what is "too young"?

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youngest possible girl to go out with

  • 14

    Votes: 17 8.8%
  • 15

    Votes: 50 25.8%
  • 16

    Votes: 83 42.8%
  • 17

    Votes: 23 11.9%
  • 18

    Votes: 15 7.7%
  • 19

    Votes: 2 1.0%
  • 20

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • 21

    Votes: 4 2.1%

  • Total voters
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Erestheux said:
Does that mean you'll never love meh? ;( ;( ;(

I'm a sexy beast, though! ;)

Well, I suppose I could make an exception in your case.
gh0st said:
the poll doesnt go low enough.

wtf? lol

Although, I must admit ... I am quite sexy and good looking ... It's not easy being so incredibly ridiculously really really good looking ....
Platinum said:
wtf? lol

Although, I must admit ... I am quite sexy and good looking ... It's not easy being so incredibly ridiculously really really good looking ....

Fat head! Where else do you keep all that ego!?


Ritz said:
a 2 year difference is nothing. My parents have a 4 year difference. Started dating in there 20s

Same, my parents are 4 years apart and dated in their 20's.

I was told that a womans maturity level is the same as a mans 4 years older than them. So 4 years age difference is actually ideal :cheers:
Cool thread man, I see alot of 18 year olds date 14 year olds at my school I guess if they really love each other it's not a problem. I think maturity is really something inside, and as long as they are mature enough to handle the relationship and not feel overwhelmed or abused, things are ok. It all depends on the situation I say, but I have seen enough relationships with a 14 year old girl and 18+ year old guy to know that they are not ALWAYS terrible rape and abuse cases, sometimes there is real love involved and real symbiosis. You just have ot make sure that despire the age difference your at the same stage mentally with the relationship and you can both handle the age difference. Statutory rape rules apply though so remember that, being a convicted felon makes your life a living hell, so be careful with younger girls. Personally i'd rather go for somebody my age but I think if people really love each other and show genuine symbiotic interest in each other without the older person being the agressor sexually or vise-versa.
Sh4mp00 said:
Cool thread man, I see alot of 18 year olds date 14 year olds at my school I guess if they really love each other it's not a problem. I think maturity is really something inside, and as long as they are mature enough to handle the relationship and not feel overwhelmed or abused, things are ok. It all depends on the situation I say, but I have seen enough relationships with a 14 year old girl and 18+ year old guy to know that they are not ALWAYS terrible rape and abuse cases, sometimes there is real love involved and real symbiosis. You just have ot make sure that despire the age difference your at the same stage mentally with the relationship and you can both handle the age difference. Statutory rape rules apply though so remember that, being a convicted felon makes your life a living hell, so be careful with younger girls. Personally i'd rather go for somebody my age but I think if people really love each other and show genuine symbiotic interest in each other without the older person being the agressor sexually or vise-versa.

Well if I had a 14 year old I would never allow them to date an 18 year old. No exceptions.
Sh4mp00 said:
Cool thread man, I see alot of 18 year olds date 14 year olds at my school I guess if they really love each other it's not a problem. I think maturity is really something inside, and as long as they are mature enough to handle the relationship and not feel overwhelmed or abused, things are ok. It all depends on the situation I say, but I have seen enough relationships with a 14 year old girl and 18+ year old guy to know that they are not ALWAYS terrible rape and abuse cases, sometimes there is real love involved and real symbiosis. You just have ot make sure that despire the age difference your at the same stage mentally with the relationship and you can both handle the age difference. Statutory rape rules apply though so remember that, being a convicted felon makes your life a living hell, so be careful with younger girls. Personally i'd rather go for somebody my age but I think if people really love each other and show genuine symbiotic interest in each other without the older person being the agressor sexually or vise-versa.

Your post is an excellent reason why guns should be allowed.

If I ever caught my 14 year old daughter going out with an 18 year old guy, that guy is going to get an intimate encounter with whatever gun I decide to buy at my local Walmart.

There is only one...no, wait...two reasons why a 18 year old would want to go out with a 14 year old. Those reasons don't deal with personality or maturity either.
Neutrino said:
Well if I had a 14 year old I would never allow them to date an 18 year old. No exceptions.
yeah...if i have a daughter, and she brings an 18 year old home when she's 14... i'll kick his ass and tell him "That's for ****ing my young impressionable daughter. oh? you didn't? well, you were THINKING ABOUT IT." boys are bastards. i know
15 would be fine IMO. 14 is pushin it a bit. That's close to junior high age, which is a different world in my eyes.

For the 17/18 dating 23 question? No, not wierd at all. One of my friends (18 y/o) used to date a 24 year old girl. She was very cool...
Dependant on your own level of maturity at that point, for the most part -- if they are interested in you (similar interests, etc.), it's all good.
Phisionary said:
15 would be fine IMO. 14 is pushin it a bit. That's close to junior high age, which is a different world in my eyes.

For the 17/18 dating 23 question? No, not wierd at all. One of my friends (18 y/o) used to date a 24 year old girl. She was very cool...
Dependant on your own level of maturity at that point, for the most part -- if they are interested in you (similar interests, etc.), it's all good.

I don't think an 18 year old dating a 24 year old is nearly as strange as a 24 year old dating an 18 year old. The world of an 18 year old is so different than the world of a 24 year old I fail to see how it would ever work out in most cases. Nothing illegal about it though, so meh, if someone wants to do it that's fine. I don't think I would want to though.
Perhaps. Some 24 year olds have not really progressed very far past the level of an 18 year old though... I don't mean that they are stupid, just that they may have the same goals, ideals, and plans... So it seems very possible.
I (at 21) have been very attracted to a 16 year old I worked with. Would I have guessed, based on the conversation we'd had, I'd have said she was 20 (a young looking and v. pretty 20 ;))... Surprised the hell out of me when I found she was still in high school.

There is a huge variation in the maturity of people, of course. Every situation is unique.

On average, you are probably right though.
Dated a 30 year old woman at the age of 19 for 5 or 6 months. She came onto me though. Heh.
When I went to Vegas, I got pretty tipsy at a club one night and me and a 33 year old stripper....erm..it's better left there I think.
You all do agree that as the two people get older, the gap can be bigger, right?

Like a 14 and 18 year old is quite weird, but a 20 and 24 year old isn't really weird at all.

Anyway, what if you had thought the person was closer to your age and then found out? Would it be like "okay, I'm done now?"

alan8325 said:
When I went to Vegas, I got pretty tipsy at a club one night and me and a 33 year old stripper....erm..it's better left there I think.
My god, you won a new car at Vegas with a stripper! Awesome!
Somthing like in Raziaars case, dating a 30 year old when your 19 is abit weird but fine, cus both persons are old enough to know what there doing.

14 year olds dont know what there doing, I dont care how mature they think they are.
16 is the youngest I would go if I was 18 again. I was with a 23 year old for a year at 19, jack wrong with that.
On the topic of not appearing your age, my Gran used to have a nanny type dealie person who cleaned up and helped her out with stuff, I must have been 15 or 16 at the time. Anyhow I assumed from her appearance that she must have been around my age, and I was quite taken by her. Then one day I was at my Gran's and went into the driveway to see her off, and was surprised when she got into a car and drove away. Upon asking Gran why she was driving so young, I learned that she was actually 26 :o
Erestheux said:
I'd say 16 for an 18 year old, but it really depends on the person and the situation and everything. I really don't care. :D (By the way, why do you have votes for ages older than you? That doesn't make any sense :|)

I have a question pertaining to me.

I look 20, but I'm 17 (18 soon). I'm not just saying that, most people confuse me for at least 20 all the time (you could even ask people who have seen my pic on this forum) Would it be weird to date a 23 year old? :angel: I'm just wondering, not gonna happen. :P

i put very low ages and very high ages just to make sure i got a good sample, the broader range of responses you accept, the more accurate your sample
blahblahblah said:
There is only one...no, wait...two reasons why a 18 year old would want to go out with a 14 year old. Those reasons don't deal with personality or maturity either.

i would like to know these reasons that you are talking about, because when we first started going out, i was 17 and she was 15, and her mom said that "older guys arent good because all they want from you is sex" ok so im thinking that you have this same line of thought but listen to this, i was a virgin when i went out with her and she wasn't. i never wanted to do anything sexual with her because i was/am very insecure about the way i look, and i feel too immature to be having sex, but i really wanted to cuddle with her on the couch, so we laid together and watched lord of the rings and i kissed her on the neck and it was the best time i have ever had. when we finally did start doing sexual things with eachother, she was the one that initiated it, and the first 5 or 6 times i declined, and it made her feel ugly or something, when in fact i am just insecure.

im with her not for sex, but because i love her. if she was my age it would be better because i would be allowed to see her more often (right now its only 2 times per week, 1 hour each visit, in front of her house, im not allowed in the house, and im not allowed to take her to dinner or a movie or antyhign like that because her mom is paranoid)

look i wish she was older but she isnt, im not giong to stop loving her or anything, she is seriously the perfect girl.
Neutrino said:
I don't think an 18 year old dating a 24 year old is nearly as strange as a 24 year old dating an 18 year old.

Ermm care to explain this to me? I seem to be a little lost reading this......
AzzMan said:
Ermm care to explain this to me? I seem to be a little lost reading this......

I guess he's trying to say its weirder for the 24 year old.
To an 18 year old, 24 might be an 'older man' or 'experianced woman' or whatever. To a 24 year old, an 18 year old is a kid, with all that might imply.

Not saying this is neccisarily true, but I understand the idea.
Yeah, 2, 3 years differance isn't that bad.

But me and my gf are only 6 months apart.
hey if theres grass on the field...play ball!
if theres no grass there always fun in the mud.... :afro:
16 and 18 are compatible IMO.

Shouldn't go any younger though.
well, i'm 18 and my girlfriend is 16, it was a little akward from the start but you get used to it! but i would "almost" never go under 16!
but if i look at some couples i know

example1: guy 25 girl 18
exp2: guy 32 girl 18
exp3: guy 21 girl 13

so my answer would be no! 16 is not too young (but of course it all depends on how mature you or she is)
21 and 13 doesn't sound right to me at all... prepubescent... uhh...

32 and 18 is probably stretching it a bit...

The 25 and 18 one isn't quite as weird...
jverne said:
well, i'm 18 and my girlfriend is 16, it was a little akward from the start but you get used to it! but i would "almost" never go under 16!
but if i look at some couples i know

example1: guy 25 girl 18
exp2: guy 32 girl 18
exp3: guy 21 girl 13

so my answer would be no! 16 is not too young (but of course it all depends on how mature you or she is)

21 and 13 is pretty sick actually. 32 and 18 isnt particularly great either but acceptable.
jverne said:
example1: guy 25 girl 18

I wouldn't do it, but meh whatever.

jverne said:
exp2: guy 32 girl 18

I consider that wrong. It's not illegal, but I don't trust any 32 year old guy who wants to date an 18 year old.

jverne said:
exp3: guy 21 girl 13

What the ****?

That's just sick. It's pedophilia and the guy should be put in jail.
haha you guys have a point, if my 14 year old daughter was brought home by an 18 year old I would kick his ass... :| im a dumass
like virtually everyone else here I don't see a problem with a sixteen year old dating and eighteen year old, but then again I do know this girl who started dating her boy friend (who was eighteen at the time) when she was fourteen. Now that was ackward.
Sh4mp00 said:
haha you guys have a point, if my 14 year old daughter was brought home by an 18 year old I would kick his ass... :| im a dumass

How young were you doin it to have a 14 year old daughter? :|

Edit - Yes I know it was a 'what if' situation.
Bad^Hat said:
How young were you doin it to have a 14 year old daughter? :|

Edit - Yes I know it was a 'what if' situation.

He'd of had to shagged someone when he was about 3 years old. lol
Reaktor4 said:
thats pretty ****ed up

yep, i agree, yes the girl is more mature (phisicaly and mentaly) than most of her age, but anyway...13!!?? did i mention that they've already slept together!?
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