What will you do when HL2 in finaly installed!

I think you meant 'wasn't' not 'was'.

I'm intitles to my opinion too, it being that I hope he gets aids.

You can't give people the freedom to express their opinions and then censor what they say because it's not 'pc'.

The poster I quoted is obviously a complete idiot.

I and anyone with sense can see that CS2 will not be a mod for HL2 but rather a stand alone product.

He deserved the response he got.

Yep, I meant "now wasn't it"....

I am not censoring you, you obviously have every right to give your opinion on his post . I'm only saying that your reaction (wishing someone aids) was uncalled for. I think it your reaction is out of proportion, wishing someone a terminal disease because he has a different opinion on a videogame.

that's all...
It wasn't because of an opposing opinion, you may not have noticed but I hadn't posted in this thread before hand.

I wished the disease on him because he has no clue what he is talking about.
Mr.Magnetichead said:
I wished the disease on him because he has no clue what he is talking about.

That and he referred to the story as "gay"... I can't remember any homosexuality in Half-Life.
Mr.Magnetichead said:
It wasn't because of an opposing opinion, you may not have noticed but I hadn't posted in this thread before hand.

I wished the disease on him because he has no clue what he is talking about.

I know that that was your first post, I meant your reaction on his (stupid or not) post. Let's just say we don't agree on the justification (if ever applicable) of someone wishing aids, okay?

On topic again: finally playing HL2 for the first time will be something like a religious experience, maybe I'll burn a candle or something LOL
Non-Sequitur said:
That and he referred to the story as "gay"... I can't remember any homosexuality in Half-Life.

well there was this scientist staring at gordon's ass while sitting in the dumpster.... :D
Everyone pretty much covered what i will do. Although, the way my sister is going now, i will have to tie her up and put her in a closet till im done playing or else she will watch tv in the same room as my computer and distract me from the Awesomeness that will be Half-Life 2!
I'll probably play singleplayer for 20 minutes then join a multiplayer game and complete SP a few days before HL3 comes out :D well, thats what I did with HL1.
I will install it and after it has finished, I will get series of error messages saying that my computer sucks, buy new hard drive, buy more RAM, buy a better video card, buy from Microsoft Corrupted Corporation because we want YOU to be unhappy.
Then if there's a incredible good luck I will some day get to play the actual game when I realise that the game I bought was a cheap Russian copy and won't work but only on Linux or anything else but Windows.

God, I bet it will go just about like that.
I have like no confidence, so i'll do everything in my power to NOT enjoy the game.
I can forsee the 9 years old kids calling n00bs to other players on mp games the day its out, so i guess rushing to the mp will not be worth the spoilers it hides
I'll open the game (when the game is installed of course), fix the detail-level, go into the control-settings and finally start a new game with the chicken-difficult (or the training section if HL2 includes that).
I will install it and go out for a drive.

Anticipation will be cool.
Holy crap!!! I just learnt. I have AIDS.


All those fanboys calling me names.. get a life people. I just stated my opinion. I DO NOT like SP games. Heck, I haven't played one game to the finish in SP mode since Spring of 2001.

Whether CS2 is a mod or standalone is irrelevant to me. It will be based off the source engine. It will be the MP that I have been waiting for since I started hearing about HL2.

Time to spread this new feature that I just got enabled thanks to unsafe sex. I hope I get to have intercourse with Magnetichead. :E
WhiteBoy said:
Hasn't the past 6 months been enough!!?

But the anticipation of it sitting there, ready to play will be a different type...
remember when noel gallagher wished everyone in blur got aids, that was pretty funny despite how wrong wishing aids on someone is.
Thanks, it'll be interesting to see how long I can keep away from the computer. :)

Depending on when it actually comes out, I may have finished college and therefore have loads of spare time in between looking for a full-time job. I will absolutely go mental if it is released when i'm doing my exams, because I will spend no time revising, lol.

I expect I will spend a while playing it in the mornings, take a break during the day and get back to it late afternoon til early evening.
Sheeeeeeshhhhhhh this thread is Excellent .........
Well I will play HL2 for the first 6 Hours then sleep for 1 hour. After that I would get up and finish the whole Flipping game. :D

The day after I will re do it again but with all the Hard level ON and AI on full settings and maybe use Cheats :E

The third day I would Play ONLINE for at least 2 years until QUAKE 4 release.
when i get it installed im guna take the shotgun and check out the gore levels MUWHAHAH

Spaz-12 Vs Alyx's ass!!!

then ile start checking ou the physics!!! DX:IW had a sad exscuse for physics... evreything was like extream and you can throw a body like all the way across the room and if yo ushoot it.. well it will do a backflip about 5 times before wraping its legs around the back of its nect and bending its arm agenst a wall... stack a lot of bodys up and they act so unrealisticly... but if you burn it ith the flaim thrower... its hot and bright but thares NO BURN MARKS!!!! NO NUTHEN... i find DX:IW to be a kitty game... very sad rip off for the sweet game that sttarted it...

ne ways after i check the physics out ile start playing L8 ppl
When I get HL2...

I'm going to change my pants for surely I will have creamed myself before I finish installing. Then I'm going to haul my computer to the nearest sperm bank and tell them I would like to make a donation. I'll set up my computer and put a bucket under my seat, then I'll start a new game. I'm sure the sperm bank will be happy because it is most likely that I will be experiencing multiple orgasms while playing HL2 and will be able to donate a lot.
Anthraxxx said:
When I get HL2...

I'm going to change my pants for surely I will have creamed myself before I finish installing. Then I'm going to haul my computer to the nearest sperm bank and tell them I would like to make a donation. I'll set up my computer and put a bucket under my seat, then I'll start a new game. I'm sure the sperm bank will be happy because it is most likely that I will be experiencing multiple orgasms while playing HL2 and will be able to donate a lot.

How about they set up some LAN games at the sperm bank? They could harvest a great many samples that way. Sort of like a cow milking machine setup.
Ill probably wack off.

then ill close "superhotlesbians.com" and play HL2.
I'm just going to go through and find as many uses for the manipulator as humanly possible.
I'm dead serious.
No object will escape being raised and flung!
I'll install HL2, double click on Half-Life 2 in the steam menu, than .........ERROR:Steam is **cked up,hahaha guess u gotta wait a few more days for HL2 hahahahaha. turn on tv to CNN watch as riots erupt at Valve HQ , while i'm watching the riots, I'll come here and check out all the posts wishing the valve team gets aids, wait the 3 days and than......ERROR:Steam is still down hahahahaha loser u will never see this game hahahahahaha. E-mail valve with my complaint. *you've got mail* open my mail WOW!! its valve ,Sry for the problem we are getting it fixed as fast as possible....not LOSER!!!. after that i'll use what little money i have to fly to Valve HQ,and join the riot. THE END
I'll cry because it won't be installed because I can't get it because I refuse to buy it until I have a computer that i can run it at max everything and get all the purty DX9 shaders.... And i'll probably browse around online and look at review ratings, trying my best not to ruin any of the story until I can get a job to build me a new PC and buy the game.
Whe I finally do have it installed, i'll watch it install, drink my soda, and make sure all my drinks and snacks, and cigs are with in reach, then i'll jump into the single player goodness, probably won't mess with multiplayer much since I have 56k, and after I beat the game a few times, i'll go into the editor and my head will explode.
Dougy said:
Ill probably wack off.

then ill close "superhotlesbians.com" and play HL2.
ahahahahha :E funniest thing ive read all day :p. although i have just come back from that *******/goatse thread :(
I will unite all the world leaders in the name of peace and justice. I will take them to a computer room with LAN connection, and reply "The person who wins in Half-Life2 multiplayer will take over the whole world, anybody who is found cheating will be shot on site"
Non-Sequitur said:
How about they set up some LAN games at the sperm bank? They could harvest a great many samples that way. Sort of like a cow milking machine setup.

But then again, who wants the sperm of geeky kids? :p
When I install the game I plan to put a on a industrial strength diaper and stock up a mini-fridge and not move for the next 1 month or so from my comp. But I will try out MP first before I start sp
After HL2 is completely installed, I will probably get completely prepared by ordering a pizza from pizza hut, getting a bunch of coke, and I will play till I get tired (don't want to stay up all night, then I won't have anything to wake up to!). Then wake up with the anxious feeling of *needing* to play HL2 and doing so for a couple of hours. Then I will shit my pants, call all of my friends, tell them to come over, and play some more. Then I will possibly play some multiplayer just for fun, then go back to single player until I beat it.
Mmmmm can't wait.