What OS do you use...

What OS do you use for things other than gaming

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Never crashed on me.
Or bugged on me.
Only program it hates on this seems to be winrar, but I use 7zip now anyway.
Vista has many problems, crashing, bugging, and hating several programs.

Vista haters have many problems, lying, misinforming, and a conviction to continue the hating circlejerk that was popular when the OS was in beta and early release.
I really like vista, prtty much all of the problems it did have have been fixed and it's never really ****ed up on me. The only program I could never get working on it was peerguardian.
Vista has many problems, crashing, bugging, and hating several programs.

do people honestly still believe this stupid misconception? vista has been running without a single hitch and i could never imagine going back to XP.
I really like vista, prtty much all of the problems it did have have been fixed and it's never really ****ed up on me. The only program I could never get working on it was peerguardian.

Thats because peerguardian devs are lazybones and haven't made one for vista yet.
Irrational unfounded hatred from a furry?

Mmmm delicious irony.
I use XP on my desktop mainly but have been dual booting to Windows 7 ever since the beta became avalaible. I have fallen in love with Windows 7, its just so darn awesome, and runs better than my XP install, though I have been meaning to format that for a while.

I also use Vista alot since its on my laptop and I love that as well. I actually think that XP fails in comparison to both Vista and Windows 7 in almost every way imaginable.
XP. Though I plan to upgrade to Vista upon getting a new laptop.
XP... Home :( What I really want to know is, is it worth upgrading to the new office suite. It looks confusing as hell???
Vista has many problems, crashing, bugging, and hating several programs.

I think you'll find all operating systems suffer from those symptoms. I'm afraid you'll have to be a little more specific if you want to have any hope of holding a proper argument against Vista.

Second point: Your fursona violates my eyes.

Reminds me of Furcadia for some reason I can't quite put my finger on.
I just want to know about the Vista without lies. Vista looks beautiful and shiny. I've enough use the old XP. I'd like to get a Vista with Service Pack 2 execpt any problems.
I just want to know about the Vista without lies. Vista looks beautiful and shiny. I've enough use the old XP. I'd like to get a Vista with Service Pack 2 execpt any problems.

There is no ****ing problems :| It works FINE

sorry, but i'm tired of people still thinking that Vista is the broken OS that it used to be

and dont spite me you douches!

Dude, I did nothing to you. Relax. XD

Well... I wondered Vista won't run my old games. Descent: Rebirth series, Freespace, and more. Also any old programs.
God damn it, spell check your posts. For ****s sake.
I hate not being able to read posts. If that makes me an asshole, then hell yeah im an asshole.
I hate not being able to read posts. If that makes me an asshole, then hell yeah im an asshole.

Oh. Thank you for your reason.

I don't mind if I can't read grammar. Then I ask someone what do they mean. Execpt being mean.
wahst heer giong onr?

i'm an arseholse too.

it doesn't take much to check your posts!
yes vista should run all the games xp ran, but give windows 7 beta a go - I think its better than vista
Let's just say Mac is for "creative people" and Windows is for "busy people" But damn me if i would not like a Mac.
Don't even start with that crap, especially considering everyone just uses Photoshop on Macs, which is available for Windows.
oh you mac people thinking you're so cool for being different
I just want to know about the Vista without lies. Vista looks beautiful and shiny. I've enough use the old XP. I'd like to get a Vista with Service Pack 2 execpt any problems.

I've owned 64-bit vista since the day it came out and I've had exactly 3 problems:

1.) It didn't recognize my Nikon camera. (Problem was patched within 1 week)
2.) An HP printer that was supposedly 64bit vista certified wouldn't work. (Bought a lexmark and it worked immediately)
3.) A folder that is un-deletable, un-renamable, un-movable, un-hidable, etc, etc. (To be fair, I had this exact same problem with a folder on my old XP sp3 machine)

And just to note...I've never, ever once thought to myself, "man I wish I had XP again because it did _______ so much better."
I use XP. Vista really bugs me, there are some nice interface improvements but I prefer XP, and also Vista gives me no end of headaches especially where games are concerned - I spent about 3 hours this weekend trying to get my two of my friends' Vista-powered laptops to run Starcraft and network properly. I plan on just waiting for Windows 7 and upgrading then.

Also I dunno what Pi is talking about with PG2 on Vista, but you don't need PeerGuardian anymore anyway, most torrent programs have the option to block IPs from a list (you can use the same list PG2 uses) in the configuration options.

Let's just say Mac is for "creative people" and Windows is for "busy people" But damn me if i would not like a Mac.

What the hell are you talking about? Mac is for pretentious artsy fagtards and people who don't understand computers very well (often both). There isn't a goddamn thing that makes Macs more "creative" except maybe their sense of aesthetics, which is something you can do entirely on your own in a much more creative fashion by custom PC builds and case modding. Macs are not better for video editing, image manipulation, or anything else. They are either equal to or worse than PCs in terms of capabilities in every department, generally worse than. Good god I hate it when people try to talk those overpriced chic bundled-software pieces of shit up.

Macs are not better for video editing, image manipulation, or anything else. They are either equal to or worse than PCs in terms of capabilities in every department, generally worse than.

I work in the IT dept. of a building that is 90% apple, I would absolutely love to hear why OS 10.5.6 must be equal to or worse than vista/xp. I run vista and xp at home, and I plan on building a new desktop for windows 7 when it comes out, the only apple product I own is my iphone, but even I can admit some of the apple stuff is pretty slick.

and forgive me if I seem cynical, but the last guy who was swearing OSX was "the shittiest ****ing OS in the world" admitted to not even being able to right click on it. Which is odd because he doesn't even know enough about it to right click....yet he knows enough to know it's the worst OS in the world....right.... And he's not the only person either...my other favorite was the guy who was trying to compare os8.9 to XP...yea, let's compare windows 95 to osx while we're at it.
I've owned 64-bit vista since the day it came out and I've had exactly 3 problems:

1.) It didn't recognize my Nikon camera. (Problem was patched within 1 week)
2.) An HP printer that was supposedly 64bit vista certified wouldn't work. (Bought a lexmark and it worked immediately)
3.) A folder that is un-deletable, un-renamable, un-movable, un-hidable, etc, etc. (To be fair, I had this exact same problem with a folder on my old XP sp3 machine)

And just to note...I've never, ever once thought to myself, "man I wish I had XP again because it did _______ so much better."

Ah... Thank you for the info, dude.
What the hell are you talking about? Mac is for pretentious artsy fagtards and people who don't understand computers very well (often both). There isn't a goddamn thing that makes Macs more "creative" except maybe their sense of aesthetics, which is something you can do entirely on your own in a much more creative fashion by custom PC builds and case modding. Macs are not better for video editing, image manipulation, or anything else. They are either equal to or worse than PCs in terms of capabilities in every department, generally worse than. Good god I hate it when people try to talk those overpriced chic bundled-software pieces of shit up.


I have both XP and OSX on the same computer and OSX runs better with less freeze ups and slow downs than XP. With gaming aside, explain what makes XP "better."
I have both XP and OSX on the same computer and OSX runs better with less freeze ups and slow downs than XP. With gaming aside, explain what makes XP "better."
... you run XP on an Apple machine and wonder why it doesn't run as well as the native Apple OS? ...

... you run XP on an Apple machine and wonder why it doesn't run as well as the native Apple OS? ...

Apple machines are just Intel computers. Windows runs just as well on them as any other computer. I think Vista may actually be a little faster than OS X on my Macbook Pro, but I prefer the user interface of OS X.