What OS do you use...

What OS do you use for things other than gaming

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... you run XP on an Apple machine and wonder why it doesn't run as well as the native Apple OS? ...


...the new macs are intel based platforms...they don't use any super secret apple hardware....and all the drivers are located on the apple hardware cd 1....xp runs just as well on an apple as it does on a dell, homemade. E-machine, or hp computer....

So what makes you think xp is somehow more unstable on an apple machine?
... you run XP on an Apple machine and wonder why it doesn't run as well as the native Apple OS? ...


Apple included a program called Boot Camp which partitions a section of the macintosh hard drive. You install Windows on it and Windows runs natively meaning it is not emulated as something like VMware or Parallels does. I tried VMware before and it couldn't even run Audiosurf correctly, it was all like a wireframe. But VMware isn't for gaming so that is why. VMware was nice because I could have both XP and OSX open at the same time and XP ran like a program. If it were my choice, I wouldn't have gotten a 24" iMac, it was more of a "here, would you like one of these?" "No." "Ok here you go."

So yeah. Wow.
Apple included a program called Boot Camp which partitions a section of the macintosh hard drive.
Princess Diana is Dead?!

Boot Camp and XP functionality on Mac is entirely Apple's concern, there's always going to be a margin of difference that is entirely out of the Windows XP team's hands. You review XP's performance on a Mac instead of a PC and no matter how good that support is, it is not a 100% accurate way of measuring the experience. Hell, If Apple wanted to poorly represent XP's capabilities, it would have an intervening piece of software built in up to the task.
Princess Diana is Dead?!

Boot Camp and XP functionality on Mac is entirely Apple's concern, there's always going to be a margin of difference that is entirely out of the Windows XP team's hands. You review XP's performance on a Mac instead of a PC and no matter how good that support is, it is not a 100% accurate way of measuring the experience. Hell, If Apple wanted to poorly represent XP's capabilities, it would have an intervening piece of software built in up to the task.

How isn't it? It is a partition on which Windows is directly installed. Its not like it is installed onto Boot Camp then installed onto the hard drive. The hard drive is partitioned to almost whatever size you want. After that you pop in the the Windows CD and it runs the installer like a normal PC would. When in Windows it functions exactly like Windows did on any other PC i have had. Drivers, programs, automatic updates--all that jazz runs natively like any other PC.
The only thing Apple really controls is the drivers they give you on the Boot Camp CD. But honestly, only a few of those drivers are Apple specific - stuff like their keyboard/trackpad and their monitors. Everything else in a Mac is just your average Joe PC component. As an example, I updated my nVidia chipset driver, nVidia graphics driver, sound driver, etc. etc. all without Apple's help.

You review XP's performance on a Mac instead of a PC and no matter how good that support is, it is not a 100% accurate way of measuring the experience.
That's honestly like saying I reviewed XP's performance on a Dell, and because that computer wasn't made by Microsoft, it's not a 100% accurate way of measuring the experience.
Yea, it's a year old, but still very interesting

PCWorld said:
The fastest Windows Vista notebook we've tested this year (through 10/25/07) is a Mac. Try that again: The fastest Windows Vista notebook we've tested this year--or for that matter, ever--is a Mac. Not a Dell, not a Toshiba, not even an Alienware. The $2419 (plus the price of a copy of Windows Vista, of course) MacBook Pro's PC WorldBench 6 Beta 2 score of 88 beats Gateway's E-265M by a single point, but the MacBook's score is far more impressive simply because Apple couldn't care less whether you run Windows.

source: http://www.pcworld.com/article/136649-3/in_pictures_the_most_notable_notebooks_of_2007.html
I've been trying to get my new laptop to dual boot Vista/W7. But Vista is a bitch and shrinking your C partition to less than say ONE HUNDRED GIGS (!?!?) is not aloud. So I'm using this Linux bootup thing to manually resize everything and ASHAKSDJAKSLDAJSKD this is taking forever.
So is getting OSX to work on a PC still a bitch to do?
So is getting OSX to work on a PC still a bitch to do?

If you're talking about a Hackintosh, then it's kind of easy now actually. I had my computer dual booting OSX and Vista for a little bit, but they never had kernels/drivers/kext for my ethernet or my wireless so it was kind of pointless. It runs pretty swell though.

There are a bunch of different distros to try as well to see which one will work best. There's also a wikipedia that tells you which distro works with what part on your computer, etc, etc.

In essence, they changed it so it's more like a Windows/Ubuntu install. You should try it, but I recommend doing a shit ton of research beforehand so you've got an idea on what to do.
I don't see how anyone could use anything other than XP or Vista.
As of yesterday...


I'm still using XP, but I might give Vista a try on my next build. I changed my mind about Linux for now. Too many distros to experiment with.
Q6600 processor, radeon 4850 graphics card. I also have one of them fancy pants 10000 rpm hard drives.
Q6600 processor, radeon 4850 graphics card. I also have one of them fancy pants 10000 rpm hard drives.
Not bad. Not bad at all. :dork:

Is it one of those WD Raptor disk drives or whatever? The downside to those 10000 rpm drives a couple of years ago was that it was hard for me to find any over 200GBs. I guess it doesn't matter though if you have a RAID1 setup or a pair of spanned drives.
Not bad. Not bad at all. :dork:

Is it one of those WD Raptor disk drives or whatever? The downside to those 10000 rpm drives a couple of years ago was that it was hard for me to find any over 200GBs. I guess it doesn't matter though if you have a RAID1 setup or a pair of spanned drives.

Mines 150 gigs, I only use it for my OS drive and important programs and data that I need to run quickly.
Windows 7 looks so nice. When I get my laptop fixed, I'll try to install it on there. Damn my broken laptop.
Does anyone know if windows 7's media center natively supports playing blu ray disks?
Does anyone know if windows 7's media center natively supports playing blu ray disks?

i dont think so. i just booted it up and it said 'please insert a dvd in the drive'
nothing about blu-ray

I like windows 7 too, but I just can't wait for when it comes out and everybody runs around screaming, "zomgomgomgom it's like a quintillion trillion billion times better than vista!1!!"


For a shameless plug of me dual booting OSX and Windows Vista on me Gateway P-7811fx computer. :D
Vista Ultimate 32 bit. Works like a charm.

I've heard a few things about using Windows Server 2008 in the place of Vista Ultimate 64 bit, as it's more resourceful or something along those lines. Not sure if it works well in terms of every day use, as it is intended for server management. So I'm kind of skeptical about its practical use.
Im about to finally install windows 7. I will destroy all of you.

Any idea why they raised the scoring system from 1.0 to 7.9 instead of 1.0 to 5.9?

And also why they dont just do a normal scale?
cuz its them. i'm guessing the raise is possibly due to new graphics cards, dont know if or why they haven't updated that in vista's rating system.
What drivers do I use for stuff when using windows 7. The vista ones?
Hah! Beat you guys.


Windows 7 seems pretty sweet so far. I'm liking the taskbar more than I thought I would. And **** yeah, slideshow desktops!