what is "too young"?

youngest possible girl to go out with

  • 14

    Votes: 17 8.8%
  • 15

    Votes: 50 25.8%
  • 16

    Votes: 83 42.8%
  • 17

    Votes: 23 11.9%
  • 18

    Votes: 15 7.7%
  • 19

    Votes: 2 1.0%
  • 20

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • 21

    Votes: 4 2.1%

  • Total voters
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for an 18 year old guy, how young is "too young"?

wait for the poll
p.s. the reason i made this is because i am 18 and my girlfriend is 16, and her mom thinks its "sick" etc etc, which i dont really get, because its perfectly legal, and her boyfriend is like 5 years younger than she is, whatever though, i love this girl more than anything so i dont care, im just wondering if im the only one who thinks its ok? :eek:
Legally, 15. But I don't think you should go lower than 16.
For an 18 year old? I think they should stick to someone who's 17 or 18. At the very youngest 16, but it would depend on the situation.

As for myself I would prefer to stick to girls that are 20 or older.
Wraith said:
p.s. the reason i made this is because i am 18 and my girlfriend is 16, and her mom thinks its "sick" etc etc, which i dont really get, because its perfectly legal, and her boyfriend is like 5 years younger than she is, whatever though, i love this girl more than anything so i dont care, im just wondering if im the only one who thinks its ok? :eek:

................. WWhhhaaaaa??? Wait, your girlfriend is 16, her boyfriend is 5 years younger than she and you're 18...... Huh?
Neutrino said:
For an 18 year old? I think they should stick to someone who's 17 or 18. At the very youngest 16, but it would depend on the situation.

As for myself I would prefer to stick to girls that are 20 or older.

I agree with you. When you are younger, you need to stick to somebody relatively close to your age.

I'm 21, and it is usually 20 or older for me. 19 isn't completely unreasonable however.
He meant his mom's I think.

You're 18, so I guess too young would be the lowest choice on the poll :p
MadHatter said:
................. WWhhhaaaaa??? Wait, your girlfriend is 16, her boyfriend is 5 years younger than she and you're 18...... Huh?

her mom is five years older than her (the mothers) boyfriend
Wraith said:
her mom is five years older than her (the mothers) boyfriend

Ohhhhhh lol Okay. I thought I forgot how to read for a minute. Looks like you were referring to the girl.
gh0st said:
the poll doesnt go low enough.

I put 17 but only 'cause my sister's 16 and the idea of going out with a lass my sister's age is just too weird. That said, she'll be 17 soon...
we really love eachother though, itll be cool when i am 24 and she is 22, no one will care then. but right now i get called a pedophile, but i really dont think thats the case.

i wish she was 18, but sadly she isnt, nothing i can do about it, i love her either way.
9+ is fair game. ive still got 2 years until it would be statutory.
It's not sick at all. My girlfriend is 17, and I'm 19. I like to think that our relationship is normal. A two year difference isn't that big of a deal. A 3 year difference is acceptable, but kind of weird. 4 years....um, yeah...
blahblahblah said:
I agree with you. When you are younger, you need to stick to somebody relatively close to your age.

Yep, later in life age difference has little importance. A 30 year old dating a 40 year old is not that uncommon. But that really has no relevance to people younger than 20 or so. It's a completely different things as people around 13 to 16 are going through puberty and are not necessarily mentally or physically mature yet.

blahblahblah said:
I'm 21, and it is usually 20 or older for me. 19 isn't completely unreasonable however.

Nothing wrong with 19, though I think it would be one of those "depends on the situation" cases for me.
el Chi said:

I put 17 but only 'cause my sister's 16 and the idea of going out with a lass my sister's age is just too weird. That said, she'll be 17 soon...
My sister is 17, too. So is my girlfriend. It's not too weird.
This is my personal preference, nothing related to law. I'm 19 and I only go as low as 18. Depending on the person, biologically a person is an adult by the ages of 12 - 15. The mind, however, is not as matured as the body. There is just something I don't like about girls younger than 18. Not to say they're all unworthy of my tastes, but I don't like the attitude, priorities, and goals of most girls ranging from 13 - 16 (sometimes 17). If you're in high school, chances are I won't bother with you. My ranges for dating and what not generally go from 18 all the way up to 25 or even 28 or 35. Of course, the older the lady is the less we seek a serious relationship or anything of the sort. Oldest I've dated / messed with so far was 24.

As for law, if a 18 year old has sex with someone under 18 (or maybe it's under 17), it's considered statutory rape. I couldn't care less about it, but that's how it is around here.
I say 16, as any younger would get me a boyfriend (in jail), and I doubt I'd like that too much. If not for legality, however, well I'm just giong to stay out of that territory.
17 now - 15
18 - 16
19 - 17
20 - 18
21 - 18
22 - 18


My main range right now is 15 - 35
:cheers: I try to stick with girls like one year at the least, but I got quite a few freshman friends. That's just me, I also prefer not to even make friends with like 13 year olds down. I feel like I can't bond, I know i'm an ass.

I am 16 right now. So, imma choose 14.
Saying 15 sounds so wrong, but I know this girl who is 15 and she looks like she is 17...
Haha, when my ex and I first started going out I was 18 and she was 16 (It was a year and a half difference) I got so much crap for it at work. Everyone was going around calling me Ped... Then I found out that everyone had thought I was like 24 or 25. When they found out I was 18 everyone was like oh well who cares then. Man it's no biggie at all, and no one know would think anything of it.
When I was 20 I started dating my current ex and she was 17. For the first month her mum made a big deal out of it to the point where I had to sleep on the sofa when I stayed at her parents, but when she realised I was a decent guy I was allowed to sleep in the same bed as her. I am in England though where the legal age is 16.

I guess its whatever you feel comfortable with. As Ali G says "if theres grass on the field lets play... "
Mechagodzilla said:
The general plan would be a 16 minimum. After 16 is free game.

I'd personally say it depends on the girl.

I'm 23 now and knowing how immature most women under 20 are I'd probably steer clear of anything < 20.

Theres this girl at work though who's 15 and maturity and the legal implications asside... damnnnnn. she's hot.
Wraith said:
for an 18 year old guy, how young is "too young"?
Why do people save key qualifiers for the post? I answered 21 for myself, although really more like 23.

For an 18 year old, 15 is too young. 16 is fine. Her mom is just worried about you-know-what.
i'd say 16 was too young for an 18 y/o, 17 ok... as mentioned depends very much on girl/situation.

In england 16 would be the last year of GCSEs, 17 first year of A-level and so on..

i found that people mature faster once in higher education situations, so theres a big difference from a 16 year old to an 18 year old, then even more of a difference between an 18 year old and a university student.. so as a 20 year old i would rather stick to someone my own age or 19, but as said it difference becomesless important the older you get so

man all of you guys have totally missed out on the dating rule. this rule will answer all of your age questions

ok the youngest you should date is half your age + 7
so in your case you're just within the rule.

with the half numbers (which you get when you're an odd age) you can round down unless the girl/guy just barely turned the age that you're rounding down to.

now for the fun part, the oldest you can/should date is double your age - 14

soo by this rule i could go find myself a 26yr old woman :p. awwwww that would be too funny, well i did kinda snuggle with a 25yr old last year... but thats a different topic all togeather
Too young for her or you (ie - social stigma)?
it depends on your age, say your 18... anything below 16 is too young, too immature.. and ofcourse you'll only after one thing, and below 16, that's just wrong...
Over 20 and you shouldnt be looking at girls below 18 imo, so about 2-3 years max age difference.
I met my wife when I was 18 and she was 16... I had actually just turned 18 the day before I met her. We ended up getting married 2 years and 6 days later :) :cheers: I think you have to be quite a bit older to actually be a "pedophile" ... Like a 25 year old pining over a 15 year old... that is kinda sick... but if you're only 18, and she's 16 ... ain't nothing wrong with that.
I know a guy who nailed a 14yo. His defense was "she didn't look it". What do you guys think?

(For the record I didn't think any less of him for it)

Edit - Oh right, I think he was 16-17 at the time.
To clarify, he could tell, he just didn't care so much since she looked older :p And it wasn't really his 'defense', he was just taking the heat off a little :E
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