Why do we all have to wear these ridiculous ties?

Why do we all have to wear these ridiculous ties?

  • I really don't know.

    Votes: 29 4.6%
  • Shut up.

    Votes: 58 9.2%
  • Don't be ridiculous.

    Votes: 17 2.7%
  • Is anybody else getting hungry?

    Votes: 47 7.5%
  • Ah, it's good to see you.

    Votes: 22 3.5%
  • You have no idea what is going on... do you?

    Votes: 30 4.8%
  • Somebody's hidden my glasses again.

    Votes: 67 10.7%
  • Please! Leave me alone until after the experiment!

    Votes: 65 10.4%
  • They're waiting for you, Gordon... in the test chamber..

    Votes: 194 30.9%
  • Ahhh, Ahhhh!! Ahhhhhhhhhgrh!!

    Votes: 99 15.8%

  • Total voters
So, Corporal Shephard, we meet at last. Please don't think that I've been avoiding you, a great many matters require my attention in these... troubled times. I do hope you understand. And now, I require a further indulgence on your part. I cannot close my report until every loose end has been tied up. The biggest embarassment has been Black Mesa facility, but I think that's finally taken care of itself...

Quite so.

But there is still the lingering matter of... witnesses. I admit I have a facination with those who adapt and survive against all odds... they rather remind me of myself. If for no other reason, I have argued to preserve you for a time. While I believe a civil servant like yourself understands the importance of... discretion, my employers are not quite so trusting, and rather than continually subject you to the irresitible human temptation of telling all, we have decided to... convey you somewhere you can do no possible harm... and where no harm can come to you. I'm sure you can imagine there are worse... alternatives...
Ahhh good to see you.

Why are you leaving me here.

How interesting.

That's one less horror in the world.

You know, you repeat yourself sometimes.
Yes, this all looks normal.
Have you seen my coffee cup?
I'd like to get my hands on the guy responsible for this mess.

Don't tick me off Gordon :angry:
"Good morning, and welcome to the Black Mesa transit system.
This automated train is provided for the security and convenience of
the Black Mesa Research Facility personnel. The time is 8:47 A.M.
Current topside temperature is 93 degrees with an estimated high of
105. The Black Mesa compound is maintained at a pleasant 68 degrees at
all times. This train is inbound from level 3 dormitories to sector C
test labs and control facilities. If your intended destination is a
high security area beyond sector C, you will need to return to the
central transit hub in area 9 and board a high security train. If you
have not yet submitted your identity to the retinal clearance system,
you must report to Black Mesa personnel for processing before you will
be permitted into the high security branch of the transit system.

"Due to the high toxicity of material routinely handled in the Black
Mesa compound, no smoking, eating, or drinking are permitted within the
Black Mesa transit system. Please keep your limbs inside the train at
all times. Do not attempt to open the doors until the train has come to
a complete halt at the station platform. In the event of an emergency,
passengers are to remain seated and await further instruction. If it is
necessary to exit the train, disabled personnel should be evacuated
first. Please, stay away from electrified rails and proceed to an
emergency station until assistance arrives. "

"A reminder: that the Black Mesa Hazard Course decathalon
will commence this evening at 1900 hours in the Level 3 facility. The
semi-finals for high security personnel will be announced in a separate
secure broadcast transmission. Remember: more lives than yours may
depend on your fitness"

"Do you have a friend or relative who would make a valuable addition to
the Black Mesa Team? Immediate openings are available in the areas of:
materials handling, and low clearance security. Please contact Black
Mesa personnel for further information. If you have an associate with a
background in the areas of: theoretical physics, biotechnology, or
other high-tech disciplines, please contact our civilian recruiting
team. The Black Mesa Facility is an equal opportunity employer."

"A reminder to all Black Mesa personnel: regular radiation and
biohazard screenings are a requirement of continued employment in the
Black Mesa Research Facility. Missing a scheduled urinalysis or
radiation checkup is grounds for immediate termination. If you feel you
have been exposed to radioactive or other hazardous materials in the
course of your duties, contact your radiation safety officer
immediately. Work safe, work smart. Your future depends on it."

"Now arriving at sector C test labs and control facilities.
Please stand back from the automated door, and wait for the security
officer to verify your identity. Before exiting the train, be sure to
check your area for personal belongings. Thank you, and have a very
safe and productive day."

Scientist 1: "I'm afraid we'll be deviating a bit from standard
analysis procedures today, Gordon."
Scientist 2: "Yes, but with good reason. This is a rare opportunity for
us. This is the purest sample we've seen yet."
Scientist 1: "And, potentially, the most unstable."
Scientist 2: "Now, now, if you follow standard insertion procedure,
everything will be fine."
Scientist 1: "I don't know how you can say that. Although I will admit
that the possibility of a resonance cascade scenario is extremely
Scientist 2: "Gordon doesn't need to hear all this, he's a highly
trained professional. We've assured the administrator that nothing will
go wrong."
Scientist 1: "Ah...yes, you're right. Gordon, we have complete
confidence in you."
Scientist 2: "Well, go ahead. Let's let him in now."
(how encourageing)

"Overhead capacitors to one oh five percent. Uh, it's
probably not a problem, probably, but I'm showing a small discrepancy
in... well, no, it's well within acceptable bounds again. Sustaining

Scientist 1: "Why didn't they listen? We tried to warn them."
Scientist 2: "I never thought I'd see a resonance cascade, let alone
create one."
Scientist 1: "Gordon, you're alive! Thank God for that hazard suit. I'm
afraid to move him and all our phones are out. Please get to the
surface as soon as you can and let someone know we're stranded down
here. You'll need me to access the retinal scanners. I'm sure the rest
of the science team will gladly help you."
(yah lota help they were)

"Gordon! Man, am I glad to see you! What the hell are these
things? And why are they wearin science team uniforms?"

"Warning, high energy detonation detected in materials laboratory."
"Warning, unauthorized biological force detected in maintenance area."
"Warning, flooding detected on sublevel B."
"Damage control team to Sector C immediately."
"Biohazard warning in Sector B and C."
"Attention: Sector C science personnel, please report status
"Warning, Sector C elevator failure, do not use."

"I just overheard a secure access transmission. Soldiers
have arrived, and they're coming to rescue us. 'Course, I have my
doubts that we'll live long enough to greet them."

Scientist 2: (running toward a Marine)"Rescued at last! Thank God
you're here!" (The Marine then shoots the scientist.)

Marine: "I killed twelve dumb ass scientists and not one of 'em fought
back. This sucks."

"Well, so much for the government. Their idea of
containment is to kill every one associated with the project. Judging
by your hazard suit, I'd say you were part of what went wrong. Isn't
that right? Now look, if anyone can end this catastrophe, it's the
science team in the Lamba Complex at the opposite end of the base. With
the transit system out, I couldn't tell you how to get there, but
there's an old decommissioned rail system somewhere through here beyond
the silo complex. If you can make it through the rocket test labs, you
might be able to worm your way through the old tunnels to track down
whatever's left of the Lambda team. You can trust them. You can trust
all of us."

Marine 1: "So, who is this guy, Freeman?"
Marine 2: "They say he was at ground zero."
Marine 1: "Science team... You think he was responsible? Sabotage,
Marine 2: "Yeah, maybe. All I know for sure is he's been killing my
Marine 1: "Oh yeah, he'll pay. He will definitely pay."

"Did you see it? They said it was hauled from the
Challenger deep, but I'm positive that beast never swam in terrestrial
waters until a week ago. There's a tranquilizer gun in the shark cage,
but I'm not sure it would work on this species. You're welcome to try."

G-man: "Gordon Freeman, in the flesh. Or rather, in the hazard suit. I
took the liberty of relieving you of your weapons. Most of them were
government property. As for the suit, I think you've earned it. The
borderworld, Xen, is in our control, for the time being, thanks to you.
Quite a nasty piece of work you managed over there. I am impressed.

"That's why I'm here, Mr. Freeman. I have recommended your services to
my eh-eh-eh-eh-employers and they have authorized me to offer you a
job. They agree with me that you have limitlesssss potential.

The scene shifts to a train very similar to the Black Mesa train that
Gordon came to work in.
"You've proved yourself a decisive man, so I don't expect you'll have
any trouble deciding what to do. If you're interested, just step into
the portal and I will take that as a yes. Otherwise, hm, well, I can
offer you a battle you have no chance of winning. Rather an anticlimax
after what you've just survived. Time to choose."
I'm a doctor, not a plastic surgeon.

You're not just going to leave me here, are you?
I certainly hope you know what you're doing!

(damned ungrateful scientists! ok, that was the last one from me)
I actually have a bunch of vox words strung together so it says "Gordon Freeman, all your base are government man"

Yes i know...its missing the belong. :( There isnt one in HL..

I've got to get out of here!
That'll look nice in my trophy room.

Did you see that shot?

Got another one!
I guess so..

I'll be happy to survive this with all my parts.
Do you think we should delay? For another recalibration?
We had to boost the anti-mass spectromiter to 105% bit of a gamble but we need the extra resolution.

We are waiting for you Gordon, in the TEST CHAMBER.
How can anyone forget this?



  • covermyhotasspeople.zip
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Heh. I used to string together sentences using PakExplorer, Windows Sound Recorder and the vox words. I actually had one set as the answer machine message for a while. Damn. Wish I still had those.
I used to make conversation bits using HL sound files (uploaded one or two to this very forum in fact when I was bored)... I once attempted to pull a phone prank using the scientist's sound files. I'm going to look for it, but the events went something like this:

Victim: Hello?
Walter: Hello!
V: Hello...?
W: Ah, yes, this all looks nominal.
V: What?
W: Ah, hello, Gordon Freeman! It's good to see you!
V: I think you have the wrong number...
W: You can't be serious!
V: No, really, there's no Gordon here...
W: Shut up!
V: What?!
W: You know, you repeat yourself sometimes. Do you know who ate all the donuts?
V: ...
W: Excuse me Gordon.
V: You've got the wrong number!
W: Kindly lower your voice. Somebody's hidden my glasses again.
V: *puts phone down*

Unfortunately the scope for this sort of horribly evil prank is limited since so many people I know know all about HL...
What do you mean, 'overcharge'?

<bzzzzt> <splat>
"It's time to kick ass and chew bubblegum... and I'm all out of bubblegum!"

"Son, I will break you down with an M-16!"

"I will smoke you like a cuban cigar!"

"Holy sheep-shit you made it!"

"My dear, sweet grandmother moves faster than you dirtbag!"

The Opposing Force Drill Instructors :)
We're going to kick your ass! - When you shot at your fellow mates (in Op4)... :)


Hey Shepard, I guess you’re a good man… Listen, you got to get down below, there’s something coming through and it’s the nastiest looking thing yet. Some of your buddies got down there a while ago, but I haven’t seen them since. – Then he said something after that, can’t remember exactly though… good scene though. :)
Loke said:
Then he said something after that, can’t remember exactly though… good scene though. :)

"I guess your a good guy Corporal. Listen, you've got to get down below. there's something coming through and it's the nasiest looking thing yet. Some of your buddies went down a while ago and I haven't seen them since. I've got some weapons I've piled up in here; you'd better take as much as you can carry because I think this is it. Good Luck, Corporal."

I like this Barney quote from Opposing Force:

"Are you crazy? I'm not opening this door until someone turns that bomb off"

I like it because it's like he believes that a door is going to protect him from a nuclear bomb.
Stupid machine! Why don't these things ever seem to work? ... Say, you wouldn't happen to have a quarter I could borrow, would you?
I had a bunch of messeges for you, but we has a system crash about 20 minutes ago and I'm still trying to find my files.
Oh Shit! Grenade! (when he drops a grenade and just crouches in front of it and blows himself up)

"No!...Stay Back!...Goorddddooooooooooooooonnnnnnnnnnn!"

"Nobody said anything about black operations in the mission briefing"
( Pretend your Gordon for a second =] )

Just after the 'incedent' in the test chambers you run and hit one of the big red buttens on the first elevator, you hear it start to come down, then a screech, in the blink of an eye you see the elevator tumbling down with four scientists screaming their heads off.

( Cracked me up ^^)