Why would people play the HL2 beta???

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I'm pretty sure the leak isn't the best way to determine whether your comp will play HL2 or not.
Well, I'll admit it that I have played it. It was more curiosty then anything. There is so much missing from the leak that I couldn't even consider it even close to the real game. During the time I played it, I didn't see or find any spoiler's what so ever. (Didn't get to play much of it but I could just suck and finding stuff also lol). If anything, it only made me want the real game more then ever. It boosted my expectations of the game so much and made me into the huge half life 2 fan that I am now. Before playing it, I was already pretty hyped about the game, but not nearly as what I am now. I can see and respect how some people might be against playing it and might dislike to hear anything that would spoil the game for them. I would just like to say that from my experience, it never ruined anything and that it has caused me to turn into a more hardcore HL fan. In my opinion, this is going to be game of the year, and quite possibly one of the best ever made and the leak only helped me reconfirm that. I'll be buying it 100% the day it comes out.

A little offtopic but that was my first post here. :D
i just hope this doesn't get me banned on my fourth (?) post here...

really the only reason for me to download it was to be able to experience some of that magic that only a lucky few until then had been able to. i explored a couple levels, then uninstalled it. however, those couple levels i played (even in their extremely incomplete state) still have made an impression on me to this very day.

oh, and on one of the levels the AI was in fact working perfectly, and that ****ing assassin or whatever it was kicked my ass. :E
While we'll let you discuss the leak in a vague way, you lot are going far too much into specifics. Cut it out, or I'll have to close the thread.

No details!
bAbYhEaDcRaB said:
dont have it, dont ever plan to have it. I pretend it dosnt exist.

What are you people talking about?! ;)

:cat: --moo
Hmm, i have it ... become from my cousin a long time ago, i installed it too, but yeah it's not the big thing ... i dont played more than 10minutes, because it isn't really funny with this graphic i have (really buggy) ... but i see the new hammer editor and so on and HL2 will really make moders smiling i think ...

Just my 2 cents ... but i'm not a fan of leaked things at all but i don't know why i am installed it ... i will not do it again if i get the chance to play a leak of a future game ...
lazicsavo said:
Ok, since I just got added a major jolt to my computer, I figured it's time to get on the HL2 and Doom 3 train (Doom 2 used to make me physically nausious, no kidding).

Now, I really didn't care that the beta was stolen, since at that time my computer was shit and it didn't even come into consideration. But now, I find myself still not wanting to play it, simply because it'll ruin the finished game. I find it very gratifying that the guys were arrested; I mean, what kind of life do you lead if you have to spend your time stealing unfinished games (I would do it for the challange, but not post the code all over the internet, like I could hack :farmer: )

Even the Doom 3 beta is pointless, but since I don't care about Doom so much, I won't talk about it (I'll steal the game from one of my friends once its done, cheaper that way).

Now, without giving anything away, the peopel that have played the beta (for whatever reason imaginable), could you just give your impression of the game (NO SPOILERS, for the love of god), just like a fortaste of what's to come, what you liked, what you didn't like.

PS: They are already offering the combo H2+Doom3 on amazon.com.

I downloaded it becuase i wanted to see just what the physics where like.
i was one of the more smart beta players who did not open all the audio files and found out the story.

all i know is that HL2's physics are the best to date in any game ive ever seen.

Coolhead2100 said:
This is that "Im just trying the game out, Ill buy it later" mentallity. And anyone who plays the leak is probably the kind of person who tk's in Battle Field 1942 just to make people mad.

Actualy im the guy who TK's the TKers.

Dont ever make assumptions.
I havent activly gone out to look for it, but if i came across it i probably would download it. Simply to see how it runs on my computer for a short while, id probably stop before any kind of story started.

I mean jesus christ valve, you could have completly stopped people playing the leak by releasing a tiny demo or a benchmarking program. Im sure the majority of people just downloaded it to see if and what part of their computer needed upgrading to play the finished product.

I understand though why companys dont release demos. If people download a demo, and hate it, they wont go out and buy the game in most cases. If you release the game without a demo, everyone will have to go out to buy it to play it. The number of people who dont like the game and will return it is significantly smaller than people who would play the demo and flat out not buy it. Its marketing. Its smart business, but its god dam annoying.
While some areas did look quite shoddy, I overall had fun with it. Remember the bugbait video? Well, let's just say that I was pleasantly surprised when I actually saw it working. The combat was also pretty good as well.

You could definitely tell that it wasn't completed in many areas, however. I won't give details, but it was noticeable.

Now, I wish I hadn't downloaded it. While I doubt it contained the whole story (the map list provided was most certainly incomplete), it did have some good chunks in it. I initally tried to avoid these things because I wanted to save the storyline for when it finally came out, but my curiousity eventually got the better of me. While I didn't witness anything too major, I'm still annoyed. Later, I started browsing through the model and sound directories. Never-before-seen enemies were revealed (again, I highly doubt all of them were in there), and I was listening to conversations between all the different characters.

Well, I eventually played some sound file and then I realized that this was huge. It was a major spoiler. A major twist in the storyline. And after that, I felt like complete crap. I deleted the Alpha and haven't played it since. The only files I have left on my drive are the music files, because those kick ass.

Oh yeah, and although I don't think the Alpha should be used as a proper benchmark, especially in it's incomplete state, I should tell anybody who is curious that it ran like a dream.
Bon dieu de la france, it's incredible.

''If you downloaded it. ... ... You DO NOT DESERVE TO PLAY THE FINAL GAME''


Textures is not so better, because that is half game.Hackers doesnt stole full game, VALVe was finish the job in 30.9.2003, but they pull it back, because the game was stolen.
reason y i dl it:
1.2 see if my pc could handle it, and if i should start saving my money 4 comp. my ati9200128mb was crap.. had 2 make screen very small.
2. also i wanted to know if it was mp coded.....
3. was mad that valve give the gamers a run around! :flame:
You know, the physgun alone made it worthwile. You know it won't be in the final game, so (as far as we know) the leak is the only way to play with it. The physgun map won't be in the game either, same applies. And I had hours of fun playing that map alone.
Some of the man made maps (hammer is included in the leak and some awesome maps were made with it) are just great, they really show the cool stuff Source can do.
I won't give examples because that got me banned from #halflife2 (unban me already.. grr :p)

Anyway, I have no regrets. I've learned how to use hammer, I got to play with the physgun, I got to play in the physmap etc.

Oh and did I mention multiplayer? Because that too is possible with the leak. Well okay, it's not really multiplayer because in MP games the AI doesn't work, but it's fun to mess around with the physgun and stuff with more people at once ;)

And all of that won't be in the final game... :p
DeltaBlast said:
The physgun map won't be in the game either, same applies. And I had hours of fun playing that map alone.

Well there goes all my anticipation for the game out the window.
machima said:
Well there goes all my anticipation for the game out the window.
Lol while the map is awesome fun, i'm sure there will be a thousand custom made maps with all sorts of physics tricks to do.
This is how I put it.

Theres no harm in downloading it if you just wanna mess around (e.g not try to find multiplayer cheats) if you plan on buying it when it comes out anyways.

Think of it like a very early and buggy demo.
Here is my two cents on the subject.

The graphics of the game are pretty good. In my opinion DoomIII's graphics are definately a whole lot better. It just seems to have more of a luster in it.

As for the game. I must say it will be amazing though. You can truely interact with the enviroment. I think this will be truely one of the first game where I will actually play the single player. From what Ive seen it will be INCREDIBLE. The game doesnt seem to be some type of weird run and gun game. The leak truely showed some of how the gameplay will be. Its more story oriented, and tactics WILL actually take roll in this game. For example (sorry mods but I think it will actually be more beneficial to the community) in one map where we were ambushed by some hovering craft, you had a few RPG's to fire at it. You only had oh so many, and the hover craft had things so it disables your guided RPGs. Tactics for that instance was you had to find a right timing to fire, coordinating your guys so you can sneak behind it. It will truely be amazing. Personally I think the gameplay is something Im looking forward to more then the graphics and physics.

AI is also pretty interesting. I tested out the AI system and it is very interesting. It seems VERY similar to those of the CZ AI system, however it seems to interact with you more, and it actually takes cover and more strategic. It has fear, curiosity, ambition, and team work.

Physics system is something Im looking forward to as well with this game once its complete. The physics allows me not even use my guns really. Why use a gun when you can throw a 2x4 at the bastard? ;)

Im more interested in how the physics will play out in the MODs. From seeing CS:S preview from E3, its going to quite revolutionary. I dunno if I should be either excited or dissappointed that I may get killed by a barrel or box because of some punk decided to blow my cover and use it against me :(

My last statements about the game is, it better come out this year. A game that is highly anticipated and becoming the standard of future games, it maybe extremely dissappointing if they continue to delay it. There game engines being developed out there that are alot more pleasing to the eye then the Source Engine, for example the 3rd Unreal engine. However if they do not release it anytime soon it maybe the contender to that game instead of the other way. Its always better on the defense the offense IMO.
The Mistress said:
This is how I put it.

Theres no harm in downloading it if you just wanna mess around (e.g not try to find multiplayer cheats) if you plan on buying it when it comes out anyways.

Think of it like a very early and buggy demo.

I'll think of it as what it is, stolen property.

I'm shocked that so many people I see posting here every day have either downloaded it or played it, and frankly, the utter naiveté of each and every one of you astounds me - you might not have originally stolen it, but you knew it was stolen and still you just can't (or won't) admit to yourselves that you have all contributed to the final game being delayed and caused a lot of hardship to Valve, who you claim to support.
And the 'I just wanted to...' justifications are simply pathetic. Benchmarking? accident? modding? ffs.

The hypocricy and idiocy of people sometimes. :rolleyes:
CR0M said:
I'll think of it as what it is, stolen property.

I'm shocked that so many people I see posting here every day have either downloaded it or played it, and frankly, the utter naiveté of each and every one of you astounds me - you might not have originally stolen it, but you knew it was stolen and still you just can't (or won't) admit to yourselves that you have all contributed to the final game being delayed and caused a lot of hardship to Valve, who you claim to support.
And the 'I just wanted to...' justifications are simply pathetic. Benchmarking? accident? modding? ffs.

The hypocricy and idiocy of people sometimes. :rolleyes:

Explain yourself. Valve stated the leak had nothing to do with the delay. And it's not like anyone used the stolen build to make a profit.

Yeah we support Valve, we support Valve by buying their games. How else can we support them ? by NOT downloading the leak? gimme a break.
The reason I didnt download the leak was because of the simple fact that I did not want to support what those tards did when they hacked into valves server. Yes, whether you want to admit it or not, by playing the leaked build you were supporting the hackers. I'm no fanboy, I just hate criminals for what they are.


Also, yes valve did say the leak had nothing to do with the delay. However, they did also say they had to go back and rewrite parts of the network code, so that in itself is more work = longer delay for the final product. :flame:
I played the leaked version but none of the game maps, just the techdemos, to check out the engine and get a taste of what could and could not be done from a level design perspective (I intend to make maps for Source as I did for HL1) - Besides, the E3 video from 2003 wetted everyones appetite for that techdemo2, you know it's true.

I deleted it after I got bored with it though, and as I said... I stayed away from the game levels. The storyline is just too good to ruin, aparently.
If you download the leak, then you're supporting terrorism!
Im sure there would have been an extreamly tiny amount of people who downloaded it thinking they could get a headstart on coding hacks for it. I mean jesus, why bother. The game is linked to a constantly updating file system, with authentification checks.

I'm apparently part of the few people who:

1) Didn't download it.
2) Didn't even have an "urge" to download it.
3) Didn't even search for it once.
4) Doesn't care about the leak.

Don't get me wrong, I'm as excited about HL2 as anyone here (maybe more :p) but that doesn't mean I'm going to go out and get an incomplete game, ruin the experience, and then end up altering my opinion of HL2. The game should be seen as the developers wanted it to be seen - complete. Not full of holes and bugs.

And now since I didn't get the leak, i get to 'experience' HL2 the proper way when it comes out. Improved graphics, multiplayer, complete storyline, etc.

Looks like a lot of people here just don't have any patience. :/
Kiva128 said:
I'm apparently part of the few people who:

1) Didn't download it.
2) Didn't even have an "urge" to download it.
3) Didn't even search for it once.
4) Doesn't care about the leak.

Don't get me wrong, I'm as excited about HL2 as anyone here (maybe more :p) but that doesn't mean I'm going to go out and get an incomplete game, ruin the experience, and then end up altering my opinion of HL2. The game should be seen as the developers wanted it to be seen - complete. Not full of holes and bugs.

And now since I didn't get the leak, i get to 'experience' HL2 the proper way when it comes out. Improved graphics, multiplayer, complete storyline, etc.

Looks like a lot of people here just don't have any patience. :/
Patience is a virtue. But nobody believes me.
Skeeze said:
Stop bein little girls and download it, you know you want to, It doesn't spoil anything....as a matter-of-fact, Im MORE hyped than I used to be...

Actually I don't want to. :p
Ever heard of Character? Morals? Principle's?
Not breaking the law?
Good Judgement?
Supporting a good company?
Not following the crowd?
Anybody ever tell you piracy is illegal and can get you arrested?
Rarely maybe, but it can.

Guess nobody here has a conscience either.
CR0M said:
I'll think of it as what it is, stolen property.

I'm shocked that so many people I see posting here every day have either downloaded it or played it, and frankly, the utter naiveté of each and every one of you astounds me - you might not have originally stolen it, but you knew it was stolen and still you just can't (or won't) admit to yourselves that you have all contributed to the final game being delayed and caused a lot of hardship to Valve, who you claim to support.
And the 'I just wanted to...' justifications are simply pathetic. Benchmarking? accident? modding? ffs.

The hypocricy and idiocy of people sometimes. :rolleyes:

I'm not naive at all. I'm fully aware that I have an an illegal leak on my machine. But your argument is bull, to be frank. Do you go ape-crap over people that fileshare mp3's and videos? If you don't, then you're a hypocrite.

Secondly, the leak did not affect the release date all that much. Valve said so themselves that it was more or less going back and re-writing some code and checking for vulnerabilities. The actual content experienced diddly-squat. So please, don't try to tag us for something that we contributed nothing to.

Thirdly, you may disagree with me on this, but oh well. If my game was leaked and absolutely nobody downloaded it, I'd take that as an even bigger morale hit. At least as it currently is, it showed how many people were clamoring for anything HL2-related, and judging from the posts here, most people were merely more hyped for it. If nothing happened, then I'd interpret that as nobody giving a **** about my game.
The disturbing part is the mod teams that are using it now to get a headstart.

Wait and see - there'll be maps released the same day that HL2 is out, and some mods not long after.

You know who you are. I'll make damn sure the rest of the world knows who you are....
RogueShadow said:
Actually I don't want to. :p
Ever heard of Character? Morals? Principle's?
Not breaking the law?
Good Judgement?
Supporting a good company?
Not following the crowd?
Anybody ever tell you piracy is illegal and can get you arrested?
Rarely maybe, but it can.

Guess nobody here has a conscience either.

Oh, give me a break. You make it sound like everybody who downloaded the leak is some kind of amoral sub-human. Do us all a favor and get off of your righteous high horse before you fall down and break your neck.

Oh yeah, I support the developers by buying their product and perhaps giving them some good words of encouragement. Downloading the leak does not directly cut into their profits.

And you list "Following the crowd" as one of your points. This is ridiculous, because there are more people without the leak than there are with the leak. If you want to be technical about it, YOU are following the crowd.
Absinthe said:
Oh, give me a break. You make it sound like everybody who downloaded the leak is some kind of amoral sub-human. Do us all a favor and get off of your righteous high horse before you fall down and break your neck.

Just becouse you have friends doing it, does't make it right.

And no, your not sub-human. Your very human.. In fact it was a very human thing to do. Which again, doens't make it right. And human's are amoral by nature.
CB | Para said:
Explain yourself. Valve stated the leak had nothing to do with the delay.

Wrong. The theft contributed to the delay. Whilst the game would've been delayed anyway, the rewriting of network code and the deflated feeling in Valve just after the theft probably added another month (if not more) to the games delay.
Do you guys have mp3s and/or illegal software on your computers.

We've been through this all before. We're all hypocrits in one way or another.
Mr-Fusion said:
Do you guys have mp3s and/or illegal software on your computers.

We've been through this all before. We're all hypocrits in one way or another.

Well in Canada, downloading MP3s through p2p programs is quite legal. Uploading is not.

That doesn't make it any less morally wrong but at least it's legal. Not to mention that the whole music industry thing is bullshit to begin with. 19 bucks for like, 2-3 songs that are mildly good? Yeah, good luck with that one. But I digress...

As for illegal software, I have a whole 2 programs over the course of owning a computer for 10 years. Compared to people who have like 50+ programs.

This is mainly because I don't really care enough about certain programs to download them, let alone buy them. But, if the program is good and it's not like $700, I'll get it.

But whatever I'm rambling now.
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