Why I hate communists.

I wonder if you can actually know you're brainwashed. I'm perfectly aware of what my goverment does and teaches in school, and I know the effects of it too. But I support it a lot. Maybe I am really brainwashed, just aware of the effects of brainwashing but not seeing it in myself. This thread has made me wonder.......
You thought communists were wolf monsters until you were ten... doesn't that suggest that something is a little off? Your entire society is built upon hatred of communists - the tools of brainwashing are so built into the fabric of your country that you don't even realize they're there. The reason this thread has been derailed is that the statue is a perfect example - COMMUNISTS did this to the poor boy, not murderers, extremists, megalomaniacs...
Numbers, you infer from many particulars and made up a generalization about the communism. Then again, this sad story is isolated and particular to the situation and to the group of mutineers and does not reflect the communism doctrines.

Please, do not conclude generalizations from a insulated case.

Communism strips away rights, there is no 'good' from communism. In fact you have to oppress people to bring it about. Marx was an articulate guy with crazy horrible ideas.
Communism strips away rights, there is no 'good' from communism. In fact you have to oppress people to bring it about. Marx was an articulate guy with crazy horrible ideas.

I just wanted to liberate the working classes.

Why does everyone e-bully the communists :(
Thats sad, but thats like saying "Some gays came up to a straight man and said do you like gays? Straight man says no and the gays kill him. LOL ALL GAYS ARE SCUM, I HATE GAY PEOPLE!!"

Im sorry but your reasoning is stupid.
14347 said:
Reading Marx's works would land me in jail though. (Anti-Communism Law Section #11, National Security Law Section #7)
So you have to take their word for it that communism's evil and you're not allowed to research the subject yourself. Wonderful.

Actually, communism does suck, but like Fat Tony said, your reasoning is stupid. STUPID.
So you have to take their word for it that communism's evil and you're not allowed to research the subject yourself. Wonderful.

Actually, communism does suck, but like Fat Tony said, your reasoning is stupid. STUPID.

I love how you changed Number's numbers.
I'm a communist.

Does that mean you hate me? :(

Communism strips away rights, there is no 'good' from communism. In fact you have to oppress people to bring it about. Marx was an articulate guy with crazy horrible ideas.
Eh? What? Communism does in no way strip away rights. Communism is all about peoples rights to decide over their own lives, communism is freedom.
Instead of teaching people what to think we should concentrate on teaching them Critical Thinking and Skepticism.


Many people seem to think that because human crowd dynamics can be manipulated by appeal to irrational animal desires that we should manipulate the irrational mind. If you believe that citizens cannot make Rational decisions than you should also believe that democracy is a failure. The original proponents of modern democracy thought that citizens could make informed decision using Reason. If they can’t do that, then democracy is no good.

I happen to think that we should overcome irrationality by teaching rationality, rather than just trying to manipulate the irrational with propaganda.
Communism strips away rights, there is no 'good' from communism. In fact you have to oppress people to bring it about. Marx was an articulate guy with crazy horrible ideas.
The problem with communism as an economic theory is that it just doesn’t work. Once the government is committed to promoting a failed economic theory they have to increasingly become autocratic to stop their own citizens from participating in an underground economy. The problem really is that communist systems must become autocratic systems. Autocracy is antithetical to Rights and Freedom. Enlightened Despotism:rolleyes:
numbers: by your logic you should also hate South Koreans ..because everyone knows a handful of people acurately represent an entire nation or ideology
That wasn't a massacre, it was a riot by communist sponsered civilians.
oh ffs you truely are brainwashed ..who the **** cares what side they were on? civilians were massacred by government forces there is no disputing this
It's not a massacre. It was a fight between goverment forces and rioters.
oh ffs you truely are brainwashed ..who the **** cares what side they were on? civilians were massacred by government forces there is no disputing this

Agreed. I've lost hope for you numbers. YOU ARE BRAINWASHED.
But on the other hand, aren't we all to some degree brainwashed by the capitalist propaganda that media tends to spill out 24/7? So one can hardly blame numbers...

they were obvisouly upset with the current system, and were trying to free themselves via an armed revolution. a very noble cause :)
If they had succeeded, I'd be in a collective now. Our economy would have gone to the pre-60s era.
If they had succeeded, I'd be in a collective now. Our economy would have gone to the pre-60s era.
No, if they had succeeded you would just have started down the long path that leads to freedom, peace, equality and justice.
(this is assuming the citizens in questions were communists, of course)
No, if they had succeeded you would just have started down the long path that leads to freedom, peace, equality and justice.
(this is assuming the citizens in questions were communists, of course)


I'm thinking you're being sarcastic there. :p

We'd have started down the very short path to poverty, also.

I'm thinking you're being sarcastic there. :p

We'd have started down the very short path to poverty, also.
Of course I'm not sarcastic.

And is money really all you care about? (and if it is, what makes you so sure that a communist system would lead to poverty?)
Of course I'm not sarcastic.

And is money really all you care about? (and if it is, what makes you so sure that a communist system would lead to poverty?)

Of course not. But for the entire nation itself, poverty is a very bad thing. A communist system however, would have been, and be impossible, with people shouting ANTI-COMMUNISM! in the streets.

BBC said:
It was the sheer, open brutality of the response of Korean paratroops which proved decisive.

The paratroops charged crowds with batons and bayonets, stripped students and other citizens down to their underwear in the streets before beating them, and fired indiscriminately into crowds

The final toll of those who lost their lives is still unknown, as it is believed the military dumped bodies in mass graves or lakes. Estimates today range from 500 to 2,000.

Of course not. But for the entire nation itself, poverty is a very bad thing. A communist system however, would have been, and be impossible, with people shouting ANTI-COMMUNISM! in the streets.
Those poor victims of bourgeois propaganda wouldn't be shouting such things if they had been given a chance to study communism, to realise that it's the only alternative that provides freedom and happiness for everyone.

Anyway, you didn't answer my question. How can you be sure that a communist country would become poor? And I'd like you to define poverty to, while you're at it. Do you mean poverty among the people, or poverty for the businesses? Or perhaps both? Please explain :)

Yeah, I watched the vids. Then read the history.
Students were stopped from illegal protesting, so they go to the square.

The police mistake them for a lynch mob, and use force.

The students raid the Armory.

The army goes in.

The students open fire, killing several soldiers.

USMC + ROK Para Div. goes in, break the riot, and arrest the murderers.

Those poor victims of bourgeois propaganda wouldn't be shouting such things if they had been given a chance to study communism, to realise that it's the only alternative that provides freedom and happiness for everyone.

Anyway, you didn't answer my question. How can you be sure that a communist country would become poor? And I'd like you to define poverty to, while you're at it. Do you mean poverty among the people, or poverty for the businesses? Or perhaps both? Please explain

Gah. I can't really answer your question. What you are saying contradicts everything that I have learned about communism.
Yeah, I watched the vids. Then read the history.
Students were stopped from illegal protesting, so they go to the square.

The police mistake them for a lynch mob, and use force.

The students raid the Armory.

The army goes in.

The students open fire, killing several soldiers.

USMC + ROK Para Div. goes in, break the riot, and arrest the murderers.

links? sources? the BBC article mentions none of that
Numbers, have you ever wondered why your government won't let you read the works of Marx and other communist doctrine? SURELY if it's so evil, you'd at least be able to learn about it and make your own rational decision not to support it, right?
links? sources? the BBC article mentions none of that
report on Gwangju Riot

couldn't find an english one.

Martial law company announcement Kwangju situation specialty It begins from the May 18th Kwangju stream college lifestyle show of force which passes and May 27th enters until the riot situation which occurs from the Kwangju hour member national security dangerously, it will hinder a semi-national normal accomplishment only it knows and even to citizen everybody with insecurity to cause a deep worry the tragedy which is not one analogy Uss, By the effective suppression of the May 27th martial law army luckily with order it takes back a calmness and the situation control to become is advanced of at the time of as the martial law commander to citizen everybody to express the intention bored sensibility, with afterwords it announces the policy of right and wrong and truth and time after death control of Kwangju situation together at all all. 1. Situation background and motive - This year it is developed from the nationwide various places which begins March dog crane after Seoul and the various besiegement and the show of force which are come change with disturbance width assimilation to follow, was ceased with nationwide magnification and school closure management May 18th emergency martial law even, only Kwangju hour the street show of force of Chon Nam University student 200 dawn even at May 18th to be in spite of continued and the obstruction should have come to be difficult obstruction height hazard is committed the student warm winter show of force which the martial law army violates declaration lyeng unavoidably with the confrontation which with police is violent, The contact detonation of collision of the army which happens from obstruction process and demonstrative multitude for and the sentiment which originates to the misunderstand is suddenly magnified with boisterous dance of fantastic idea grudge all rumors with at the armament width moral warm winter which wins the generalia which it ends illegal heaven and earth anger to do the Kwangju hour member, it is to become. - It goes over the limit of the group doctor indication regarding a situation far and power of explosion and aggravates due to a disorder and an armament width degree with the real image destruction, fire prevention and plunder on top of that to profess the citizen army which it opposes to the government resists, the truth of this time Kwangju situation which instigation Hoeg reproaches a revolt the though with the impure instigation element of part decimal thoughtless warm winter width moral conduct does but is not a possibility without being the company situation must make with the reflection where our citizens are deep all together and sliced raw fish secret principles opportunity. - During that time part report and part information by word of mouth it led from like this intention and it went wrong and the truth and a right and wrong of situation and and from here it examined closely it derived absurd national loss to lead, again like this tragedy is not repeated promises. 2. Situation right and wrong . Collision truth of army and demonstration multitude and - The show of force procession of the Chon Nam University lifestyle 200 dawn which advances toward the May 18th morning 10 Metropolitan police Kwangju stream downtowns illegally shouted the slogan of the martial law abolition back and violent anger, to 2 Metropolitan polices it increased police and thwu it confronted the back which prevents fire in the police Jeep to the situation as police strength it will not be able to obstruct absolutely it reached gradually in the afternoon with 1000 dawns and before three and and. - The martial law authorities around afternoon 5:40 commits an army strength hereupon and unavoidably it comes out in power obstruction, this time the demonstrative multitude most student wild Uss sleeps, in obstruction the bare electric wire in the young military personnel the students thwu three and the part citizen of the circumference building to oppose with an assault joins forces and thwu with three boxes the trade name for wounded in action publication flaw, all together youthful enthusiasm is excellent in the military personnel and young the military personnels and students reach sentimental explosion, it opposes with a curses and a shout, With the rumors which in like this riot is visible in conduct of the impure element mirror-image the military personnel selects total nudity stops the Sea of the person the mirror-image which comes only the military personnel and the which comes the back with the opposite sex which is level-headed the ends which contact detonation instigate the area sentiment it willnot can imagine in minute spread out in the former Kwangju stream, to be excited the citizen and aspect violent anger demonstratively and. - The rumors which is not like this ground is and the young military personnel was violence, from whirlpool to accomplish an obstruction task it becomes and the natural demonstrative student from multitude presence restraint it will not be able to take, it gets in the student and to be right some it is radical and it treats, or, evades the student who tracks, the wife it did in spite of intentionally the magnetic pole it is excited the demonstrative multitudes and the citizens to the situation the furniture could be damaged from the process which catches it fabricates, Yoo gun as making disunion of our inside and maximum anger it makes a confusion it was a plan conduct of the sleeper agents and the impure elements under objective. B. Warm winter lapse until of penetration hour - Even at 19th day the rumors spreaded out more in the stream and opposite sex and the mob psychology which loses level-headedness will be swept away the Kwangju stream and and the show of force where the part multitude is violent and when in the fire bottle it ventured it prevents fire a green onion release from prison, the vehicle fire prevention the rumors to destroy more the contents which stimulates a sentiment Yoo gun was fabricated at every hour and it became. To 20th day 10000 person multitudes who are excited Em Vichy broadcasting station and demonstrated and they prevented fire, watching destruction, 4 person and obstruction police officers before the provincial government buildings the roadway it suffocates it inflicted an all-night vigil show of force to destroy a stream possibility dog green onion release from prison, they continued. - To 21st day it prevents fire the Kwangju tax office and, total destruction khey to do it emits at warm winter in right and wrong su the Asia auto plant which is a diffusion enterprise the broadcasting station and the vehicle to seize and prevent fire it raids, with Hwasun direction and and and an ordinary grudge and the broad way which the Tnt explosive and a generalia to seize the military vehicle which begins the gloves car which it will deliver in the army and the civil requirement vehicle 200 women's university, Naju, advances approaches it plunders, armament width buffoonery it does completely, it is to reach. - Specially today also the armament width the field, the Kwangju jail where the penal servitude prisoner of 2700 dawns where 170 dawns which are a spy and a left flank are contained is accommodated it will extend in 5 cars and it will raid, it will burn smallness it will make and and and the martial law army and the bitter fight which defend the hazard jail which it participates to a width degree, the width which does to put out the casualty on both sides it will skip and and and it had own way,,, stream these people and and anger in the fear city of illegal heaven and earth. Compared to it was very careful even on the street broadcasting outside which instigates the revolt of the rainy season citizen and it made and with the position leaflet the underground newspaper (18th ~26 until 9 units publication) until it published on top of that and in a few days is taken on the outside which shouts a martial law army annihilation in slogan Kim Dae Jung release which it demanded and asserted. Also to be elaborate today prime minister resignation and former cabinet member resignation the before shoes present Hwag with opportunity the former cabinet member below the shoes prime minister submits, withdrawal with our contention. most President at once to go out of office, the which becomes to ladle a rumors and float and from there is it dazzles the citizens also the width field the rubber. - The army armament width with the field to put on a damage in life and property of the citizen who is safe with collision it evacuates in the hazard 21st night angle zone which evades the result which is unhappy, the flow of the stream and outside and interception - the one side which it blocks, the place where it suppresses the warm winter from the others area in the martial law army to concentrate, all firing in order not to be, it is even even instruction and minimum right of self-defense exercising form to do strictly. - The 22nd storehouse also the armament width which it gives completely is seized under governing the field and the width which displays the corpse from the open space before the middle provincial government building where security absent illegal heaven and earth is continued this joint funeral service of the field it carries out under pretext the citizen wild mobilization squalls to get wider, the plunder act will reach and it accomplished to the pole, but the citizens whom it sees it recovers, started a calmness, the feeling which is disconnected gradually to increase, width the field most the knave and the impure element who has a specific political objective hold and the student only became in 30% degree. It means that but armament width the warm winter of the field the as stream entire area which had become violent anger self-effacement puts in with fear atmosphere. - It reached at 23rd day and the part region maintenances and the moderate party students stood the necessity of control of situation and they composed the discussion of frequency and the authorities of the weapon and the result which is seized the weapon which has become the as scooping out part frequency in the tough elements elements the sacrifice sleeping dead body and and and a citizen concentration with duty by opposition of the impure back management element which is a tough elements to grope the situation control which leads and it cannot gather any result they brought they displayed incense burning they induced a control commission. Specially today the people who profess the moderate party control committee local martial law minute smallness, these people whom it visits does in order to build the obligations of control commission arrest sleeping release and responsibility exemption, it demands a dead person compensation, to one side tough elements width the field responds in revolt from Kwangju and the disturbance situation happens even from the nationwide various places and the foreign nation friendly nation supports the themselves, it became and in the stream to ladle a rumors ttu li it intended. - 24th width the field did the hazard memorial service which induces the response and a concentration of the citizen to stand a duty and 10005 fates opened the certain person middle rally, after having a specific humanity and justice anger type, it put around the as beriberi control where the control commission is separated in the river moderate party from the one side which the smoke conducts a memorial service and at the confronting which wraps it showed and the warm winter was like that continued. - The control commission activity the river the as it is separated with all both green onions conduct of separate way seems each even at 25th day and cannot accomplish any development the back the citizen rally due to the middle tough elements is opened and citizen 50000 person participation lower part Kim Dae Jung release, martial law abolition demands it developed the urban march to resolve. Response boat song of the private citizens should have decreased width this martial law army of the field does not come in but more. Only 5 in a few days it is subsisted and and it instigates and the current of event separates and it is going back. The citizens participated in our citizen army and winning flaw impulse they did ultimate victory. - Specially the martial law army enters and to the 26th day

nOTE: Width Eastern is Riot translated wrong by babelfish.
Yeah, I watched the vids. Then read the history.
Students were stopped from illegal protesting, so they go to the square.

The police mistake them for a lynch mob, and use force.

The students raid the Armory.

The army goes in.

The students open fire, killing several soldiers.

USMC + ROK Para Div. goes in, break the riot, and arrest the murderers.

Let me guess, the government told you that? Look up any independent source and it has nothing about people breaking into armory's.
which is the day before when suppresses, tough elements width the field from the provincial government building undergarment command headquarters the martial law army from the part interception area gradually compresses it enters, armament width the field it is quick and maneuver until systematize command and a mobility which it arranges it displays, the martial law army springs up violates a promise, military force is stationed the citizens, opposition flaw. That it continues an instigation and today the afternoon 3 Metropolitan police 5 fates again to venture the rally and a show of force march. - When with above trying to observe the right and wrong and truth of Kwangju width eastern situation of same 9 in a few days, though beginning, it happens from the martial law army and collision of the Chon Nam University students one which boils with the back management which and fine is systematize the area sentiment of the Kwangju area citizens and and the warm winter when it is dexterous it leads and it is touched off, with excitation Sikkim toward the Cholla Nam Do coast where the impure elements who cooperate with the sleeper agent of the North Korean Puppet Regime hereupon is a maneuvers trace in situation of worst and and and to induce with the explosion of the mob psychology which is not the possibility of holding, situation self-effacement to the place where it puts in first, in activity another family Seoul landing it permeates from the Kwangju member it infiltrates, Diffuses an operation task the answer where the sending into the south spy who 23rd is arrested all will bloom the window suspicion while the some branch indication which is caught in statement and the authorities due to the door which will bloom agreement to be proved, Second, in order to attain the political objective which is impure all Kim Dae Jung back to regulate a student disturbance situation will instigate and Kwangju right time Chon Nam University and the following student inside the ship construction large (the management which the luck student center) it will listen to mainly the Kwangju stream bone marrow following elements will be phased from deterioration and width motion process of the situation all thing to become beginning of disturbance situation will reach systematize and the fact which it aggravates continuously to be ascertained from investigation process. All. Important back leadership element and activity - May 17th 24:00 to promise and immediately after the nationwide magnification of martial law is proclaimed April middle neck area sprouting Kim Dae Jung and the eastern country large speech house and and to converse directly that nation soul of Kim Dae Jung a democratization show of force what is called shoes it is, delivery to receive in order to get up, Jung Dong Nyun who is managed (37. Chon Nam University chemistry 4) the back luck students instigate the Chon Nam University total student president Pak wind and string instruments and President each college lifestyle and they follow in the prearranged plan which is promised and hyu May which is an advanced age exercising next day 18th 09:00 30 minute student 200 dawn the pebble puts in backpack inside and it disguises and toward the Kwangju hour downtown Fall in thwu after developing the before three, it moves, the citizen lake hung to induce to the martial law army to the Chon Nam University front gate, - Ship construction large Kim In Won (the law 4) with April 15th colleague student 19 person it converses directly Kim Dae Jung together and after descending in Kwangju, Yi Oo Jung (national script 4) with in order it pushes letting and thwu with up committee 12 person positivity to develop a show of force together, it instigates and it is confluence to May 13th Chon Nam University lifestyle street show of force, - As Kim Dae Jung surroundings it extends in 10.16 after 6 times and coming up to the capital Hong Nam Soon who is it contacts (the lawyer) ship construction large Kim Oon Gi (management 2) April end the impure printed matter 50 traveling suit which is Kim Dae Jung event committing a crime sleeping list scattering khey it manages the back student demonstration which it does in the obtainment ship construction large campus, also the width occupation flaw May 23rd ~26 in a few days enters and leaves this provincial government building of the field to the provincial government building with the duty which is a citizen control countermeasure committee and, with the Kim extensor pastor back tough elements committee together to support 1000000 won with combative rain pretext when our assertion is accomplished until, the weapon return it dries absolutely. When only 5th compared to it fights, will win a victory. Until political problem demands the back width management encouraged the field. - Ship construction opposite Kim Jong Bae (27. Trade 3) the college lifestyle must command a width degree from 5.13 Cholla Nam Do provincial government buildings under duty from May 21st Kim Won Gab who is in the process of commanding (25. 3 aquatic) it expels and it inaugurates into the second lieutenant combative commission market, to combative chairman of a committee under the influence the Administration chairman of a committee (empty regulation, trillion institutes of technology 2) the Ministry of Foreign Affairs chairman of a committee (the normality, 31. Posong enterprise business division chief) planning department market (Kim zero season, 33. and this double Yoo shoes hyep) briefing room market (Pak south line, 26. The aggregate transportation driver), the task force market (the wheel three lwu, 24 mothers-of-pearl worker), the security department head (the Kim steep peak, 21 company unit) it nominates spokesman back 10 western markets, Hwag book it did a systematize internal organs fight development. - The briefing room market Pak south line in these people enters toward the May 23rd provincial government building and it seizes a real power and task force market wheel three lwu with together generalia frequency, also the opposition and width instruct a rearmament doing with all might in the field and they return fire in the martial law army about, the fact that it will develop an extreme cold fight it exploded a double meaning Tnt and the hand grenade which are enormous inside the case provincial government building which will not be it is in the process of keeping the jade sway it does when the requirement is accomplished under policy until. - From Kwangju which specially 33 three about names which are Captain May 26th afternoon 8 Metropolitan police self-styled services in the reserve sleeps unknown and this double Yoo auditorium the provincial government building task force and with separate way width systematized the task force with 50 people, after executing generalia fabrication law department tactics of fire training, the briefing room market Pak south line and cooperation, generalia and the ball cartridge of vast quantity it was urgent and 10~12 it organized life 4 reorganization and the provincial government building it completed while waiting, by the martial law army it was arrested the preparation in the center for opposing to the arrangement martial law army before the Kwangju nothing mountain-climbing market entrance, south Kwangju reversal and the Kwangju high school and. 3. Inevitable characteristic of military force suppression - The Kwangju situation armament width by the field the army until end with the magnetic pole which is useless worries the damage of the citizen who is safe even from illegal heaven and earth anger one phase and the military personnel is caught though even even minimum right of self-defense exercising to have self-control though from width degree and the fact that the ovum, it will be slaughtered mercilessly and the total Chinese medicine it did not shoot and in deterioration prevention of situation not to be it concentrated. - Also the fact that the martial law army will be staying to the stream under beneficial judging with 21st:00 angle Ji to evacuate and only it

promises a perfection in blockade and also the perseverance of the maximum which watches the control effort of citizen form willinglies submit, local special conversation and martial law commander conversation of conversation and 25th President your excellency of the 21st Pak insect Hoon prime minister frost it leads and it is kind and it is earnest and it appeals a self-control and an order recovery, it is to do. - Is like that the Kwangju situation repeated the deterioration straight road in spite of and the control power of citizen form knew cannot gather the lapse of low grade only width the field to profess the citizen army and nothing mountain-climbing and Hwasun direction and the angle mountain Oh! it constructed a position in the zone and it equipped it was going and and from the provincial government building undergarment strong-point the absurd double meaning Tnt explosive it armed the internal organs guerrilla warfare attitude and and the back which equips a suicide bombing attitude compared to the case where also the above width will let alone the attempt of the field the dire disaster which is not the possibility of turning round happening is predicted reached. - Hereupon the martial law army the necessary personnel who the silver wheat li permeates a width degree to the 26th night stream most and draws out the explosive explosive device fuze inside the provincial government building letting with the warm winter element which it buys over and U it is ruined and in order it makes and the operation not to be able a generalia, from the process which it maneuvers to be found in width degree and 1 person being killed, it pays the sacrifice which 1 person severe injury is valuable and it stands but end and be successful, 27th dawn, The place where from the surprise suppression operation which commits an army strength evasion khey it does a big damage both for the elite one citizen to contribute a lot and width boat song it is completely separating after confirming, to develop an effective suppression. 4. Damage situation . Life damage The life damage which is published from this time situation came to reveal with the fact that 144 person civilians, 22 person military personnels, deaths and 127 person civilians 4 person of police and 109 person military personnels and 144 person police rise to the surface. - The civilian casualty the width which it arms with the heavy weapon makes go ahead the gloves car which it seizes in the month 22 in a few days 5 cars, the truck and the Jeep from this diffusion enterprise and the military and police of the field and May 20~5 it extends and when raiding the Kwangju jail, the death 28, extra prize 70 dawn occurs with engagement with the martial law army which is in persistence direction, also the width which E nine seizes the city bus and the army variation quantity back instigates this show of force of the field and weapon seizure driving under the influence while hazard moving and it gets up this prosecuting attorney result where the casualty of 32 people occurs it reveals, the traffic accident of the ear shell collision back which is caused by with overspeed and cyess, The rifle which it seizes, 15 person form accidental discharge accident due to a hand grenade back weapon type handling immaturity and the suppression car sacrifice, and width of 17 people which it follows in the revilement military force resistance obstruction against the martial law army which is committed the river of for in investigation development by the murder willfulness back due to all both green onion for it reveals once and cyess it follows and the death cause will be divided is viewed with transfer. Specially the army respect thought damage accomplishing to 279 people with unexpected expects situation the demonstrative multitudes initially and calmly even the minimum right of self-defense which is given it is a result which it suppresses. B. Material damage - The military material - width in duration by the field it burns and the weapon which becomes is really accomplishing army light reserve heavy machine gun, light machine gun, automatic rifle, Em 16, Em 1, knife room where a coffin is placed gun and pistol back total 5401, the May 30th current duplication about 80% becomes frequency, - Ammunition type 289543 the bullet and the hand grenade 552 thing, is seized the Tnt 3600 box, currently 70% frequency about, - The vehicle from the army light, diffusion enterprise seizes the truck and the gloves car back 313 various vehicle, on width east under using Yuss, these middle most to be destroyed and it is a condition where the use is impossible. - The people and public property damage - the people which is caused in this time situation a detailed survey in the future in the box and public property damage misfortune until currently are presumed as total 26900000000 won considerable, they follow and compared to it is forecast that it increases. - The public property Kwangju tax office back 8 building disappearance, about provincial government building back 13 building part damage, vehicle 68 disappearance and damage and other equipment fixture 650 is disappearance back, - The civil property Em Vichy broadcasting station back building 8 eastern disappearances, the Kwangju car thol lik center 43 eastern destruction, the civil vehicle 381, about petroleum oil and lubricants 3000 is the drum and the broadcasting facility destruction back. - Specially, the Asia automobile which is a diffusion enterprise the logistics vehicle 314, the civil requirement vehicle 82, train 18 back total 414 various vehicles the blood will burn and the damage it was. 5. Person in custody present condition - treatability . Person in custody present condition It relates with after eastern situation where the power of explosion situation occurs from the May 18th Kwangju member and the martial law authorities from the actual place arrests and investigates total 1740 people and person 1010 the flag Hoon room, 5.17 after it includes 523 people which are arrested and currently it is in the process of investigating and 730 people which sleep it reaches, the residence of choice it sees these people especially and 686 people the Cholla Nam Do and Seoul as 26 people and the others area 18 people is committed from the Seoul back overseas land the trace which the age group which a most 6.15, is age below 20 three as 28 people above 315 people, 20 large 10 people, 30 large 77 people and 40 experience cannot and, When occupation it saw especially and the high school and college lifestyle 153 person and (repeater 24 person inclusion), unemployment 126 person, the park 83 people, work 79 person, 55 person the driver, agriculture and commerce 47 people, 44 person salesmen, were each decided with company unit 37 person other 59 people. B. In the future treatability The investigation against this time Kwangju width eastern situation the martial law authorities who is in the process of advancing as the elite one citizen students the generalia which is not the possibility also imagining doing daringly, ammunition and the Tnt, gloves car back life it will seize the weapon it will can kill and wound in large quantities in large quantities and, to profess the citizen army the directness which will reach it used commitment of fact and the martial law army it will spoil and strange characteristic of the obstacle establishment method for, from the combative commission briefing room sympathy of the martial law army every hour grasp the fact which is delivered, and immediate width there is not it will not be able to exclude the existence possibility of the back systematize back management influence where the conduct policy back of the field is presented, The one side underground newspaper where the part taking sleeping residence investigation result disquieting printed matter is discovered was discovered this to be confirmed, the rumors which promotes a situation deterioration quick is appropriate and fabrication it becomes Yoo gun, is disconnected the elite one private citizen who it pulls and the hazard which it admits only will finish the maneuvers which it has the bay knows also the width in the martial law army to impute the atrocity of the field, the majority extends in 5 cars and it will attack only it knows it establishes the machine gun in jail neighborhood and, continuously to fire it stimulates the consumer and smallness inside the point back which induces the width east it is an enthusiasm analysis and a plan which will examine closely a back thoroughly, It follows in investigation progress and the leader and violent vicious act it sleeps, the murder offense back offense offense the field to sleep strictly and and it sorts it sends in the martial law to be a plan which it will decide, temporary simple show of force participation it sleeps but in the martial law court martial,, against the person where the hatching blind following sleeping back breaking the law act is slight boldly to release with the elite one citizen it will be able to devote in lifestyle Ub in order, it is a policy which will hold a common use. 6. Request the writing which it gives Kwangju situation about the right and wrong right and wrong the beginning and motive to be what publishes and under the situation which is unhappy the for it does again with this is same it is not but compared to the opinion clause actual condition which originates in rainy season area sentiment is repeated and it thinks that it does not become. Also the army from whirlpool of this time situation is some problem point to harmony of the local citizens and, the measure which is appropriate against hereupon it is in the process of considering to inform and it gives and intention of bored sensibility again once expressing citizen everybody it makes the place where it overcomes a crisis it devotes request it gives, the instruction which this time Kwangju situation is valuable with opportunity

It is scary how brainwashed you are. You are just like N Korea; completly brainwashed but under a different pretext.
I'm not reading that ... at least add paragraphs etc

random bit from your quote:

Numberesses article said:
with all might in the field and they return fire in the martial law army about, the fact that it will develop an extreme cold fight it exploded a double meaning Tnt and the hand grenade which are enormous inside the case provincial government building which will not be it is in the process of keeping the jade sway it does when the requirement is accomplished under policy until.

pardon? watch out for those pesky swaying jades :O
Those poor victims of bourgeois propaganda wouldn't be shouting such things if they had been given a chance to study communism, to realise that it's the only alternative that provides freedom and happiness for everyone.

Anyway, you didn't answer my question. How can you be sure that a communist country would become poor? And I'd like you to define poverty to, while you're at it. Do you mean poverty among the people, or poverty for the businesses? Or perhaps both? Please explain :)

In communism, a single government rarely has the ability to give all of its citizens a good standard of living. More often than not, a communist country can raise all of the poorest people up to about the level of poverty, and smash all of the high and middle class people down to the level of poverty, thus ensuring that everyone is equal, yet everyone is equal in poverty.

Sure, you might have better standard of living for the poorest of people, but as a whole everyone's standard of living is pretty shitty. It's simply becuase governments very rarely have the resources to support communism.

In capitalism you might have a body of extremely poor people, but as a whole the people are pretty well off.

Also, sadly in communism since the government is given so much absolute power, it very often becomes corrupt and takes massive amounts of resources for itself and its leaders.

So, if given infinite resources, and perfect leaders, communism would be quite well for the people. But sadly, this is not the case at all. The money needed to support every citizen in a communist country is very scarce, and thus everyone has a terrible standard of living. Plus, the potential for corruption is extremely great.

Communist countries also tend to have extremely inferior products, because the government has very little incentive to make goods of quality. They go for the cheapest alternatives in every product, and so in general the products available to communist consumers are shoddy, defective and old.
Communism doesn't work when you add the human factor because everyone is greedy by nature and everyone in the communist country who is good at anything is going to move to a country where theyr'e actually rewarded for their skills, leaving the government with all the poor, old and sick and just simply lazy

like theotherguy put it,
"In capitalism you might have a body of extremely poor people, but as a whole the people are pretty well off."

Communism eventually ends up like Russia, a country of extremely poor people with an insanely rich corrupt government. there's no middleground at all
Those poor victims of bourgeois propaganda wouldn't be shouting such things if they had been given a chance to study communism, to realise that it's the only alternative that provides freedom and happiness for everyone.
It isn’t the government’s job to provide happiness. If you think that it is you should love the idea of theocracy. Everybody believes in a lie but hey, they're happy, their souls are saved!
Martial law company announcement Kwangju situation specialty It begins from the May 18th Kwangju stream college lifestyle show of force which passes and May 27th enters until the riot situation which occurs from the Kwangju hour member national security dangerously, it will hinder a semi-national normal accomplishment only it knows and even to citizen everybody with insecurity to cause a deep worry the tragedy which is not one analogy Uss, By the effective suppression of the May 27th martial law army luckily with order it takes back a calmness and the situation control to become is advanced of at the time of as the martial law commander to citizen everybody to express the intention bored sensibility, with afterwords it announces the policy of right and wrong and truth and time after death control of Kwangju situation together at all all. 1. Situation background and motive - This year it is developed from the nationwide various places which begins March dog crane after Seoul and the various besiegement and the show of force which are come change with disturbance width assimilation to follow, was ceased with nationwide magnification and school closure management May 18th emergency martial law even, only Kwangju hour the street show of force of Chon Nam University student 200 dawn even at May 18th to be in spite of continued and the obstruction should have come to be difficult obstruction height hazard is committed the student warm winter show of force which the martial law army violates declaration lyeng unavoidably with the confrontation which with police is violent, The contact detonation of collision of the army which happens from obstruction process and demonstrative multitude for and the sentiment which originates to the misunderstand is suddenly magnified with boisterous dance of fantastic idea grudge all rumors with at the armament width moral warm winter which wins the generalia which it ends illegal heaven and earth anger to do the Kwangju hour member, it is to become. - It goes over the limit of the group doctor indication regarding a situation far and power of explosion and aggravates due to a disorder and an armament width degree with the real image destruction, fire prevention and plunder on top of that to profess the citizen army which it opposes to the government resists, the truth of this time Kwangju situation which instigation Hoeg reproaches a revolt the though with the impure instigation element of part decimal thoughtless warm winter width moral conduct does but is not a possibility without being the company situation must make with the reflection where our citizens are deep all together and sliced raw fish secret principles opportunity. - During that time part report and part information by word of mouth it led from like this intention and it went wrong and the truth and a right and wrong of situation and and from here it examined closely it derived absurd national loss to lead, again like this tragedy is not repeated promises. 2. Situation right and wrong . Collision truth of army and demonstration multitude and - The show of force procession of the Chon Nam University lifestyle 200 dawn which advances toward the May 18th morning 10 Metropolitan police Kwangju stream downtowns illegally shouted the slogan of the martial law abolition back and violent anger, to 2 Metropolitan polices it increased police and thwu it confronted the back which prevents fire in the police Jeep to the situation as police strength it will not be able to obstruct absolutely it reached gradually in the afternoon with 1000 dawns and before three and and. -


I think my eyes literally melted after reading that. I'm typing without vision.