Who's looking forward to Mass Effect 2 ?

"Um, do you two want to sit together?"
"Can it wait a minute? I'm in the middle of some calibrations."
Love that sexy voice, a lot of things to like about garrus is that he never complains, he had half of his face blown yet he jokes about it. "tough sonvabitch"
And I looove his loyalty mission.

I currently on my second play, the first time I finished it Mordin and Grunt died D:
Hoping to get everybody alive this time.
Tali was the only one who died on my first go, but she was being an unappreciative bitch so **** her.
My fem shep remained loyal to Kaidan. ;D

GAH! Firewalker bug I cant seem to get passed the quest says right click to collect research its not doing anything...... D:

EDIT: So I press "v" and it works why the hell did it asked me to right click the mouse button
Been playing this for about 2 months without finishing it. And today I FINISHED THE GAME!


Took me 41 hours. huh.

Destroyed the base.

Tali in the vents, Garrus led the fire squad. Samara for the biotic field, Garrus again for the diversion team, Grunt escorted the crew back to the Normandy.
i have it but am incredibly put off by the terrible, messy boringly simple first 10/15 minutes, but will pick it up next week after some more bad company 2.

i think maybe it hasn't hooked me too much because i recently finished mass effect for a second time a few months back and yeah, good a game as it is, i've quite a few problems with it so i just need to wait a bit longer i think. hopefully my next post here will be me looking back on this post and thinking how wrong was i, but we'll see.
i have it but am incredibly put off by the terrible, messy boringly simple first 10/15 minutes,


Having your ship destroyed, 80% of your crew die, get sucked out into space, die, and get resurrected as a cyborg by a mysterious mega corporation is boring?
ME2 has one of the more memorable openings in a game I've played.
not the ship, the part afterwards. the gameplay. horrible corridor crawler, terrible cinematics of people behind glass getting mowed down, painfully dull introduction of that guy who is under cover and taking fire from all of one enemy across a hallway and for the most part, waking up to yet another mysterious corporation does nothing for me.

like i said, i'm only in the first 10 minutes. i'm pretty sure it's going to get good, i've no doubt, just right off the bat it's pretty lame.
Unacceptable opinion. Unacceptable post. Wont change. No Choice. Have to Kill you

not the ship, the part afterwards. the gameplay. horrible corridor crawler, terrible cinematics of people behind glass getting mowed down, painfully dull introduction of that guy who is under cover and taking fire from all of one enemy across a hallway and for the most part, waking up to yet another mysterious corporation does nothing for me.

like i said, i'm only in the first 10 minutes. i'm pretty sure it's going to get good, i've no doubt, just right off the bat it's pretty lame.

its a tutorial
it's supposed to be boring
its a tutorial
it's supposed to be boring

it's not so much as boring as it is contrived and all over a drag. i understand the tutorial elements, just feels a bit lackluster as the first 10 minutes of gameplay. the cinematics of the ship sucked me in, but not being able to hook me on the most important part is bad.
Seems a bit premature to start critiquing, y'know? Yeah, the opening level isn't special in any way. But you at least need to hit Omega, since that's pretty much where the game really begins. If you're not hooked by then, fair's fair.

Also, I don't know what mysterious corporation you're referring to. If you're speaking of Cerberus, they were present in the first game as well, albeit in a more limited role.
I think the most jarring moment I had in the game was visiting the Presidium. It took me ten minutes of humping the walls in Anderson's office looking for a way out before I realized what was going on...
Seems a bit premature to start critiquing, y'know?

yeah, i've said a few times now that i know it's only the first 10 minutes and that i KNOW i'm going to be wrong and that it's very silly of me to think what i'm thinking, i just can't help myself. :P

again, it's going to be a great game, the opening just sucks. thats all.

as for mysterious corporation, i was just following what ZT said. i forgot (and still have forgotten) all about what the cerebus network is. i woke up in the game feeling like luke skywalker after han found him on hoth.
someone from work was telling me that the new expansion pack is shit.

confirm or deny
The firewalker thing? Yeh, it's meh.

Or was the Kazumi dlc released and you are refering to that?
I cant figure out how to dl the firewalker thing, I am supposed to get it for free since I am a cerberus member
Yeah. You get it the same way you got all the other dlc. It's in the list.
The problem with Firewalker is that it plays like a linear side game instead of an addition to the core experience like it was in ME1. You're led down a straight path and sucking up resources (which has an incredibly arcadey presentation). There is never a transition between the vehicular gameplay and the combat on foot which was possible in the first game. You can choose which teammates to bring with you, but it hardly matters since there's never any use for them. And whereas the Mako was often frustrating with its controls, the Firewalker experience is a cakewalk with regenerating tank health and an endlessly spammable rocket launcher against brick stupid Geth AI. It's free to me though, so I guess I can't be too harsh.

Maybe I'm just nostalgic, but I'm a bigger fan of the Mako.
The hammerhead has a cool design, and it's pretty fun hovering in the air, and boosting forward into Geth and watching them fly into hot lava.
However, the execution is pretty dull; I can't really complain. It's not dissimilar to the dullness of the other side missions originally with ME2 (The ones that would have zero dialogue options, and usually be about recovering an artifact and killing mercs) A good way to level up I suppose.

Meh, could have been a lot more though.
I think the Hammerhead is a much better vehicle, it's just that they gave it the most half-assed missions imaginable. The Firewalker missions were incredibly lame. They were linear, arcadey, and didn't really have any story at all. I don't think there was even any dialogue from the main characters. The only talking I remember was the automated Hammerhead voice and a couple audio logs from some scientists. And I think Garrus said "That should do it" once when I completed a mission.
I have to say i hate one little thing and that is on my friends and my copy whenever you die you get sent back to the START of the game! and what also pissed me off on the final battle i died so you can guess what happend next! (:flame: NERD RAGE :flame:)

spoilered cause u guys probably cant handle shit on a level of this much extreme


Seriously though, just started back on my Insanity run. ****ing Firewalker missions are butts on Insanity.
Isn't a new DLC coming out tomorrow? Could've read wrong, but I thought so.
Yeah, it's 7 bucks. There are new missions and a new character so I might actually get it because I am a sucker for ME2.
i should probably start playing this soon as i go back to uni in two weeks and BC2 is really taking up a lot of hours in my day.

or do i wait for summer when it's a little more fresh to me? ye gods.
i should probably start playing this soon as i go back to uni in two weeks and BC2 is really taking up a lot of hours in my day.

or do i wait for summer when it's a little more fresh to me? ye gods.
Play more BC2 and wait till summer for ME2.
Yeah, it's 7 bucks. There are new missions and a new character so I might actually get it because I am a sucker for ME2.

Apparently it is called Kasumi's Stolen Memory, this Kasumi can become a party member. Just like Zaeed you can't have a normal convo with her on your ship. And apparently the DLC plays out "like a James Bond mission" according to IGN. It should be interesting, I think.
Like Zaeed?

Not being able to converse with him on the ship was easily one of the weakest aspects of his character. It's a shame because I used him a lot more on my second playthrough and liked a lot of his comments out on the missions, so I always wanted to have a more involved conversation with him. It's even more disappointing that Bioware has not learned from their mistake with Zaeed and doing the same with their new addition.

I want actual characters, not just sidekicks.
Started my RENEGADE run on hardcore, should be fun being the asshole this time.
Yeah that was what I was thinking, Insanity is difficult, but not that hard.