Why would people play the HL2 beta???

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I don't give a rats about whether it is illegal or not, it just seems a bit petty and ****ing pointless. The game shall be awesome so why not just wait, what's the point in playing some unfinished game? Just find something else...
RogueShadow said:
Just becouse you have friends doing it, does't make it right.

And no, your not sub-human. Your very human.. In fact it was a very human thing to do. Which again, doens't make it right. And human's are amoral by nature.

None of my friends had it. I waited a good couple of months until I bothered to look for it, and that was because I personally wanted it. It wasn't peer pressure or anything like that. I simply had a curiosity for it. The same exact thing that made me get the alpha's for Doom 3, UT2K3, World of WarCraft, and Painkiller.

And let me make this absolutely clear: I am not going to try to justify my actions. I know very well that I did the wrong thing by doing so. And you know what? If I eventually face reprecussions for it, then I would completely understand why.

Yeah, human nature got the best of me. And while I know that such an argument wouldn't hold up in court, it's the truth. But I am irked by what I and others are accused of. We did not, in any sort of tangible way, affect the development of HL2. The affects of a leak start and stop with the leak itself. It doesn't matter how many people download it. And I don't like being labelled a thief specifically. I am a thief, and I know it. But such a label shouldn't be coming from people that download Metallica mp3's off of Kazaa or Bearshare, and probably also have illegal copies of Flash MX and Photoshop.

(I'm not saying you do those things, but many people do. And many of these people make these ludicrous accusations against those that downloaded the leak.)
Mr-Fusion said:
Lol while the map is awesome fun, i'm sure there will be a thousand custom made maps with all sorts of physics tricks to do.

Whoops I meant to quote the part about the Manipulator not being in the final game. If it isn't in there then I don't have any anticipation for the game no matter how much I liked HL1
thats a bit sad machima the game shall rock...p.s. it is definitly in there, why else would it be in every video they produce?

To Absinthe...YOUR NAME IS A NASTY NASTY DRINK....also i don't get downloading alphas and whatnot, just play a current game.
RoguePsi said:
Wrong. The theft contributed to the delay. Whilst the game would've been delayed anyway, the rewriting of network code and the deflated feeling in Valve just after the theft probably added another month (if not more) to the games delay.

Don't kid yourself bub, the game wasn't ready anyway.
I don't know, to me it just doesn't make any sense.

"whoo imma plya dis game cuz i want to. o. whr is da mapz? wat! wtf whr is combines arm! dis sux valve sux."

Plus why ruin the surprise.
CB | Para said:
Don't kid yourself bub, the game wasn't ready anyway.

Valve have stated they rewrote the network code, and being a coder myself I can tell you it DID contribute to the delay. The leak added a few more days/weeks to the process.
SubKamran said:
Valve have stated they rewrote the network code, and being a coder myself I can tell you it DID contribute to the delay. The leak added a few more days/weeks to the process.

Well of course it may have contributed slightly to the delay, but it was not responsible for "The Delay". Days and weeks, to be honest, aren't too big a deal.

What I fail to see is how people who downloaded the leak can be held responsible for this.
The sept release was a crock of shit. It was nowhere near ready and was a pure publisity stunt. Get the leak, enjoy it for a month. Then get ready for the best gaming experience of you life. (possibly :cheers: )
SubKamran said:
Valve have stated they rewrote the network code, and being a coder myself I can tell you it DID contribute to the delay. The leak added a few more days/weeks to the process.

Valve also changed some of the models and sounds since the leak *cough*Rollermines*cough* :O
What's the point... This thread got hijacked by trolls and it's headed for the locked archives.
Absinthe said:
I'm not naive at all. I'm fully aware that I have an an illegal leak on my machine. But your argument is bull, to be frank. Do you go ape-crap over people that fileshare mp3's and videos? If you don't, then you're a hypocrite.

Secondly, the leak did not affect the release date all that much. Valve said so themselves that it was more or less going back and re-writing some code and checking for vulnerabilities. The actual content experienced diddly-squat. So please, don't try to tag us for something that we contributed nothing to.

of course it delayed the game. Like I said, justifications here are just plain pathetic.

I'M a hypocrite? not quite.
You don't hang around forums of your stolen software making out you have done nothing detremental to their products. THAT would be hypocritical. Are you starting to understand my point or am I just confusing you more?

Classic example of hypocrisy - I saw on some hackers forum the other day a bunch of retards condemning the use of aimbots within their clan, but wallhacks were 'ok as they weren't really cheating.'
CR0M said:
of course it delayed the game. Like I said, justifications here are just plain pathetic.

I'M a hypocrite? not quite.
You don't hang around forums of your stolen software making out you have done nothing detremental to their products. THAT would be hypocritical. Are you starting to understand my point or am I just confusing you more?

Classic example of hypocrisy - I saw on some hackers forum the other day a bunch of retards condemning the use of aimbots within their clan, but wallhacks were 'ok as they weren't really cheating.'

Of course it might have affected the release slightly, but, you can't tell me that they have spent close to 9 months remaking stuff because of people that downloaded.
doesn't matter if they spent any time it sucks to a certain degree.
what he said ^.

Please stop trying to justify it, it sounds lame.
CR0M said:
of course it delayed the game. Like I said, justifications here are just plain pathetic.

You have missed the point. As I've said, any affect the leak had started and ended with the leak itself. It doesn't matter how many people have downloaded it. The code is compromised, wether no people download it or a million people. And since that is the case right here, I, one of many has downloaded the leak, cannot have possibly affected the release date at all.

And I'd also like to repeat that I know I can't justify downloading something that is illegal. However, it seems that you're trying to lump the whole delay issue on to me and many others, when there's no way in Hell that we could be responsible for it at all. You blame the person that leaked it, and that is it.

Just because I'm guilty of one crime does not make me guilty of every crime.

I'M a hypocrite? not quite.
If you download illegal mp3's and videos, then yeah, you are a hypocrite by definition.

You don't hang around forums of your stolen software making out you have done nothing detremental to their products. THAT would be hypocritical. Are you starting to understand my point or am I just confusing you more?

I'm confused, but it's because I doubt you even know what you're talking about. I repeat, once more: I have not done anything detrimental to their product in the least. If this is not the case, then I want you to bring up some solid links that demonstrate how I am screwing over Valve.
DL'ing the stolen build is like eating a stolen candybar that you didn't steal, so your not really guilty for anything, your just enjoying someone elses crime.
1) Don't blame the people that downloaded the leak for the delay, they did not hack valve, they would of never had it, if it wernt for the hacker, its his fault, and only his fault that things have gone this way.
2)(a) I have looked at pics, and never downloaded it, why you ask, because i am scared i will get tracked and put in prision, (b) I have fully paid for it at eb (preorder) and don't want to ruin the storyline for my-self.
3) Yes the temtation is there, and its strong, but i am fighting the urg to download it. I know its only 3 months away.
Arc. KiLL said:
1) Don't blame the people that downloaded the leak for the delay, they did not hack valve, they would of never had it, if it wernt for the hacker, its his fault, and only his fault that things have gone this way.
2)(a) I have looked at pics, and never downloaded it, why you ask, because i am scared i will get tracked and put in prision, (b) I have fully paid for it at eb (preorder) and don't want to ruin the storyline for my-self.
3) Yes the temtation is there, and its strong, but i am fighting the urg to download it. I know its only 3 months away.
I don't deserve to play the game why? God, so many people just say you don't deserve to play the game but never give a reason.
Foxtrot said:
I don't deserve to play the game why? God, so many people just say you don't deserve to play the game but never give a reason.

Arc. KiLL said:
Oh, so lets see if this makes sense. Bob stole a pallete of chocolate bars from a chocolate bar producing company. But wait! The bars weren't done yet! They weren't in their nice little paper sleeve! Oh no! But Bob took them anyways!(what an asshole!) So he tells everyone that they can have as many as they want for free. So my friend gets one and we eat it. What is wrong with that?
Hey arc stop acting like such a retard, use normal fonts like everybody else.
Why not, its out there to be played, and it was fun, but now its time for the real thing.
see what i see, if you had a fully sacked out car, chromie mags, fully worked engine 15 thousand dollar paint job, car ended up worthing around 150 thousand dollars, and then someone stole it, would you like it, cuz i surely would not,
treat others as you would like to be treated.
Stop using giant text and spelling things wrong, it makes you look even more retarded than you probably already are. The fact is, the game will be out in the a month or so. Whether we've played the leak or not, the game is STILL going to come out in a month or so. I've played the leak, who cares? I've already put down $80.00 at EB Games too, so, eat my shorts. The leak doesn't ruin the story, there's nothing in it that spoils anything, because for the most part, it's a buggy, useless thing that was never meant for the public. Stop whining, it happened, it's over, go do something else with your complaining lives. Why don't you complain about money being stolen from poor tax payers instead of games being stolen. You people are so stupid focusing on something that wouldn't really be considered a worldly issue. Grow up and shut up.
Arc. KiLL said:
see what i see, if you had a fully sacked out car, chromie mags, fully worked engine 15 thousand dollar paint job, car ended up worthing around 150 thousand dollars, and then someone stole it, would you like it, cuz i surely would not,
treat others as you would like to be treated.
But that would be like me getting a ride in the car from someone else and then you saying I don't deserve to ride in a car again. See what I mean?
PiMuRho said:
The disturbing part is the mod teams that are using it now to get a headstart.

Wait and see - there'll be maps released the same day that HL2 is out, and some mods not long after.

You know who you are. I'll make damn sure the rest of the world knows who you are....


These mod teams were formed on the premise that hl2 tools would be out far in advance of the game, which itself was absolutly guarenteed to be released in aug last year. All they can do is draw potential models. The least they could have done was release a few tools for these mod teams to play around with and get their feet on the ground. Not the whole engine, but a few tools. The sooner the better the mods come out. Like i want to wait untill 2006 for a playable mod to come out.
Arc. KiLL said:
see what i see, if you had a fully sacked out car, chromie mags, fully worked engine 15 thousand dollar paint job, car ended up worthing around 150 thousand dollars, and then someone stole it, would you like it, cuz i surely would not,
treat others as you would like to be treated.

Thats NOTHING like that, your stupid man.
Arc. KiLL said:

you mean like those mp3s and movies you have on your computer? Im sure FOX is overjoyed that you payed for all those episodes of futurama on your computer that you bought on DVD, ripped, and stored on your computer as legal backup copys for your own viewing only....rite?
15 thousand dollar paint job? :LOL:

Anyhow.. I haven't read pages 4 and 5, but did anyone even pretend to give any valid reasons as to how anyone downloading the leak screwed VALVe over in any way?
It's not the same thing as downloading the full game before it's released, as that would be a potential no-buy after that, but the stolen build isn't the full game, and most (if not all) who played it only want HL2 more and will buy it regardless.
Foxtrot said:
But that would be like me getting a ride in the car from someone else and then you saying I don't deserve to ride in a car again. See what I mean?

not really, cuz just normal people don't do stupid thing like that.
seriously, you have a twisted mind, anyways, if you want me to see you side, explain things in more depth, cuz my mind ant as simple as yours, i am a very technical person, (pc and car related stuff)
cuz i am open to hearing what you have to say,
oh flame me, i don't honestly care, if you don't have anything nice to say, don't say it at all,
ohh yeah grow up, end of discussion, if you want to arguee,
i would rather listen to you side in more depth and conviction...
i ant posting anything for or against now, just general questions to, help me understand why you are so defensive about the stolen game (leak)
I think everyone here knows it was a really awful thing to do. Stealing code that somone worked long hours for years on.

But people in here are just putting it up above all else because its a game they like, when they all steal themselves. Its not right, but its part of the internet really. The only way to combat it is to not let people get access to your stuff.
I'm still waiting for somebody to tell me how people that downloaded the leak are directly screwing over Valve.

And I'd also like to know why I shouldn't be allowed to play the full game.

And Arc, you accuse others of being childish when you yourself can't even write a post without coming off as insulting. Like so many people in this topic, you fail to differentiate between the hacker and those that downloaded the leak. I think you should be writing a more in-depth argument.
urseus said:
I think everyone here knows it was a really awful thing to do. Stealing code that somone worked long hours for years on.

But people in here are just putting it up above all else because its a game they like, when they all steal themselves. Its not right, but its part of the internet really. The only way to combat it is to not let people get access to your stuff.

thank you for that, i agree with you, ohh i saw you meansoned mp3 and movies, games ect..., yeah you have a point. its rather like the same thing, just in a bigger way.

cheers, that was easy to understand :thumbs:
Absinthe said:
I'm confused, but it's because I doubt you even know what you're talking about. I repeat, once more: I have not done anything detrimental to their product in the least. If this is not the case, then I want you to bring up some solid links that demonstrate how I am screwing over Valve.

I thought I was being perfectly clear. Let me explain in simpler terms -

Tinkywinky hotwires car, Tinkywinky dis-assembles car, Tinkywinky phones mates and offers them bits of car. For FREE. La La, Po and the other one go over to Tinkywinkys cut 'n shut shop. La La takes the alloys. Po takes the engine and fluffy dice. The other one has the lights and fittings. Owner of car cries and claims on the insurance. Owner of car gets NEW car after a few weeks. La La, Po and the other one grass on Tinkywinky. Tinkywinky goes to prison. Tinkywinky makes the mistake of picking up the soap in the shower. La La, Po and the other one claim to have done nothing to adversely affect the car owner, seeing as how it was already stolen. La La, Po and the other one go to hell. The noo noo starves to death without anyone to feed it.

if you still don't understand your part in this, I'm sorry to say that I understand fully.
Coolhead2100 said:
But your still tk'ing ;)

two negatives make a positive.

well truth be told i usualy just switch teams grab a Sniper rifle and have fun with mr TKer.
CR0M said:
I thought I was being perfectly clear. Let me explain in simpler terms -

Tinkywinky hotwires car, Tinkywinky dis-assembles car, Tinkywinky phones mates and offers them bits of car. For FREE. La La, Po and the other one go over to Tinkywinkys cut 'n shut shop. La La takes the alloys. Po takes the engine and fluffy dice. The other one has the lights and fittings. Owner of car cries and claims on the insurance. Owner of car gets NEW car after a few weeks. La La, Po and the other one grass on Tinkywinky. Tinkywinky goes to prison. Tinkywinky makes the mistake of picking up the soap in the shower. La La, Po and the other one claim to have done nothing to adversely affect the car owner, seeing as how it was already stolen. La La, Po and the other one go to hell. The noo noo starves to death without anyone to feed it.

if you still don't understand your part in this, I'm sorry to say that I understand fully.
omfg....I don't think I have anything to say to that except....how is valve being hurt by Lala and Po??
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