What would new weapons would you like to see in Aftermath?

worst game to have a sniper rifle is Aliens vs predator 2. the sniper rifles sees just as much if not more CQC than any other human weapon in the game. You wanna know why?

instant hit, 1 shot kill, no deviation, no recoil
Flyingdebris said:
worst game to have a sniper rifle is Aliens vs predator 2. the sniper rifles sees just as much if not more CQC than any other human weapon in the game. You wanna know why?

instant hit, 1 shot kill, no deviation, no recoil

Yeah - AVP2 is one of my all time favorite games, but online games with too many sniper rifles became lame quick. I think people liked that for the same reason they like to use cheats/bots in games - they're looking for high, easy kill counts as opposed to a challenging engagement.

I liked the barnacle weapon from OF. It wasn't the best against anything but a headcrab, but it could be fun if it were adapted to do different things in Source.
i would like to see the return of snarks, spore launcher and the displacer ball (the last two weapons mentioned are from Opposing Force) as they were fun to use. :)
No, no snark. I hated them and i hate it when they decide to chase you and not the enemy.
I would like to see a flamethrower. It would be totally RAD.
Oooh, I forgot:

With HL2 showing that barnacles can pick up and spit out the smaller physics junk, applying that concept to the OP4 B-gun would give us a wacky face-biting rudimentary grav-gun. :p

Me wantee!
I'm afraid that Valve won't commit to making any new more guns. And I'm pretty much fine with it.

They won't bring stuff like the Cremator Gun or anything too alien.

They won't bring cutout stuff. My guess is they could add 1 or 2 minor things like the Flare Gun.
I want to see the OICW (like in the very old videos)

Also and XM8 rifle wuld be nice ;)

nm if u dnt know what im on about. :D
- Tool from first wall with Alyx and Gordon
- Hacker thing
- Alyx Gun
- P-90
- mayby M-29 OICW
- Bio Gravity gun (blue manipulator)
- some alien bio weapon (like Shock Roach from OpFor)
- dual pistols
You will not see the OICW. The program in real life was scrapped, it would be ridiculous to have it in half life 2, since it dont exist.

Samon said:
You will not see the OICW. The program in real life was scrapped, it would be ridiculous to have it in half life 2, since it dont exist.


OK, you right, but P-90 is great isnt ? With laser sight. :naughty:
Polaris said:
OK, you right, but P-90 is great isnt ? With laser sight. :naughty:

P90 - yes, that is a MUST. Its gorgeous. When I said NO!, I was referring to your sig!!
I'd love to see a gaussgun
or any hi-tech weapon
they should add a sniper too
alien weapon would b nice
Join the anti-OICW brigade!

Standard Issue Overwatch Flare Gun
Standard Issue Overwatch Sniper Rifle
Standard Issue Overwatch Manhack Grenades
Guass Gun

I'm happy, but just in case:

Antlion King Spores
EMP Tool
Alyx Gun

I'll be ecstactic, I dont even care if there not all in the game, so long as they can go into maps :) .
Samon said:
I just want a P90 :(
Mp7 is superior to the p90 in my opinion, it was afterall designed to solve the problems of the p90/compete with it.....like if you drop the p90 with a part loaded mag all the stacking buggers up and it will jam to such an amount its rubbish.

p90's are pretty cool, but i don't think it would be a good addition with the mp7 being in hl2
Katana to replace the crowbar! (this is a joke, but it would rock, anyways!).

G36 with grenade attachment.

Detacheable Laser, That can be attached to all projectile firing weapons.

The Predators spinning disc, outta Predator 2 and A vs P (the game).

There's no reason why the OICW couldn't be in here. Just because the program was put to a stop doesn't mean that there wouldn't be one lying around, and that a gun couldn't theorectically use the same type of ammo, huh?
I doubt there would be an experimental U.S. weapon just 'lying around' in Eastern Europe. If it dosn't make sense it shouldn't be in the game, unless its incredibly fun, which the OICW isn't, it's just another automatic gun with a grenade launcher at the end of the day.

Now the Immolator with acid spraying nozzle and body disolving capabilities is another matter ;) .
Jandor said:
I doubt there would be an experimental U.S. weapon just 'lying around' in Eastern Europe. If it dosn't make sense it shouldn't be in the game, unless its incredibly fun, which the OICW isn't, it's just another automatic gun with a grenade launcher at the end of the day.

Now the Immolator with acid spraying nozzle and body disolving capabilities is another matter ;) .
Ever wonder why the Immolator wasn't in the game in the first place? It got cut because it didn't work well, just like the OICW. And you forget that many characters in Half-Life 2 came from a U.S. experiments base. Maybe one of the scientists used one while escaping Black Mesa.
I want an ak, or some sort of rifle that is accurate and powerful long range. I want the element of aim put back into the game, and actual recoil that needs skill to control.
But the OICW has a huge nightvision scope and a fricken cannon! come on :p
f*ck the OICW, put in the XM-8 and allow the player to change the parts, like add a grenade launcher, or turn it into a sniper rifle or a full-on heavy machinegun, like you can do to the XM-8 in real life, you could add the changing feature in like it is in SC:CT, which was a pretty neat part of the game, would add a lot of utility to the gun
the oicw or whatever can be put into hl2 even if its not real because- hl2 is science-fiction there could be a toilet juice gun 4 all i care. HL2's storyline is screwed up anyways..

The (BIG) gun in hl that looks like a back pack with a hose attached and shoots massive laser stuff.
NO snarks they suck
Dual uzi's (sven)
More of the old guns.
That funny spore gun in op4 that makes funny noises when u "feed" it.
Heavy duty mg's
Laser type guns.
at least twice as many guns that are in hl2 and they hold twice as much ammo.(remember this game doesnt havew to be realistic)
I agree with a lot of what's being said... except for the whole "lots of ammo" part. It took me a while, but I finally realized that the scarcity of ammo in HL2 just makes the player more resourceful, and actually makes the game more fun. So yeah, new weapons/characters/vehicles would (or will) kick ass, but I think they should keep ammo limits low.
1. AK-47
2. P-90
3. minguns
4. OICW (I don't care, the gun would look frickin awesome in HL2)
Please no Ak-47, its f**** russian weapon. I really hate it.
P-90 rules !
Polaris said:
Please no Ak-47, its f**** russian weapon. I really hate it.
On that basis, the AK-47 would be a good gun to put into City 17 because it's an eastern european setting. However, i'm sick of AK-47s and they should be confined to Counter Strike ^^

OICW in the game? Well perhaps the Combine just restarted the weapons programme after they came to earth. Convuluted I know, and I hope that Valve have the sense to make new guns rather than solely falling back on those that they developed in the run up to HL2...
get rid of mp7, swap it out for gun with actual nade launcher.

make the nade launchers not shoot all retarded like they do now. (i.e. if the nade is rifled, it will not fly out only 40 feet with a backspin to it)

Introduce some element of controlling recoil. I'd like to have some reason to crouch other than moving through hero sized airvents.Or to have to fire in bursts.

Get rid of shotgun double blast. It makes no sense. it makes baby jesus cry. It gives me cancer! Its not an extra barrel valve, its the tube mag where the shells are held!


This game would be so much better with the real world weaposn being treated accurately. I don't have any problem with the sci fi weapons. but at least get the real world stuff right. sheesh.
Flyingdebris said:
This game would be so much better with the real world weaposn being treated accurately.
I guarantee you that 95% of people who played Half-Life 2 would not have noticed the real-world problems that gun freaks go into labour over. Valve probably doesn't know what they've done wrong either, but it's highly unlikely they'll make any changes even if they did. The bottom line is: who cares? Charlton Heston? :p
short recoil said:
Mp7 is superior to the p90 in my opinion, it was afterall designed to solve the problems of the p90/compete with it.....like if you drop the p90 with a part loaded mag all the stacking buggers up and it will jam to such an amount its rubbish.

p90's are pretty cool, but i don't think it would be a good addition with the mp7 being in hl2

Except the MP7 is in actual fact, unreliable, compared to the P90 (It also has a similar problem with jamming when knocked around). Surprised the combine deemed the weapon worthy in their stores.