What was the most embarrasing moment in your life?


Companion Cube
Aug 21, 2004
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What was the most embarrasing moment in your life?

It can be anything. I will tell you mine after some people have said theres... So I can get some courage.
well, there have been a couple of threads on this, but they're old and dusty.. so you may as well have a fresh one. :thumbs:

I might add some things later heheh
hooking up with a really hot girl and then finding out that she has a serious boyfriend
One thing i'l never forget was when I was jumping up and hugging my dads legs and yelling I love you daddy, and I accidenlty grabbed some random guys legs that was wearing the same coat as my dad :\ I was like 5 then
Oh, I've had many of those.
I guess the biggest one must be when I thought the book of Cthulhu was for real and not a roman.

No wait, that was just one...
When my gf called me an "annoying prick" in front of people at the department store :(
There was this one time, not my most embarrasing though. But I was quite young and I was at camp. I was having a bowl of corn flakes for breakfast and my teacher, Ms Maiden(She dosen't know alot of stuff...) She randomly got Bran flakes and told me "I had to have these in the old days, I call them 'brown worms'" (Yea, that helps :eek:)

So I was sitting there with a bowl full of corn flakes which was coated in 'brown worms' I felt so ill... The diarohea wasn't that good either :|
Dan said:
hooking up with a really hot girl and then finding out that she has a serious boyfriend

Nah, that's more of an "oh well" moment really.

I didn't shower for four days at school camp once. No one sat next to me on the bus home :(
Bad^Hat said:
Nah, that's more of an "oh well" moment really.

I didn't shower for four days at school camp once. No one sat next to me on the bus home :(

Collapsing in the middle of the playground at school after a mate punched me in the kidney as hard as he could, and waking up to find everyone laughing at me.
The hottest girl in my school(also in the same class as me),lost her balence when giving coming back to her seat from giving the teacher something,and she sat on my by accident,boy did that feel good ^_^.But it wasent a good thing because the whole damn class knows it,soon the whole school will.
Orcone101 said:
Collapsing in the middle of the playground at school after a mate punched me in the kidney as hard as he could, and waking up to find everyone laughing at me.


WTF You shoulda got back up broke his face.

Sieg said:
The hottest girl in my school(also in the same class as me),lost her balence when giving coming back to her seat from giving the teacher something,and she sat on my by accident,boy did that feel good ^_^.But it wasent a good thing because the whole damn class knows it,soon the whole school will.

so the whole school will know you had a hot chick sitting on your lap...

Yes i can see how you would be imbarrased... *cough* :dozey:
Walking into the wrong classroom and sitting down for about 10 mins until I realized I didn't have that class until next hour, hard to find a smooth way outa that.
haha awesome! i don't know if i'd be able to not be embarrassed in that situation.

I have one was sooo bad :( My friends (james) band playing at a local venue, and a few teachers were coming, and i invited my RE teacher who came and enjoyed the performance. However my friends band was only support that gig the headlining band were called 'clymera' or something like that. So i asked my teacher the following day, did you stay after james' band to watch 'chlamydia' I can't believe i said, that he was embarrassed for me! And for the younger members out there...thats a lovely STD/STI!
Hectic Glenn said:
haha awesome! i don't know if i'd be able to not be embarrassed in that situation.

I have one was sooo bad :( My friends (james) band playing at a local venue, and a few teachers were coming, and i invited my RE teacher who came and enjoyed the performance. However my friends band was only support that gig the headlining band were called 'clymera' or something like that. So i asked my teacher the following day, did you stay after james' band to watch 'chlamydia' I can't believe i said, that he was embarrassed for me! And for the younger members out there...thats a lovely STD/STI!
lmao thats a good one :D


hmm, I can't think of anything embarrasing, atleast nothing I want to make public on here :E
I got decked in rugby once. Guy ****in clotheslined me. Never played rugby again.

This one time a guy spread a rumour around my old school that I was gay with this guy.

Um... I peed my pants in High School, no one saw me though >_>
Some awards got handed out in my school. The week before we had to put our names down on the list to recieve it, and a 'friend' put mine down, but turns out he put my nickname down.

So anyway when it came to the ceremony thingy, they started reading the names, but I could only hear the first few and the rest became drowned out by people standing up and walking to the front. So I presumed my name was read out, and went to the front, in front of everyone.
But no award thing ;(
And very embarrassing to be there and get nothing.

Ah well it's all character building isn't it?
Back when I was a senior in High School a teacher called on me to answer a question but I got it wrong.
Dalamari said:
Walking into the wrong classroom and sitting down for about 10 mins until I realized I didn't have that class until next hour, hard to find a smooth way outa that.
Pffft - why find a smooth way out? Wait for it to go quiet and then say as loudly as possible without screaming:
"Oh f*ck me, I'm in the wrong bloody class again."
Kick back your chair and make a very noisy exit. Bravo :)

I've had quite a few embarrassing drunken escapades. Sadly. One involved a lot of tequila at a friend's house party. I ended up lying in her bath tub, fully clothed, half-conscious. People tried to pull me out and I just hurled abuse at them and lashed about in an angry fashion. In trying to pull me out, I went from fully clothed to not-so-fully clothed and el Chi was exposed to a female friend in a way that wasn't flattering, if you know what I mean.
"Honestly, usually it's much bi- No, wait come back, I'm serious!"
el Chi said:
Pffft - why find a smooth way out? Wait for it to go quiet and then say as loudly as possible without screaming:
"Oh f*ck me, I'm in the wrong bloody class again."
Kick back your chair and make a very noisy exit. Bravo :)

I've had quite a few embarrassing drunken escapades. Sadly. One involved a lot of tequila at a friend's house party. I ended up lying in her bath tub, fully clothed, half-conscious. People tried to pull me out and I just hurled abuse at them and lashed about in an angry fashion. In trying to pull me out, I went from fully clothed to not-so-fully clothed and el Chi was exposed to a female friend in a way that wasn't flattering, if you know what I mean.
"Honestly, usually it's much bi- No, wait come back, I'm serious!"

I would have raised my hand and said:

Me: "Is this calculus III?"
Prof: "Um, no this is the study of Roman Arts."
Me: "Oh shit, well um... this is awkward. Uh... do you know where Calc III room is?"
Prof: "Have you tried the Math and Physics building?"
Me: "Wait... they have one of those?"
Prof: "Yes."
Me: "Man, I've been coming here for the last 3 months."

Then when everyone starts laughing I'd get up and walk out slowly with a single tear running down the side of my face.

As for drunk stories, I've never actually gotten so drunk that I can't remember anything but I do act different. I make a lot of jokes when I'm drunk and I talk more but nothing major. One time though me and a few friends were playing some card games and drinking rum and coke. Well I had had a lot to drink, not alcohol wise but liquid volume wise. I felt like I was gonna burst but I was drunk so I just kept drinking and when there was no more room in my stomach it all just came up right in middle of my kitchen floor. I'm not talking a little bit but a lot. It was all brown and smelled nasty, but I had to clean it all up and mop it then I started driking again lol.
I got drunk and stoned and set fire to a matress and my friend's cellphone was on the mattress and he punched my face.
Bad^Hat said:
I got drunk and stoned and set fire to a matress and my friend's cellphone was on the mattress and he punched my face.

You're lucky, when I did that my friend punched my ear. That hurts really really bad.
Went to greece, for a lads holiday, got so incredibly drunk was out there for 3 days out of our two weeks, vomited, spat at people and due to the climate change and the food...I crapped my self...not one of my finest moments.
Pressure said:
You're lucky, when I did that my friend punched my ear. That hurts really really bad.

crotch...crotch hurts more.

My most embarrasing moment has to be when...crap..I already drowned it out using my elite memory erasing skills.

Oh well.

When I went to Ibiza last July I ended up going back to a gals hotel and ended up shagging on the balcony - I could say that was embaressing cuz two dudes were watching from their room, but that wasn't it. This lay-dee had a lad who fancied her, who'd come on holiday with her, so she didn't want him to find out we'd been at it.
So we quickly threw all the blankets back into the hotel room, picked up the johnny wrappers, clothes, beer bottles etc and hid them away. Sorted....

...Three days later I'm in my hotel room with my friend who's on holiday with me. His jeans are dirty and/or creased, and he wants some to go out in. Being a lovely kind guy I say he can use a pair of mine, so he takes them, pops them on and... oooh.... what's this in the pocket.....

I've no idea how or why a used condom ended up in my pocket, but it was an absolute p*sser... thinking back it wasn't really that embarassing... hmm... Funny tho.
Pressure said:
You're lucky, when I did that my friend punched my ear. That hurts really really bad.

Wait... when you did what exactly? This isn't one of those "Now now, we all get horribly drunk and stoned and burn a mattress with a friend's cellphone on it at some stage in our lives" instances, is it?
Pressure, I'd just like to salute you for carrying on drinking after being sick. It takes a special kind of guy to ignore your body's warning signs with that kind of defiant abandon. :) <Salutes Pressure>
IT wasn't because of the alcohol. I was drinking water and coke along with it so I just had too much liquid in me lol. I felt fine :).
I got 100´s of things ive done when im drunk. If your lucky i will write a good one later..im to tired atm just got home from work..
Pressure said:
IT wasn't because of the alcohol. I was drinking water and coke along with it so I just had too much liquid in me lol. I felt fine :).
I was sick from Tequila in my friend's exotic plant, and after I continued to drink beer. That was when I was young and able to take such poisons though.

The plant grew like never before apparently :p I probably mutated its genes or something :LOL:
Going to an 80s party with 2 friends. As victims of the Lockerbie bombings. I think we found the line for taste in Durham :eek:
Murray_H said:
Going to an 80s party with 2 friends. As victims of the Lockerbie bombings. I think we found the line for taste in Durham :eek:
thats sick
And just plain wrong. :(

EDIT: At least your honest...

Dunno what my most embarising moment is..

Purhaps tickling a girl to the point where she made noises that could be mistaken for something else and getting a very very very dirty look off one of her friends :O :p

Tee hee....
I make an ass of myself so much its hard to think of one moment, I think it was when I was battleing with a door to open, pushing it when it was a pull open door. Yeah that was pretty bad, most people figer it out after 40 seconds, not me, nuh uh.
The Dark Elf said:
thats sick

Yeah I knew a medic who went to a fancy dress party as Harold Shipman... but that's just plain wrong :p