Why Apple?

After 15 years of SUFFERING with Macs in the graphics industry, I hate them. Apple/Steve Jobs should be put in prison for out and out lying and false advertising. There is NOTHING more intuitive about a Mac, dont let this guy kid you people. The only reason a Mac MAY be more "intuitive" is that there is far less configuration to pick from. At the end of my day behind a Mac I go home very frustrated and tired from all its behavior problems.
Fido, you should really work on that little double-posting problem you have.
There is an 'edit' button.
I agree, though.

edit- Excuse me, triple post.
i don't understand this trend either... i know some people who buy macs simply because they think bill gates is too much... that's the only excuse they have... and because they don't know jack about computers, they still think xp/vista crashes to the blue screen of death.

the other thing they will talk about is how macs don't get viruses... i haven't had a virus since windows 98... i usually just shake my head at mac people.
I hate Mac's. They just have a rabid fan base.

The thing is, Apple has a few things that they do better than MS.

1) Aesthetics. Apple is in the unique position where it controls both the hardware and software of its computers. Microsoft simply makes the software.

2) Reliability. This ties into the above. Since Mac basically controls what hardware gets used with a Mac, it's a shit load easier to test with since there are only X combinations of hardware, whereas with Windows you have X * Y * Z * W * A * B combinations... It needs to work on every computer ever made, in all configurations, and sometimes the configurations cause issues.

3) User Experience. Apple sure knows how to make things simple and easy to use.

There is a renaisance going on at Microsoft right now where they are improving in all of these areas, especially in areas 1 and 3.
And I don't know how long ago but Dell [physically] started building some decent PCs. This is based off my looking around a couple of friend's new computers which are Dells and me being very surprised how well they're built and they even bothered with things like neat cable management.

I've heard of an absurd amount of problems with Apple hardware too which is surprising considering people push Macs as being so well built and designed.

Dell do build some very good PCs and they're very expensive, but the hardware in a Mac can still outshine that of a Mac. Dell's computers, nowadays, are very good, and they're getting better. I wasn't referring to these PCs, though, because there are still alot of badly many computers out there. And on average, I'd say that an Apple computer is more reliable than a PC. Sure, you here of problems all the time, but they're only noticed so significantly because they're so rare. People just don't bother mentioning the problems they get with their PCs anymore. And if you have a problem with your Mac (which isn't your fault), then Apple will have no problem with helping you. Hell, if you write to Steve Jobs personally with a complaint, it is said that he'll send you a MacBook. (But then I don't know how reliable this is :p).

Oh, and my PC I built is probably better quality than one made by Apple. I know all my parts are quality, with Apple, I have little to no idea. For example, who makes their PSUs? I have no idea but I know my PSU is from Corsair (And is made by Seasonic IIRC) and I know both are high quality.

I did say that a custom-built PC would be better quality for less price. I was referring to manufactured PCs against Macs. You could easily find out who made a Mac PSU. And you can customly select the parts that they put in. I specifically didn't include custom-built PCs because generally, if you know what you're doing, then it'd be better, because you've actually picked the parts.

You also do not have to pay 'extra' for a gaming computer, most Dells do fine as gaming computers and even if you did pay extra you'll still be paying less for a Mac (Probably an iMac) which would cost more and have much worse specs, especially in regards to GPUs which Apple sucks at and RAM which is generally slightly slower speed (For example, 667 instead of 800) and incredibly expensive.

If you're a hardcore gamer (and no, if you say that you don't pay extra, then you're probably not), then you can easily pay GBP2,000 on your PC. My friend payed ?1,500 for a Custom-built gaming PC a couple of months ago. That didn't include a monitor. My own computer does fine as a gaming computer, but I wouldn't want to go professional with it.

In terms of software, yes, MacOS is a most excellent OS and a lot of third-party apps are incredibly well coded and designed but claiming that the Mac platform is inherently 'superior' is rubbish. Windows, Linux, and Mac, while all having their own strengths and weaknesses are ultimately in a fair fight with neither magically jumping ahead of the others.

I never said it was inherently 'superior'. It's superior in some respects, but I wouldn't personally want a Mac. For a user that's never had a computer before, I'd definitely recommend buying a Mac. It's superior in that respect. When it comes to user comfort, Windows has been behind.

Fun thing to mention: Heard of all the Leopard problems? Much to my shock, on an Apple fan site, I heard people comparing it to Windows ME and very few people tried to contradict the person.

Yes. But then Vista doesn't even have a Service Pack, and it's been out for months. I can anticipate Apple solving those problems quickly. Besides, why would they compare it to ME if Windows is so amazing? :p

My disclaimer: These are my opinions but as explained I believe them to be more correct and justified, so ha! :P

I expect nothing less from opinions.

On another note, is anyone else enormously sick of the Apple look? Seriously, give the glossy white with rounded corners a freaking break and try some decent product names, for once. Also, I think a lot of people are becoming sick of Jobs, the local snake oil salesman.

The glossy white hasn't been around that long, and they don't use it anymore, anyway. If you remember, it used to be coloured plastic. Heh, they were the days. If you must know, Apple use silver-aluminium with squared corners, now. Which is funny, because that's what my Lian-Li case look like :p