What would new weapons would you like to see in Aftermath?

GonzoBabbleshit said:
I'd like to see the crossbow taken out actually, it doesn't really fit in with the whole game...imo
How dosn't it? It is a resistance made weapon to take shots at the Combine from a safe distance.
GonzoBabbleshit said:
well, compare it to the rest of the weapons...just seems a little more crude
That's because it's resistance made, function over fashion
How can you not like it? It takes one shot to kill, and it pinns em to the walls... its awsome... plus, its tradition... all the guns that were in HL1 are in HL2... maybe a little upgraded but they are still the same...

Well, exept the experimental weapons were replaced by the combine weapons... why did Gman take all your weapons?? Who cares if they were "government property"?
:naughty: ßFG 500¡¡¡ Lï3k ïn d00m¡¡ :naughty:
Egon Gun, Teleportation Gun, Something that lives, like the hive hand, shock roach, spore launcher. Somewhere along those lines.
Definately, a lazer gun, from that boring movie "Congo". A good clean swipe should take their little masked heads off.
I would like to see at least one of the following:

-Portable Gauss gun
-Portable strider anti-matter cannon
-Egon gun
-Elyx gun (fully automatic USP handgun)
-Something akin to the handheld rail gun used in the arnold movie The Sixth Day
-Alternate mode for the gravity gun, ability to stop most projectiles in mid air ala Matrix style
-remove grenade launcher alternate fire from MP7 as it just didn't make any sense. The MP7 does not have a grenade launcher option in real life.
-add OICW with grenade launcher and accurate burst fire or explosive rounds
-Some new type of powerful alien weapon would be nice.

In all honesty I hope Valve adds one new weapon at the very least, something futuristic would be nice.
Rafa 5.0 said:
a sound wave weapon like the one in Minority Report

Yes, god yes! With pixel shader effects in abundance!
Some type of booby trap you could set up, like the combine jumper mines...That would be cool.
Most of all i'd like to see more magnum ammunition. I'd prefere they scrapped the assualt rifle and replaced it with something like an M4. The alien assualt rifle looked dung.
all the wepons that were cut out from the final version, some soviet era weapons, since this game takes place in eastern Europe, it´s kinda hard to believe that H&K has taken over the weapons market before the 7hrs war
Victor2 said:
all the wepons that were cut out from the final version, some soviet era weapons, since this game takes place in eastern Europe, it´s kinda hard to believe that H&K has taken over the weapons market before the 7hrs war
Ahh... but is it so hard to believe that H&K were the only gun-manufacturers on the Combine pay-roll after the 7 Hours War? Perhaps their management was the easiest to influence or perhaps the Combine genuinely felt that H&K made the best guns on Earth? ^^
This isn't necessarily a weapon, but its killage related:

Accurate locational sliceage of enemies hit by flying blades. Also, all enemies can be sliced, not just zombies.

But if I had to pick a gun, something with lots of electric arcs and sparks.
a true assault rifle that packs a punch. not just an smg you have to sit there and uload an entire mag on to kill a combine.
1) Sniper
2) Assult Rifle
3) More attacks for grav gun
a) use the primary to hit enimes
b) blades spin when held
c) more types of blades

also the alyx gun is actually available to use, i forget how exactly but if you spawn an alyx in a level where she is not critical you can actually kill her and pick up her gun. However it has no first-person model so its a big black block that takes up half the screen but it does shoot and kill
kupoartist said:
Ahh... but is it so hard to believe that H&K were the only gun-manufacturers on the Combine pay-roll after the 7 Hours War? Perhaps their management was the easiest to influence or perhaps the Combine genuinely felt that H&K made the best guns on Earth? ^^

Hmmm...I seem to agree with the Combine on a lot of things. Scary...... :O
kupoartist said:
Ahh... but is it so hard to believe that H&K were the only gun-manufacturers on the Combine pay-roll after the 7 Hours War? Perhaps their management was the easiest to influence or perhaps the Combine genuinely felt that H&K made the best guns on Earth? ^^

but.......looking at this from another point-of-view, it would be kinda cool to see ALL of HK´s famous weapons such as the Mark.23, the X-M8, X-m29, MSG-90, the G-36 K
Jack_Karverboy said:
A Plasmatizer gun, it would dissentegrate anything you shoot at

Bit like the Pulse rifles secondary fire really. Or the cremator hose.
A combine pistol.... no i really mean a 'combine' pistol. You can add features to it that enable it to do new things, like dodge objects to hit an enemy, or heat seeking lol :borg:
A glowing orbs that destroys all the stupid overpowered or just plain idiotic gun ideas already posted on this thread.
ríomhaire said:
A glowing orbs that destroys all the stupid overpowered or just plain idiotic gun ideas already posted on this thread.

I concur.
ríomhaire said:
A glowing orbs that destroys all the stupid overpowered or just plain idiotic gun ideas already posted on this thread.

That's a winner for me.

-Angry Lawyer
I'm afraid to ask but what the hell is a Bren gun?
its one of these: http://world.guns***/machine/mg10-e.htm
havent you ever watched lock, stock and two smoking barrels/a bridge too far/the longest day/ any war film featureing british troops ever?
ne way it was just a joke, a WWII LMG probubly dosent have a place in a sci-fi game set in the future (tho it would be kool).
Well if Aftermath will be a quarter of hl2 I doubt we'll be seeing much new weapons.
op4 was like half of hl? something like that? it had an almost entirely new set of weapons
I'd like to see another melee weapon..like an Iceaxe.

Also, a Homemade flamethrower (can of hair spray + lighter?) :naughty:
compilation of textures I found in the hammer editor. I'd like to see any of these... I numbered them in the pics, and here's are the names, by number...
6: SMG1 (mp5k)
8: SMG2 (mp7)
12: S.L.A.M.

and, then of course, there's the arsenals from the other games:
glock 18
some sort of magnum
spas 12
trip mine
snarks (:))
gauss gun
tau cannon
RPG launcher
hornet gun
shock roach
spore launcher
barnical gun
sniper rifle
probably others that I don't remember. Then there were the spore grenades the shock troops in Op4 had....
I want to see a handgun, that shoots a lazer beam.

Now don't get all excited and all, "OMFG TH4T5 ST00PID SC1 F1!!!", i'm not finished yet.

I think it'd be cool if it was a dog controller. Primary fire gets dog into that position, or gets him to attack if you selected something attackable, and secondary fire gets him to pick up whatever you shot. So you get him to pick up that dumpster with secondary fire, and then, just like the grav gun, primary fire on that combine squad and he throws the dumpster on them.

I think that'd own.
oh, here's a suggestion a guy made in PHL a while back, I thought it was pretty cool.
Yuo have like a remote sort of thing, and you aim it at something, and a combine sattelite brings down a suppression beam or the like in the area. Like a missile caller, or seomthing. But with the suppression beam. oh daer, I'm afraid I haven't explained myself very clearly...
I don't know what exactly weapon Valve must add in play, but its must be much, at least as in thieved versions HL2 :sniper:
excuse me for my english:angel: