What was the most embarrasing moment in your life?

Onions said:
at least i'm not an attention whore! look at me! woo! \o/

Says the person who joins IRC on his birthday with the name "onions|birthday"...
bliink said:
Jeez.. not to make fun of it, but its like something straight out of a Ben Stiller movie
Yeh, seriously I could not believe it was happening....and I was banned from that mall (not like I would go back) lol.
I've got one i can disclose that was pretty embarasing.
I went to a party and got alittle drunk, being the first big party i'd ever been to i decided to chat up this girl, who being (i was told later) rather fat and ugly... we kissed twice, then she started smoking and i wouldnt kiss her again. (my first kiss... awwwwww :eek:)

Afterwards, i thought this was great and kept calling and texting her. Only to find out the next day before an important exam that she had a 7ft boyfriend who, if he found out, would beat the sh!t out of me. Literally.
I'm a lowly 5'5" so no competition there... he caught wind of her at this party without him and heard about me being with her.

I had no choice but to phone him up and tell him that nothing happened... i was soo scared, probably the most scared i've been in my life, and utterly embarrased. :|
Atomi said:
Getting caught masturbating. My mom caught me. If she didn't notice what I was doing, she must be blind. After that my parents have started knocking on the door before entering. You asked what the most embarrasing moment was. And I didn't come up with anything else.

edit: There was this time at daycare when I kept crapping my pants and not telling about it until the daycare employees noticed the bump in my pants. I was allergic to milk and that made my stomach go crazy.
I know what u mean bro....
samething happend to me only thing it was my 24year old siister :sleep:
Calanen said:
A lot of people teased him, and I once rescued him from being beaten up by 3 surfies, who in turn called me 'retard lover' etc. I tried to tell him that if they attacked him again, come and ask me for help, but he was already screaming 'Nooooo!!!' and running away as I was talking to him.

whyd he do that.... :|
When i was drunk and shat my pants and the next day my mom found my shitty underwear on our porch... :D
I cant tell you what happened, but it involved a hamster, a tea kettle, a toilet plunger, and lots of beer.

j/k :) Ok, When I was in HS, my friend and I went on a winter back pack in the woods with our scout troop. Everyone drilled me about being prepared, and wanted to make sure I had my tent with me. I told them about a thousand times, i checked and double checked that I had my tent. So the day goes by, and we make camp. I take the tent out of my bag, when I realized I'm misssing a crucial part of the tent. The tent poles. We both had to sleep under the cold 20 degree night sky. I woke up with my jacket frozen like a posicle.

To this day he never lets me forget about it :)
MarcoPolo said:
Ok, When I was in HS, my friend and I went on a winter back pack in the woods with our scout troop. Everyone drilled me about being prepared, and wanted to make sure I had my tent with me. I told them about a thousand times, i checked and double checked that I had my tent. So the day goes by, and we make camp. I take the tent out of my bag, when I realized I'm misssing a crucial part of the tent. The tent poles. We both had to sleep under the cold 20 degree night sky. I woke up with my jacket frozen like a posicle.

To this day he never lets me forget about it :)

A few years ago, when I was in the army cadets, me and my group of mates used to love going camping. Y'know, sneak off into the woods and get p*ssed - classic. Anyway, one day we decided to sleep under a poncho - its like what the army use on exercises, it's basically a small 'waterproof' sheet that you tie two ends of to a tree, and peg the other two ends down.
Anyway, we set up our campsite, it was all warm and nice, got some food on the go... all was well.

Then, at around 1am, the worst storm for two years in Britain struck, our poncho was unpegged by the wind, all our clothes soaked, all our food soaked, our fire extinguished. Just imagine a proper raging storm with a smal bunch of lads cowering under a plastic sheet that's being blown around like crazy....

Funny stuff...
..not at the time though, we had to walk several miles home.
h00dlum said:
When i was drunk and shat my pants and the next day my mom found my shitty underwear on our porch... :D

Kids, don't do drugs.
Dan said:
hooking up with a really hot girl and then finding out that she has a serious boyfriend

exactly the same thing here, cept i went out with the hot girl for 8 months until me and the other guy found out :flame:
^^ouch^^ My m8 <----(not english or aussie, just like sayin it :D) started to go out with some girl and then he brought her to a big party and she hooked up with most of the guys there...and she wasn't smashed or anything....
MarcoPollo said:
^^ouch^^ My m8 <----(not english or aussie, just like sayin it :D) started to go out with some girl and then he brought her to a big party and she hooked up with most of the guys there...and she wasn't smashed or anything....

yeh things like that suck
el Chi said:
Says you! :LOL:

EDIT: On second thoughts, I'm not sure I want to share that.

Can't be worse than a magician for your 13th birthday party? Can it? :p
qckbeam said:
Can't be worse than a magician for your 13th birthday party? Can it? :p
Well, it's not that I'm terribly embarrassed by it now, but there are people on this forum that I'm just not sure I'd like to share it with.
That's no judgement on you, you understand, it's just that there are some closed-minded tossers about and I'm not sure I feel comfortable with regailing everyone with that drunken escapade.

But yeah, at the time it was way more embarrassing than a magician.
el Chi said:
Says you! :LOL:

EDIT: On second thoughts, I'm not sure I want to share that.

Says me with a wry grin :p

I think that **** ****** ***** *** * *** ***, *** ***** ** ****. **** ** *****! ***** *** * ********* ** * **** *** **. *** ***: *** ****** ***** ** ***** ** * ****** * **** ****. **** ** ****, *** ** ***. *** * **** ** *****, * *** ******* ***. ** **** and then we'd live in a world that is more respectful world, one where we value the human right of freedom of choice.

^^The above has been editted to exclude all drug related messages.

Note to mods; one off joke, don't go crazy at me :E
el Chi said:
Well, it's not that I'm terribly embarrassed by it now, but there are people on this forum that I'm just not sure I'd like to share it with.
That's no judgement on you, you understand, it's just that there are some closed-minded tossers about and I'm not sure I feel comfortable with regailing everyone with that drunken escapade.

But yeah, at the time it was way more embarrassing than a magician.

I'm sorry, el Chi. I didn't mean to push you into telling or anything. I understand perfectly why you wouldn't want to.

If it was worse than the magician, I'll take your word for it ;)
In grade school I got some certificate thing infront of the whole school and I accidently poked myself in the eye with it...I'm not going to go into any details...
I was visiting my aunt and uncle and I go\et out of the car and notice i have a hard-on and hear comes my girl cousin running at me to give me a hug and i'll leave the rest to your imaginations, though she never seemed bothered by it and i can never look her straight in the face.

I was drunk at a party and was trying to get this chicks bra off only to pass out with my head landing in her chest.
qckbeam said:
I'm sorry, el Chi. I didn't mean to push you into telling or anything. I understand perfectly why you wouldn't want to.

If it was worse than the magician, I'll take your word for it ;)
Nah I know you weren't! Like I said, I'd gladly share it with some people but, on reflection, I just didn't feel like throwing it out there. Let's just say it's more open to prejudice bigot c*nts than a 13th birthday clown.
a girlfriend, a pair of panties, and dad's car ...things that dont mix well :E
G'wan Chi! I'll knock shit into anyone that laughs :p

raises his twin ambassadors of pain

Twin ambassadors of pain!? Oooh matron!
And if you're not British then you'll have no idea what that's a reference to.

Meh, now it's been built up it won't be as funny or as shocking.