Why HL2.net rocks.


Party Escort Bot
Sep 20, 2003
Reaction score
Figured I'd post a serious thread for once..

You guys should know you mean alot to this nerd. My real life friends live miles away from me and they basically only care about CS and shit, while I prefer more intelligent gamers to speak with. I don't have many people to communicate with where I live and my family isn't much of an understanding group when it comes to the daily ponderings and ramblings of a gamer.

The community of HL2.net however, delivers quite the opposite.

The moderators here are very humoristic and are unique in their own ways.
We have Munro, the frilly lingerie wearing guy who manically controls this chaos.
We have Abom, at first sight a merciless dictator who bans first and thinks after, but if you get to chat with him a few times and see his humoristic and interesting side you won't regret it, because he is indeed a great person.
We have ComradeBadger, who probably is the only person on a forum that had to change his name because of a pornography site. He doesn't hesitate on sharing his love adventures with us and he is humorous and cool, especially when he's drunk :p. And he's damn good at killing me in Opposing Force. :o
We have Majestic_XII, the anime/manga-fanatic and swedish (Wee! Go Sweden!) girlie mod with a secret or two :devil:. If she can be arsed, she can be very helpful.

We have Fenric, the guy with probably the only avatar ever that has given me nightmares, and a serious warning. He is a god at painting and drawing in Photoshop.
We have Chris_D, one of the most helpful mods on the forum, with a neat sense of humor aswell. Check his public profile for a fun surprise :D
We have Pendragon, who knows ALOT about ALOT, and he is a damn fast newswriter aswell. His file-archive site is fantastic, I have no idea how a single guy can manage to do this much work and still be one of those who communicates the most with the forum members, but I guess that's why he's "hired" :)
..And we have Simmo, who is almost as helpful and funny as the rest of the staff put together :D

And this is but a small piece of the iceberg. The other staff members are a huge addition to the site, and the most forum members among here are among the best people I've ever had the pleasure of getting to know and communicate with.
I cannot list all of you, and I feel a list would be a little unnatural and dumb as friendship is more than just a list. You are all very humorous, kind and nice, and this site's forum or IRC-channel wouldn't be the same without you.

When I first registered here, I had a bunch of bad experiences from other forums where asshats and elitism ruled, which gave me pretty low expectations on this forum but I decided to give it a try. In a few weeks however, I got to eat my own words and noticed how fun a forum really could be.
I owe so much to this community, and I've decided that I'll try to do my best to contribute and try to return the favor. :)

HL2.net is by far the best site I've ever visited on the internet, due to it's fantastic staff and community. It's a pleasure being registered here.

It would be fun to hear your thoughts about HL2.net and the community, especially from the newer members. :D
(I bet there'll be people who think this is an attempt to suck up to the mods or such, all I can say to you is: Give the community a chance, and you'll probably change your opinions :p )
Couldn't have said it better myself.
/me pats Crazys back.
CrazyHarij said:
..And we have Simmo, who is almost as helpful and funny as the rest of the staff put together :D


*simmo snogs CrazyHarij

...thxs ;)
I love the community and working to support this site. Along with the excellent staff and forum members, a big addition here are the infrequent but popular posts by Valve Software employees themselves. It shows that we're not just making stuff up - we really are popular in the eyes of forum members and the game developers alike.
Thanks for the good times :cheers:
And keepem coming.
Whats wrong with caring only about CS and shit?!?!?!!
Much as I hate to say it, stop it with the fanboyisms already.
This thread should be Sticky........................


CrazyHarij, here's a fiver. go buy some condoms. i'll see you behind the bikeshed in five minutes. ;) :naughty: :angel: :laugh:
CrazyHarij said:
I LOVE YOU TOO! Let's get married before CitrusC proposes! <3

only if you teach me that bunny hop move in bed :farmer: :E :naughty:
Great thread Harij, I couldn't agree with you more - the whole halflife2.net community is a great thing, everyone just coincides together so well to create a great atmosphere.

I know what you're really up to, though - you're just trying to flatter me so that I'll let you win at iSketch! Well, it's not going to happen, mmk? :p
Abom said:
I know what you're really up to, though - you're just trying to flatter me so that I'll let you win at iSketch! Well, it's not going to happen, mmk? :p

Damnit, I thought you would fall for a thing like that :(
CrazyHarij said:
Damnit, I thought you would fall for a thing like that :(
I saw through it like a hole in Munro's underwear. Anyway, we must play a few rounds soon, I'm getting cravings.
...and then you've got people like me that complain at everything and contribute nothing...

... ;(
Pobz said:
...and then you've got people like me that complain at everything and contribute nothing...

... ;(

Haha, everyone hates you. Everyone but me. Come get a hug.
Wow... well sumed up CrazyHarij!!

Best forum/community I ever registered to! Thats a fact. :)

If I ever loose my login details.... I'll be pissed! :p
Awwww I love you too!
I love everyone here! Giant group hug!
/me tries to wrap his arms around the 15,000+ members and dies
I <3 Halflife2.net

We should make T-Shirts!

Seriously, this is the greatest forum I have ever been to, I feel like we are a family... Kinda..

Everyone has their own "position" like humor, or info, or whatever! Proud to be a hl2.netian guy person thing.
Only reason why this site rocks is because of me.... :D
that was... well, my thoughts exactly. And munro's voice is hawt. you forgot that part :)
Alright this calls for a hl2.net orgy!!!!
I love Horses!! I also love SM!!
I think HL2.net is cool because it seems to be the most significant community - who did Gabe come to to announce the theft? Not the press, that's for sure...
Also, it's generally been a nice community. Until all this recent egativity which makes me hate certain members. But I try and control myself.