What was the most embarrasing moment in your life?

i was running down the road after being out on a walk with me family when i was about 5, me dad shouted me for some reason, i turned back...POOOOOOSSSSTTTTT

i was in a mirror maze, thought i saw the exit, ran at full pelt and knocked myself out for a few seconds with a gushing nose bleed

LAST day of high school and i get a nose bleed that lasts half the day...might not sound embarassing but it really was

was stood behind me mate once when people were chucking stuff at each other for some reason...and he swung back to throw and smacked me in my face.........hard

a mate of mine in a maths lesson when i was about 14 shouted across the classroom whilst the teacher was out that the girl sat next to him fancied me...bit of a wanker really...and she was a dog....and a bitch

i just seem to get stiff at the most inappropriate times like just before i have to get off the bus....BOOOOOIiiiiiiiinngggGGGGGG...but i have clever ways of concealing by a quick rearrangement through sly pocket manouvers

doing impressions of fireworks whilst drunk in a takeaway

i had me mum streak me hair once and she assed it right up and there was just random lines everywhere and it didn't....look...right

having to be picked up off the floor from a puddle of my own puke by a security guard on my college campus...me mate encouraged a heavy drinking session as we only had half day college
Dalamari said:
Walking into the wrong classroom and sitting down for about 10 mins until I realized I didn't have that class until next hour, hard to find a smooth way outa that.

LOL i've done that exact thing

Once I got caught fapping, kindof It was under the bedsheets and my dad didn't see so I just played it off like I was adjusting and the worst part was he stayed in there to talk :\ I was sitting there thinking of how embarassing it was and just nodding to his random statements... godamn that sucked
Being called an attention whore posting in threads with the name "floofybunny" or posting my picture. I'm not saying it's not true, but it's still embarrassing. It's also worse when I'm on voice chat doing multiplayer, usually I get mistaken for a very, very, young guy or "noob" or "gay noob" until they get their asses blown to bits. No one ever believes me when I try to explain I'm a girl.

But the frag messages are interesting if say a certain floofybunny wins ...

- Bunny
my most embarrasing? well, there was this one time, at computer camp... i shoved a linux cd into my windows computer... *gasps*. that went around so quickly, and now people call me nasty names.
working for hl2.net :E
only joking, wub wub etc. my most embarassing moment is private and confidential. at least i'm not an attention whore! look at me! woo! \o/
Onions said:
working for hl2.net :E
only joking, wub wub etc. my most embarassing moment is private and confidential. at least i'm not an attention whore! look at me! woo! \o/

You have attempted to leech an audience from Bunny's attention whoring. Bunny's methods are patented and restricted for bunny usage, like speaking in third person.

You will now be poked with a sharp stick. *poke*

- Bunny
Doppelgofer said:
i just seem to get stiff at the most inappropriate times like just before i have to get off the bus....BOOOOOIiiiiiiiinngggGGGGGG...but i have clever ways of concealing by a quick rearrangement through sly pocket manouvers
frickin pratically every day right before school right when i get out of the car :angry:

kinda embarrassing/feely badness
my friends and i played this really mean trick on a girl in my class (who is the hottest one)
it wasnt my idea, but i still feel really bad, because i was the one who actually played the trick.
my friends payed me 20 bucks to do it, but i gave that to her, but that didnt make it any better ;(
im still plauged by it

its kinda embarrassing when i see her everyday (really small school, 38 kids)
but i think she forgot about it because she randomly hugs me sometimes (which is also a bit embarrassing because i dunno what i should do when she hugs me :eek: :eek: )

wow that was like my longest post ever :borg:
Hmm most embarrasing. I remember once being in some random Adelaide Museum's cafeteria with my Art teacher. I'd gotten into a fight earlier and was catching a later bus back to school with her.

So I was drinking coke and eating a few cookies. Out of boredom I started flipping threw my art folder looking at some sketches I'd done that day. My teacher asked if she could have a look and I handed it over to her. She started looking through it and it wasn't until half way biting through my last cookie that I realised I also had some inapropriate sketches in the back.

Man was my face red. My teacher just smiled and handed it back saying "Nice work" I couldn't say another word to her that afternoon.

That was during year 8 I think.
Kyo said:
Hmm most embarrasing. I remember once being in some random Adelaide Museum's cafeteria with my Art teacher. I'd gotten into a fight earlier and was catching a later bus back to school with her.

So I was drinking coke and eating a few cookies. Out of boredom I started flipping threw my art folder looking at some sketches I'd done that day. My teacher asked if she could have a look and I handed it over to her. She started looking through it and it wasn't until half way biting through my last cookie that I realised I also had some inapropriate sketches in the back.

Man was my face red. My teacher just smiled and handed it back saying "Nice work" I couldn't say another word to her that afternoon.

That was during year 8 I think.
year 8??
ne0, depending on the state in Australia. Highschool starts in Year 8, in NSW it starts in year 7 IIRC.
The other week, some people came to look round my house to see if they wanted to live here next year. A group of eight guys. They asked us a couple of questions about the house, and one of them was:
"What's the landlord like?"
He's very annoying, but I didn't want to put them off too much, so I thought I'd make a joke:
"Well he's a bit of a bastard. He raped my mum."
Silence. Blank, confused faces. One or two half-hearted scared/pity laughs.
My flatmates pissed themselves though...
The other day, one of the guys comes round to look with his dad, who asks:
"What's the landlord like?"
I bite my tongue.
Kyo said:
Hmm most embarrasing. I remember once being in some random Adelaide Museum's cafeteria with my Art teacher. I'd gotten into a fight earlier and was catching a later bus back to school with her.

So I was drinking coke and eating a few cookies. Out of boredom I started flipping threw my art folder looking at some sketches I'd done that day. My teacher asked if she could have a look and I handed it over to her. She started looking through it and it wasn't until half way biting through my last cookie that I realised I also had some inapropriate sketches in the back.

Man was my face red. My teacher just smiled and handed it back saying "Nice work" I couldn't say another word to her that afternoon.

That was during year 8 I think.

I ripped all those pages out of my old art books and burned em :D
Ha! On the subject of naughty drawings...

Two Xmas's ago it snowed, and me and my mates were walking up to my house to pick up some stuff to go sledging with, I went in the house, got my gloves, scarf etc and headed off. We had a great day, came back at night, went inside to find my Dad looking pretty pissed off. I asked him what was up and he pointed to the front garden, I went for a peek outside to find my mates had drawn a massive picture of a man raping a dog in the snow on my front garden - I think even my Dad found it funny tho :D
How did they manage that without you or your parents noticing?!
ray_MAN said:
How did they manage that without you or your parents noticing?!

Well me and the rents were in the house, my mates waited outside.

Lil' buggers
Ok, here goes....

I pulled in to Nazareth, was feeling 'bout half past dead, I just needed some place where I can lay my head. So I say, 'Hey mister, can you tell me where a man might find a bed?' He just grinned and shook my hand, 'No' was all he said.

It was crazy
most emberassing.... guess when I wrote this gay story for a writing contest (my teacher made the class do it) and it turns out I won. The teacher read it to everybody and it was so cheesy - I looked like a pansy. There's much more, such as the odd trip on the stairs (happens to everyone) or missing an easy oppurtunity in sports (again, happens to even the best but makes you look like a newb).
Well one of the most embarrassing moments I've witnessed (was my dads moment of shame) was about 3 years ago. He was in rehearsal for what's called the Father-Daughter Dance at my sisters dance school. The fathers were all joking around, coming up with pretty lame excuses to get out of having to make fools of themselves during the practice. My dad, being quite the joker, noticed that one guy (a total stranger) had an ace bandage around his leg. So he pointed, laughed and said something along the lines of "Hey guys! Look at this one, he's really playing it up, what with a bandage and the limp!” The room suddenly hushed, and my dad wondered what he had done. He looked at the mans knee, looked down, and realized he had a prosthetic leg from the knee down and wore the bandage to cover the point were it attached. He apologized profusely afterwards, but still looked like an ass. I should tell you he isn’t an ass, but can get caught up in the moment sometimes.

My most embarrassing moment was probably the magician at my 13th goddamn birthday party. He was supposed to be a “surprise gift” from my parents, who forgot I was turning 13 and not 3. My family was there, and some friends too. Never been so embarrassed in all my life.
qckbeam said:
My most embarrassing moment was probably the magician at my 13th goddamn birthday party. He was supposed to be a “surprise gift” from my parents, who forgot I was turning 13 and not 3. My family was there, and some friends too. Never been so embarrassed in all my life.
:O :O ...im sorry.... :sleep:
the most embarising thing happened to me when I was entering my freshmen year in high school. There was a spohmore who was trying to piss me off by making fun of my mom, which really didn't piss me off. I didn't really know how to respond to this moron, so I started making fun of his mom, telling him that I had sex and stuff with her. Well, I didn't know it at the time, but it turned out his mother died like a year ago from cancer. The kid looked so sad and I felt like the biggest ass hole on earth. But atleast it taught him not to make fun of other peoples moms.
hmm this one is both embaresing and OMG i cant believe that just happened.

So I was at the mall in the food court with my girl (now ex girl) and some guy was hitting on her and she didnt really do anything about it so i came over and told him to go away and he pushed me ( im 6'10" he was 5'11" ) so i took a swing at him, he ducked..........what hapened next will shock you......I planted one square into my gf's jaw.........she started crying and everyone was screaming and yelling at me and security came and she took her plate of food and mashed it right into my chest.......yep it sucked....lol
abconners said:
the most embarising thing happened to me when I was entering my freshmen year in high school. There was a spohmore who was trying to piss me off by making fun of my mom, which really didn't piss me off. I didn't really know how to respond to this moron, so I started making fun of his mom, telling him that I had sex and stuff with her. Well, I didn't know it at the time, but it turned out his mother died like a year ago from cancer. The kid looked so sad and I felt like the biggest ass hole on earth. But atleast it taught him not to make fun of other peoples moms.

"ur mother is a whore!"
"yours is dead"

*asshole cries* owned
I'm still not over the emberresing things i do/have done =o
My dad went on Who Wants To Be A Millionaire and i was in the audience.

They have a special seating part for the relatives of the contestants before they go in the hot-seat. Next to that little spot are the sound guys with they're mics and shit.

Anyway, the contestant used his lifeline and asked the audience. I bent over to pick up the button thingy and i farted. They picked it up on the mics. the people behind me started laughing and so did the sound guys. They had to stop the take as one of the sound guys said they had a technical difficulty (from laughing too much most likely)
Sparta said:
My dad went on Who Wants To Be A Millionaire and i was in the audience.

They have a special seating part for the relatives of the contestants before they go in the hot-seat. Next to that little spot are the sound guys with they're mics and shit.

Anyway, the contestant used his lifeline and asked the audience. I bent over to pick up the button thingy and i farted. They picked it up on the mics. the people behind me started laughing and so did the sound guys. They had to stop the take as one of the sound guys said they had a technical difficulty (from laughing too much most likely)
Thats awesome.
Man there have been so many, its way hard to determine - I can only give you a few highlights and determine for yourself.

1. Managing to get the hottest girl in school to agree to sleep with me, and not being able to get it up not once, but TWICE!. After that she lost interest..... Nothing medical, just performance anxiety when 15, not having a clue what I was doing, and worrying that every1 in neighbouring suburbs was gonna know what happened. Don't think she told any1, or not too many people, cause it never got back to me that she had.

2. Being on a massive escalator in a subway station, and my shoelace undone. Rush hour - hundreds of people stacked like sardines on the left hand side of this unearthly stairway to heaven - and me on the right overtaking lane. Shoelace undone gets caught in the side of the escalotor, and pulls my shoe and shoelace into the escalator, or starts too, and then my trouser cuff starts going into the escalator as well. Completely alarmed at what is happening, I violently pull my right leg away from being sucked into oblivion, get free, and the latent kinetic energy in my backpull slams me into the line of passengers to my left, who crash into each other like dominos, and all begin rolling down the escalators like an episode of Benny Hill - I had to run for it.

3. Another time with my grandma, again at peak in the station, about 8 years old, tripped on my way into the escalotor, landed on the emergency stop button. The ensuing chaos from no escalator in peak hour was a sight to behold.

4. The many jokes I have told at dinner parties, bar outings, social occassions, that fell flat and people said 'Guess you had to be there' or words to that effect.

5. Attending a Legal Clerks function at one of the most prestigious firms in Sydney, having a few too many, and deciding that it would be a good idea to slide down the bannister of the entry way - which was very long. So I did, and and come off the end at about 50ks per hour, and knocked down a group of other clerks like I was ten pin bowling. Precious chicks in their formal dresses who started crying because they'd fallen over, boyfriends wanting to bash me etc. Fortunately for me, this escapade was overtaken by the scandal of another firm's clerks, deciding to help themselves to a few boxes of wine in the Partners' cellar, and kick holes in sets borrowed from the Sydney Opera House. The bowling for clerks scandal was taken off the front page, given the theft and vandalism. Riding the bannister while inebriated became positively well behaved after that.

6. Hanging out in a chatroom online and becoming good friends with a chick in there. Telling her confidential things. And then having a griefer who'd come in there, try to hack people's PCs use script kiddy lamo tactics to boot people, insult people, etc. Absolutely smashing him with witty repartee, and my own special brand of cyber self-defence, which as I was located in the wilds of China, could have been anything with little legal restraint. Then having him run off with the girl who was friends with me, and having them both insult me with the intimate knowledge that she had provided him about me. Yes, very sad.......and embarrassing. They now hate each other again -but Im keeping my distance from both of them.

7. Having a bulldyke lesbian aggro partner loudly proclaim at a meeting 'Your fly's undone Mr X' in front of clients, and other lawyers.

8. Appearing in court for my first time at a mention - before Registrar Hogg. Normally they say, the case, not versus, but AND. So the case of Edwards AND Kerry is the case of Edwards vs Kerry. When the case is called, it means the next lot step up.

So, I hear my case called, and step up, say, xx for the Plaintiff....and no1 from the Defendant turns up. The Registrar says, rightio no1s here.....oh well, not much we can do. Then he says McCulloch AND Buggy. Which I think is the next case, so I start to leave. IT was in fact the name of the firm on the other side (hell I didn't know, wasn;t my file and I was a clerk not a lawyer back then) and he was asking whether any1 was from that firm. And as I start to walk away he says 'No Mr X, come back. I may not have the defendant here, but im not goiing to have the plaintiff run away as well.....' The court room was packed - and erupted into laughter. Fortunately this was like 10 years ago, so the odds are, the only person who remembers this was me.

9. When I was in High School, buying an old muscle car, spending 5ks fixing it up. Making it the perfect pimp-mobile, and then writing it off in an auto accident after having it for 12 days. And having no insurance.

And oh so many more......

Kind regards

A complete retard's guide to avoid embarassing moments:

- before you say 'Goodbye' to someone, make sure they are actually leaving;

- if someone wishes you well in your upcoming exams, chances are they are not doing exams as well, so think clearly before you say 'And the same to you.'

- don't approach a group of girl's out for a Hen's Night and try to pick up. You are just looking for a lot of trouble.

- dont' send out any document late at night. Get some sleep and wait until the morning. Chances are, once u see it in the morning, you will go omg I cant believe there were that many typos in there. Make sure that every1s name is spelt correctly in the document and take utmost care to ensure that there are zero typos in it. Some people go mental over typos. Ie im payning 500 bucks an hour for legal advice, and they haven't even checked this thing for typos? Well some truth to that. But normally Im more worried about whether or not the legal advice is sound or not then whether there are two full stops at the end of the second paragraph. Clients worry more about the two full stops. They are not in a position to yet know whether the legal advice is good or bad.

- Be careful when at dinnner or lunch functions, to not have more than 2 drinks *ever* if it is at work. Any time you have people from work out with you, you are at work. Be studiously careful when reaching for things, and try and drink your own glass of wine. I once started drinking from another partner's glass and he said 'Would you mind if you just drank from your own? Is that Ok with you Mr X?' Another trap is to pick up someone else's jacket from the back of a chair and put it on instead of your own.

- I was once chewing a pen, not realising I had been, and a partner asked me for a pen and then said 'Not that one. A clean one.' Didn't even realise I had been.

- During late night conferences about a Mergers and Acquisitions document, do not knock a full 2 litre bottle of Pepsi over the maps, plans, Development Control Plans, and copies of the transaction agreement while your boss is in full flight hammering for certain amendments. This boss was a nice guy tho and whispered to me 'Hmm, that was kind of uncool.' As the lawyers from Mallesons scrambled to protect their carpet and further documents from Pepsi spillage.

- I was at a Queens Counsel's (now called Senior Counsel in parts of Australia) chambers - and he had his junior barrister with him as well. Queens Counsels chambers and barristers chambers generally are invariably ye olde worlde, and look like Don Corleone's office in the Godfather, with Cedar Tables and leather fittings. At the Queen's Counsels conference table, an antique cedar table, whose age was impossible to guess - the Queens Counsel said, 'Can I have another copy of those amended pleadings?' to the junior. The junior slid the copy of the pleadings across the long table to the Queens Counsel. Unfortunately, the pleadings (rather lengthy) were held together by one of those split metal paper spikes (dunno what they are called) and it put a massive nasty scratch in the table all the way down as it slid towards the Queens Counsel. The room stopped. All I said was to the junior 'I am just so glad that it was you who did that and not me.' The Queens Counsel just said 'ah, never mind, probably needed the old thing re-varnished anyway.' he is one of the nicer 'silks' tho - if it was done to some of the other QCs I know, they would have been throwing the junior out the window into Martin Place.

Kind regards

Calanen said:
- I was once chewing a pen, not realising I had been, and a partner asked me for a pen and then said 'Not that one. A clean one.' Didn't even realise I had been.

As a sub-note to that, make sure that funny taste in your mouth isn't ink
Just about the sophomore and his mom thing, reminds me of a story of a dude called Darren that was not a mongoloid, but was mildly retarded at my school.

A lot of people teased him, and I once rescued him from being beaten up by 3 surfies, who in turn called me 'retard lover' etc. I tried to tell him that if they attacked him again, come and ask me for help, but he was already screaming 'Nooooo!!!' and running away as I was talking to him.

Anyway, he comes to school one day with a broken arm in a cast. And all the usual idiots are saying 'ha ha broken arm! wanking too much ha hah!' He said nothing in reply as usual.

Anyway, had a form meeting - and the form master - said, 'I make this announcement because Darren is not here, he had to go to the doctors to have his arm looked at. In any event you will notice his arm is broken - Darren was the only survivor in a car accident in which his parents were killed in the front seats. You may wish to keep him in your prayers atm......He is now living with his grandparents while the family tries to work out what his future living arrangements will be.'
Man as I think back, the hits just keep on coming.....

I was the home of a very wealthy former client of my family's firm. The father has died, and the young son has inherited like 100 mil or something, and I have been friends with the son since he was a little kid. Anyway, he throws huge bashes at his harbourside mansion. At one of this bashes - a mini-bus comes driving up the compound driveway. And I say 'Good one x - did you hire some handicapped people to do the BBQ tonight!' The minibus pulls up, and a wheelchair ramp extends as an older dude in a wheelchair drives down the ramp. Another barrister was there at the time said i was a 'disgrace to the profession.' He then promptly picked up a stripper and headed into town, so Im not sure if I am going to use his example of morale fortitude. My bro said tho 'Nah it was heaps funny that a handicapped dude did get out of the car!'
MarcoPollo said:
hmm this one is both embaresing and OMG i cant believe that just happened.

So I was at the mall in the food court with my girl (now ex girl) and some guy was hitting on her and she didnt really do anything about it so i came over and told him to go away and he pushed me ( im 6'10" he was 5'11" ) so i took a swing at him, he ducked..........what hapened next will shock you......I planted one square into my gf's jaw.........she started crying and everyone was screaming and yelling at me and security came and she took her plate of food and mashed it right into my chest.......yep it sucked....lol

heh.. that sucks. what happened with your ex later?
Calanen said:
Just about the sophomore and his mom thing, reminds me of a story of a dude called Darren that was not a mongoloid, but was mildly retarded at my school.

A lot of people teased him, and I once rescued him from being beaten up by 3 surfies, who in turn called me 'retard lover' etc. I tried to tell him that if they attacked him again, come and ask me for help, but he was already screaming 'Nooooo!!!' and running away as I was talking to him.

Anyway, he comes to school one day with a broken arm in a cast. And all the usual idiots are saying 'ha ha broken arm! wanking too much ha hah!' He said nothing in reply as usual.

Anyway, had a form meeting - and the form master - said, 'I make this announcement because Darren is not here, he had to go to the doctors to have his arm looked at. In any event you will notice his arm is broken - Darren was the only survivor in a car accident in which his parents were killed in the front seats. You may wish to keep him in your prayers atm......He is now living with his grandparents while the family tries to work out what his future living arrangements will be.'

That's really sad ;(
now, thats the kind of bullies that needs a nice lesson of life
Evil^Milk said:
heh.. that sucks. what happened with your ex later?
After the incident she broke up with me for being jealous of the guy hitting on her and me hitting her and she had to wear a head brace , because of the way i punched her, for a month and i had to pay for the medical bill and she told her friends I had a small johnson (not true, she hadent even seen it) and......I think thats all that resulted from that little quagmire.
Doppelgofer said:
i just seem to get stiff at the most inappropriate times like just before i have to get off the bus....BOOOOOIiiiiiiiinngggGGGGGG...but i have clever ways of concealing by a quick rearrangement through sly pocket manouvers
jeeze, that happens to me all the time, espicially right when i have to go to my next class :sleep:
MarcoPollo said:
After the incident she broke up with me for being jealous of the guy hitting on her and me hitting her and she had to wear a head brace , because of the way i punched her, for a month and i had to pay for the medical bill and she told her friends I had a small johnson (not true, she hadent even seen it) and......I think thats all that resulted from that little quagmire.

Jeez.. not to make fun of it, but its like something straight out of a Ben Stiller movie