what this guy says about halflife2 may be true...

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i'm gonna get the game with teh BEST water effects!!#!!!! </sarcasm?>
The story is what is going to set HL2 apart, and the way it is told

Instead of just hearing radio commands from some guy in a control room somewhere, you will actually talk to them (well listen) and see them face to face....i can't wait :D :D
Colonel Sanders said:
How'd you get the hang glider in pic 2?
If you go to the far cry forums...some people have the beta and have exported the models of the handglider and Humvee and change the script in the demo we got and posted it in these far cry forums. they have specific instructions on where to put the files so you can start out in the air with the hand glider.
Sparta said:
Oh come on its gotta be released sometime. Like Duke Nukem Forever. Thats gonna be released any day now............just you wait and see............anyday.....................yup..............
And who was it that said Far Cry is the best game released to date? Its not even released. And there are tons of better games in different genres(RPG,Adventure Puzzle games) and the same genre(FPS)

ok sparta now your grasping for straws.....just stop and admitt your wrong :afro:
Mountain Man said:
The thing with Far Cry, it seems to bank on that design concept known as "emergent gameplay". In other words, the developers create an environment, populate it with entities that respond to the gamer, then let the gameplay happen as a result of the player's actions. While this sort of design can lead to some great gameplay, the experience can be inconsistent. For instance, I've had the AI mercs in the Far Cry demo cleverly hunt me down and flush me out of hiding, and then later stand rooted to the ground while I casually walk up and shoot them at point blank range. And this is the biggest problem with basing an entire game around the emergent design philosophy. When it works, it can work better than you'd imagine, and when it doesn't, it can be pretty stupid.

This is why I'm looking forward to Half-Life 2, because Valve really understands gameplay design and how to let emergent and scripted sequences work together to create a consistently compelling and entertaining experience.

ok yorr saying this inconsistancy is bad??? they said it up for different things to happen at every time you play it.....its called BETTER REPLAY VALUE.
maximus0402 said:
ok yorr saying this inconsistancy is bad??? they said it up for different things to happen at every time you play it.....its called BETTER REPLAY VALUE.

Well, then you can replay HL2 by turning off AI the second time around cuz that seems like it would be a good comparison to the replay value of Far Cry.

/me runs
Warbie said:
I think FarCry is average because I don't find it very enjoyable - it pails in comparison to older games like Half Life or Golden Eye .... even without the rose tinted glasses :)

There's nothing wrong with it - it just adds nothing new but a few shiny effects.

its a 1 level demo....you can't possible say hl2 story will be better......little is know fo far cry story and little is known with hl2 story.....lets just wait for the full games to judge shall we?
alehm said:
Well, then you can replay HL2 by turning off AI the second time around cuz that seems like it would be a good comparison to the replay value of Far Cry.

/me runs

ahh hello...this was a demo....months before the release of the full game.....AI will be cleaned up and tweaked
maximus, you have to realize your opinion isn't law. I do agree that judging story from a demo whereas you're not keyed in about the story in the slightest is ludicrous, but hey, some people just didn't like the FC demo.
That doesn't mean FC is a bad game, some people just have different tastes than others. I'm not sure why you're acting as though if someone doesn't like FC they're sinners, or something.
Shuzer said:
maximus, you have to realize your opinion isn't law. I do agree that judging story from a demo whereas you're not keyed in about the story in the slightest is ludicrous, but hey, some people just didn't like the FC demo.
That doesn't mean FC is a bad game, some people just have different tastes than others. If someone doesn't like FC they're sinners.

You heard it directly from shuzer....if you don't like Far Cry then you are a sinner :)...you couldn't of said it better shuzer...thanks
maximus0402 said:
You heard it directly from shuzer....if you don't like Far Cry then you are a sinner :)...you couldn't of said it better shuzer...thanks

Well then, I guess there's no hope left for you :|

Nice editing of the quote maximus.....
But you shouldn't of, it makes you look sily.

Oh and btw, I have played the single player demo and multiplayer beta and allthough its a decent game I still don't think its gona be on the same standard as Halflife2.
It just feels wrong in my opinon. I am just waiting for the next patch for the beta now to see if it makes it much different because at the moment its a little sily.
Unfortunatly I can't say why because of the NDA.
maximus0402 said:
ok sparta now your grasping for straws.....just stop and admitt your wrong :afro:

admit im wrong about what? my opinion? That there are better games then Far Cry?
I think that some of you need to be imaginative and observant. I can't agree that it's only the engines getting better while games (FPS's for now) stay the same because I've played HL1 and I've read all the Valve interviews.
It seems that few people observed how well done HL1 actually is. Take the pacing of the game. Valve came up with the concept of 'action events'. They beta tested every HL1 level to keep tension and variety in these action events and used the distance between each event to set pace, create atmosphere/effective scene transitions and advance the story. Valve also created a completely natural and believable tone by using seamless level transitions and developing each level at the same time and having all the artists work together to not create any irregular 'vibes'. Valve came up with many ideas (not all of which are noticed) and I'm sure have been doing the same for the past 5 years.
I also think there is a lack of imagination for people who say games can't go much farther. Valve have hinted at their new 'scene' idea where actors (and everything in the world actually) will play a role in the events that take place around you. I particularly want to experience new action sequences and 'puzzles' beyond the basic run-here-shoot-him routine. Likewise, I really want to see where the new facial animation system will go (this, like physics and realtime lighting, will become another must-have for all games in the near future). Then there are the weapons and enemies that I've heard of (i can't say from where) that sound so much more interesting than the generic junk we are currently seeing .
There is a long way to go for computer games and Valve seems to be one of the companies heading in the right direction.
what made Half Life stand out from other games, to me, was the way the entire game was set-up with the all the scripted sequences and the whole new out-of-this-world kinda plot where we were facing more then just 1 enemy, we were fighting Black Ops, Zombies, Xen Aliens, Race-X, we were fighting everyone and everything but the scientists and Barney. It created this whole intense atmosphere were you were fighting just to stay alive. I can't think of any other game that i've played thats had that kinda atmosphere. A game that throws you into the middle of a big massive battle between different dimensions and is able to actually get you into the game and still holds on to some sense of reality, ya know? Not exactly Sc-Fi stuff but not far from it either? Not many games are so good at creating atmospheres like that. And to me thats one of the big things that Far Cry lacks. And its a big thing
I wandered into this forum and decided to check out Far Cry after reading some of your guys' thoughts. I've got to say I'm real impressed by the game but not having played HL2 I can't say which I prefer better. I do prefer that I can actually play far cry. I recommened everyone download and try it.
Yeah, download it if you're interested but keep it for modding it, you can get gliders and humvee's for it on the Ubisoft Forums
It seems that few people observed how well done HL1 actually is. Take the pacing of the game. Valve came up with the concept of 'action events'. They beta tested every HL1 level to keep tension and variety in these action events and used the distance between each event to set pace, create atmosphere/effective scene transitions and advance the story. Valve also created a completely natural and believable tone by using seamless level transitions and developing each level at the same time and having all the artists work together to not create any irregular 'vibes'. Valve came up with many ideas (not all of which are noticed) and I'm sure have been doing the same for the past 5 years.

Let me say this first, HL was a great, revolutionary game on many different levels. However, when it came out, it was treated as a very very good game not a great game. (On a scale of 1 to 100, I believe most magazines rated it around 93/94 range) As the popularity of HL grew, so did peoples ratings of it. Denying this is kinda of pointless as all great games suffer from the same problem (Though it is not a bad thing).

Anyways back on topic, I hope Far Cry is great, as PC gaming could use a bunch of high profile, great games to help boost the popularity of PC gaming.
marksmanHL2 :) said:

Nice editing of the quote maximus.....
But you shouldn't of, it makes you look sily.

Oh and btw, I have played the single player demo and multiplayer beta and allthough its a decent game I still don't think its gona be on the same standard as Halflife2.
It just feels wrong in my opinon. I am just waiting for the next patch for the beta now to see if it makes it much different because at the moment its a little sily.
Unfortunatly I can't say why because of the NDA.

Boy, everything is just silly to you isn't it?? This world is just too silly. This forum is silly. Today was silly. Heck being silly is just plain silly, silly.
Sparta said:
what made Half Life stand out from other games, to me, was the way the entire game was set-up with the all the scripted sequences and the whole new out-of-this-world kinda plot where we were facing more then just 1 enemy, we were fighting Black Ops, Zombies, Xen Aliens, Race-X, we were fighting everyone and everything but the scientists and Barney. It created this whole intense atmosphere were you were fighting just to stay alive. I can't think of any other game that i've played thats had that kinda atmosphere. A game that throws you into the middle of a big massive battle between different dimensions and is able to actually get you into the game and still holds on to some sense of reality, ya know? Not exactly Sc-Fi stuff but not far from it either? Not many games are so good at creating atmospheres like that. And to me thats one of the big things that Far Cry lacks. And its a big thing

I have no beef with half-life 1...it was all the things you mentioned and then some.....the only thing that actually was out of place and could of been better or done differently in halflife 1 was the xen levels.
maximus0402 said:
Boy, everything is just silly to you isn't it?? This world is just too silly. This forum is silly. Today was silly. Heck being silly is just plain silly, silly.

You're an odd one.

maximus0402 said:
I have no beef with half-life 1...it was all the things you mentioned and then some.....the only thing that actually was out of place and could of been better or done differently in halflife 1 was the xen levels.

So, what's your beef with Half-Life²? You tell us that we all might as well go play FarCry, and you agree that we should "screw VALVe," and that all they have done is created hype. Come to think of it, this topic is pretty hazey.
Tlaloc said:
i'm gonna get the game with teh BEST water effects!!#!!!! </sarcasm?>

Hah, that sums things up perfectly!

Frankly, all these games are getting to be pretty much identical.
Graphics have gotten to the point that even the worst of the major 2004 shooters is still awesome. It's all eye candy now.
Graphics seriously don't need to be better, even if it's great that they will be.

For me, the real issues are playability: Will it lag? How good is the AI? Are the weapons balanced?

Those are the real issues that matter. The refractivity of water or the fact that enemies do or don't blink aren't going to dramatically push one game ahead of the others in the race for supremacy.

That one guy before was saying that FC was reminicent of Serious Sam, not because of the graphics, but because he didn't really feel challenged by the enemies. The fact that they can get confused by simple situations or only sometimes react show that the game could use polishing, even if the graphics are great. You're not fighting the shiny trees and water, after all. Sure, they do help the gameplay by making more realistic environments, but does it help as much as having more realistic AI?

Simply put, I'd be more impressed if they put out a game with outdated quake graphics that had the best AI ever over a game with more refractive water but enemies that may not work right.
Yeah, I'm still waiting for a game with awesome AI.. I hope HL2's AI is awesome. If not , I'll keep waiting.
played Far Cry and believe me, unless your ignorant, its one hell of a step up on the FPS shooter, HL2 and D3 wont seem as much of a step up after Far Cry hits the shops.. no dodgy ATI deals going on with this game either...

MechaGodzilla that guy sounds like he wants perfection,,. lol , Its a Beta demo for god sakes!. lol .. one hell of a beta demo

Simply put, I'd be more impressed if they put out a game with outdated quake graphics that had the best AI ever over a game with more refractive water but enemies that may not work right.

lol but the majority of us want a polished off game with more than just great AI , that comes up behind you and pulls your pants down :p, youd probably complain if the AI was too good aswell, and you couldnt get a shot in. .. Its great as it is and im sure its going to 'steadily' get better as the years roll on
Shuzer said:
You're an odd one.

So, what's your beef with Half-Life²? You tell us that we all might as well go play FarCry, and you agree that we should "screw VALVe," and that all they have done is created hype. Come to think of it, this topic is pretty hazey.

First of all...yes I can have a weird since of humor, but the guy kept using silly as a word in wierd places...like I "I have the beta and I thought the game is silly"...what the hell is that suppose to mean?? did it humor you?? was the AI silly?? did you feel silly because your in a jungle??

also, I have no problem with valve or halflife2 for that matter....I didn't say screw valve..the guy in the article did...I just posted it thats all. I interpret his "screw valve" statement as....move over valve....there is new competition in the works....far cry may give halflife 2 a run for its money. I am sure this person is going to get halflife2 also and so will I, he is just saying that there may be better games or equal too games in the works that are comming out sooner....
Styloid said:
I think that some of you need to be imaginative and observant. I can't agree that it's only the engines getting better while games (FPS's for now) stay the same because I've played HL1 and I've read all the Valve interviews.
It seems that few people observed how well done HL1 actually is. Take the pacing of the game. Valve came up with the concept of 'action events'. They beta tested every HL1 level to keep tension and variety in these action events and used the distance between each event to set pace, create atmosphere/effective scene transitions and advance the story. Valve also created a completely natural and believable tone by using seamless level transitions and developing each level at the same time and having all the artists work together to not create any irregular 'vibes'. Valve came up with many ideas (not all of which are noticed) and I'm sure have been doing the same for the past 5 years.
I also think there is a lack of imagination for people who say games can't go much farther. Valve have hinted at their new 'scene' idea where actors (and everything in the world actually) will play a role in the events that take place around you. I particularly want to experience new action sequences and 'puzzles' beyond the basic run-here-shoot-him routine. Likewise, I really want to see where the new facial animation system will go (this, like physics and realtime lighting, will become another must-have for all games in the near future). Then there are the weapons and enemies that I've heard of (i can't say from where) that sound so much more interesting than the generic junk we are currently seeing .
There is a long way to go for computer games and Valve seems to be one of the companies heading in the right direction.

Good post dude. I see a lot of people who say 'HL¹ wasn't all that' but almost all of these people never played it at the time of its release, so they are lacking a sense of context in their assessment. Certainly by todays standards of graphics, gameplay and AI HL¹ doesn't hold up all that well, but HL¹ was the first game that really pushed developers standards in these areas originally. Without HL¹ I doubt that we would of seen the sort of AI push that made games like Q3 or UT or the cinematic atmosphere and gameplay of MoHaa or CoD. Certainly CS wouldn't be around.
Anyhow, I STILL don't see why people say "FarCry is nothing special, it's average. Just has a few technological improvements, past that it's a standard FPS."
Perhaps because that's a valid assessment of the game?
HL2 may get to be better than FC, but I actually have an oficial Far Cry demo that says otherwise. Grafics seem better, better lighting/shadows, better water, etc., AI actually works in teams, flanks you takes cover, follow/give orders, use vehicles, radio for help, etc., fysics excelent, I could pile up corpses and misc. objects without noticing a slowdown (HL2's ragdolls can't pile up in the beta, at least, and fysics in general lags the comp). Vehicles are also the best I've tested yet in any game or almost-game.

Played at max details without noticable fps drops, very smooth and all, on a 2100+, 1gb 333, 9800.
maximus0402 said:
First of all...yes I can have a weird since of humor, but the guy kept using silly as a word in wierd places...like I "I have the beta and I thought the game is silly"...what the hell is that suppose to mean?? did it humor you?? was the AI silly?? did you feel silly because your in a jungle??

Marksman used the world "silly" once, referring to you. Go on and check his post again.

Mountain Man said:
Perhaps because that's a valid assessment of the game?

Maybe to you? Again, you could say the same for HL2 or D3 (I could be wrong, but none of us know at this point). What are those going to be bringing to the table that's new for the FPS genre? AI, physics, lighting, it's all becoming standard, so you can't use any of those examples.
The FarCry demo was technically flawed and not very smoot , when I did manage to trick it into running well it looked very nice. But I was disappointed with how clumsy it was.
I don't mind comparisons to FarCry and HL2 right now because I think its true that Valve haven't shown their best material, technology wise. What we have seen is very debatable whether it is superior overall to FarCry (but I'm still pretty certain there are things we haven't seen yet from Valve). Judging solely by initial impressions, it's very inconclusive but debatable.
What I'm not happy with is the idea that FarCry is any sort of huge step in gaming. From what has been previewed so far, FarCry looks to have yet another of the same old setup. Load a large map, give the player some vague reason for being there, provide 3 or 4 routes to achieve random goal, play some cheesy cutscene so they can say they have a 'story' (though if you ask me if you don't *tell* a story properly, it's just a plot with missions), repeat for 10-20 levels. Then tack on some multiplayer.
It's a step in gaming technology but I don't see it as setting the bar (since it barely reaches the bar) as a game.
FARCRY is missing one thing......the story and feel the halflife1 and 2 will have.....hl1 just had a feeling to it.....with the story and characters
Maybe to you? Again, you could say the same for HL2 or D3 (I could be wrong, but none of us know at this point). What are those going to be bringing to the table that's new for the FPS genre? AI, physics, lighting, it's all becoming standard, so you can't use any of those examples.
You're making the mistake of evaluating a game by its feature list. Based on what I know about the above games--Far Cry, Doom III, and Half-Life 2--it's my general impression that Valve will make better use of those technical features and make a better game than the competition. In other words, it's not the technology, it's what you do with it.
maximus0402 said:
But they do have good hearing, so stepping on a twig during your crawl could alert them.

Too bad there aren't any twigs ...

maximus0402 said:
We have a working “Next Gen” game right here; in fact it’s even due out before Hype Life 2, and Damn 3. Give this demo a try, you won’t regret it. "

I love Far Cry and all but if you look at it, what HL2 and D3 are doing takes a ton more work. Far Cry maps are based off of a plane that is extruded into hills and valleys by probably using a height map. Any urban encounters in this game are minimal. To have incredible looking urban levels, it takes a lot more time and hard work. Also, the physics system in FarCry isn't nearly as advanced as the one in HL2. Only a few things can be affected by physics in FarCry while nearly everything in HL2 can be. I think FarCry is sweet and I am most definately going to buy it but I think it's in a different league than hl2 and d3.
Shuzer said:
Marksman used the world "silly" once, referring to you. Go on and check his post again.

um actually...you go look at his post..... it says this:

"It just feels wrong in my opinon. I am just waiting for the next patch for the beta now to see if it makes it much different because at the moment its a little sily."
Styloid said:
I don't mind comparisons to FarCry and HL2 right now because I think its true that Valve haven't shown their best material, technology wise. What we have seen is very debatable whether it is superior overall to FarCry (but I'm still pretty certain there are things we haven't seen yet from Valve). Judging solely by initial impressions, it's very inconclusive but debatable.
What I'm not happy with is the idea that FarCry is any sort of huge step in gaming. From what has been previewed so far, FarCry looks to have yet another of the same old setup. Load a large map, give the player some vague reason for being there, provide 3 or 4 routes to achieve random goal, play some cheesy cutscene so they can say they have a 'story' (though if you ask me if you don't *tell* a story properly, it's just a plot with missions), repeat for 10-20 levels. Then tack on some multiplayer.
It's a step in gaming technology but I don't see it as setting the bar (since it barely reaches the bar) as a game.

First of all we really dont know where the story is going to go in far cry. So you can't say its just a playground that they dump you on and then there are a few ways to complete the board.....lets wait for the full version...... you are correct on one thing though...I am a person that is big on good story telling in games and if its not good enough to be immersive, then the game will flop. However this german company crytek does have a story that can go in a very cool direction if they are creative enough...I'll just have to wait and see
Pauly said:
FARCRY is missing one thing......the story and feel the halflife1 and 2 will have.....hl1 just had a feeling to it.....with the story and characters

I am going to say this one last time......WAIT FOR THE ****ING FULL GAME TO COME OUT!!!! you are comparing a full halflife 1 to a 1 level demo of farcry.......and then you are talking about the story and feel for halflife2 being better when we no nothing at this time about it and we just see movies, not even a demo (dont' even call a half-assed leaked Alpha/Beta, a full assement of the game).
tim8604 said:
Too bad there aren't any twigs ...

I love Far Cry and all but if you look at it, what HL2 and D3 are doing takes a ton more work. Far Cry maps are based off of a plane that is extruded into hills and valleys by probably using a height map. Any urban encounters in this game are minimal. To have incredible looking urban levels, it takes a lot more time and hard work. Also, the physics system in FarCry isn't nearly as advanced as the one in HL2. Only a few things can be affected by physics in FarCry while nearly everything in HL2 can be. I think FarCry is sweet and I am most definately going to buy it but I think it's in a different league than hl2 and d3.

I posted a article, I did not say those things you quoted me on
Mountain Man said:
You're making the mistake of evaluating a game by its feature list. Based on what I know about the above games--Far Cry, Doom III, and Half-Life 2--it's my general impression that Valve will make better use of those technical features and make a better game than the competition. In other words, it's not the technology, it's what you do with it.

This I understand, but my point is this: What FarCry sets out to accomplish it pulls off, quite well might I add. It (the gameplay) is not as nearly as cliched as games like Serious Sam, Doom, etc. It's much more stealth than run and gun, maybe to you that's boring and been done to death, but, I haven't seen enough first person stealth shooters as of late. I didn't mean to make it sound like features make a game, I agree games need proper implimentation of features to make it successful, fun, good and well balanced (that, and a good story to boot, which unfortunately FC doesn't appear to have [from the information given, that is]). Personally, I like the style FarCry is aiming for, it didn't feel clichéd IMO. I would've agreed that FC would've been pretty boring had there been no vehicles, that's what I enjoyed most about the FC demo.
I'm sure, in the end, I'll end up praising VALVe over Crytek, GSC and iD; they do seem to make better use of technology. I just felt as though everyone was saying FC was clichéd because it was a "typical first person shooter with graphical/feature improvements," which, at this point, that's all that the nextgen games are (since we haven't had a chance to play them yet).

maximus0402 said:
um actually...you go look at his post..... it says this:

"It just feels wrong in my opinon. I am just waiting for the next patch for the beta now to see if it makes it much different because at the moment its a little sily."

Never-the-less, using a word twice isn't over-use. 3 times, and I'd of agreed with you :p lol
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