Who's looking forward to Mass Effect 2 ?

Finished ME2 a few days ago and really loved it. The universe has a lot of potential, especially with DLC's tbh.... yes, I would eat that up.

So many ideas to work with, like taking the role of one of the first pioneers to go through the mass relay. Or perhaps a young human joining a group of mercs like the Eclipse or Blue Suns. (Love their armor)
I'd like to see some DLC for your character's pre-game background (Akuze, etc.)

Something to tie off some of my team's loose ends would also be nice. I was disappointed that after I had saved the galaxy, most of my companions would just STFU and tell me they were too busy.

At least I got to talk to Legion more though. \o/
HA! I just noticed that if you get drunk and talk to the bartender at Illium you... Go check it out yourself. It's hilarious. Buy the mystery drink.
Insanity level is disappointing. Biotic abilities are rendered useless. You cannot use them unless the enemies are stripped off any armor or barrier protection, and once they do lose their first line of defense their health is so pathetically little it's not worth wasting time using biotic abilities on them.

After finishing the game, I realized Bioware has A LOT to account for going into ME3. Not going to spoil anything, but depending on how you play, there will be a lot of characters surviving into ME3.
I STILL haven't gotten around to even opening my ME2 copy, but I hope to have finished my final ME1 playthrough sometime in April. I want to play this so bad but I feel a strong compulsion to do so using my final ME1 save.
Insanity level is disappointing. Biotic abilities are rendered useless. You cannot use them unless the enemies are stripped off any armor or barrier protection, and once they do lose their first line of defense their health is so pathetically little it's not worth wasting time using biotic abilities on them.

After finishing the game, I realized Bioware has A LOT to account for going into ME3. Not going to spoil anything, but depending on how you play, there will be a lot of characters surviving into ME3.
Biotics are a must against krogans and vorcha. If you're the patient type its better to chip away at stronger enemies with all your biotic abilities rather than waste ammo.
oh yeah, forgot about this game. my easter holidays are going to be taken up by BC2, but i'm gonna buy this at the same time and spend my four weeks of doing nothing playing this during the nights.

fun times.
Think I'm going to replay it. I already did vanguard. Any suggestions? I think it's really disappointing that only the soldier gets the assault riffle.

Also, didn't it say if you replay, all of your squad points immediately go into your next playthrough?
You guys might remember some screenshots owners of ME2 posted of an unused character named Kasumi in the Mass Effect 2 files.



Well, here she comes in her own DLC.

Bioware has finally announced the first piece of DLC that you can purchase separately outside of the Cerberus Network. Mass Effect 2’s first Purchasable DLC (PDLC) is currently titled “Kasumi’s Stolen Memory”.

The PDLC will make available a new thief named, obviously, Kasumi. Kasumi will be found on the Citadel and provide you with some new missions and tack on a new achievement upon their completion. The only details available about those missions are that they involve some stolen art and you will (assumingly) help in their recovery. During those missions you will unlock a new weapon called the Locust Weapon, with no details yet released about it.

Price and date of its release have not been set.
Hah, paying for shit that was already in the game but taken out to sell separately...
So? Anyone got drunk and spoke to the bartender at Illium?
Think I'm going to replay it. I already did vanguard. Any suggestions? I think it's really disappointing that only the soldier gets the assault riffle.
Hehe, riffle.

Can't you pick an extra weapon specialisation in the first collector mission? From the pile of guns. I wouldn't know for sure since I grabbed the widow sniper, but I was planning to grab shotguns for my infiltrator's second playthrough.

Stealth and blast, awwwwwwww yeeeeeeeeah. :afro:
Ehhh, that new character looks like a human Tali. I'll wait to hear how big the DLC is.


Hehe, riffle.

Can't you pick an extra weapon specialisation in the first collector mission? From the pile of guns. I wouldn't know for sure since I grabbed the widow sniper, but I was planning to grab shotguns for my infiltrator's second playthrough.

Stealth and blast, awwwwwwww yeeeeeeeeah. :afro:

Typo, fatty!
Bioware really needs to figure out a more dynamic system.
I laughed because it's a flawless Shepard dance. Or, as I call it, the Shepard Shuffle.
Hahaha I'd have to agree that is an amazing Shepard dance.
I'm playing ME1 now... good graphics, an apparently excellent storyline, but the gameplay hasn't done it for me yet. I'll play a few more star systems, but if it doesn't liven up quick, I don't think I'll play ME2.
So you're going to abandon playing a game that specifically improves on the one thing that's preventing you from enjoying the current game you're playing?
So you're going to abandon playing a game that specifically improves on the one thing that's preventing you from enjoying the current game you're playing?
I'll play ME2 if I think the gameplay is better, but I'll wait until it's in the bargain Steam bin to reduce the cost of that bet. What did they do in ME2 that's better? For example, how much of the game is clicking through dialog?
Significantly less than Mass Effect 1. The game is roughly the same length yet there is more to do and its never dull, which is actually pretty surprising given the first games main missions bordered on being too long and there weren't nearly as many side missions here.
There's still a lot of dialogue in ME2, but it's doled out a lot better, ie - there are less concentrated chunks of just talking (unless you actively seek it out). At the end of the day, though, this is a Bioware RPG, so unless you've been living under a rather large rock you should know roughly what to expect.

As far as how ME2 improves on the first, the combat is empirically better and more involved. You could argue that certain elements needn't have been removed (I'd have preferred more than a few guns in each class, personally, though certainly not as many as ME1), but it's just this that makes it a superior shooter. By culling the fat and focusing more attention on fewer elements, they improved on the gameplay twofold at least. Shooting actually feels better for one, things like reloading and a single global power cooldown add more immediacy, and better/simpler power implementation combined with a higher level of squad command make it a much more tactical game. It's just... better. It seems to be a universally accepted fact for anyone who's played both.

Also, this is purely my opinion, but having replayed ME1 in prep for ME2, the second game has much stronger dialogue and, in my mind, a better overarching story. The first game is rife with cheesy dialogue and I felt the plot was a bit too overblown for being the first game in the series. The second game, again by simplifying and making the plot more focused and immediate, is much stronger for it in my eyes, and much more personal to the characters, who are also an improvement (save a couple weaker/underdeveloped ones/girls you can't f*ck if you're a girl Shep I mean come on).

HAVING SAID ALL THAT, I would recommend you finish ME1, if only because the second game is very self-referential, and also importing your character and seeing the effect of your choices makes it twice as sweet. Just stick with a simple class (anything but adept/engineer basically) and blow through it on easy mode. I was able to do it with my soldier in under 12 hours.

Oh, and don't bother with the side quests. You're not imagining things - they are horrible.
I keep going back to do little side missions after I finished it.

Legion is an excellent character.
I've talked to him a few times after the main story mission, and I hope they expand on him.
I thought it was most interesting when Shepard gets a bit pissed and asks him why he chose to use (His/Her) armor chest piece instead of any other piece of metal; he simply says "Data not available"
I think the geth were likely a bigger focus earlier in development. After all, the first teaser trailer for the game made a big deal out of a geth wearing a piece of the N7 armor. That focus later shifted to the Collectors, so I'm sure they'll work in some of their original ideas in Mass Effect 3.
I hope we get the same amount of content as we did we DA:A
^ I read somewhere that the DLC will be roughly an hour and a half long. That cannot be right.

I think the geth were likely a bigger focus earlier in development. After all, the first teaser trailer for the game made a big deal out of a geth wearing a piece of the N7 armor. That focus later shifted to the Collectors, so I'm sure they'll work in some of their original ideas in Mass Effect 3.

Mass Effect 2 set us up with a large dynamic squad. For Mass Effect 3 I would much prefer more in depth character missions (with our existing squad) rather than a complete squad overhaul again.

I wouldn't mind a few new characters, but if ME3 is going to tie up the main story arc, I'd like some foreclosure with all of the characters; learn more about them, help them out, etc. Because while some of the loyalty missions were great, some of them were terrible vague and over simplified.
Okay, I did not know about this at all-

my friend told me if you are very renegade, you can choose Samara's Daughter over Samara


If you are male Shepard Mordin basically tells you he's gay?
First one's true. Also

You can romance her and, as you'd expect, she kills you. :p
Not sure about the second one, haven't gotten very far on my male shep.
The bit of dialogue where Mordin tells Shepard that he's flattered but not interested by his frequent visits happens regardless of which gender you play as, and is pretty transparently meant as a joke.
He says that if he ever wanted to try a human, Shepard whould be the one.
Looks like Brandon Keener (Voice of Garrus) will be in The Pacific