which gun should I buy?

get yourself a pump action shotty. If you have the cash, a benelli m3

can be set to pump or semi auto.

Which means that you can play around with "fun rounds" that'd normally wouldn't work in a semi auto shotgun i.e. 12g flares and birdscarers, but still switch to semi if using proper rounds to blast the shit out of some guy who's trying to steal your stuff or kill you or whatever
If someone kicks in my front door I would much rather have a semi automatic shotgun than a pump designed for fouling.

He wants the gun for killing, I know it sounds tasteless but thats the world we live in. I'm just giving a little expert advice on the subject.

Yea, mace may do it, but I've been hit by much harder shit than mace and I must say I would still be able to do some terrible, horrible stuff to you under its influence. Tasers are hit or miss, martial arts dont stop bullets, and you cant quickload real life.
Whatever Redneck says to get DON'T!

OK.. for the handguns

If you are looking for a really nice quality gun I would say get a Glock. If you are going to get a glock I would have to say get a 9mm here is the one that I recommend (http://www.glock.com/te_g19.htm ) Or if you would like something compact (You can get your license to carry a firearm) I would get this little baby in a 9mm... (http://www.glock.com/g26.htm ) .But I have recently been more interested in the 40 cal. here are some options from glock in the 40 cal. (http://www.glock.com/40.htm ) I would get the model 23.

OK now that we have the Handguns taken out of the way let me draft into rifle mode. You must get a 30-06. I have one, my dad has one.... They are a all around great rifle. Mine is a Remington Springfield Model 700. I have killed a lot of deer with that rifle and all of them never ran from me, just dropped. But seriously you should get a semi-auto assault rifle. Those things look soooooooo fun to shoot let alone tell someone that you own a assault rifle!

I hope that my input has helped your seeking in a firearm. Let the force be with you! *Takes a second to think about how cheesy that was*
Flyingdebris said:
get yourself a pump action shotty. If you have the cash, a benelli m3

can be set to pump or semi auto.

Which means that you can play around with "fun rounds" that'd normally wouldn't work in a semi auto shotgun i.e. 12g flares and birdscarers, but still switch to semi if using proper rounds to blast the shit out of some guy who's trying to steal your stuff or kill you or whatever

Yea, that is a downside to a 1014, it is a 12 gauge but the choke is fixed so you cant use any non-lethal or non-standard rounds. But you know how I feel about non-lethal shit anyway.
Alrighty, I think all the original thread starter knows about guns, comes from games like CS...
So anybody recommending him a weapon, think twice.
Darth Sidious said:
But seriously you should get a semi-auto assault rifle. Those things look soooooooo fun to shoot let alone tell someone that you own a assault rifle!

The m16a4 is fun as hell, the a2 is good, but doesn't compair in my book. You want fun go enlist and fire yourself a SAW or a 240 golf. Its like a drug to fire either. The 0331s all told me that the 50 cal and the mark19(auto grenade launcher) were kind of lame, but the 240 and SAW are godly. (we all fire saws in the infantry, only the 31s fire the medium and heavy MGs)(a 0331 is a machine gunner, a 0311 is basic infantry(who carry the saws), and a 0341(me) is a mortarman)

The most fun for me was the 81mm mortar system, closely followed by the 60mm. Oh, and the m203 grenade launcher attached to a m16a2... holy shit.
Depends what your going to use it for...

Bunny Hunting = .22 Calibre rifle (scoped or unscoped, don't really matter)
Deer or Fox or if you live somewhere with wolves then wolf hunting = .303 Rifle
Roo Shooting (Australia, home sweet home) a .172 Calibre Rifle
Man Slaughter = a little plastic thing that goes "Beow Beow Beow" when you shoot it.

Hope that helped...
A .40 9mm should be good if you want a handgun, I'm not sure what you are getting a gun for though (hunting, protection, ect).

Don't get a deagle, this isn't like CS...a deagle will break your wrist if you're not careful handling it. I don't see any reason you would need a gun that powerful unless you were an active police officer.
secret friend said:
yes I live in a bad neighborhood, and last year someone broke into our house.

the person who said something about the AWP not being very effective against someone wielding a knife is correct ha ha

I want a handgun that can do some real damage. not like the stupid default CS handguns that do like 15 % damage. I think a shotgun would be helpful only if you have very good aim, otherwise you'll get shot in the face while you reload
Dude you seriously need to learn what you're talking about. This isn't a game, unless you're on angeldust or something a person will be put into critical condition or die from a well placed round of any calibur. Stop thinking in terms of % damage and think of it as a high velocity piece of lead hitting and expanding the wound as it rips through your internal organs.

For home protection you're not going to be in a firefight nor will you ever have to reload. Most likely just the criminal seeing your gun will make them flee. If you do fire it'll be one shot and either you'll have killed/wounded them, or they'll have fled after you shot and if you shoot them as they run you're committing murder.
Originally Posted by Zeus
A .40 9mm should be good

...methinks someone is talking out of his ass :laugh:

Also, there's no need for a deagle. PERIOD. Especially for an active police officer- you'd want something lightweight, durable, and useful, not something that looks pretty and goes boom.
secret friend said:
not if I shoot them in the legs
The law doesn't work that way, you'll still be charged if they're shot running. You better hope if you shoot someone running that you miss and the ricochet hits them in the front so you can say you shot them in the direction.
so someone broke into your house last year?
well, you're still standing aren't you?
invest in an alarm system/bigger, better locks etc
fuk buying a gun
Reginald said:

That should do the trick.
RakuraiTenjin said:
Dude you seriously need to learn what you're talking about. This isn't a game, unless you're on angeldust or something a person will be put into critical condition or die from a well placed round of any calibur. Stop thinking in terms of % damage and think of it as a high velocity piece of lead hitting and expanding the wound as it rips through your internal organs.

For home protection you're not going to be in a firefight nor will you ever have to reload. Most likely just the criminal seeing your gun will make them flee. If you do fire it'll be one shot and either you'll have killed/wounded them, or they'll have fled after you shot and if you shoot them as they run you're committing murder.


First of all, chances are they will be on meth or something, seeing as they are breaking into an occupied house, second you have no idea what you are talking about.

I hear stories DAILY about people eating 5 or 6 5.56 rounds from an m4 or a m16 and not going down. I even know a guy whos sister in iraq hit a guy with 6 ****ing 12 gauge slugs and he didn't go down. I'm sure his body was destroyed, but he was on pcp or something and it took a slug to the head to kill him. 1 shot does not always do much, what you want is 2 well placed shots roughly 4 inches apart fired in rapid succession, one sight picture, two shots. Now the body is mostly water, and what happens to water when you drop a stone in? ripples. Drop two and what happens? Ripples that cross and get more chaotic. The hole from one shot can close itself and stop bleeding, but two will tear up the area between the impacts and really **** a person up. The cavity caused by two impacts will do much more than one, provided you get that ripple effect.

What you want to do is fire two shots center mass, then one at the head. Its called a failure drill.
Okay, Deagle is f*cking CS speak. In real life it's called a Desert Eagle. And unless you've been using handguns for a while, I don;t reccommend one.

I personally am also turning 21 very soon and I;ve been looking at which handgun to purchase. I'm now deciding between either a USP .45 Compact or a P99 .40. I;m leaning towards the USP Compact mostly because of the caliber. Being a beginner though, you should look more at a 9mm. Either a P99, SIG, Glock, or Beretta would be a good choice. You should probably try to go test each one out for how they feel and fire though, before making a decision. Make sure you get one you're comfortable with.
secret friend said:
not if I shoot them in the legs

If you have time to aim at a persons legs and take a careful shot chances are you dont need to shoot them at all.
I'm curious about these people who say "Don't buy a gun, get an alarm". Why not both?

And whats with the automatic hostility towards firearms anyway? He didn't say "I want a gun to shoot random people with", he wants it on the off chance somone attacks him. Breaking into someones house constitutes attacking you before you start. That may not be their intention, but its his house, so he should assume it is,why the **** should he be the one taking the risks.

More importantly, why does anyone care if he shoots an intruder? As far as I am concerned, these people are saying "I am breaking into your home, by doing so, I accept whatever justice you care to deal out". You may not agree with that, but I don't really care, just don't be the guy I find breaking into my house and it won't matter.
Homer said:

First of all, chances are they will be on meth or something, seeing as they are breaking into an occupied house, second you have no idea what you are talking about.

I hear stories DAILY about people eating 5 or 6 5.56 rounds from an m4 or a m16 and not going down. I even know a guy whos sister in iraq hit a guy with 6 ****ing 12 gauge slugs and he didn't go down. I'm sure his body was destroyed, but he was on pcp or something and it took a slug to the head to kill him. 1 shot does not always do much, what you want is 2 well placed shots roughly 4 inches apart fired in rapid succession, one sight picture, two shots. Now the body is mostly water, and what happens to water when you drop a stone in? ripples. Drop two and what happens? Ripples that cross and get more chaotic. The hole from one shot can close itself and stop bleeding, but two will tear up the area between the impacts and really **** a person up. The cavity caused by two impacts will do much more than one, provided you get that ripple effect.

What you want to do is fire two shots center mass, then one at the head. Its called a failure drill.
Yes, you're right and well knowledged in the subject, but this is a potential buyer here who doesn't have the slightest idea what he's doing. He's ruling out purchases based on a video game and "15% damage" so please help me out here. It's not a good idea for him to be buying a weapon yet for self defense when he's not experienced in it's operation.

I'm a strident supporter of the second ammendment myself and know what I'm doing shooting, so don't get me wrong, but this guy so far in the thread has made me lose all confidence in him owning a firearm, at least until he has some training by a person who can guide him. I don't want him to become to type of person who annoys or scare the shit out of me at the range or out in our desert shooting place, nor get himself killed.
A lot of states require a safety class for all hunters under the age of 18, I would say a breif(15 minutes would do it) class on weapons handling safety required for all first time buyers would be a very good thing.

It would annoy the shit out of everyone who knows what they are doing, but if you point the gun at your foot when you reload, or if you think its safe to point a empty gun at someone then you need an education.

hell, this should do it. These are the 4 weapons safety rules that I follow, and which I've been forced to repeat maybe 10000 times in the last 9 months:

1. treat every weapon as if it were loaded
2. never point your weapon at anything you do not intend to shoot
3. keep your finger strait and off the triger until you are ready to fire
4. keep your weapon on safe until you intend to fire

just say those every time you fire the gun... unless someone is rushing you, then maybe just say the second.

That said... buy a shotgun.
secret friend said:
lol @ kamikaze. If they hate guns so much why do they play HL2 then?

ya, clearly guns are the core element of hl2.

edit: btw i dont oppose gun ownership.
DreamThrall said:
I can't even begin to explain how many things are wrong with this picture...
And our dads might of had one...:O
RakuraiTenjin said:
If as a beginner he wants to break his wrist, I'd agree.
I must of missed that...

Anyway what bloody moron is going to put a AWP in a beginners hand. if you can't shoot a Deagle with out snaping your wrist well **** i would not be giving you a AWP.
Maybe you should ask Charles Bronson about that
What use is an awp for self defense? Honestly?

FoB_Ed said:
Maybe you should ask Charles Bronson about that

Deathwish 3 is the best film EVER.
If you're looking for guidance on buying a firearm, as a beginner, by asking a gaming message board if you should get a "Deagle or an AWP," you need to stay the hell away from any firearm not made of pixels until you've recieved training by a qualified instuctor.

The hologram from the Training Room from Half-Life is not a qualified instructor.
If ever I were to get a handgun it wouldn't be for self defense or any of that BS. It would be to express my freedom and out of interest of firearms. When firearms are involved your much more likely to get killed. So if someone pulls a gun out on you are you gonna pull your gun out? They would feel threatened and shoot you first.

If your looking for a gun, don't ask a gaming forum. Ask yourself why you really want a gun. Is it because you want to feel cool and macho, is it REALLY for self defense where your life is in danger and your willing to kill others for it?

Mind you if your in a bad neighborhood and some kid breaks into your house and you kill him chances are he was in a gang and your gonna get your shit ruined the next day.

Thinkg about this a lot before you go get a gun.
secret friend said:
I want a handgun that can do some real damage. not like the stupid default CS handguns that do like 15 % damage.

are you for real?:laugh:
YOU WANT DAMAGE? Then get a colt magnum:sniper: "Do ya feel lucky punk?"


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Secret Friend, learn how use and operate a gun before considering purchasing one.

Homer, my last range day, i used both the Minimi and the M240 and i must say i prefer the Minimi all the way. People were saying it was such a bitch to get the gas parts off and the cylinder back on but i did it no problem, only encountered a problem when i got a shit weapon where someone had "modified" their gas parts :(.
secret friend said:
I am turning 21 next month and I am buying a gun. A Deagle or an AWP will do.

ha ha.

No seriously, which gun should I buy?

The AWP if you are going hunting, the Desert Eagle if you want to shoot yourself some penguins :thumbs:
Razor said:
Secret Friend, learn how use and operate a gun before considering purchasing one.

Homer, my last range day, i used both the Minimi and the M240 and i must say i prefer the Minimi all the way. People were saying it was such a bitch to get the gas parts off and the cylinder back on but i did it no problem, only encountered a problem when i got a shit weapon where someone had "modified" their gas parts :(.

Well, we dont have Minimis in the marine corps, as far as I know. looks like good fun though.

Wait, people can modify weapons on their own? what the hell? I cant even disassemble the handguards all the way on a m16a4 without telling the armorer!