Who's looking forward to Mass Effect 2 ?


Your melee fails here.
You are incorrect.

I melee'd one of those to death too.
..I got it down to low health and then hit it twice and it died.
Oh. I was lead to believe you sat there for a few hours and bashed away its shields/armor/health.

(not really but perhaps I shall try eventually)
The machine gun will probably rip you apart.

If the rockets don't get you first.
It's pretty easy to melee things down, even through armor and shields, as a sentinel... I did it quite a bit.
This game runs beautifully compared to ME1. I don't even feel bad about my PC hardware when I play this. Still level 1, just made my way out of that Cerberus station. Great game so far.
Chose to be an infiltrator being as I <3 the Sniper rifle and don't use biotic stuff too much. I now realize the (almost) need to have an assualt rifle. Is it possible to get a AR and shotgun even though I am an infiltrator?
Can't you get an extra weapon specialisation from the first Collector ship mission? There's a pile of guns and it gives you the option to get assault rifles or shotguns... although that may not be what I'm expecting since I just picked the Widow sniper (hell yes).
Can't you get an extra weapon specialisation from the first Collector ship mission? There's a pile of guns and it gives you the option to get assault rifles or shotguns... although that may not be what I'm expecting since I just picked the Widow sniper (hell yes).

I wish I had picked the sniper as I snipe ALL the time. I picked up the Revenant Assault Rifle which is freaking badass, especially with the accuracy mod, but it's still not really for me. I only tend to use it to quickly take down Scions and Geth Prime.
I'm 28 hrs in and I do not want it to end soon. I have about 6 quests left and this game is just amazing. hands down one of the best i've played in the last 10 years.
I wish I had picked the sniper as I snipe ALL the time. I picked up the Revenant Assault Rifle which is freaking badass, especially with the accuracy mod, but it's still not really for me. I only tend to use it to quickly take down Scions and Geth Prime.
Seriously, the Widow is badass. Effective against all kinds of protection (still better against armor), and with infiltrator stealth it's brutal as hell. It's basically a futuristic Barrett .50 cal. :sniper:
You don't get that much ammo for the Widow though.

Melee is a lot of fun too.
Everyone I've talked to who played infiltrator complained that they were always short on sniper ammo. Did you guys just... not use anything else? I used it a shitload, but I think I only actually ran out once or twice. I always kept an eye on my ammo and tried to stop at about half full, in case I needed to take down a heavy mech or something.

Edit: That said, I was always running out of ammo for the magnum-style pistol. 24 shots? Come on, why no ammo upgrade? The SMG gets one and I don't think I ever got below like... 300 spare shots for that.
I'd switch over to assault rifle if I ran out, ad then easily go find more ammo.
Thing is, the Widow is so good, unless you're missing a whole lot or not getting headshots like a ******, you'll beat all the enemies in a segment with just that 12 shot clip.
I hardly ever run out of ammo except for my heavy weapon. also the nuke launcher is so sweet to witness
Also, where the hell is my relationship with Dr. Chakwas?!

Shes got the hots for Jeff ;(

I'm seriously hoping Joker in the third game somewhere says, "Why so serious?", he's already referenced 2001 and supposedly Firefly

Just hit 30, still on my first playthrough, these side-missions aren't worth scanning every damn planet in a system.

I preferred the first game where Admiral Hackett use to tell you of interesting places to visit if your neaby a System or Cluster. Why is it we have never seen him in person?
What is this Mass Effect? I read through most of 40 pages of gameplay enthusiasm with no flameouts? What's happening to HL2.net?! When I saw "RPG" I tuned this game out completely, but I may give it a chance after witnessing the pax Biowara (although apparently I should run through the first one).
Mass Effect 2 is my first Bioware game and I <3 it :3
That said, I was always running out of ammo for the magnum-style pistol. 24 shots? Come on, why no ammo upgrade?
There is one...

What is this Mass Effect? I read through most of 40 pages of gameplay enthusiasm with no flameouts? What's happening to HL2.net?! When I saw "RPG" I tuned this game out completely, but I may give it a chance after witnessing the pax Biowara (although apparently I should run through the first one).

Its a lot less RPG than the last one. I'd say is pretty close to being an RPG in the same sense that Borderlands was an RPG.

I thought I wasn't going to like it because of how few RPG elements there are, but I was so ****ing wrong.
The lack of RPG-ness didn't both me while playing - I enjoyed the hell out the game from start to finish.

But I loaded up one of my original ME1 games on the 360 the other day, and in hindsight I'm a bit of a sad panda about it. Now they've moved in this direction I can't see them going back for ME3. There were a lot of really cool elements they could've polished up and developed, but they seemingly just decided to just scrap them instead. It's definitely more of a shooter with a conversation system than an Action RPG this time 'round. At the very least I hope they've gotten over the Gears of War thing by the time ME3 rolls around. It was a bit silly constantly running into large pointless rooms littered with waist high barriers and cover - you knew a fight was about to break out before an enemy was in sight. On one mission - cover actually pops up out the damn ground for you as you move around. :laugh:

Still, a great game.
There is one...
I never got it. :(

Is it after you get all 5 damage upgrades, or do you find it separately or something?

Edit: I've also been playing through ME1 again, just trying to grind my way through on casual to see how certain decisions pan out in ME2. Only one complaint: this game is ****ing awful and the second one improves on it in every conceivable way I never want to play this horrible backwards piece of shit again.

That said I wouldn't have minded a few more weapons in ME2. At least 3 of each would be nice...

Edit2: Sorry two complaints: the map/objective system is horrible. Seriously, where the **** am I going all these corridors look the same.
In moving from the original to the sequel, Bioware exchanged scope for focus - which I felt was a good move. :) I played the original again and it just feels bad in comparison to the sequel. All the expected nostalgic twinges were there, but the gameplay and structure feel so dated and sluggish, and the characters are so boring and distant. And it runs so badly, and looks worse as well! ME2 is a big step forward.
Don't get me wrong, playing through ME1 after the the second has been painful to say the least.

But there's a lot of RPG elements there that I'd of liked to have seen in ME2. I didn't dislike the first because it had an inventory, i disliked it because it had the shittiest inventory system in recent memory, along with an awful loot system which showered you with useless crap after every kill. I'm all for fewer, but more distinct weapons - but two or three choices for each weapon class was a little restrictive. A proper inventory system with decent loot to find outside of endless containers full of credits would've been nice, and would've bolstered the exploration aspect. Conversely, I really like the idea of exploring uncharted worlds with my squad kitted out in space suits, the problem in the first game was the vehicle physics sucked dick, and the worlds were boring copypasta jobs which got boring in an instant. ME2's exploration missions feel more like MW2 Special Ops with you being dropped off in a firefight, racking up kills and ending with a 'Mission Complete' screen. Only you had to find the mission start button on a little toy planet.

But I digress. It sounds like I'm hatin' but honestly - ME2 was definitely one of the best games I've played in a good long while. Much better than the first. I just wouldn't mind if they went back and developed some of the half-arsed elements of ME1 rather than scrapping them completely.
I know I'll be bashed for this, but I liked ME1's inventory. I could always find my stuff, and change gear accordingly. Also liked hitting one button to change weapons, needing to bring up the weapon wheel in ME2 is kinda pointless.

EDIT:Unless I just haven't found the proper button?
GG -7. I'm not happy with getting stuck on props and I was pissed when the game crashed out at the end of a boss fight. I'm also slightly annoyed that I didn't get the chance to explore rape space.

ME3 better have plenty of rape space from the word go!!
Insanity is ****ing crazy I'm doing it with a standard Shep soldier.
the blood pack pyros are the mist lethal enemies in cqb
I just tried starting hardcore with an adept and it seemed pretty ball busting, **** insanity. Starting a second playthrough on my infiltrator to knock out insanity, already at level 28 after Freedom's Progress, heh.
Trying to assemble a team is now becoming a bit of a choir. Got the first batch and now I have to grab 3 more.

FFS all I use is Garrus and Jacob. Maybe if you could roll in with the entire militia behind you its good to have 10 teammates but not if you can only have 2.
Meeting Garrus/getting him to join was ****ing awesome.
Disk 2 was necessary pretty quickly, prompted me to put it in while helping Jacob find that ship

My ****ing HDMI cable stopped playing sound in the middle of a gunfight and I completely missed a conversation because sound never came back. Used to not do sound for a few moments when I played Fallout 3 but it was always restored after a minute or two.
I know I'll be bashed for this, but I liked ME1's inventory. I could always find my stuff, and change gear accordingly. Also liked hitting one button to change weapons, needing to bring up the weapon wheel in ME2 is kinda pointless.

EDIT:Unless I just haven't found the proper button?

I also found the inventory system to be pretty decent in the first. Hope they'll make ME3 more loot-focused.
Also, try holding down the reload button to switch weapons.
Trying to assemble a team is now becoming a bit of a choir. Got the first batch and now I have to grab 3 more.

FFS all I use is Garrus and Jacob. Maybe if you could roll in with the entire militia behind you its good to have 10 teammates but not if you can only have 2.
Meeting Garrus/getting him to join was ****ing awesome.
Disk 2 was necessary pretty quickly, prompted me to put it in while helping Jacob find that ship

My ****ing HDMI cable stopped playing sound in the middle of a gunfight and I completely missed a conversation because sound never came back. Used to not do sound for a few moments when I played Fallout 3 but it was always restored after a minute or two.

i have the 360 version and my audio cut out for about a min when i was finishing Samara's loyalty quest
Its just a problem with the cable (had the exact same problem on a Halo 3 edition 360, something inside the console went bad though as it showed nothing but a black screen) so if need be and your sound doesn't come back, you can get one for like 5 bucks off ebay (it doesn't need to be a special Xbox one though, any HDMI will work.)

Also, laughed hard at Badhat's pic.