What's The Deadliest Thing You Own?


The Freeman
Apr 16, 2005
Reaction score
I don't mean deadly as in, a Rocket Launcher, where as anyone can pick it up and shoot therefore making it deadly.

I'm talking like if you have a pistol, you can spin it on your finger, shoot a pop can 50 meters away, and even be deadly with it using it as a close combat weapon, that kind of thing.

Mine would have to be a 9 inch hunting knife I own (Even has a case with a button fastener, oooooo!), I can pwn in a knife battle with anyone, I can spin it on my palm (when my palm is flat and sideways), I can (Well, about 85% of the time) throw it into a target really far away, with pretty good accuracy, I once threw it into a spider on my wall from across the room (a small "House" Spider).

If my house were under attack, my knife would be the first thing for me to grab.
That's really great. It'll really give them something to think about... right before they cap you in the head. :rolleyes:

Anyway, I don't have anything particularly dangerous. I mean, sure, we have plenty of kitchen knives and workshop tools lying around, but nothing really intended for combat. I suppose it would have to be my skateboard- I've gotten quite proficient over the years, and those things hurt :D
The deadliest thing you can own is a short recoil. In fact you can't even own one, it owns you.
JNightshade said:
That's really great. It'll really give them something to think about... right before they cap you in the head. :rolleyes:

It's kind of hard to think when you've got a knife in your brain....
Hectic Glenn said:
The deadliest thing you can own is a short recoil. In fact you can't even own one, it owns you.

I think Dog-- and Short Recoil have something in common, they both have de4dly skillz and are not afraid to use them. Maybe we should get them in a ring together, give Dog-- some knives and give Short Recoil some outdoors stuff, like grass or some twigs. He'd probably build a rocket launcher out of them.
One quart of mashed potatoes and a stick of gum > *
i've got an arsenal of loyal sporks taken - er, liberated - from taco bell
Originally Posted by Dog--

It's kind of hard to think when you've got a knife in your brain....

Dog, be realistic here. By the time you've been woken up by the noise of the invaders, rubbed the sleep out of your eyes, gone down to wherever the hell your knife is, and calculated a good throw, you'll already have developed a healthy rigor mortis, thanks to the path a hollow-point .45 carved from your eye to your lateral geniculate nucleus.
JNightshade said:
Dog, be realistic here. By the time you've been woken up by the noise of the invaders, rubbed the sleep out of your eyes, gone down to wherever the hell your knife is, and calculated a good throw, you'll already have developed a healthy rigor mortis, thanks to the path a hollow-point .45 carved from your eye to your lateral geniculate nucleus.
My mommy said not to show ppl my lateral geniculate nucleus
JNightshade said:
Dog, be realistic here. By the time you've been woken up by the noise of the invaders, rubbed the sleep out of your eyes, gone down to wherever the hell your knife is, and calculated a good throw, you'll already have developed a healthy rigor mortis, thanks to the path a hollow-point .45 carved from your eye to your lateral geniculate nucleus.

He obviously keeps his knife in his underpants, for quick access.
Acually, my knife is kept right beside my bed, on a shelf.
If alerted alot of people arent even sleepy, think about it, are you sleepy if your woken up by an explosion, or gun fire? Will you even think about the sleep in your eyes?
They have to run downstairs to get to me anyways, my room is the only one dowstairs. I would like, hide behind my door, too buy enough time to stab the guy..
Also, it doesn't take me forever to calculate a throw, once I see them I'll throw it immediatly.. After all I would have been woken by gunfire... If they are close enough, I would just stab them anyways...
Oh, bullshit. I'm sorry to pick fights here, but if someone breaks into your house, the last thing you're likely to do is play the hero.
yeah, I can throw that sucker and kill an electron on the other side of a basketball court.

and ikerous better hope I don't have any std's.
We need photo evidence to be sure.
JNightshade said:
Oh, bullshit. I'm sorry to pick fights here, but if someone breaks into your house, the last thing you're likely to do is play the hero.

Ok, hypothetical situation: Your walking down the street with your girlfriend or something, a maniac comes up to you with a gun, says he'll kill you, you have a knife and a clear stab at his face/heart while he's ready to shoot your GF, what do you do? Be a hero, or let her and you die?

Same thing, if someone broke into my house, ready to kill my family, I'll try to kill him.

So, what would you do JNightShade? Try and place yourself in this situation.....

(No offense towards you ment by this post)
I already had my online physical, i cant remember why though.
Dog-- said:
Ok, hypothetical situation: Your walking down the street with your girlfriend or something, a maniac comes up to you with a gun, says he'll kill you, you have a knife and a clear stab at his face/heart while he's ready to shoot your GF, what do you do? Be a hero, or let her and you die?

Same thing, if someone broke into my house, ready to kill my family, I'll try to kill him.
Talk about being prepared for the unlikely XD

I'd personally just let him have w/e he's after and be done with it...
I dont wanna die :|
Ikerous said:
Talk about being prepared for the unlikely XD

I'd personally just let him have w/e he's after and be done with it...
I dont wanna die :|
He's a maniac, he doesn't want anything but to kill you both! yay!
Dog-- said:
He's a maniac, he doesn't want anything but to kill you both! yay!
:laugh: You think about scarey things D:

:imu: > :sniper:
oh... I thought jnightshade's post was directed to me... I coulda swore it said, "the last thing you're gonna do is show your hero".
Ok, fine. If some madman is going to kill your woman, you need to go into kickass mode. But if a robber, looking for loot, is in your house, it'd probably be better to just get out of there and call the cops.
Man, id just start flipping out. Pulling my own hair out, cussing the most obcene things, breaking stuff, screaming.

It would scare the poop out of him

D: <----- His Face
Uriel said:
Man, id just start flipping out. Pulling my own hair out, cussing the most obcene things, breaking stuff, screaming.

It would scare the poop out of him

D: <----- His Face
My traditional style (no modern gadgets or materials) recurve bow (example). I have gotten into archery recently and this thing would truly be deadly if it was ever fired on a person. I am by no means a marksman yet but slowly I am getting better and increasing my accurage shooting distance.