:
I would have beaten hl2 by now if it didn't keep crashing on me.

Can you slip in a few more wimpers and tears in there next time, this one was not suffice.

This game is beyond your computer, and beyond your ability to comprehend as a human as well. Thats just somthing you need to learn to live with.
d(-_-)b said:
Can you slip in a few more wimpers and tears in there next time, this one was not suffice.

This game is beyond your computer, and beyond your ability to comprehend as a human as well. Thats just somthing you need to learn to live with.

you really need help... i run doom3 fine which takes up alot more resources than hl2 ever could, it's simply just bugs tbh, and i gave up on trying to play it. Just pisses me off on how a company can get away with releasing a game with so many bugs and yet still have people saying that it's hardware troubles even if thousands have the same problem with different hardware. Apparently anything released by valve is automaticly flawless and perfect....
I've never had a problem with it, and my system specs suck

2.4 GHz p4 533 FSB
256 MB RD800 Ram
74.4 GB 7200 RPM HD
Geforce 4 Ti-4200 64MB DDR

Never crashed on me once. There is a stutter problem, though. Happens every once in a while where it freezes for a few seconds. I think it just has to load the rest of the map into the video cards memory since its so small.
sonicst0rm said:
I've never had a problem with it, and my system specs suck

2.4 GHz p4 533 FSB
256 MB RD800 Ram
74.4 GB 7200 RPM HD
Geforce 4 Ti-4200 64MB DDR

Never crashed on me once. There is a stutter problem, though. Happens every once in a while where it freezes for a few seconds. I think it just has to load the rest of the map into the video cards memory since its so small.

hardware runs the game fine.... and i have no probs with the mature coding thats in CS:S, had it crash in HL2DM too though...

athlon xp 2100+
512mb pc133
I completley disagree with you guys. Hl1dm was made totally and completley unfun by the tau-cannon "helmet" model drones that populated every singe ****ing server. It was completley unbalanced, unfair, and stupid. If you can just fly around the map and pick people off, the game gets very boring, and very stupid very fast. Hl2dm is more my kind of thing. Everyone has an equal chance, and yes, it does take skill, but the good thing is, it is never repeditive or stupid, and it is in my opinion far faster and much more fun than hl1dm.
I think a lot of you don't realise that this isn't HLDM. It's HL2DM.
I'm sick of hearing people say they miss the old hldm, if you loved it so much then just keep playing it. Also in my opinion every game takes skill. Don't forget that right now everyone is new to hl2dm. So there is no one that is exactly Expert yet. Obviouslly the more people play the better there gonna get

physic is fun, so is blowing up an explosive barrel when someone is holding it.
major5013 said:
I'm sick of hearing people say they miss the old hldm, if you loved it so much then just keep playing it. Also in my opinion every game takes skill. Don't forget that right now everyone is new to hl2dm. So there is no one that is exactly Expert yet. Obviouslly the more people play the better there gonna get

:cheers: Sums this whole thread up pretty well.
fury16, get a clue - deathmatch games arn't supposed to be realistic. Ever play quake 1-3dm, unreal tournament, or the original hldm? DM games are supposed to be fairly fast paced and movement based. Even non dm games like TFC, my favorite hl mod is all movement based and not realistic at all - yet it was at one point half life's most played mod online.
I am sure AG2 will bring back all of the original weapons (we want the guass dammit) , great maps fast paces skilled DM action.

HL²DM is fun for a while, shame there are only 2 maps. I was hoping to find atleast 3 more in the coming of the week, but unfortionatly we're still stuck with 2.

The physic is getting to dominating imo. They should add the crowbar as the primary weapon, and have manipulators and all the other weaponery scattered. this way you have some more skill involved, because to be honest, chucking toilets is fun, but I would like to live long enough in a 30 people server to be able to switch wepon instead of getting a filecabinet flung at yah 0.45 seconds after you spawn.

its chaos atm.
major5013 said:
I'm sick of hearing people say they miss the old hldm, if you loved it so much then just keep playing it. Also in my opinion every game takes skill. Don't forget that right now everyone is new to hl2dm. So there is no one that is exactly Expert yet. Obviouslly the more people play the better there gonna get

physic is fun, so is blowing up an explosive barrel when someone is holding it.

if i wanted old hldm i wouldn't be here, i don't care about graphics at all. All i want is HL2DM to have the movement thats supposed to be in every DM.... without i don't see how they cna even call it hl2dm.

also spawning with grav gun is getting kinda lame, especially with it having "priority" over everything else.... nothing like spawning in the middle of a fight and having no way to defend yourself for 5 seconds.

edit: hl2dm was rushed though, so it's evry unfinished. we won't know what happens with it until possibly months from now.
It goes to show that you can't please everybody. You put out a fun DM, then you have people saying the old one was better. I have to say that HL2DM got me back into DM mainly because it's the opposite of what the HL2DM haters say (though I'd like to see some old weapons return)-- I didn't like the old way people moved so fast, bunnyhopped and had more health; it made killing people feel slower and gunfights strange and awkard (to me). What I like about HL2DM over HLDM (which to me wasn't much better than other DM's) is that there were few neat tricks/strategies you could do that you couldn't do in other DM's. With HL2DM you can read about all the neat things other people have done- I love taunting people by shooting health packs away from them, tossing health to my teammates, barricading entrances, etc. I also like the movement because it feel so natural (and just like it did in SP)-- fighting bunnyhopping enemies is not natural in anyway. I'm not sure how many people there are that really hate HL2DM but it is inevitable and I just hope an old-school DM mod comes out for you guys.
sonicst0rm & s3pReMiSis,

I hope you two don't sit around wondering why AG is such a small community. You two have just spewed the biggest pile of elitist crap I have ever read.

I have been a part of HLDM/AG/OP4 as long as anyone out there. I can see what you two were wanting; 1200 servers full of newbies trying to learn HLDM for the first time. You two want a leg up on everyone. You don't want to have to learn all over again. You and those who think like you just want HLDM:S/AG:S. Don't tell me you want anything different because you don't. Your motivations are selfish.

HLDM/OP4/AG are 6 years old for god sakes. Let them go, move on.

When HLDM came out there were all kinds of complaints of unbalanced weapons. AG didn't even come along till Valve patched out all the great stuff about HLDM.

It's 2004, move on!
-Boring..I just went 73-17 and it was my second time playing

Can you get your story straight please? If you are a good player with good aim, of course you are going to dominate on pubs. Heck, I dominated on public HLDM servers and I'm not even a "pro" or in the "pro community." And if the gravity gun is a noob gimick weapon that makes the game chaotic and unplayable because everyone is getting killed left and right with no skill... then why are you doing so well? You can't keep your story straight.

It takes too long to walk anywhere

So sprint. Sprint is ridiculously fast. HL2DM's movement strategies are more complex than HL1's instead of constant flat out running you have to time your sprints wisely and hole up in cover when you need to.
also spawning with grav gun is getting kinda lame, especially with it having "priority" over everything else.... nothing like spawning in the middle of a fight and having no way to defend yourself for 5 seconds.

It's called quickswitch. That said, I do think that Valve will change the default weapon spawn selection to a gun. It's the way it is right now in part so that everyone realizes and tries out play with the gravitygun.
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