Who's looking forward to Mass Effect 2 ?

My ending:

Fully upgraded ship, all loyalties, banged Tali and Jack (!), activated Grunt, didn't activate Legion because I didn't want to risk annoying Tali, 100% Renegade bar / ~40-50% Paragon bar

Tali got the tunnel, but died when trying to close the door (DAMMIT)
Justicar led the first team, Garrus and Mordin tagged along with me
Garrus led second team, Jack kept the shield up, Jacob and Mordin tagged along
Didn't send anyone back with Chakwas et al, they died
Garrus and Mordin tagged along for the final battle

Only Tali died :(

I think it might take a while to reverse-engineer the ending choices, they don't seem so simple to figure out.
Tali in tunnels (TALIIIIIIII)
Miranda as first leader (Camel toe)
Samara as biotic shield (Jack was probably a better bet)
Garrus as second leader (Natural leader next to Miranda)
Zaeed as escort (seemed like a dude who could get the job finished, plus I wasn't entirely convinced I wanted him alive anyway)

Mordin Solus dies. I don't give a shit, **** that prick. I'm not going to reload just to drag him along with my final party.

Loyalty from all crew. Fully upgraded ship.

Grunt and Legion were my final party and I never had to revive them or ask them to do anything in particular. They fired weapons, used skills, and moved accordingly. The perfect final party.

I never romanced anyone. Liara will always be my #1.

The Illusive Man can kiss my ass: he answers to me now.

Good game.
currently at 16 hrs into the game, how much longer?? i'm willing to bet i'm like half way though the game. also for a recap:



$10 Monopoly money goes to the person who can match the voice to the character!

Martin Sheen is _________________ _______
Yvonne Strahovski is _________ __________
Seth Green is ____ __________
Keith David is _________ __________ _____________
Shohreh Aghdashloo is _________ __________ ____ __________
Adam Baldwin is _____ _________
Michael Dorn is ___________ _____________
Tricia Helfer is ____
Michael Hogan is ________ __________
Carrie-Anne Moss is ______ ____________

Aria T'Loak
Illusive Man
Admiral Shala'Raan vas Tonbay"
The Joker
Miranda Lawson
Kal 'Reegar
Admiral David Anderson
Gatatog Uvenk
Captain Bailey
I love the fact that the Illusive Man even looks like Martin Sheen.
I can tell you now that its going to be very hard to topple Mass Effect 2 as game of the year. other games just won't feel the same for a long time.
currently at 16 hrs into the game, how much longer?? i'm willing to bet i'm like half way though the game. also for a recap:

Takes around 30-35 hours if you do the loyalty missions.
Finished my first go through in 30 hours. All loyalty missions completed.
I think it might take a while to reverse-engineer the ending choices, they don't seem so simple to figure out.
Maybe. The Wikia walkthrough seems to explain why a certain member of your squad died already though:
- Tali died because you used Samara. She's been travelling alone for a hundred or so years, so what made you use her as a leader? Garrus and Miranda are pretty obvious choices for these roles.
I don't think it's been entirely cracked why so many people are losing
Mordin. However, one variable that Wikia suggests that doesn't seem to be well documented, from the Final Battle: "If you choose the "We'd better hurry." dialogue option, it means that the longer it takes for you to do the end battle, the more of a chance that some of your squad members left behind to hold the line will die."
I've also seen it suggested that having the more obvious heavy fighters in your party handicaps the supporting teams, which makes sense in principle, even if in practice every character you have is really rather strong (considering the above variable, this may just be a coincidence and so called 'heavy' fighters are actually weaker than your sniper / biotics, making the fight drag out so more people die. That and I can't even tell what people think are the heavy fighters).
I can tell you now that its going to be very hard to topple Mass Effect 2 as game of the year. other games just won't feel the same for a long time.
The published game of the year awards always go to the stuff released in Autumn though. It is true that the best is often saved for just before Christmas, but people also have short memories.
Been working through the loyalty missions so I can (hopefully) be ready to jump through the Omega 4 Relay. Just did Tali's. Goddamn emotional shit. Huge props to Bioware for voicing the various quarian involved in her trial, although I still don't get why some are russian and some are like... posh english types. I've also heard some around who don't seem to have an accent at all, but I just attributed that to long pilgrimages/being away from the flotilla too long.

Anyway brb gonna go get my quarantine suit lovin' on.
Been working through the loyalty missions so I can (hopefully) be ready to jump through the Omega 4 Relay. Just did Tali's. Goddamn emotional shit. Huge props to Bioware for voicing the various quarian involved in her trial, although I still don't get why some are russian and some are like... posh english types. I've also heard some around who don't seem to have an accent at all, but I just attributed that to long pilgrimages/being away from the flotilla too long.

Anyway brb gonna go get my quarantine suit lovin' on.
Adam Baldwin's voice for Kal'Reegar fit just nicely.
Just finished the game and...
Everyone survived.

Legion in the Vents
Miranda led the first team (I think this is the thing that saves the life of whoever holds the door open, because Miranda makes an effort to cover the person closing the door with suppressing fire)
Tali and Zaeed tagged along.
Miranda then led the second team.
Tali and Zaeed tagged along again.
Sent Jacob with Dr Chakwas, they lived.
Took Legion and Miranda with me to the Final Battle.

By about 3/4 of the way through the game my Paragon thing was full and Renegade was at 1/4. All my speeches at the end were mostly badass with their "these collectors are pussies" style speeches. Maybe those speeches help rev people up?

Ace game. I'll start playing it again tomorrow as a female shep this time.
Just finished it this afternoon as well. One of the better games I've played in a good long while.

Everyone survived. :D The only people who weren't loyal were Zaeed and Miranda, didn't seem to affect anything. I made sure not to choose either for anything just in case. Although if Miranda died I honestly wouldn't of given a shit.

Sent Legion into the vents, had my bro Garrus lead the other team both times (close call on the second :o) and used Jack for the biotic field. Sent Jacob back with the survivors, they all made it. Samara and Grunt tagged along with me for everything else.

The game was pretty much flawless for me, except for the final boss. That bit was just plain stupid. Not only did it look goofy as hell (imagine that thing floating through space) but it felt like I was playing some old N64 game with GIANT ENEMY WEAK SPOTS to shoot. Not to mention it was a cakewalk - dealing with a couple of scions surrounded by swarms of husks was much more of a challenge.

Tempted to start a pure paragon femshep soon I think. I just wish the intro part was skippable. It's a pain creating a character and then realising it looks like arse in-game.
Can't wait till ME3 just to see if saving the Racni Queen really pays of.

Although there are no real stories involving her in ME2, you do receive a message from her through an Asari she saves during the last 2 years, and there are several news reports of Racni scout ships. I can only guess the Racni (if saved in the first game) will have a decided role in the last game, along with the Krogan Genophage
I took Legion on my loyalty mission for Tali. :P

Without giving away too many spoilers because I have yet to recruit Legion, nor do the Tali loyalty mission, is there any suitable dialogue for that eventuality? There's some really good unique dialogue in this game that makes me wish I could take every squad member on every mission, but that's definitely one of the more controversial choices.
I thought it would be funny as hell, but I was quickly perturbed from that initial preconception. There were some interesting dialog choices that could possibly play out into the next game, but I feel the effect of bringing Legion wasn't executed to its fullest, especially because of Tali's reason for being there.

It was kind of odd that Tali was being charged for bringing active geth aboard the Flotilla while having a geth standing at her side.

Overall, I'm more than satisfied with bringing Legion along for this mission. It gave me some insight and will possibly help shape events in ME3.
Am I the only one that

went with Legion in the vents and had him die?

Grrr, he was my favorite.

Also, not only did I bang Miranda and Jack, now, in the meta-game, I had the oppurtunity to drop Miranda and hook up with Tali. Which I did. Hell Yeah.
So you have a grubby spacebar?

The only conversations I skipped over would be Thane's and Samara's (Not the main mission or loyalty stuff but the on ship convos, just read subtitles and skipped over the VA) everything else went as normal. I played a soldier so combat never took too long.
Just beat the game. I didnt even know people could die in the game, I've kept myself in a media blackout for months. Heres how mine went down.

Shagged Miranda because of dat ass. Also invited the shrink up for dinner, not sure that that was supposed to mean. She fed my fish for me though, so thats good. I also had full ship upgrades and loyalty of everyone except Zaheed.

In the end game I didn't lose anyone, surprisingly since I didnt know your choices could lead to deaths until I just now read the last few pages of this thread.

Tali in the vents, and I got her through easy. She was the obvious pick.
Garrus lead the first team. I took Mordin and Miranda.
Then Miranda took the distraction team, Jacob escorted the crew back to the ship, and Samara did the biotic shield, with me, Garrus and Mordin doing the fightin.
Then the final fight I used Mordin and Miranda.

Now in the post-game I've started hitting on Jack and Tali. Whoo! Theres trouble brewing in ME3 for me!

Also, I handed over the ship to Cerberus. F*CK ALIENS! F*CK YEA HUMANS!

Also also, Pull + Slam is the most satisfying combo ever. You can get so much height on them and rocket them down into concrete death. Example:










nigga u ded mang

He was a silly man who would take control of collectors that I was throwing over edges.



*starts falling*

I know just enough to make assumptions about where that might be and I don't want to know about it yet.
I know just enough to make assumptions about where that might be and I don't want to know about it yet.

Here, I'll just spoil it for you since you already know.

The whole game takes place inside Commander Shepard's head. It's the last dream she has
before she dies.
And sometimes, she dreams shes a dude. Its weird.

Also, theres no way you can glean any info from that screenshot. Get outta here.
Did anyone else find the final ultimate enemy kind of lame? When I first saw it I was like "wtf?"
What was he even supposed to be when he was finished, this giant human Reaper who flew around in space like Iron Man? Or would he walk around terrorizing cities, shooting lasers out of his eyes? Isn't the ultimate goal of the Reapers to make their way back into the galaxy since the can't come in through the Citadel relay anymore? What was the "Human Reaper" supposed to do to help them?
I agree completely, pretty underwhelming.

Did anyones story even hang together, how did Shepard know that a Reaper called Harbinger controlled the Collector leader? Things happened way too fast for me.
The story is a welcome change from the EPIC SPACE OPERA PLOT of ME1. I like that at it's core, everything's preparation for the suicide mission.

As for the questions...

1. EDI scanned and hacked the collector ship. She's good at data mining dat shit.
2. The Harbinger introduces himself sometimes when controlling a Collector.
Did anyone else find the final ultimate enemy kind of lame? When I first saw it I was like "wtf?"

I thought I was fighting Megatron!

Did my second playthrough. Intimate relationship with Tali, gave her the flu, you know how it is. Had Legion go through the vents and Jacob as first fireteam, Zaeed escorted crew bck to Normandy. Then had Samara as Biotic Specialist and Garrus in charge of distraction team, and the end game I had Tali and Miranda.

Everyone survived