When will next movie be released?

Originally posted by anarchy
Valve is a company and we should expect decent customer service, just as you would any other company.

We're not being their customers... they're simply promoting at the moment. They don't need to live up to your expectations.
Just quoted this from the Steam forum said by Efficient:

"HL2 Media Video has been released. Only one per day or so. After E3 Videos are released, we will continue to release unreleased videos."

"ONLY ONE PER DAY OR SO" ...pay attention to the "OR SO"...this guy doesnt even know if it is one per day.
as far as i can remember they did NOT say that the movies would be released at the same time every day

Your right. And thats the whole problem, valve needs to keep us informed so we dont sit here and waste our time, if a moderator is giving out dates they need to inform us if it has changed, its basic customer service.

You think they might be working on the problem? Just maybe? And are a little busy right now?

Pfft...plz! It takes all but 30 seconds to type "movies have been delayed and we will shoot for tomorrow" in IRC.
Originally posted by Chris_D
Ok so I take it if HL2 was delayed until January, you'd be perfectly happy as long as you had all the media?

Guys, (anarchy northy) you need to have a think about what their priorities are. You'd be pissing and crying a lot more if the game was delayed and for each day that they have to push the other stuff aside to work on HL2 could be another week that the whole game is not delayed.

Stop putting words in my mouth please, I wouldnt be content with the media if HL2 was pushed back. Where did you get that from?

I wouldnt be more angry if HL2 was pushed back, want to know why? Cause Id have advanced notice of it months ahead of the previous release date instead of just NOTHING!!!
Originally posted by Chris_D
Ok so I take it if HL2 was delayed until January, you'd be perfectly happy as long as you had all the media?

Guys, (anarchy northy) you need to have a think about what their priorities are. You'd be pissing and crying a lot more if the game was delayed and for each day that they have to push the other stuff aside to work on HL2 could be another week that the whole game is not delayed.

While I do not agree with some of the tone of those who are frustrated, I think you are exaggerating too much here.

I do not think Valve releasing a video-per-day of material that has *already* been recorded is going to adversly affect the release of HL2.

They need take the schedule of the media releases out of the dark, even if they still hide the content, they just need to say a video every other day or something...
Well, here is the word:

from #steam-hangout (topic):
Second movie coming soon, not today!

Heck, that could mean in a 'few days.'
Originally posted by anarchy
Pfft...plz! It takes all but 30 seconds to type "movies have been delayed and we will shoot for tomorrow" in IRC.
So far it's been an hour and fifteen minutes. Its insane to think that they HAVE to be that quick in updating you on movie status.
Originally posted by TheWart

They need take the schedule of the media releases out of the dark, even if they still hide the content, they just need to say a video every other day or something...

Exactly. Did Chris just get banned for swearing? His post is now gone.. :borg:
That was brought up earlier... looks like it's accurate
I won't believe it, until I see something official, #steam-hangout proved that they are loaded with bs.
Originally posted by Northwood83
Exactly. Did Chris just get banned for swearing? His post is now gone.. :borg:

I retracted my comment.
We're not being their customers... they're simply promoting at the moment. They don't need to live up to your expectations.

So chris if im not seen as a customer then why should I pay for their product? We are all potential customers and we should be treated a such.
Originally posted by anarchy
Your right. And thats the whole problem, valve needs to keep us informed so we dont sit here and waste our time

I dont know about you but I sit at a computer and write email or play games or browse the web quite often. It doesnt take much time out of any of these tasks to check steam for a new vid. I think if you feel you are wasting your time doing this then you should get a life and do something else. I dont mean to be rude but it is your time and you could be doing some thing else with it regardless. if YOU choose to wait here minute by minute until the videos come out then that is your problem. You fail to realize that the videos will eventually come out whether you are online or not...so why do you have to have it the instance they are released? Go do something else and at some point you will get the videos. I am waiting here by MY choice as is everyone by their choice so to claim valve is wasting your time is a ridiculous argument...YOU are wasting your time.
Originally posted by anarchy
So chris if im not seen as a customer then why should I pay for their product? We are all potential customers and we should be treated a such.

Well maybe Valve are under the impression (and quite rightly IMO) that potential customers won't kick up such an amazing fuss over something that quite frankly isn't that important.
That was a theory I had regarding the amazingly large gcache.gcf file in the media folder. Why is it 400mb?

For those that don't know, for CS and HL etc. the gcache file is a comrpessed file such as a zip or .pak from HL1 that compresses game data such as models and maps... and maybe in this case media.
Yeah, its been speculated that its the case. One person claimed he hexed it and it has a new media filename in it. If thats the case it just further begs the question why doesnt valve "activate" the media? ( Dont answer that, its a retorical question)
Originally posted by anarchy
So chris if im not seen as a customer then why should I pay for their product? We are all potential customers and we should be treated a such.

You havent paid for the product yet though...that is part of the point. The product is HL2 and that hasnt been released for it and therefor you have not paid for it. You paid for HL and they have supported that product beyond the call of duty in my opinion.

Anarchy....concentrating solely on HL as a game in and of itself...do you think you got your moneys worth? I think i did. It is a great single player game and to this day i still enjoy the benefits provided by its online play. There is more than 50 bucks worth of play in that one game in my opinion. If you dont feel that you got your moneys worth out of that product, then why not return it to the store...get some money back...and quit your whining?
The cache file is generated by Steam. Even people with dial-up have the 400MB file.
Banana, your right to an extent, I did choose to wait for the media, BUT , Valve did set my expectations (official moderators said it would be out today and everyday), when they cant deliver with thoes expectations set, they need to inform us.
That is why Im mad.
Anarchy and I seem the be the only ones who realize they should let us know whats going on when they cannot fufil their word. Are you all so jaded with Valve that you cannot see that or are your views of the world seriously skewed?
Thankfully, 3ff3ci3nt's posts on the Steam forum are no longer sticky.
Where did they find these loser moderators?
I wouldn't blame Valve... Those pricks of moderators at Steam are to blame IMO... I feel that they need to be removed from the position or take a different approach to announcing their "official" information.
Wasnt anyone from Valve checking the forums!? Afterall they are patching the hell out of steam and they stand behind it so much yet they cannot moderate the offical forum properly?!
Anarchy, did you see my earlier post (in this thread) with the quote i pulled from Efficient? the one that sort of proved that those "official" moderators dont know squat?

I dont want to belittle the moderator but i think in situations such as this, we should only believe OFFICIAL statements, that is statements from Gabe, or Erik, or anyone else from valve. If it hasnt been found already, i would like to see a quote from Erik saying videos would come everyday. I dont remember if he said they would or not. And even if he did, i am 99% sure they never said they would release them at the same time every day.

If you really want to know, try emailing valve and maybe you will get a quick reply.
Anarchy and yourself are the only ones that are bothered. We're all taking it as it comes and don't think any less of Valve at all.
I'll point out my other posts because thats about all I can do.
Anarchy and I seem the be the only ones who realize they should let us know whats going on when they cannot fufil their word. Are you all so jaded with Valve that you cannot see that or are your views of the world seriously skewed?

No, i just think more things matter in the world then when some media files are released. Yes i would like them now, but i'm not going to cry about not having them. There are a lot worse things that could happen to us
What post is that? the one where you spammed "Oh My God"?

Yeah but if you (for lack of a better term) get away with this then whats to prevent them from saying "Oh well, only two guys made a fuss about the videos being delayed, Im sure they wont mind it happening to Half-Life2"? If you dont let them know your dissapointed this cycle is just going to continue on and on. Tonight though seems to be the breaking point. The steam channel was going insane and now the sticky topics are not anymore.
Originally posted by Northwood83
Wasnt anyone from Valve checking the forums!? Afterall they are patching the hell out of steam and they stand behind it so much yet they cannot moderate the offical forum properly?!

North, while i will not deny that it is very nice to hear from valve directly, i would rather they spend most of their working day (9-5) dealing with HL2 so that they can get it out the door by the promised Sept 30 date.

You have to realize that they are busy people. With this in mind they already do go above the call when speaking to use...look at the STICKY thread with all the replies we have all gotten directly from valve. Most other game developers dont give fans attention such as this. Valve fans are lucky.
You havent paid for the product yet though...that is part of the point. The product is HL2 and that hasnt been released for it and therefor you have not paid for it. You paid for HL and they have supported that product beyond the call of duty in my opinion.

HL has nothing to do with this, so your point is moot.

Valve is releasing media, media that is supposed to get me interested in buying the new game, but instead it makes me frustrated and makes me not want to buy the game. So you are right, I have not payed for the game, but from my expirience so far with the media of this game, I would not want to PAY for it. Is this a smart move for valve?? NO Could this entire issue be resolved with a simple message saying it has been delayed?? YES.

I took first place in my schools debate team
I think valve should be a little more organizied with their media releases. I mean, we don't exactly have much, just a low quality video filmed with a handheld camera. I don't think it's asking much of valve to release higher quality feeds of videos they already have. Also, creating videos and sending them off to steam will not delay the game. It's not like the entire team stops working on the game and shifts all their attention on the videos. Teams almost always have a group of people devoted to releasing media. But I don't really know, it seems to me that Valve has been releasing videos for the sole purpose of testing Steam out, rather than satisfying our need for new stuff. Maybe right now it's just not a priority. Maybe they are just trying to work the kinks out of Steam before they give out the new media.
Originally posted by Northwood83
Anarchy and I seem the be the only ones who realize they should let us know whats going on when they cannot fufil their word. Are you all so jaded with Valve that you cannot see that or are your views of the world seriously skewed?

North...you seem to fail to realize that valve is not the first company to let a release of anything slide. A lot of companies do it...its common. I am not saying i like things this way but SHIT happens...and we deal with it. 3DRealms has been promising DNF for 7 years now. Windows 95 missed its release date. Samsung phones miss their release dates.

Like i said, i dont necessarily like it but it happens and life goes on. Why should i get really mad at valve for somethings i have experience elsewhere....just let it slide. As long as the final product is enjoyable to us, that is what is important.

Let it slide.
Ok so no new media then?

It's 10:35am in Australia right now. When I woke up Steam updated the platform. Isn't the trend they do that before a release? Or was the release CS 1.6?