Why would people play the HL2 beta???

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Jun 24, 2004
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Ok, since I just got added a major jolt to my computer, I figured it's time to get on the HL2 and Doom 3 train (Doom 2 used to make me physically nausious, no kidding).

Now, I really didn't care that the beta was stolen, since at that time my computer was shit and it didn't even come into consideration. But now, I find myself still not wanting to play it, simply because it'll ruin the finished game. I find it very gratifying that the guys were arrested; I mean, what kind of life do you lead if you have to spend your time stealing unfinished games (I would do it for the challange, but not post the code all over the internet, like I could hack :farmer: )

Even the Doom 3 beta is pointless, but since I don't care about Doom so much, I won't talk about it (I'll steal the game from one of my friends once its done, cheaper that way).

Now, without giving anything away, the peopel that have played the beta (for whatever reason imaginable), could you just give your impression of the game (NO SPOILERS, for the love of god), just like a fortaste of what's to come, what you liked, what you didn't like.

PS: They are already offering the combo H2+Doom3 on amazon.com.
dont have it, dont ever plan to have it. I pretend it dosnt exist.
If you look at the beta from a gamers point of view then its crap...

If you look at it from a modders point of view then its thats small taste of paradise that makes you beg for more...

...apparently :/
Bicka said:
If you look at the beta from a gamers point of view then its crap...

If you look at it from a modders point of view then its thats small taste of paradise that makes you beg for more...

...apparently :/

I think this sums it up nicely.
I downloaded it to see how it will run on my computer. I didn't play anything but the E3 levels which I have already seen.
YET AGAIN BOTH GAMES WERE NOT BETAS........Doom 3 was alpha and Half-Life 2 was a leak, get it right. HL2 beta is what current state VALVe has it as same with id and Doom 3.
Ok, ok, wrong terminology, but you know what I mean, the thing that you can download :). By the way, I gotta get into modding just for the sake of HL2.
DiSTuRbEd said:
YET AGAIN BOTH GAMES WERE NOT BETAS........Doom 3 was alpha and Half-Life 2 was a leak, get it right. HL2 beta is what current state VALVe has it as same with id and Doom 3.

Settle pettle.

I always assumed that people that went and dl'd the leak were people that found cheating fun. I'm not sure why I came to this conclusion, but it makes sense after you think about it.
lazicsavo said:
Ok, since I just got added a major jolt to my computer, I figured it's time to get on the HL2 and Doom 3 train (Doom 2 used to make me physically nausious, no kidding).

Now, I really didn't care that the beta was stolen, since at that time my computer was shit and it didn't even come into consideration. But now, I find myself still not wanting to play it, simply because it'll ruin the finished game. I find it very gratifying that the guys were arrested; I mean, what kind of life do you lead if you have to spend your time stealing unfinished games (I would do it for the challange, but not post the code all over the internet, like I could hack :farmer: )

Even the Doom 3 beta is pointless, but since I don't care about Doom so much, I won't talk about it (I'll steal the game from one of my friends once its done, cheaper that way).

Now, without giving anything away, the peopel that have played the beta (for whatever reason imaginable), could you just give your impression of the game (NO SPOILERS, for the love of god), just like a fortaste of what's to come, what you liked, what you didn't like.

PS: They are already offering the combo H2+Doom3 on amazon.com.
My friend downloaded it and he said it was A LOT of fun but he ruined the story for himself. I also played it but I only played the beach part with the buggy, god damnit it was so much fun....errr... I mean my friend had a lot of fun playing the beach part with the buggy.
Both were leak's. Both are illegal distrobutions. Both were either alpha or pre-alpha.

If you downloaded it. ... ... You DO NOT DESERVE TO PLAY THE FINAL GAME :p
*this threads so gonna get closed tommorow when the mods wake up :p*

Can't say the beta's* ruined the story for me, theres simply not enough solid ideas for it to.

Apparently, in the beta*, theres more than one Lab scene (the one from e3 2k3 with alyx and Kliener). Kinda shows how they were still messing messing around with things.

*whatever you want to call it :p
I downloaded the first "playable" leak. By playable I mean, the game would start, and most of the textures and models were there. However, none of the AI worked properly and the game did not play like a game. I spent more time playing it like a sandbox. Just messing with the physics and seeing what console commands I could play with. I modified the manipulator to pick up and toss cars. That was fun :D. But it didn't spoil any of the game that I hadn't already seen in the E3 videos.

As was said before. For people who want to mod the game (like myself) it was nothing more than a chance to taste the engines capabilities.
I needed to play it because i might not make it to the release of half-life 2.
I have a degenerative condition called LZN wich breaks down my muscles and produces excess fatty tissue. It also gave me the nickname lardass.

(LZN = La-Z-Ness :D)
I remember when I made a fort out of sheet metal and barrles, it was so sweet. I stacked up barrels and then put sheet metal ontop of it and it was so cool. Then I tossed a nade at is and uber leet stuff happened.
Why would people play the beta.

1. Half-Life 2 most anticipated game ever. Any chance to get a shot to play and a lot of people will take it.
2. People want to make sure they're not wasting their time waiting around for it.
3. As Bicka said, modders dream. It's like the holy grail minus the ferocius bunny.
4. $0m3 p30p£3 w4n7 70 µ£7r4 £337 4nÐ h4x 73h V4£v20r

If the leak has ruined my experience for the final game, so be it. But i don't think it has. It's only re-affirmed my opinion that the game will be a shisen load of fun.
Ah well while were all admitting to it...

I was messing around converting my old cs map just 2 hours ago :/
My friend downloaded it and he said it was A LOT of fun but he ruined the story for himself. I also played it but I only played the beach part with the buggy, god damnit it was so much fun....errr... I mean my friend had a lot of fun playing the beach part with the buggy.

There aren't really any spoilers unless you play the WAV. Files in the sound folder...

If you ask me, this "alpha" version of Half Life 2 is more fun than most full games out right now, do yourself a favore and D/l it, but don't screw around with the model viewer or sound files or things will get spoiled.
He played all the .wav files, somthing about the gman he kept trying to make me listen to. He would play it really loudly while I jammed my hands into my ear and yelled loudly. He also viewed all the models with some half-life veiwer thing.
yeah the wav files really give away alot.. and a few maps kind give away parts of the story

but quite frankly im glad i played the beta. It only hyped me up even more to see what this game will become with what is can do.

A few spoilers can't ruin the fun i'll have with HL2 :D
If any of you play a level with the buggy in it again, notice that if you look at it's shadow while you are in it, there is no shadow of Gordon in it.
RogueShadow said:
Both were leak's. Both are illegal distrobutions. Both were either alpha or pre-alpha.

If you downloaded it. ... ... You DO NOT DESERVE TO PLAY THE FINAL GAME :p

Emphasis added where needed.
So because I am such a huge fan of half-life 2 and I could not control my urges not to play the game because I think it will be such a good game, I don't deserve to play it? Hmm, that makes a lot of sense...oh wait no it doesn't.
This is that "Im just trying the game out, Ill buy it later" mentallity. And anyone who plays the leak is probably the kind of person who tk's in Battle Field 1942 just to make people mad.
Emphasis added where needed.

Stop bein little girls and download it, you know you want to, It doesn't spoil anything....as a matter-of-fact, Im MORE hyped than I used to be...
I think this late in the game, there's no reason to download it.

However, when it first came out (ie. when I downloaded it), it was more of an excitement type thing.

I concur with Skeeze, it's hyped me more than spoiled stuff. Other users were more unfortunate, however, as there were alot of spoilers to be had if you knew where to look.

Also, to the people who say "you do not deserve to play the final game," I'm sorry you feel that way. I'm not sure if I'd even give a crap about HL2 anymore if I hadn't played the stolen build :|
It got me back into half-life 2, and half-life. Before I played it I had never beaten half-life and didn't real care about half-life 2, but then one day my friend calls me and tells me he has the leaked half-life 2 build and it is awsome as hell so right away I go over to his house and we spend the whole weekend playing it. It was so fecking cool and it was exciting just to be playing it knowing that it was half-life 2.
Skeeze said:
Stop bein little girls and download it, you know you want to, It doesn't spoil anything....as a matter-of-fact, Im MORE hyped than I used to be...

Id say you are more like a "little girl" if you did download it.... :|
frankly only men download the leak. If you havn't you're 1 out of 10 or 100 possibly.

Trust me.. I have NOT lost my excitement of HL2 i've only increased it ;)

and about not deserving to play the full thing.. go ahead and stop me.. really if the leak has absolutly DESTROYED the games fun for me, then let me suffer, okay?
It made me want the game more, playing incomplete levels and just wondering what was on the other side of that blank, untextured hallway.
bAbYhEaDcRaB said:
dont have it, dont ever plan to have it. I pretend it dosnt exist.

i look at the beta the same way... was never tempted even once to even look for it, let alone download it.

im happy with that mindset because now HL2 is gonna be that much more special :cheese:
Coolhead2100 said:
This is that "Im just trying the game out, Ill buy it later" mentallity. And anyone who plays the leak is probably the kind of person who tk's in Battle Field 1942 just to make people mad.

Water off a ducks back to me that. I've got a HL2 coupon so I've technically already paid for HL2...and I'm buying the special box set was its ready. :)
I'm trying not to dl it but that 1.3 gig size makes it a little easier to leave it alone. Thanks guys for your input about the leak, but I'm stayin clean, if you know what I mean...
im planning on taking a look at it after i play HL2 a couple of times, just to see what i prevented myself from spoiling, and what was changed.
You bunch of hypocrits, I diden't dowloaded it, I baught it for 20 bucks, first I thaugt it was the real thing.
But there were no sounds, I only played the beach also, really impresed specially the ant lions.
Then I stoped because it wasen't worth it.
The only spoiler is the training room.

And it did give make me more enthusiastic.
Well, I was feeling like ass one day... so, naturally, I felt ass-bored... needless to say, one thing led to another... and... ya know... ;)

True story.
you bought it :| ?

must've been pretty clueless. as for me, i downloaded it, just played that techdemo level alot

that's about it. i can barely remember it now
Joeyslucky22 said:
frankly only little kiddies with no self-control download the leak. If you have you're 1 out of 1000 or 10,000 possibly.

Agreed. :p
Well, I was excited to see the engine in action, and I wanted to test it on a couple setups. I didn't play through it... The level with the barrels that VALVe showed at E3 2003 is just awesome. d3_canals_end is great too. I played with the physics a lot.

I can also confirm for you that the game is entirely playable on a low-end system. I ran it with a Voodoo3 and a Pentium III (550 MHz Katmai on i440BX) and on a Voodoo5, and on a more modern card. There were some graphical anamolies which were mostly due to the fact that 3dfx has been gone for more than three years (yes the V3 is five years old), and some due to VALVe having not implemented many of the DX6/7 fallback features for that build. Obviously the Voodoos aren't capable of pixel shading, and some scenes weren't lit correctly.

I'll be paying full price for the game. :E
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