When will they reveal Multiplayer?

cybernoid its not missing the release date it was the fact they were still saying 2 weeks prior to the 30th that it would still be out.

meantime hundreds of people are buying £300 video cards in anticipation. Of course I'll still buy the game but Ive lost alot of respect for valve for they way they went about it.
Democritus said:
Because they didn't develop it, mainly.

And how do you know that they didn't develop it?

ukfluke said:
bla bla bla

If people are buying hardware for a game that hasn't been released, that's their problem.
HL2 has it's own manipulator-endowed MP. Remember that quote where they sent Ted Backamn's corpse into orbit by welding rockets to a car? How do you think that ever happened?
Cybernoid said:
And how do you know that they didn't develop it?

Product Marketing 101: If your software has a major feature that will increase sales, advertise it often and loudly. If you don't have a feature that everybody expects in your software, keep it hidden for as long as possible to minimize damage to sales.

Valve hypes "story," and "interaction" and "facial animation" and "physics" because these features help sell. They refuse to answer questions about HL2DM because it doesn't exist and revealing that would generate negative hype for the game, dropping sales.

I would be happy to be wrong.
Single-player drives sales. Why would Valve not implement a multiplayer mode? There's no reason for it.
Well i think we should all wait untill HL2 comes out. It should be out in the next month or so.

I belive there is a HL2 themed multiplayer ;)
ukfluke said:
did anyone see the e3 2004 presentation by gabe? he states "cs:s is the official multiplayer for HL2". They are converting HL: DM to source so u will definitley get that as for a HL2 themed MP i dont think so. Surely they would have released about 10 binks if it existed no? or even said that it existed? If it does exist i will extremely surprised.

Please don't make stuff up, especially when someone posted the real thing before you could whip up your falsehoods... The REAL quote from Gabe is "So.. A lot of people have asked us about multiplayer, and SOMETHING we've been doing is taking all of the.. what we built for Half-Life 1, and making it work on the source engine."

Nothing even close to stating "cs:s is the official multiplayer for HL2" like you claim.

Jeremy Dunn
I think we should all put something in our sigs, if we belive hl2 will have it's own multiplayer or not :p

Then when it comes out we can laugh at each other ;)
I'd like to see a HL2 themed multiplayer. But more then deathmatch. Maybe something like Gordons vs the combine.
Valve has been asked SEVERAL times about multiplayer in HL2, including direct questions as to whether CS:S is the only multiplayer offering. Every time they have dodged the question.

I believe there will be one -- Gabe said he was playing it every day, and he said that last year, before CS:S was started. That tells me that they had something that was at least complete enough to be playable and that it was not CS:S. Also, CS:S was built on the multiplayer SDK already referred to, which means it is possible for them to have built another MP on it before CS:S.

Valve HATES letting secrets out. They've been keeping a tight lid on MP for awhile now. I think they have something they think is amazing and want to blow us all away at release with it.
GorgeousOrifice said:
I believe there will be one -- Gabe said he was playing it every day, and he said that last year, before CS:S was started.

I remember that quote.

He was playing Counter Strike every day, which would become MP in the form of CS:S, so therefore he wasn't technically "lying."

What I really want is "Manipulator Match" and "Strider Match"
Actually, a "Capture the Strider" game would be fun. Both teams have a strider, you have to capture the other team's strider and get it back to your base before they destroy it to keep it from falling into your hands.
It'd be pretty ridiculous if the only official HL2 multiplayer was cs:s... My bet is it's on something new or hl2dm.
Maybe the multiplayer mode in Half-Life 2 is co-op. How awesome would that be? At least a hundred...no, a million times better than deathmatch
Releasing a multiplayer game that was already a multiplayer game millions already experienced, as something new and exciting... Is the dumbest thing I ever heard.
You gotta be kidding me, do you really think that after 6 years of development, VALVe wouldn't not include a simple mp? Yeah, sure thing, pal hahahah
oh christ, HL2's MP is a 5 year old mod?

even halo2 has a better multiplayer and its just 1996 CTF.(but it has vehicles.)
Yep, half-life 2 will be the second comming of christ, people.
Subz said:
second comming of christ was robocop pal...

Hah hah hahah, oh my god dude. That shit is hilarious.

Unless you're being serious of course
I know the answer to the question you guys are asking, but i can't say unfortunately, the answer is out there if you look. However, i will say that the current HL2 menu screen does not contain "multiplayer" as an option to click on.
Seppo said:
Hah hah hahah, oh my god dude. That shit is hilarious.

Unless you're being serious of course

Robocop is jesus and its a fact.
iamaelephant said:
The multiplayer has been revealed, people are just too arrogant to accept it.

you sir, are not thinking straight :p

CS:S may of been all they talked about, but it was announced a seperate package, we dont know what comes intact with HL2 itself, going on the Leak, and HL1, and the way DEv's think, they wont leave a themed MP out.

jpack said:
We've seen the HL2 Main Menu screenshots from E3 2004 demos and there's no "Multiplayer" menu option there.

I'm fairly certain the game had been finalized at that time.

that was 6 month's ago dude.
Pi Mu Rho said:
Single-player drives sales. Why would Valve not implement a multiplayer mode? There's no reason for it.

They did. It's called CS:S.

If there is a HL2 themed MP I will eat my shoe.
in your opinion. You're not privy to some source of super-secret information inside Valve - you're guessing, just like everyone else.
its CS:S and gabe is laughing his ass off cause we got dooped.
lol, someones going to be eatin his own shoe, *whistles*

infact, somone mail gabe, now the RC is in, and be polite and ask him people are desperate to know,... it would be nice, maybe a mod can do it,, they would know how to make it formal, for maximum chance of response. :naughty:
If we want hl2dm, its gonna be the same as hldm, what were people expecting, just wait for the conversion.