What is the meaning of your forum name?


Jan 23, 2004
Reaction score
Basically tell how you got the name you have choosen for the forum.

For me:

Dream = Dreamcast (the best console I can remember...I wish I still had it)

431 = This is for 431 Air demonstration squaderon the Snowbirds (My Avatar has a pic of them..there's 9 in all)

ca = of course Canada.

My name is really old. I've been using this name for years.

YOUR TURN!! :cheers:
Ikerous = The kewl spelling of Icarus

Icarus = gree mythology guy
Greatgat = Great gun, and also The Great Gatsby, abbreviated.

I love double meanings, I do.
I've used Lost^ as my main screen name for years, still do but I used xLostx for c-s and still use it, so I just stuck with this.
lead singer of my favourite band - Wilco (Jeff Tweedy)

But anyone that didnt know that deserves to be shot :p
J_Tweedy said:
lead singer of my favourite band - Wilco (Jeff Tweedy)

But anyone that didnt know that deserves to be shot :p
I thought the J_T was a version of T_T :)
I've never even heard of Wilco
It started off as Q_onfused. It's pronounced "confused" but with a Q and an underscore. I thought it was neat because the "Q_o" part looked like the popular text-face "o_O" meaning, you know, "I'm confused" or "Huh?" So, it was "confused" with the confused face in it. But most people never noticed the face and they mis-pronouced it as "Q-un-fused" thus why I took out the underscore.
No meaning. Made it as a character name for Dragonrealms.
que, spanish for "what". then ever. "what-ever". spanglish, eh? I learned it from my sixth grade teacher, registered in gamespy about 3 yaers ago, forgot about it, never used it, rediscovered it about 8 months ago, and it stuck. I also go by something or other, various variances or both something or other and que-ever, jedi pants trick, puddin'monkey, puddingmonkey (old starwars forums version) and wierstranraro on my imageshack account. wierd, strange, raro (rare, unique). scizophrenia(sp?) FTW.
In 1998, when Rainbow Six came out, I needed a user name to register on the MSN gaming site. So I'm trying to think of a name, and an add pops up with a folder that had......

Top Secret

Stamped on it. You do the math.
evil^milk = sounded funny when i first saw it on a random dude while playing tfc. i decided to adopt *cough*steal*cough* it and i've used it since.
evil^milk said:
evil^milk = sounded funny when i first saw it on a random dude while playing tfc. i decided to adopt *cough*steal*cough* it and i've used it since.

I saw a guy named Carbon8ed_Milk on Starcraft once. :D
My last name is Mullins. I thought Mullinator sounded neat since I can also say something like "You've been Mullinated", although I have never actually used that before.

Been using it for at least 5 years now so its tradition as well.

My little brother has now adopted it as well, so there are actually two of us Mullinators from the family on the internet. Unfortunately the guy who owns the www.mullinator.com domain isn't me, nor is this guy me http://www.pursam.org/teemings/issue04/name.html

I point that out because thats what you get from a quick google search of my name.
evil^milk said:
gotta love randomness :E

Hell yeah! :bounce:

... I wonder if anyone here has ever had carbonated milk. Imagining it, it doesn't seem like it would be all that bad to have to drink.
There are 2 parts to my name. Cyber Pitz

This was back when Starcraft first came out, I needed a name. So I thought..thought..though. I was watching DBZ at the time..and I loved Trunks, so obviously, Trunks was there. But that wasn't original enough, I needed more. I had a story that I created when I was around 5..about a Cyborg. I added/fixed/changed the story over the many years. It was my prized item. So I had Cyber there. CyberTrunks. Didn't like it. I took out the Trunks, had to pick something else. My fathers nickname on everything was "Pitz". It was the way people pronounced the first part of our last name. "Peitz"..It's German..so it's Pie-ts..but people say Pitz. Anyway, so it was now CyberPitz. That was one of the most original names I've ever seen, and I've never seen it before..and I figured, since I was the son..having the nick passed down was something neat.
I believe the word Aile is translated "wings" in some language.

elevation means something like altitude and height, to rise/raise.

so Ailevation piece it together, "to rise with wings"

Real name is Andee Dean.

I always liked the name Alex, but I wanted a twist to it. So Alix was formed. Been going by the name Alix since the begining of SWG(STFU! It was fun at first...then it..sucked..bad...still does :( )
Mcdean just kinda stuck because I like Irish last names :p

Sparta was the name i used back in 2002 for DoD and CS. It was also the name of a band i liked back then. Still dont mind them now.
Skaadi being the Norse goddess of winter. Now bow down.
Kyo means "Sutra." Sutras are, of course, the teachings of the Buddha.

Also, the Chinese character for kyo originally meant the warp a piece of woven cloth, symbolizing the continuity of life throughout past, present and future. In a broad sense, kyo conveys the concept that all things in the universe are a manifestation of the Mystic Law.
A substance I became absolutely fascinated with at one point in time.
I like Tarantino movies, 1 of them being Pulp Fiction. I also like Quarter Pounders at McDonald's, hence the name :dork:
Mine is the latter part of The Incredible Sulk with my last name stitched on. Because there was already a [email protected].

My last name is Mullins. I thought Mullinator sounded neat since I can also say something like "You've been Mullinated", although I have never actually used that before.

Is your name John Mullins? :O :LOL:
ComradeBadger said:
Lonnnnng story.

But 'comrade' means friend :)
I hope to god it didn't involve you sleeping with a badger for a dare!

Uuuh my name used to be Dekster when I was playing runescape on my old computer. But I changed it to Dekstar for HL2 and CSS. Also a bit before that but I can't remember - oh yeah it was because someone haxx0r3d my runescape account for Dekster so I just made a new account using Dekstar :D
This is the name that I use for Battlefield and HL2 games

In El Alamein, on BF1942, I grabbed a Jeep and Drove around running people over...And so I got this name

My other screen name was already in use.

theSteven meaning I am the Steven and not a Steven and because of that fact I PWN everyone else called Steven.
Ages ago it was el Chihuahua, then I shortened it, and became el Chi.
Now, for your delight:

It's the place in Neopets where you get a free jelly every day.