

Dec 29, 2004
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Here is the wheelchair that im making for my friend Cremator666, i belive it goes to some nightfall hospital.
Its about 3000 triangles, but that will be fixed soon.


All crits etc are welcome :frog:
its quite a nice model but how you got that to 3000 polys....
3000 triangles, i have no idea. but what is a fair triangle count for a prop model like this ?
I'm guessing that all those spokes are part of the cause of your problem? How many sides are the cylinders? You probobly only need to make them 3 sides, possibly 5....

You might also just try to do some opacity mapping and fake them altogether.

Post a couple wireframe screenshots. I'm sure we'll be able to help you out.
Yeah, Latin you may be right. Ill post some screens, ive been cleaning it abit and its about 2600 tris now. the pipes are all 5 sided.
When it comes to the spokes, you'd be better off with a disk with an alpha-transparent texture on it. It'd save you a boatload of polys.
Garfield_ said:
3000 triangles, i have no idea. but what is a fair triangle count for a prop model like this ?
well im a prop modeler for The Somme Valley mod and my props are usually around 200-500 polys. some are less and the occasional odd one is more.

serious prop modeling is tough. you have to have experience and know how to get the best result with so little polys
Yeah but the spokes wont save me that much, all spokes together are just 140 triangles.
Some0ne said:
well im a prop modeler for The Somme Valley mod and my props are usually around 200-500 polys. some are less and the occasional odd one is more.

serious prop modeling is tough. you have to have experience and know how to get the best result with so little polys

Of course i could have made it about 500, but then it wouldnt be looking like a hl2 wheelchair but a hl. I think about 1500 for this is quite good. Cremator will just use about 5 or less.
its a prop....thats huge for a prop as that guy said around 200-500 polys are good enough, its the textures job+all the maps to do the looking good bit
if this model is for a mod then you will have to reduce it to about 500 or 600. but if its just for you, or your map then it doesnt really matter. get it down to like 1000 or something if you want to try and minimilise any lag caused by it
All those 14-ish cylinders are whats making it high poly. Just make them 8-10 sides and use smoothing. It will look fine ingame with textures.

Also, details make the modle look good, but try to be practical when thinking of what details a player will actually look at while playing.
Samio said:
All those 14-ish cylinders are whats making it high poly. Just make them 8-10 sides and use smoothing. It will look fine ingame with textures.

Also, details make the modle look good, but try to be practical when thinking of what details a player will actually look at while playing.

which ? there are none, wheels are 18, and small wheels are 10. The pipes are 5 sided.
the small wheels should be 7 or 8 at most. i would say the big wheels should be about 14 since they are pretty big.
and the whole model in general is just too smooth for whats needed
Pi Mu Rho said:
When it comes to the spokes, you'd be better off with a disk with an alpha-transparent texture on it. It'd save you a boatload of polys.

It's just not the same.
i would just model the frame of the wheelchair and the wheels, the spokes + arm holders + seating area + back area etc etc (a lot) can be made with alpha channels. And that would reduce the PC a lot!
I dont see the harm of the spokes, keep em.

You going to make it pilotable? :D
yeh, you really have to cut its poly count and quality down.
you just have to get your idea of how smooth it should be out of your head. you need to realise that its only a prop and people will just have a short view of it and wont study it. even though it may not look smooth enough in your modeling programme, just remember it will not be noticed the same in game.
The two pipes crossed under the seat could just be 3 sided, the stuff where you keep your arms, could be just a long box instead of that smoothed etc. The small wheels will be much easier and also the big wheels.
I think it looks great, I think i read somewhere that Alyx model is 9000 polys. Perhaps its best to get it into a map and see what sort of fps drop you get from it.

i think perhaps because hl2 is still so new some modellers are still being held back by hl1 limitations.
ye but this is simply a prop. think how many props there are in maps? if they were all 800 polies, like i said above was a maximum for this model, then it would certainly increase lag.
and because of all the amazing graphics and ragdoll etc in hl2, is even more of a reason to keep prop models low on polys. because they are just going to add on to the great heap of lag which comes with hl2. it may be a great game and have amazing graphics but although you not have realised it...it lags.
I can see where your coming from although if this is being made for a specific map I guess if it does cause fps drop they can place it in certain areas of the map where it won't effect gameplay too much :)
Some0ne said:
ye but this is simply a prop. think how many props there are in maps? if they were all 800 polies, like i said above was a maximum for this model, then it would certainly increase lag.
and because of all the amazing graphics and ragdoll etc in hl2, is even more of a reason to keep prop models low on polys. because they are just going to add on to the great heap of lag which comes with hl2. it may be a great game and have amazing graphics but although you not have realised it...it lags.
Some of us arent using p3 700mhz anymore.
azzor, i dont know what knowledge and experience you have. but i can assure you that what im saying is right. 800 polys is very generous for a prop model.
think about it this way: the hl2 weapons were around 2500-3000 polys(i think, correct me if im wrong) and if you made this single prop 800 polys then thats not far off a third of a weapon model. thats crazy. weapon models are much more important and are seen a lot more often than one prop model.
simply put, the polycount of a model should be determined by its importance and the amount of scrutiny it will undergo. player models and weapon models need to be detailed cause that what youre looking at pretty much all of the time. if people are going to glance at this and think 'hey, a wheelchair... wonder if it rolls when i push it', push it, laugh at the sadistic thought of an old man sitting in it as it tumbles down the staircase, then move on, it aint worth 2k polies. just keep it to around 800-1k and you should be fine, i cant imagine you having loads in one place at a time or loads of other high poly stuff around it, so no real problem here.

on the actual model, i can see place where it could be optimized, such as on the armrests, smaller wheels etc. if you want me to have a go at bringing it down myself id be more than happy.
excactly, map props need to be low-rez, that what i did with our map props, none of my map props are any higher then 500 triangles, you can have a look at them here:


and that wheelchair i'm pretty sure i could model it below 500 aswell and still look nice from closeby, alpha channels do wonders, so do bumpmaps or normal maps, learn them (i don't know how to normal map myself yet.. but i will some day :p )