Who's looking forward to Mass Effect 2 ?

Done! Ran up nearly 50 hours my first playthrough, and I chose to keep scouting for extra stuff afterwards (I like to be thorough, and I played an infiltrator, sneaky/sniper style).

Personally I found the final boss kind of awesome.

Come on, tens of thousands of humans ground down to genetic paste to create a giant terminator-looking reaver? That's kind of hardcore. The fight itself wasn't spectacular, but I ended it pretty epicly by taking down that mother****er with a mini-nuke. :cool:

Finished the suicide mission with only one casualty: Legion. I had him go through the ducts, but I only noticed afterward that, for some reason, he wasn't actually loyal to me. I finished his loyalty mission, unlocked his bonus power and outfit, but his loyalty was still listed as normal. Possibly something to do with blowing up his pals the heretics, but basically "half" of "him" agreed it was the right choice so...

Also, HOW COME MY SQUAD MEMBERS WON'T SLEEP WITH ME. I blew most of them off because I'm a renegade like that, but I was trying to get with at least Samara and Tali, thought I'd chosen the right options, and now they don't seem to want to talk to me any more. :(

Edit: Goddamnit, missed the romance boat with this character again.


Revan Shephard: most hard up Spectre in the galaxy. D:
Yeah, the final boss was awesome, but

my god could it have been any easier?
I shot the nuke once at it, took out 1/4 of it's health, then sat behind cover and shot it nine times with the Widow sniper. Flawless victory.
Yeah, the final boss was awesome, but

my god could it have been any easier?

On what difficulty? And why did you spoiler that?

I played on veteran and the fight took a little while, and i had to ressurect my allies twice i think. Not really hard, but certainly not one of the easier fights.
What does everyone think of the different classes this time around?

First playthrough I was a Soldier - with Garrus and Mordin, it was incredibly easy (Overload, Incinerate, Shoot Shoot Shoot). I'm playing a Biotic right now and the choices feel more spread out and strategic, especially because of the over-reliance on cooldowns. Also I thought the biotic powers were supposed to go around corners easily now, but they still often get caught.
I played Infiltrator. The invisibility was actually something I rarely used, but it got you out of some tight spots. AI Hacking made the game a little too easy at times
I hear Morinth has an 'organic' version of this as her loyalty power, so you could train yourself to control every low level enemy in sight.
Shepard still has an Assault Rifle in some cutscenes despite my choice. The SMG and Heavy Pistol are probably too powerful. Towards the end, I barely used my Sniper Rifle.

Didn't have any trouble curving the few incinerate shots I made around walls, but I suspect the system isn't perfect.
Did anyone else find the final ultimate enemy kind of lame? When I first saw it I was like "wtf?"

I suspect

1)The Human Reaper I think is the new vanguard, taking the place of sovereign. After the Human Reaper is constructed, This reaper would somehow activate the Citadel, much like Sovereign, but more subtly.

2) I think what you fought was the inner core of the Human Reaper. I think EDI mentioned it's in it's larval state. I think when it's fully completed, it will have an armor resembling that of sovereign.
What does everyone think of the different classes this time around?

I've played both adept and vanguard. Both were really fun. Vanguard's charge is really powerful. You charge them, it either knocks them back a step, or punts them up in the air, and either way you get enough time to blast them with a shotgun. Massive damage.

Adept is super fun though, because you can tactically pull/throw people in specific directions. A lot of times I pull them straight up and use slam make them faceplant the ground as huge speeds from really high. Other times you can just yank them over the edge of something and they're dead.
It's awfully weird to consider the most destructive and advanced race in the galaxy has such inefficient designs. Was the human reaper supposed to fly around like Iron Man? There are much better ways to wreak havoc.
Krynn, I was on veteran with Legion and Thane. Played soldier.
It's awfully weird to consider the most destructive and advanced race in the galaxy has such inefficient designs. Was the human reaper supposed to fly around like Iron Man? There are much better ways to wreak havoc.

All things considered, the bipedal, two arms plus head layout is actually incredibly efficent.
Space, where it doesnt matter what it looks like. Also,

Remember what soverign was? A god. What do you think humans would think of a massive 100 story tall sentient human-looking being would be? I think the point is that the reapers want to be gods

they have no interest in keeping anyone around except maybe a few things to ensure the rebirth of another age of life

I don't think of the reapers as "evil". They just "are". A natural force just like gravity. They must start the cycle anew. What I'm confused about is... why take the form of the species you're trying to end? It just seems out of place, and I haven't heard a good explanation.
What makes you think this is the last game in the series?
I don't think of the reapers as "evil". They just "are". A natural force just like gravity. They must start the cycle anew. What I'm confused about is... why take the form of the species you're trying to end? It just seems out of place, and I haven't heard a good explanation.

Because it's really, really cool.
lol wtf ^^^

also i'm about 80% of the way through the game or at least I've assembled most of my team. question is at lvl 18, do you think i'll hit lvl 30 by the end of the game?? i imagine you get a lot of xp near the end
You get 750 or 1000 XP for every mission you complete. Just do sidemissions.

i've been talking to just about everyone too. do you think the xp is based off of difficulty setting because i'll turn that up if i can
Probably not. The only way to get xp is completing sidequests, sidemissions on planets, and main missions in the story. Xp ranges from 40 (small sidemissions in hubworlds), 250/750 (sidemissions on planets), and 1000 (main story missions).
heres a question then, how do i get to find the 5 bonus missions for searching unexplored worlds?? i've searched a lot but should i keep going on?? are those missions worth a damn?
Not really a spoiler but this is how you know you have found one of the bonus missions

When you scan planets, it will start flashing about an anomaly of some sort. Essentially you have to use the scanner to locate where on the surface the anomaly is. From there you go and land on the planet to check it out.
I played Infiltrator. The invisibility was actually something I rarely used, but it got you out of some tight spots. AI Hacking made the game a little too easy at times
Played infiltrator too, I found myself using mostly my SMG and sniper (especially once I got the widow, goddamn). I usually tried to deck my team with a close quarters combat type while filling in my biotic deficiency, typically Grunt and Thane or Miranda and... someone. I poured all my points into cloak and went with assassination, then fully upgraded my class ability to give me even more weapons damage. By the end of the game, I could cloak up, pop off a sniper headshot, and sometimes kill someone right through a full kinetic shield/biotic barrier (thanks to Jack's warp ammo :cool:). This is on veteran, by the way.

Just started a game on hardcore as a vanguard, and uhh... not really liking it. The charge is barely useful so far because the enemies always stick together, so I can only really use it on the last one or two alive, which is pointless. Something I'm missing? Might try an adept instead...
Vanguard gets better once you get the charge to level four. Until then, it sucks dick.
Ah, fair enough. I enjoy playing it careful and letting my squadmates take the brunt of damage anyway, so adept is probably more my thing. Also I made the mistake of making a male character again, I forgot the voice acting was horrible. Sounds like the VA is falling asleep. :|

Also, re: Willie's vid - I had that happen once except with a female soldier. Used incinerate on her and she got stuck in geometry or something and was screaming for the entire fight. @_@

Edit: Also also, nearly forgot. I finished this the other night and went out to the living room, someone had left the TV on the Alf movie. Guess who the government operative trying to capture Alf for the interest of humanity was?


Truly, the Illusive Man casts a wide net. :P
Greg wrote about Romance and stuff in ME2 on The Reticule, here is a snippet if anyone is interested!

It’s been a good while since I last got laid, let alone had a relationship of any note. I really should probably be Mass Effect 2’s prime audience – gotta keep my self-esteem going some how haven’t I? Those long sorrowful nights of semi-tactical ballistic droid decapitation can be lonely. It’s a good job ME2 fills such a niche, right? Well… maybe it would if it offered more than connect-the-dots romance. Relationships are complex. You don’t just have a set line of inquiry before you get into someones pants. Well some people do, but I tend to think I want more than a dozy Bacardi-Breezer slag. I mean I get it, the actual lines are a little more than “Hey tits mcgee, here’s a drink, fancy a ****?” Bioware have tried to develop some sense of emotional reasoning. But at the end of the day, it pretty much comes down to “Select top right-most conversation option to bend Tali over” – it really could have done with entirely separate romance conversation trees at least.

Garrus was a gentle lover. In fact, I'm not even sure we did it all.

As for the levelling, I did everything and only got as far as level 27. I hear you won't attain level 30 in your first playthrough unless you import a level 60 ME1 character (I got Mass Effect 1 in this year's Christmas Steam sale, hence 'only' having a level 50 import).
The Reapers were originally intended to come into the galaxy by the Citadel, but was thrawted, so they have to head into the galaxy the conventional way.

I can guess that Haestrom's destabilizing star might be due to the presence of nearby reapers tugging on the star's dark energy to pull the fleet in from beyond. If this theory is true then that means we can guess which direction the reapers will come from.

Once you have romanced Tali and done the final mission, speak with Mordin, it just hilarious
Obviously you can only do this if Mordin survived
Mordin's great.

Edit: Whoa I did that spoiler signature thing. Neat.

The Reapers were originally intended to come into the galaxy by the Citadel, but was thrawted, so they have to head into the galaxy the conventional way.

I can guess that Haestrom's destabilizing star might be due to the presence of nearby reapers tugging on the star's dark energy to pull the fleet in from beyond. If this theory is true then that means we can guess which direction the reapers will come from.

That's brilliant, I hadn't thought of that.

Also, where the hell is my relationship with Dr. Chakwas?!
Garrus was a gentle lover. In fact, I'm not even sure we did it all.

As for the levelling, I did everything and only got as far as level 27. I hear you won't attain level 30 in your first playthrough unless you import a level 60 ME1 character (I got Mass Effect 1 in this year's Christmas Steam sale, hence 'only' having a level 50 import).

I was around level 27 when I finished the game, but I hit 30 on the second playthrough before I even got the Normandy SR-2. Level cap is a bit too low this time.
Just hit 30, still on my first playthrough, these side-missions aren't worth scanning every damn planet in a system.
Just got the game today and played for a bit. So far, I have grasped that I have to assemble a team of misfits.

Chose to be an infiltrator being as I <3 the Sniper rifle and don't use biotic stuff too much. I now realize the (almost) need to have an assualt rifle. Is it possible to get a AR and shotgun even though I am an infiltrator?
Just got the game today and played for a bit. So far, I have grasped that I have to assemble a team of misfits.

Chose to be an infiltrator being as I <3 the Sniper rifle and don't use biotic stuff too much. I now realize the (almost) need to have an assualt rifle. Is it possible to get a AR and shotgun even though I am an infiltrator?

But once you get the Widow sniper you don't need anything else.

But once you get the Widow sniper you don't need anything else.

Well close quarters with a grenade launcher doesn't work. When does the widow become available?

Best weapon I have atm is the hand cannon thing. Also, **** the burst fire pistol, inaccurate piece of shit.