Who's looking forward to Mass Effect 2 ?

Firewalker is so easy its not even funny. A lot of the areas you can simply dodge all the enemies.
Anyone hear anything about the Kasumi DLC?
Eurogamer just gave it an 8/10. Seems it was released a day later than planned.
It's like Zaeed. She has no dialog options on the normandy. You only get to listen to her speak.
Finished the Kasumi DLC, was alright but it wasn't worth the green. They need to hurry up and make a real expansion.
I do like her assassination thing though. Makes the harbingers a cakewalk.
Im having some problems with the game now. It worked great, but for the past few days its been getting worse. The game randomly freezes for 10-20 seconds, sometimes with artifacts visible. Then it unfreezes and becomes normal. This happens over and over again till it reaches a point were its no fun to play the game. I get all kinds of artifacts, color bleeding, polygon stretching, lighting and shadows messing up, black and white colors, everything starts glowing, textures missing, models getting misplaced, black triangles, models "melting" into a mush of polygons, and blackwhite ant war onscreen

Its like the game took a crazy hit of LSD or something. The stuff goes away after 10-20 seconds, but its annoying that i have to pause every minute or two to wait it out. All other games runs perfectly.

2gb Ram
AMD Athlon DualCore 3.0ghz 6000+
Im having some problems with the game now. It worked great, but for the past few days its been getting worse. The game randomly freezes for 10-20 seconds, sometimes with artifacts visible. Then it unfreezes and becomes normal. This happens over and over again till it reaches a point were its no fun to play the game. I get all kinds of artifacts, color bleeding, polygon stretching, lighting and shadows messing up, black and white colors, everything starts glowing, textures missing, models getting misplaced, black triangles, models "melting" into a mush of polygons, and blackwhite ant war onscreen

Its like the game took a crazy hit of LSD or something. The stuff goes away after 10-20 seconds, but its annoying that i have to pause every minute or two to wait it out. All other games runs perfectly.

2gb Ram
AMD Athlon DualCore 3.0ghz 6000+

Sounds like your vid cards overheating.
I still haven't found the motivation to play this, considering possibly selling my Collector's Edition for the 360 on eBay, should be able to get a fair price if I do since it's still in plastic wrapping.
Thats what i suspected too, but it only happens to this game. Im currently playing Bad Company 2 and Metro 2033 and they dont experience this issue, so i figured it might be something with the game. Il just play in 15 minute intervals then, and let the GPU cooldown inbetween.
game is becoming much more enjoyable at omega with multiple things to do, people to see and things that happen. freedom's progress was more of the same rubbish ME combat, but it's shining like it shone best in the first game - conversations, atmospherics, locations and characters.

i thought the combat was better in this game. it's still just random cover, huts on stilts with staircases and your teammates running hopelessly about taking fire. oh well.
I'm probably going to pick this up once I finish my current playthrough of ME1, but I have one question: Apparently some of the DLC is available free to owners of "new" copies but not "used" ones. How does the game tell if a copy is used or new on the PC version? If I reinstall to another computer in the future will it be detected as new or used?
I'm probably going to pick this up once I finish my current playthrough of ME1, but I have one question: Apparently some of the DLC is available free to owners of "new" copies but not "used" ones. How does the game tell if a copy is used or new on the PC version? If I reinstall to another computer in the future will it be detected as new or used?

There is a little card with a 'DLC key' number/letter string on it in new copies. You have to activate the code to get access to the in-game DLC marketplace. I don't know about the PC version, but the code itself should be tied to a specific account, so it doesn't matter how many times you reinstall it after that.
Just finished the game. How do i save my character for ME3? I want to uninstall the game to clear up some space. Is there a specific way to save your character?
"... Documents\BioWare\Mass Effect 2\Save"

Should be backed up, as was the case with its neighbouring Mass Effect 1 folder.
There is a little card with a 'DLC key' number/letter string on it in new copies. You have to activate the code to get access to the in-game DLC marketplace. I don't know about the PC version, but the code itself should be tied to a specific account, so it doesn't matter how many times you reinstall it after that.

I guess that makes sense, although now I'm wondering what kind of account we're talking about here.
game is ridiculously good

gutted i'm going back to uni in two days and i've still several loyalty missions to do before i head through the relay, which i'm presuming is the end or thereabouts. think i'm going to have to blitz it tomorrow and friday and get the story done - looking at the map in the CIC, and again at the mini maps of all the different levels of locations in places like the citadel i don't even think i'm scratching the surface on anything aside from the main plot. i feel so overwhelmed by things but it's all good, i'm just going to have to explore everything in the summer.

thoughts from my last session earlier:

the collector ship felt very much like the reavers from firefly, as well as the flood-covenant ships from the halo games. it was all very beautiful until the ''trap'' was floating discs loaded with enemies. lame. also, the next person to enjoy mass effect 2 but go into a gear of war thread and complain about chest high cover is silly. not pointing fingers, but i'll be watching - some of the environments are just lame with how much cover is scattered about. you can see an encounter coming from a mile off.

having conversations with krogans about rites made me feel really ignorant whenver i got shot down or talked back to, which is great because it just showed how rich and in depth the backstory to grunt and krogans in general really is.
My renegade Femshep headbutt a krogan the other day. I'd be lying if I said I didn't pound my fist in the air when it happened. She has a true kinship with their species.
yeah, i headbutted a clan leader when i met with wrex. was awesome.
double post, sorry.

but what, so the last boss - the great feared reaper - is the ****ing terminator? i'm surprised that when he fell he didn't ****in' put his thumb up or something. talk about a laughably bad end fight, just as generic and mindless as they make 'em to boot, too. weak points? WEAK POINTS? that said, that great looming skull peering down on you behind cover is pretty terrifying i must admit. also funny: his mouth attack schwacking drones on delivery.

oh well, aside from more dull corridor action, the pick and choose mechanics were pretty cool and all over, the cinematics were pretty edge of your seat stuff. a good end!

i went into the battle forgetting to upgrade my ship so jack bought it pretty early so i restarted, went through 30 minutes of tedious mining bullshit and eventually got into the fight only for her to die in the defense of the door in the final stage. she was unloyal after the argument with miranda and, well, miranda isn't a rude angsty dickhead with shit tattoos so i sided with her in the end which i guess is why she died, her being the only one i never got loyalty with.

but yeah, in my week or so of playing the main story and main story alone, it's good. my only complaints? it also ****ing sucks. i mean... no, it doesn't, but the gameplay is pretty ****ing atrocious at times i mean come on guys lets be honest. i cannot believe, actually cannot fathom, that the stupid ****ing husks were brought back. i said this in a earlier post but i'm going to be keeping a close eye on the avid ME2 fans in this thread for when halo: reach comes out and people start complaining about gameplay - or some other old issue like the library - and then i'm going to use this game as a graph, pie chart, excel document and whole host of other statistics as why corridors lined with either a) supply crates b) fragile crates c) cargo or d) random polished granite make for really uninspiring locations and generally shit gameplay. at least the forerunner concept artists at bungie ripped off brutalist style architecture - which to some, me included, is a personal preference being an art form - whereas the majority of the combat in this is basically rooms filled with random boxes.

but... all that aside, i kept playing for the story, cinematics and dialogue, but with the main bulk of the game now under my belt, is it really worth investing more time into? what's left to do, can someone fill me in on how detailed the rest of the game is? ME's sidequests, with the exception of maybe 4/5 of them, were shockingly bland. is this the same? either way, i've no time to play the game anymore with uni starting up this weekend, but i plan to keep a hold of the game over summer and get back into it. maybe start again with a better timeplan so i can get the best out of it. right now i feel that because i've sort-of rushed the game, i've done what i did with fallout 3 on release and not enjoy it's full potential. needs more time, but otherwise a pretty solid experience.

(note: please don't take my bitter ranting about the combat too seriously and even more importantly, do not follow me up on my comparisons with halo - i am not looking for an argument regarding the two and in no way do i mean to draw such lines over the two games styles and mechanics, i'm merely just levelling the playing ground a bit on what i believe to be this games weakest element)
What the f*ck knut, use spoilertags for f*cks sake!

Just got the game spoiled by reading that line about the

Not cool broseph, not cool at all.;(
You're a fool coming into a thread on page 58 thinking there's no chance of getting spoiled. I stay out of game threads till I've beaten it, post release date.
You're a fool coming into a thread on page 58 thinking there's no chance of getting spoiled. I stay out of game threads till I've beaten it, post release date.

Yeah, guess I've learnt my lesson now at least.:laugh:
What the f*ck knut, use spoilertags for f*cks sake!

Just got the game spoiled by reading that line about the

Not cool broseph, not cool at all.;(

that isn't a spoiler

you do know the game is a sequel to ME1 right?
@Knut: Did you play as a soldier or something? I had a lot of fun using powers and it was much better than just shooting. Even the husks were fun because you had to change up your fighting style and use more push/pull powers than in other fights.
naw, i was sentinel. using powers was fun - throw, warp, etc all looked very cool but after the first few encounters i was just rinse repeating my moves against mindless enemies. it was like 5 seconds of fun when you run into a room and manage to knock all the enemies down with a few quick moves from your squad, but i didn't find it anything special. at least not sequel special like i expected it to be from all the good words about the combat system being improved.

i found nothing fun about the dumb husk waves on board the reaper ship. nothing. just seemed like pointless filler.

Still a spoiler. Not that it's your fault at all.

but... it's not. how can anyone think that the reapers wouldn't carry over to the second game? the plot runs almost parallel to the first game, except no saren.
And that it's made from humans. That's spoilerish. So, if anyone didn't catch that the first time...

You're welcome.


that's nitpicky bullshit. it could look like anything and it wouldn't matter - it's still a reaper, in whatever form. people should know that in some form or another a reaper would be appearing, it's aesthetic isn't important - it's name only.

the fact it looks like a generic human skeleton is just comedy, really. how ****ing generic.
Some people are anti-spoiler purists. Not wanting to know such details.
the fact it looks like a generic human skeleton is just comedy, really. how ****ing generic.

it's cause it was based on humans, it's a human reaper, that's why it's ****ing shaped like the terminator