When will next movie be released?

Day one = Monday
Day two = Tuesday

etc. etc. not just 24 hours on from the first release

Therefore they still have 7 hrs 15mins in Gabeland to release the vid and keep to their one a day allowance
Jesus, it's 23 hours, 57 minutes since the last video was released. Betting is if they're gonna release another it will be within the next few minutes, or at 01:00 GMT
id like to see something like eric saying offically that no videas will come out
Well, I consider my self a huge HL fan, but it seems like they keep throwing dirt in my face with the videos. I want to get excited about the game but I end up frustrated at valve for wasting my time with false dates for media releases.
I am little angry, but I won't turn on Valve because of idiotic videos. I am waiting for the game, nothing else. I am a fan.

I respect your opinion Mr. Reak :)
Originally posted by Murray_H
Day one = Monday
Day two = Tuesday

etc. etc. not just 24 hours on from the first release

Therefore they still have 7 hrs 15mins in Gabeland to release the vid and keep to their one a day allowance

Agreed but do you not see that they should make a post at the steam forums letting everyone know whats going on instead of making their fans pissed off?
Valve never gave real official dates for the videos. Their employees gave us what they thought was an honest idea of when they should be available.
Then why not let us know if they arent going to fufil their honest idea instead of making everyone wait in anticipation for the time to arrive?
This discussion isn't even valid for another 15 minutes at least.
Its like paying the power company for power, then they tell you the lights will be turned on at a certain time, but when that time comes its still off....for like 2 weeks. And you guys are telling me youd be like " oh I'am a huge fan of the power company, I wont turn on them because my powers off"

No friggin way...you'd be b!tching to a manager at the power company on your cell phone.

You cant treat customers like this...period.
And even then it wouldn't have much validity if everyone's going to slag Valve off. Leave them alone guys or **** off.
You try doing their job and see how many times you get delayed.
That's a ridiculous comparison. It's a totally different ball park.
anarchy you didn't pay for anything here. You paid for HL and you got it. Nothing else, nothing more. I understood if you were paying for steam and not getting videos on time, but you are not. So stop it or I will ask mod to ban you (like he will listen to me, but I will try anyway).
That power company analogy is horrid. Since when has Valve been piping a constant stream of software and media to your house?
And they say one a day or so. That doesn't sound too hard and fast to me.
Originally posted by Direwolf
Valve never gave real official dates for the videos. Their employees gave us what they thought was an honest idea of when they should be available.

Thank you!

IMO people are such jerks that Valve should stop talking with them directly...people keep jumping down thier throats over the fact that they are being nice and answering pestering questions.
They cant tell people its delayed so we can stop wasting out time??

Hell if they came out and said, "oh its delayed, we'll try and have it by so and so time" that would be a diffrent story, and I probably wouldnt be frustrated at all, just dissapointed.

But they arent even doing that.
Originally posted by anarchy
OMG you idiot. WE pay the salaries at valve, every time we pay for a game. So dont give me that "oh it costs them money" because its my money they are spending, and yours too!
Not theirs.

This makes no sense. Yes...WE paid them for a product (HL) and once that money is theirs they do with it as they see fit. But you were buying HL and HL ONLY ....you were NOT paying for any HL2 related thing or any other thing for that matter. So you got what you paid for. They are NOT spending you money now because it is THEIR money. If you dont want them spending "your" money...then dont buy their products.
Originally posted by anarchy
Its like paying the power company for power, then they tell you the lights will be turned on at a certain time, but when that time comes its still off....for like 2 weeks. And you guys are telling me youd be like " oh I'am a huge fan of the power company, I wont turn on them because my powers off"

No friggin way...you'd be b!tching to a manager at the power company on your cell phone.

You cant treat customers like this...period.

That is the absolute stupidest thing I have ever heard.
HOnestly, I cant even express how truly stupid you sound.

Sorry, thats the nicest I could be about it.
Originally posted by anarchy
They cant tell people its delayed so we can stop wasting out time??

Hell if they came out and said, "oh its delayed, we'll try and have it by so and so time" that would be a diffrent story, and I probably wouldnt be frustrated at all, just dissapointed.

But they arent even doing that.

Thats exactly what im saying, If they came out and said something to that nature i wouldnt be angry that I wasted my time.
North, they didn't say what time it will come out, now did they?
Wasted time?

You're actually waiting for it? Dude, go outside, go to bed.
Originally posted by Mr.Reak
North, they didn't say what time it will come out, now did they?

Well, when their 'Admins' of the official Steam forums drop a hint saying it will be pretty much a vid a day, then they do not need to say anything.

I am frustrated, but more puzzled.

I mean, how hard can it be to upload a video.....
Look...Your not getting the point, Valve should have came out and said "Oh, sorry about that fella's. We know common sense suggests that the new video should have been out at the same time but we ran into some bugs with out new patch for Counter-Strike. We cant upload them right now because were working on it. They may or may not be out tonight, again sorry." Or something similar.
The admins at the official forum are a load of shit. They don't know what they're on about most of the time. And that Efficient guy, I swear he makes most of his info up.
Dunno who 3FF3CI3NT is...

never trust anyone who names themselves in 1337.

doesnt say 1 per day anyway. and I also doubt any topic has ever been closed on steam forums.
Look...Your not getting the point, Valve should have came out and said "Oh, sorry about that fella's. We know common sense suggests that the new video should have been out at the same time but we ran into some bugs with out new patch for Counter-Strike. We cant upload them right now because were working on it. They may or may not be out tonight, again sorry." Or something similar.

Well put and I couldnt agree more.
Originally posted by Chris_D
The admins at the official forum are a load of shit. They don't know what they're on about most of the time. And that Efficient guy, I swear he makes most of his info up.

I agree, but Valve needs to reign that guy in so he doesn't spout off anymore.
You think they might be working on the problem? Just maybe? And are a little busy right now?
Valve is a company and we should expect decent customer service, just as you would any other company.
I just played 2 fun hours of CS 1.6. Anyways... Vid now out yet?

Its 5 pm... here... and 5 pm in Pacific time... So either its an hour late or something.
Originally posted by anarchy
Well, I consider my self a huge HL fan, but it seems like they keep throwing dirt in my face with the videos. I want to get excited about the game but I end up frustrated at valve for wasting my time with false dates for media releases.

I dont think they are throwing dirt in your face. The product they are making is HL2 not the videos. I mean it is nice to see media here and there but you have to understand that their goal is to produce a game and not just the movies. So the movies dont come out...big deal...get on with your life. Sometimes SHIT HAPPENS. To make a bad analogy ...say you promised someone you would go to their house in the afternoon and then you didnt go because something came up. Well...something came up...you apologize to the person and hopefully you move on and visit them some other time. NO BIG DEAL.

As someone pointed out, there is still time left in this DAY where valve is and as far as i can remember they did NOT say that the movies would be released at the same time every day. At this point i am not even sure if the "One movie a day" quote is official or just something that some random guy said and we believed. The movies WILL come out eventually so just deal.

And finally...i think we should all thank our lucky stars that valve is even RELEASING ANY MEDIA. They technically dont have to. WHat if Valve pulled another 3DRealms and decided to screw the fans over for 7 years and not tell them anything at all about a product people know is being produced!

Ok...my 2 cents :)
Originally posted by TheWart
I agree, but Valve needs to reign that guy in so he doesn't spout off anymore.

Definitly! They should get someone who actually speaks for them onto the forums as well. Erik never reponds to posts anway.
Originally posted by anarchy
Valve is a company and we should expect decent customer service, just as you would any other company.
Oh My God.
Ok so I take it if HL2 was delayed until January, you'd be perfectly happy as long as you had all the media?

Guys, (anarchy northy) you need to have a think about what their priorities are. You'd be pissing and crying a lot more if the game was delayed and for each day that they have to push the other stuff aside to work on HL2 could be another week that the whole game is not delayed.