What will you do when HL2 in finaly installed!

I will wait to play multiplayer till I've finished singleplayer, or till I get real stuck. I'm buying HL2 for the SP, not for the MP.
What will i do when i install the game?

Peel 64 potatoes, do a merry jig, have a bath of vodka, masturbate, dress up as santa n eat CD's and run into the wall a few times.

I'll play the damn thing n play till the skin on my fingers is bleeding off!!/?!?!??!

EDIT: Jus to clarify, i wnt do any of the above (cept for play it) ;)
I will wash my hands cauze i have handsweet :p Then il take a key and loock the door the put a big locker ona chain :D. After that i will start the game att hard mode.

"Il Start it on hard mode cause i dont want to spoil the game on easy and fast. i want to enjoy the game every second and every time i die.
...after I'm done staring at the box for a few hours I'll install the game only to get an error that says "your hardware doesn not meet the minimun requirements for Half-life 2. Please upgrade". So I'll go to the store and pull out 2 bucks and say gimmy a 9800xt. Then he'll say thats not enough money. so I'll have to raise some money up for a couple moneths then go back to the store. Unfortunately, when I get there there going to be out of graphics cards. He'll call another store in the chain and he says they have one available and they will hold it. As I'm driving into the parking lot off the new store, I will hear a loud explosion as the roof blows off and a guy who got beaten in CS a few to many times runs away laughing like mad and I'll be like "Ok then" and ill walk into the buring building and find a 9800xt laying there and pick up and walk away like nothing happened. Unfortunately the police will come and think I blew the building up and arrest me. But they wont search me for anything so when im in the cell and the guard is walking down the hallway complaining about how hes not getting the right pay I'll say "psst, I have 400$ ill give you if you let me go!" Soooo, I get out of prison and walk back to the store's parking lot. Just as Im about to open my car door, a strider will appear out of nowhere and give the parking lot a nice series a laser blasts. So ill yell up, "Go away before a step on you!" and the strider will run away in fear. Finally I'll go home to my computer and install my graphics card into my com (which, btw, has a AMD 64 FX-53, 4 gigs of ram, 5.1 surround sound, 10,000 rpm suel RAID hard drives, and A a graphics card that supports directX 2 and has 500kb of video ram, now replaced w/ my 9800xt) Then I'll install hl2 again and set up my controls and start playing on Normal. However, unlike everyone else, I'll be back in the space-travel train thing at the end of hl1 and the G-man will say "It's time to choose" and I'll walk into the teleport and It'l say congradulations, you've beat hl2!
I might shiver with anticipation. But I'll hardly notice it because I might be doing something else.

Like playing HL2
I'l look at all the pretty pictures in the manual, while the game is installing. Once it's installed, il play though it. Problem i just thought of is this, Valve want to keep the new weapons secret within the storyline (if their are any more new ones), if i go straight onto a deathmatch or something, then il see some of the new weapons and wont be surprised anymore :S il have to play through the single player first :p
The Gamers Sods Law:

Just before I start playing the game, something will come up to hinder my progress.

BBC News- "There has been a catastrophic explosion at the United Nations in New York, world piece is in taters, and just as you thought it couldn't get any worse, aliens have started to destroy major cities around the globe."

Time to get out my SA80 :sniper:
I just say to myself; What? I have installed HL2? I can't belive it! After all these months i have waited on this game, i finally have the game on my harddrive! This is not true, it can't be! So i jump from a 50metre high building to see if this is just a dream. So when i hit the ground, i never wake up! Crap
I hope they stuff the manual with lots of extras, so when the game is slowly installing I can first drool over the cool little things in the special edition I can drool over the manual. Finally the box and then spent the last agonizing 3 procent just getting lyrical about the game I'm about to play.
Yeah I hope they do the manual liek they did in OP4... add a diary... murphy's laws... etc. Thats was a very nice touch added by Valve and Gearbox.
what? half life 2? installed ? on my computer? sweet...

WELCOME... Welcome to CIty 17, you have been chosen

Some_God said:
Yeah I hope they do the manual liek they did in OP4... add a diary... murphy's laws... etc. Thats was a very nice touch added by Valve and Gearbox.
Yeah, the contract of Gordon Freeman, the schedule of Barney Calhoun and his transfer orders etc.
The BMRF employee ad.
I will hold the manual in my arms and cradle it lovingly as I watch that installation bar tick up to 100%.

Then I'll roam around in the Hazard Course equivalent for ages. Then I'll try not to have a heart attack when I start a new game on "Normal".

But before all that, I'll be running around town gibbering incoherently when I see its released.
I guarantee I will be speeding on the way home from Best Buy. And missing work that day.
Break up with my girlfriend and ask for forgiveness one I finish the single player (like I dared).
This qeustion is like "What would you do if you found a 100 dollar bill on the floor?" Well duh PICK IT UP!
Well while its installing i will drink some triple blacks and mikes hard lemonade a fast as i can hopefully about 10-12 so ill have a good buzz going and the proceed opening the game and if i am to buzzed to get passed the first level on easy ill try out the mp and see if i can get a kill or 2.
Well maybe 6-7 then. It just seems to go so good with late night gaming. nothing like a 6 pack and some CS.