Where did your username come from?

joule said:
As you can see, I just changed mine. It was not something I had planned or wanted to do, but it needed to be done. ;(
I will miss User Name.

Its a damn shame that the halflife2.net staff forgot to block the screenname. I was just trying this out. Never expected it too work. This is LAYP!!
Back in the day I was WarBastard (before Spaced came out btw), that got shortened to Warb ..... which eventually became, and stuck as, Warbie :)
It was the weapon my favorite ninja turtle would use!
I like the color orange.
It just seems quirky to have a simple color as a user name ;D
shampoo.. and before that half-life (babyheadcrab) and before that my own name :p (alb1221)
i have no idea where my name came from, I just thought it sounded like me i suppose
I thought halflife2 was the future, and I had some really insightful things to say :)rolleyes:), so I thought "I'm a real visionary. But that's a stupid name. Hey, let's switch out some letters!"